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File: 0a8100c6493786d⋯.png (7.97 KB, 920x599, 920:599, png_transparent_raised_fis….png)

b10534  No.155128

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79a18f  No.155161

Yeah the globalists are really trying to sink the economy and cast us down into the most wretched grovelling poverty with this absurd quarantine.

Quarantines have always been for the sick not the healthy. This is the first time in history this bullshit of quarantining the healthy has been pulled on us. Fuck them Fuck the jews.

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c99c6e  No.155170

File: 5076cdcdcbdc40d⋯.jpg (45.89 KB, 590x332, 295:166, 1598640399596.jpg)


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3b1240  No.155228

This right here is the ultimate show of power over the people. If they lay down their arms and accept this bullshit, it's all over

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394e52  No.155229


Spoiler alert: they’re going to lay down their arms and accept this bullshit, as they’ve accepted all bullshit for the last 75 years.

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3b1240  No.155233


Well how do we fix this. The way I'm looking at it, there's just a few sane ones left

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451198  No.155393


You hope and pray for something big to wake them up. We need some kind of financial crash. Once the easy living that has engulfed and blinded many of us is dead, maybe we'll see some change.

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394e52  No.155396


Not even the door to door genocide of the Bolshevik revolution woke up white people, anon. Germany has been occupied territory for 75 years now. That’s not going away.

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0a17e2  No.155493

OP I’m afraid 8 and kikechan would prefer to argue about NBA boycotting games for Instagram than actually discuss stepping up to oppressors, haven’t seen one thread anywhere about the protests all over involving tens of thousands of like minded people. Place is a joke people here want the world in turmoil to make them feel better about their miserable lives, you’d honestly get more traction on the YouTube comment section. God speed though.

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f2d9f7  No.156196

Why hasn't this thread been bumped yet. To my surprise hans actually did something this time.

Gott Mitt Uns

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f2d9f7  No.156198

File: 4c79a378882651a⋯.webm (2.68 MB, 748x422, 374:211, 1598877266441.webm)

Look at how retarded merkel zogbots are. Fucking kek.

Sieg Heil.

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6370b1  No.156224

Bump. Most recent happening.

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65e4f2  No.156292


he's trying to be the stormtrooper meme from the that new starwars movie

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a23fa6  No.156297

MSM is focusing on all of the empire flags that flew and Gott mitt uns t shirts.

Reality is this was a boomer tier anti corona hoax gathering. Still feels good to see germam cucks challenging zog

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f6a9b9  No.156302


You have to start somewhere. Anything is better than just going to their deaths.

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8da314  No.156309


>the kikes are trying to destroy their usury system


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388c97  No.156319


I'm betting on you, Germany. My ancestors would be proud, as am I. Keep fighting the good fight.

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f8341c  No.156357

File: 986201aeca2db9a⋯.jpg (21.39 KB, 300x370, 30:37, 6d33d693608a436582e1787026….jpg)

Some of the protesters want to hang Angela Merkel.

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0f6668  No.156419


Agreed. Just seeing people out in the streets against this gay mask shit is good.

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