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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: d8b54b473b549d3⋯.png (456.17 KB, 717x348, 239:116, natsoc 8chan.png)

652102  No.1554[Last 50 Posts]

>swastikas and hitler all over the catalog

>let's make /pnd/ the new /pol/

>muh j00z

lmao bye bye 8kun. tell 8chan hello in hell

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356e71  No.1557

File: 4d128075eeffedc⋯.jpg (167.25 KB, 872x1162, 436:581, EJ6O4XgWkAAVip_.jpg)


That's right, get the fuck out of here nigger.

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eeba2d  No.1558

File: 46de936c0ded777⋯.jpg (84.39 KB, 615x923, 615:923, 1568085631557.jpg)


You jewish cockgobblers can't even keep a website down. All that inbreeding and nepotism is ruining you.

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984c6b  No.1562

There is nothing that says /pnd/ is for NatSocs only. /pol/ never was NatSoc only either. Simply put, after enough debate and education, NatSocs become the majority here.

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90ad0e  No.1563


ironic shitposting is still shitposting, anon

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65ad49  No.1577

File: 222a7d9edae8462⋯.jpg (71.82 KB, 800x445, 160:89, serrano.jpg)

Shut your gay mouth OP, go back to twitter.



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4ad38e  No.1580

File: a1d2ddf2a05e607⋯.png (212.2 KB, 960x567, 320:189, da chad.png)

I think you NATSOCs are slightly misguided but a board without you would be incredibly boring.

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2efd4b  No.1596



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e52a7e  No.1670

File: e86e17ddbf59904⋯.png (66.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1470811201287-0.png)


When the door hits your ass on the way out, try not to leave any stains from your leaky diaper on the door.

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dbab51  No.1689


>waahhhh the people I disagree with are here!

If they're so dumb, you should be able to prove them wrong in an honest debate. If you don't hold your own beliefs dear enough to argue for them, why should anyone else think like you do?

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1e5145  No.1691


>debate and education

That's a funny way to spell bans.

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1e5145  No.1692


Don't be a defeatist. Stay and irritate them. Nazis don't like opposition any more than you like them.

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dbab51  No.1693


/pol/ started out, and gained its NatSoc majority, on 4chan. Regardless of Koonfy's moderating style when the board migrated to 8chan, the thought of /pol/'s original 4chan mods being biased in favor of gnatzees is laughable at best.

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04a900  No.1696


Exactly, this why I am what I am

NatSoc is natural, it's the only rational solution

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923a08  No.1697


>a board where being as edgy as possible means you're the coolest

>pretend nazis take over the board

>cultivate a culture of ironically being a nazi

>goes about as well as any group of people doing things ironically 24/7

>/pol/ becomes nazi board

>real and larp nazis move in from elsewhere

>move to 8ch

>board splits with different offshoot leaving /pol/ to be a natsoc echochamber

That's your /pol/ before the shutdown.

I think it's safe to say that, no matter what side of the spectrum you're on, starting over fresh without that cursed legacy name will be about as good a chance as any political board on an imageboard in 2019 will get.

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1e5145  No.1698


4/pol/ never had a Nazi majority, they are a big component of the board but so are libertarians and, since the election, generic Trump supporters.

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30fe3f  No.1700


I think they did become the majority over the years.

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aa97d3  No.1714

>goes to a place that exists for free speech

>leaves because he doesn't like people speaking freely

I rate this thread 14/88

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04a900  No.1720

File: 2a4a10e7df8b5f1⋯.gif (317.07 KB, 407x405, 407:405, 1572727091648.gif)


but i was only at the time browsing /b/ and /r9k/

Seriously, end it… I don't even browse /b/ never have never will 1488 till I die and then live on through my progeny

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04a900  No.1728



Just accept that our ancestors fought on the wrong side and the world would be much better today if Japan was left alone to conquer china and Germany to have a mars base by 1970

If you're not natsoc then you're a spiritual jew capitalist who loves democracy because you love watching your and other men's daughters twerking on instagram.

That's true freedom!

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16b8d2  No.1732


>I am a white supremacist though.

That's not really a meaningful phrase. One of the only people I've ever heard of calling themselves that was John Wayne, who married two beaner women.


>Just accept that our ancestors fought on the wrong side and the world would be much better today if Japan was left alone to conquer china and Germany to have a mars base by 1970

Why are you arrogant enough to think you could even know what the world would look if the Axis won?

>If you're not natsoc then you're a spiritual jew capitalist who loves democracy because you love watching your and other men's daughters twerking on instagram.

If you're a genuine NEETSoc, then you're an autistic sperg.

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04a900  No.1735


>Why are you arrogant enough to think you could even know what the world would look if the Axis won?

Come on nigger, drop the charade. Weimar 2.0 is a fucking nightmare world. We would be in the outer solar system by now if it wasn't for the incessant nigger gibs and wars.

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843065  No.1739


>4chan had a right mix I think

then, go back.

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16b8d2  No.1743

File: 6a9c8eec1ad430d⋯.jpg (747.08 KB, 2160x2560, 27:32, Redenção.jpg)


>Come on nigger, drop the charade. Weimar 2.0 is a fucking nightmare world. We would be in the outer solar system by now if it wasn't for the incessant nigger gibs and wars.

That's extremely optimistic. Non-white groups are a drag on Western civilization, but getting rid of them wouldn't make Star Trek real.


>Now I'm not a white nationalist meaning I'm OK with living amongst lower races because they're hot all violent beasts and some are cool. If marry and breed a black bitch only for bleaching reasons so that in time hopefully when my mixed kids get with white people the nigger gene gets wiped out by constant bleaching

I don't get what you're saying here. Are you trying to say that you're not aiming for some pie-in-the-sky 100% pure version of an ethnostate but still prefer your own kind?

The problem with bleaching is that there aren't enough expendable whites to go around when they're being reduced to minorities in their own countries.

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d1c9c3  No.1744


All jews will be killed. All leftards will be killed. You lost. Your fear is palpable.

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766d9e  No.1757

Seething lefties and glowies.

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dbab51  No.1763


4/pol/ had a nazi majority since its inception in 2012, and I know for sure that it retained that majority til at least 2014. Can't speak for anything after that because I left cuckchan and never looked back during the first exodus. But while I was there, the regular strawpolls were very consistent in saying that /pol/ was mostly a NatSoc board. Yes there was a large component of lolbergs, but I remember that starting to dwindle as time went on and more anons began to realize the evils of things like usury, open borders, and jews named rothbard. Of course it's possible that after cuckchan mods started fucking 4/pol/ in the ass the lolbergs came back as the majority because NatSocs were getting censored, but you'd have to ask someone who was dumb enough to stay on cuckchan after /pol/ harbor to know that for sure.

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f4115e  No.1841

File: a7d068da7d38cc4⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 577x474, 577:474, lazersurgey.gif)


Make sure the door hits you on the way >>>/out/


Don't you have furry porn to spam, faggot?

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3dddc7  No.1864

What's funny is whenever there is a /pol/ meetup, it is actually filled with mutts and hapas. Yet /pol/ is seen as this nazi boogeyman filled with angry white nationalists hell bent on eradicating minorities. I never understood why people think stoming out 8chan would be a big blow to "problematic" thinking. I have three co workers that spout most of /pol/'s talking points. Hell, I see zoomers have a pretty edgy sense of humor as well. What an absolute nothingburger this has all been.

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91c6d9  No.1901


The problem with neonazis is that their belief system is the right wing equivalent of patriarchy theory. It’s unfalsifiable (which is not a good thing; look the word up if you haven’t seen it before). The answer is always “The Jews did it!” They are “we wuz kangs” tier.

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2444ed  No.1905

File: 9d9aa7540a26cb6⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 504x279, 56:31, D65ED92A-FC16-470C-85ED-FD….gif)


Go back to your 8channel containment board faggot. You got banned from spcechan for a reason and it’s run by a literal communist to top it off.

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d8cd5f  No.1933


ping ping sing song pho nam

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e52a7e  No.1936

File: f8c8c79ecd5c52c⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 540x720, 3:4, just fuck it all up.jpg)


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fcecff  No.1937


>leftyfags eternally mad

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eeba2d  No.1974


You're just retarded, son.

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d35163  No.1980


(((4chan had a right mix I think.)))





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955a85  No.1981

File: b52cece7320c404⋯.jpg (151.07 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, hahahah.jpg)


hahaha fuck you kike!

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013c3f  No.1998

File: 033e986908b5f33⋯.jpg (97.82 KB, 500x735, 100:147, 4U.jpg)


>Almost 2020

<and you don't know the plan.

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91c6d9  No.2227


What’s the plan, Anon?

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baa4d6  No.2232



>trying to show more than one person dislikes natsoc ideas

Only you, Moshe.

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d8388c  No.2233

Without /pol/ any board will be infested by /leftypol/ trannies instead.

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d8388c  No.2234


We both know that you can't show the average post-Kampfy /pol/ user a red apple. The place was nothing but baseless shit flinging over the tiniest details for no real reason. Just the way the Jews like it.

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400f19  No.2238


>putting the chad before virgin

Stupid dummy retard

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1e3e01  No.2664


Nailed it.

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8fcf3a  No.3228



>(((mutts) and (((nazis)))

Opinion discarded.

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afbbdb  No.3231

File: 501b4522993b63c⋯.jpg (91.76 KB, 680x649, 680:649, 5OZ8YXR.jpg)

reminder unironic stormniggers turned the formerly brilliant /pol/ into the autism-fest it is now

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90ad0e  No.3232


>let's make /pnd/ the new /pol/

I don't see any problems here, proceed

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af983a  No.3235


Imagine being so soft brained you still can’t make the connection between certain races and their contribution to society. “Free markets” lmfao you stupid fuckers need a fresh beat down. I’m glad 8ch is back.

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92a888  No.3244


>free market and individualism

imagine wanting atomized social life combined with monopolized ressources

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f73900  No.3253

File: 26546f9e8e5cbad⋯.jpeg (46.55 KB, 780x538, 390:269, nonymoose.jpeg)

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7eb42a  No.3269


you sound like a jew. take a seat in out oven.

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7eb42a  No.3270

also, hail hitler.

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2efd4b  No.3272


Remember to sage and report.

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1e5145  No.3299


Racial differences are statistical. Instead of using race as a proxy for intelligence and character, people should be judged on their intelligence and character. And "racial consciousness" belongs in the trash with "class consciousness."

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1e5145  No.3300


Imagine having your mind so warped by imkampfy's hugbox that you doubt there are at least two people opposed to Nazis.

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cd6eb7  No.3340


>people should be judged on their intelligence and character

Then you get called a racist because you start arresting more blacks than anyone else due to their "character" and failing more blacks in schools due to their "intelligence".

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11219d  No.3375

File: d731deda8e2f419⋯.jpg (68.49 KB, 1505x744, 1505:744, 9120225.jpg)


Literally only white people care about individualism and free markets.

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e90476  No.3388

File: cf69bc27f09ade0⋯.png (407.67 KB, 532x528, 133:132, fnw9y83ht9t4uh0g0tw.png)


>kike pretending he ever posted on /pol/ in the first place

kys on the way out faggot.

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e90476  No.3389


>muh turkroach boogeyman

I'm gonna start calling it, "KDS", or "Kampfy Derangement Syndrome".

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d9cfda  No.3391

File: 83e8d89f70fb7fa⋯.jpg (277.46 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, __retia_adolf_daiteikoku_d….jpg)


I agree, there should be more cute girl in nazi uniform.

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75a3c7  No.3399


>thinking "identity politics" and "collectivism" are inherently bad

NEETSocs are retards, but so are you.


That's all well and good in your individualistic fairy tale land, but in the real world recognizing general trends is more important than not accounting for outliers.

You might like to boast about how fair and non-judgmental you are, but most human beings in the world are in-group-oriented people and wouldn't be willing to extend the same treatment to you.

If you think racial differences only matter in terms of crime rates and intelligence, then you're deluded.

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44e5d1  No.3403

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5d9566  No.3406

File: 081dc0a90f3f69e⋯.jpg (28.89 KB, 238x357, 2:3, 081dc0a90f3f69e33da716ba42….jpg)


Get out OP.

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1e5145  No.3409


I'm not non-judgmental, I judge neo-Nazis to be the subhuman outliers of the white race (when they're even white).

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75a3c7  No.3418


>I'm not non-judgmental

Then you have no excuse for your nonsensical views.

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e541b5  No.3659


Didn't national socialists just recently become a majority in 4/pol/ again?

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f99963  No.3673

File: 2be11197613db2e⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 1415697980512.png)


>8/pol/ was NatSoc only

Nah, those were only the most vocal ones

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3272ff  No.3675

All of the Nazi imagery is just plain spergy at this point, to be fair. Once it was shocking, and then it was funny, now it's just like dealing with an autistic person who can't stop linking everything back to Sonic.

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a751ea  No.3678


You're right, plebbit is more your speed for the NatSoy content you crave. Faggot.

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3272ff  No.3766



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70c2b6  No.3767


(((hello fellow goyim)))

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3272ff  No.3771


Amending every post with pictures of Hitler and swastikas is fucking lame at this point. You want to have an actual conversation about why his ideas were correct, do that, but I'm tired of this juvenile shit.

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65ad49  No.3785


No need to, the man was right about everything. You should know this by now.

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373d7f  No.3827


>implying the religious aspect of judaism matters in the slightest

okay, dweeb

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3272ff  No.3843


I don't necessarily take issue with that. I take issue with the spergery of plastering his image everywhere like anyone's impressed. It's boring at this point.

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00e752  No.3923


This is a brand new board, it may be boring though after a few months when there is enough of this stuff posted already to make it feel comfy.

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c50b05  No.3946


>making emotional arguments

>not bothering to elaborate

>Still believes the "hitler an hero jew fairy tale" when his living his last days in argentina is open source

>implying he did anything wrong

>still being here despite glowing in the dark

>Has to explain to his CIAnigger boss

>Eats soy


Mods, step it up.

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f99963  No.3975

File: 140ebdee6313c10⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 780x675, 52:45, 140ebdee6313c104b0c68102c0….jpg)



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65ad49  No.3979


>like Hitler, they're losers and they can relate to being a delusional retard hell bent on eradicating a religious group.

Except they accepted all religions that where not a threat to the German people, they also accepted religious works that where translated into German, you can easily find the laws they had in the Third Reich.

Also they wanted to kick out jews because of their race, not because of their religion. There is a difference you boomer kike.

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65ad49  No.4068


You might take a gander at the banners you absolute dumb fuck.

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5b88a2  No.4074


He's a pussy. He only knows how to clean up shit. Probably too stupid to figure out how to ban people. Or too busy sucking tranny nigger dick to focus any attention on making an actual statement about what is and isn't allowed on this board. I know one thing though, Im gonna keep shitting in his safe space until he gets the bigger dick out of his mouth to focus long enough to ban me.

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5b88a2  No.4087



LOL so it is Just a janitor. Well he's harmless. I'll just have to remeber to copy my posts in case they get banned so I can keep posting it until he gets the message that I think his postion is a joke on this website

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275af4  No.4210


You can directly PM any specific person by clicking their names in the board log. If you want to directly PM the board owner you can also just click this link: https://sys.8kun.top/mod.php?/new_PM/cupcake

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f99963  No.4211

File: 4f48824f8144041⋯.jpg (69.2 KB, 750x768, 125:128, 4f48824f8144041e4472b28267….jpg)

>these two lost leftycucks mad because people don't hate Hitler


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2efd4b  No.4222


Spam thread still up.

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652102  No.4229


>everything i don't like is spam

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e150a1  No.4233

File: 8928bd425c8a358⋯.png (345.5 KB, 1246x715, 1246:715, american neonazis.png)

Optics Appropriation Doesn’t Work.

The problem I remember us having most clearly in 2017 was the Great Optics Debate. Both sides were wrong. Both sides wanted to foster a mass movement and both failed, but the plastic stahlhelm side was the clear loser. Let’s face it – it was dumb to say to people, “Hey, you know those Nazis, the ones you were trained to hate by optics alone? From birth? Like, here we are, man.” Yes, please, let’s bank on zoomers and disaffected, rebellious milllennials to run straight toward the Nazis while they watch the powers that be shut down and persecute them. While that could have worked at another time, clown world teaches us from youth that being establishment is countercultural. Being anti-religious is “rebelling against the Church” – which has no authority. Being liberal is “rebelling against White men” – who are thoroughly disenfranchised. Being gay is rebelling against… not…gay? Everyone saw the Nazi LARPers as the straw man “authority” they were taught to despise and reject. No wonder it didn’t work.

It was also dumb to think that appropriating Patriotic American ™ imagery would help our cause. The strategy went a bit like this:

–Step one: tell people that we’re totally as American as apple pie.

–Step two: redpill people by stressing American “heritage” and letting people know that the Founding Fathers ™ had some racist views or something. Start talking about Jews.

–Step three: Um… hope that they take to it, I guess, then take power? Get our guys elected?

The problem with appropriating American imagery is that American Patriotism dies with the Baby Boomers. Patriotism is on the decline. Sure, you might be able to redpill Boomers, but the vast majority of them believe that supporting America means supporting the constitution, laissez faire governance (except for social security plus welfare state), and giving everything to Israel while letting the LGBT movement run amok. On paper, they’re right too – our government really is Charlie Kirkism through and through. By talking about the American people and their heritage, how to preserve the national character and what’s threatening it, you pop the bubble, hurt their civic religious feeling, and end up with hostility. None of them are convinced by that.*

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275af4  No.4234


That's fucking gay.

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652102  No.4236

File: 4d6b95556524c4c⋯.gif (1.76 MB, 300x169, 300:169, didn't read 01.gif)

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e150a1  No.4239

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652102  No.4241

File: a49a5dc0ec878e0⋯.png (211.09 KB, 500x518, 250:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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e150a1  No.4243


They are on your side.

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54f3ce  No.4246



>German Soldiers

>Swastika T-Shirt

I-it doesn't mean anything

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226ce2  No.4341


I'm willing to bet "lead" is a sockpuppet of Cuckmonkey's.

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01d621  No.4359


Have you tried emailing cake@hitler.rocks

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1182c8  No.4584

File: c2bbf9e2326620d⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 320x240, 4:3, brainlet.gif)


It was a meme that bunch of newfaggas like you felt for.

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cc0486  No.4614


>using sockpuppet unironically

Don't forget, you're here forever, you glow in the dark alphabet nigger.

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097979  No.4615

File: d3667cc199d0fd9⋯.png (61.27 KB, 1782x398, 891:199, leftypol make_them_laugh.png)


You're supposed to make us laugh.

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5111f8  No.4637


How ! they made me laugh… by how completely retarded they are.

Leftists, you should read books, it cures Leftism.

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4bfe06  No.4664


They get really pissy if you even mention The Black Book of Communism. I got banned within seconds from leftypol for just asking if that book was legit or not. That answered it for me anyways.

Those trannies really hate wrongthink.

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cf353d  No.4673

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2efd4b  No.4707

Spam thread still up.

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e52a7e  No.4786

File: 1e71a2317870200⋯.png (716.52 KB, 1254x1076, 627:538, negro fatigue.png)


You're really wringing the mileage out of that lolberg meme banner that you don't even know the source of, aren't you.?

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4bfe06  No.4793


That's the one. The newer edition has even more juicy stuff. The only "arguments" I've read against it was

>b-but the natzees killed people too oy gevalt

It's a fucking book about the commies, not national socialism.

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4bfe06  No.4794

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226ce2  No.4910


>everyone who uses sarcasm is a glownigger

That projection is telling.

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a4b0af  No.4925


I think you have that backwards. /pol/ will never get over the fact that boards like /antifa/, /islam/, /leftypol/, and /fur/ exists. /pol/ is literally the biggest, most triggered SJWs to ever exist.

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a4b0af  No.4927


You don't see alt-right neonazis constantly complaining about the fact that gays, muslims, liberals, and soyboys aren't hanged on sight? What world are you living in? All /pol/ does is complain. Literally every waking moment of every day.

>m-muh Jews

>m-muh Libruhls

>m-muh PC culthah

>m-muh freeze peach

All /pol/ ever does is wine and cry and complain. Everywhere.

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88f6d6  No.4929


I thought i had dealt with your kind in another thread, seems imna have to keep putting the boot in wherever you go. you lasses can have all the boards you want. Please stop shitting up ours,yours sincerely t.oldfags.


you got reekt in the last thread i was in didn't you? hence it went so silent. and now you are hear shouting until you dry heave once again. I mam,am here all week.

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b96848  No.4930


>You don't see alt-right neonazis constantly complaining about the fact that gays, muslims, liberals, and soyboys aren't hanged on sight?

Not nearly as much as I hear you commies bitch about all the ebil gnatzees on the internet.

>muh freeze peach

Fuck off bootlicker; people like you deserve the bullet.

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a4b0af  No.4931

File: 397c7cabd33a231⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1311.jpg)




You think you own this board.



awww did your tender snowflake fee-fees get hurt? d'awwww

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88f6d6  No.4935

File: a7e53f268142060⋯.png (230.02 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 1570192199101.png)


>You think you own this board.

no but when i kicked the shit out of you and your bunkerchan friends in the other thread it went silent and now you are rinsing and repeating the same shit in this one.

Perhaps i do own this board,because you lot don't. you fags still got no bantz

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88f6d6  No.4948

File: 9a9bd3c96fab116⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, 8kuntheflood.png)


I'm going to add to my own post because bunkerchan takes to long to respond.

these lads are sat in a discord somewhere bumping heads and debating how best to even reply to us.They dont understand we have spent years kicking the shit out of eachother for fun,its a sport. Its an art!

these lads think they are the resistance and not just another little toy we get to fuck with. Enjoy the ride anons,the rapetrain has no brakes



the home of plebeian discourse

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6fc27d  No.4949


Who was that? It's gone.

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c064f5  No.4953


>it's gone

Just a commie doing commie shit. So he got the commie reward.

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6fc27d  No.4968


I feel so safe right now.

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6335ff  No.4974


Long as you're not a commie, you shouldn't have any problems. And if you are a commie, a permaban is a positive thing

Just don't be a commie, anon. Authoritarianism is fucking stupid.

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6fc27d  No.4977

It's so safe here. I'm safe.

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d36f9f  No.4982

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6fc27d  No.5000

Saftey is our foremost priority.

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3e0db5  No.5040



Killing commies is more important tbqh.

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e52a7e  No.5994

File: 0a4f3e634540abf⋯.jpg (442.5 KB, 2048x1204, 512:301, discord meetup.jpg)



Pretty much this. I saw the same sad scenario play out over several bunkers after h8 went down in flames. Sad-assed, newfag, manic-depressive, pubescent autoxenogynophiles harboring grand delusions that they were filling some kind of power vacuum in 8chan's wake with their shitty little bunkers when in reality they were just spamming their own boards, abusing the b& hammer and just chasing away the same userbase they sought to "control" lmao in the first place.

The discord tranny meme exists for a reason.

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5cadbe  No.5997

Jews want white people to die and they need to be rendered powerless forever. 1488

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df7508  No.6032


How does white individualism work when jews are engaging in hardcore collectivism and in-group preference, and other non-white races are doing the same to a lesser extent?

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0524e6  No.6752

Niggers, this is bait.

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815489  No.8591

File: d38ab6d0281332d⋯.jpg (281.02 KB, 960x885, 64:59, irewiiccw908i344i.jpg)

This thread is totaly not low effort and certainly isn't something that should be in QTDDTOT.

It's good to see the mods haven't changed since 8chan.

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f22c30  No.8618

File: 0c249f4540f4c96⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 820x704, 205:176, 00.jpg)


Try harder next time, faggot.

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5a925b  No.8691


Why shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

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40bdd2  No.8758

File: 5de53b0f9f23b64⋯.jpg (180.43 KB, 1048x1480, 131:185, fuck the ccp.jpg)


At least you can talk

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e52a7e  No.9175

File: a22ad9c0dcf03fd⋯.png (424.44 KB, 786x666, 131:111, he didn't swim so good.png)

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1ce9f1  No.11999

File: 453be645ea89919⋯.gif (183.82 KB, 278x285, 278:285, Aatu_hyväksyy_tämän.gif)

its beautiful isn't it? Now GTFO here niggerfaggot

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b50d7a  No.47645


Jews are so cool.

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7e3f94  No.47652


you have no idea where you are here do you?

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b50d7a  No.47660

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b33b51  No.47685

File: 0f43b4ec092caff⋯.png (124.1 KB, 430x290, 43:29, literal krisjanity.png)


the only faggots who believe in muh "free markets" are those who have never actually done anything in their lives. Pure teenage angst. Probably thinks literal jaysus will be swooping from the clouds any second also.

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f2b5f0  No.47689

File: 81aa89ad84d55a3⋯.jpg (38.02 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 1520224223576.jpg)

File: abe4be09d8b064c⋯.png (85.51 KB, 500x502, 250:251, google-taught-me-that-some….png)

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22a703  No.47888




lmao ok charlie kirk

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e96f4c  No.48082

reminder that you will never pass/always bee seen as a freak

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652102  No.48119

File: a3489baf059bc87⋯.png (63.26 KB, 155x202, 155:202, lol qzbrZFB6qzW1RliHOaw7xA.png)

lmao i can't believe my thread is still up. took this long to get anchored

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66a930  No.50769

There are people who think the reciprocal ethic involves abusive lies, and they think their opponents are eternal warriors for objecting to them.

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