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File: 83a223ac1cedb9c⋯.jpg (23.97 KB, 640x360, 16:9, TedPike.jpg)

12834d  No.155141

Are there any other doc's like this? This shit changed my life and I need to know more about judaic writings such as the zohar, this is our greatest tool against the jew, their own writings.

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7efe9f  No.155143


You should link to the doc


Oldie but goodie.

I don't personally know any of ourguys that study hebrew. We do need some to infiltrate and learn more of their treachery

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12834d  No.155145


I mean there's no need for infiltrating as all their reading material is public source. But I find that their literature is the biggest red pill of them all. The zohar itself is a smoking gun

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e7e14f  No.155150


>I don't personally know any of ourguys that study hebrew.

This is why "ourguys" don't ever accomplish anything of note beyond austically driving to another state to maybe shoot a nigger or two. If you don't even know the enemy's language, how in the fuck do you expect to win even the smallest of battles? If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Learn Hebrew and Yiddish and Ladino, faggots. Start now and do not stop until you have that shit down like it was your natural born language.

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0b6245  No.155156

Ted was seriously based individual however once his wife went into a death spiral of severe schitzophrenia and committed suicide it really seems to have crushed him and he sort of faded from the scene.

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12834d  No.155160


Holy shit that's really sad, I hope the best for ted. what the hell happened?

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0b6245  No.155386

File: 37a7be5129a1e4a⋯.jpg (540.37 KB, 3031x1909, 3031:1909, ted_pike.JPG)

File: 6831efa33e10a73⋯.jpg (396.64 KB, 1459x1914, 1459:1914, pike.JPG)

File: 1e8b471ef7858f6⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 400x300, 4:3, tedalynnjan09.jpg)

File: 1b95ba7a983c9ee⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 334x448, 167:224, AlynnPic01small.jpg)


They used to be on the Alex Jones show back when it was still really good like around 2000 to 2005 or so. Alex used to have on a bunch of awesome guests. Texe Marrs was one of my favorites as was Jack McLamb.

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0b6245  No.155388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You should go looking for all of Texe Marr's (not Jim Marr's) collected talks. One of the real founders of the antisemitism of our times.

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0b6245  No.155394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yeah I know, Adam Green is supposedly a jew. Blah blah blah. Fuck off. This is a good talk.

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0b6245  No.155397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b6245  No.155399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b6245  No.155401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2be4ad  No.155402


The kike trolls are saying Adam is a jew because many jews took the British name Green. It's stupid. The kikes always based their surnames around ancient European names, in order to blend in and trick the natives into thinking Rabbi Sucksbabydicks is one of them.

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0b6245  No.155403


All I know is that Adam is doing top notch work, he's an intelligent guy and he's wading through a river of shit to take on the most evil fuckers on the planet without much help.

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d943f2  No.155407

File: 7aaffc818046b77⋯.jpg (49.43 KB, 720x317, 720:317, pIERCE.jpg)


Don't let those slimy grease balls consume your attention. Yea they're evil pieces of shit who've got a great deal wealth. Yea their control of the media and internet gives them a huge advantage. They may seem like their on top of the world but just last week the daughter of a billionaire Jew killed herself.

But at the end of the day

See attachment their real power comes from Christians. What a bunch of suckers.

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d943f2  No.155409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You can watch all the documentaries and read all the books


you can save a shitload of time and watch this two minute video. Here's everything you need to know and here's your options.

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0b6245  No.155521


YOu can't convert. That's bullshit. It's hereditary.

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