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File: 0e6397d98cee14b⋯.jpg (84.75 KB, 828x680, 207:170, 1564168038388_1_.jpg)

aec910  No.155923

Is America finally fed up with niggers and their bullshit?

I think people are getting sick of hearing all the BLM bullshit and are sick of all the riots & violence. Even black support for Trump is starting to increase. Regular niggers are getting tired of BLM niggers. I think there is some real nigger fatigue starting to sweep the nation.

Nigger Nigger.

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1ab30e  No.155927

BLM is not niggers

BLM is jewish marxist leninist agitators paying street kids to commit crimes for them. The money they're passing out is coming from Soros NGOs.

Real niggers that just want to be comfy know this.

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86c890  No.155929

Why would nigger fatigue play into it? Conservatives are the most obsequious nigger lovers the world has ever known. They've blamed the entirety of the problem on "White antifa".

>Even black support for Trump is starting to increase.

Why wouldn't it? He's made it abundantly clear he's 200% nigjew White genocide. All the jobs are going to India, NOT America, so the service sector set asides for niggers will rumble right along.

Just another rat kike nigger thread.

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86c890  No.155930

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

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86c890  No.155932

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

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86c890  No.155934

File: 9a28499ac0d7996⋯.png (1.92 MB, 822x5850, 137:975, Screenshot_2020_02_07_Trum….png)

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86c890  No.155935

File: 3f6c6c2a4fb0b65⋯.png (907.17 KB, 934x6142, 467:3071, Screenshot_2020_04_30_Amer….png)

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86c890  No.155936

File: 071fb080e904067⋯.png (841.22 KB, 820x3601, 820:3601, Screenshot_2020_02_01_The_….png)

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c634e5  No.155939

File: 6f36a5a25300eff⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1828x1777, 1828:1777, 2WMJy3l.png)


The election is literally irrelevant. The ZOG emperor is just as kicked as Biden. Niggers don’t vote in any way other than their handlers tell them.

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1ab30e  No.155940

Sometimes I wonder if Hitlery would have allowed less illegals in than Trump.

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5b3e08  No.155943

File: 9f87b543b4b4faf⋯.webm (4.01 MB, 270x360, 3:4, world_war_6.webm)


>Regular niggers

A nigger is just a nigger. Some may be less brainwashed by kike media than others, but they are still low IQ apes with the mindset of a child. Even so-called "based niggers" (doesn't exist) will still act out in random acts of violence and want gibs. Abraham Lincoln was right, they need to be sent back to Africa.

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7b57ff  No.155945


or killed. Killing them is cheaper.

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