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1cd975  No.155110

Since all the important threads are stickied, I might as well ask this retarded question…

Whats up with homos calling people that hate them closeted homos?

I used to be a massive sperg about gay people - still am to an extent, but i'm much better at controlling my weird retarded innate rage whenever i think about them - and at some point I was asked if I was a closet gay. And ever since that say, I wanted to know how anyone could genuinely believe it. It's less of a prove that I'm not gay, but it's more of a curiosity on the thought processes that lead to this abomination of shitty psychology.

From what I seen, the most evidence given are studies by Eli Goldberg, so fuck that shit. Now, I can't find it as-is but I think there was this definite 1960's-1970's anti gay-bashing mock PSA or whatever, where some homo-centric association claims that gay-bashers are actually - as the shitty PSA or whatever says - "latent homosexuals." Which leads me to believe this entire shit is a psyop.

But what's your opinion on the strange phenomenon that is some retarded link between disliking gays and being gay?

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0e4b8f  No.155132

Back 20 years ago or so, when gays knew their place, and didn't march in public with their cocks out and push homo shit in children's cartoons, no one gave a shit about them. The biggest opponents of gays were, or seemed to be, mostly closeted homos. It just didn't affect anyone else's life.

Now it's different though, there's a hot war where the homos have decided that living in the shadows isn't good enough, now everyone needs to bake their goddamn faggot cake and say how wonderful it is that they take dick in the ass. Now they have more enemies, it's not just the ones who don't want to be "tempted" into being a homo, it's everyone that thinks maybe we shouldn't indoctrinate everyone into being a homo.

t. Used to not care about homos. That's not good enough anymore.

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1b1176  No.155157

Nobody but a faggot truly understands what a filthy demented and evil lifestyle they lead so naturally, they can think of no other insult more humiliating than to call someone a homosexual.

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8553d4  No.155184


>Whats up with homos calling people that hate them closeted homos?

Self-coping mechanism. They know what they do is wrong at some level and so they justify it to a degree mentally by assuming that their haters are also homos. It helps somewhat alleviate that mental burden.

They're also solipsistic and hate themselves to a degree because they aren't normal and hence such accusations are a form of projection (subconsciously: I'm a fag and hate myself because of that, and he hates me so he's gay too).

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04b880  No.155319


Back in the 20th century, homosexuals usually tried to stay in the closet. As a result, some would engage in performative homophobia because they had the clever idea that nobody would suspect them of homosexuality if they were obvious homophobes. This was particularly common among kids, strongly conservative people, and especially politicians.

Another cohort sincerely believed that homosexuality was wrong, but were attracted to members of the same sex. They would promote social homophobia, not because they hated gays per se, but because they wanted society to stop THEM PERSONALLY from doing gay things.

As a result, if you make a big deal of disliking homosexuality, many people will wonder if perhaps the lady doth protest too much. It is true that many homophobes are sincere, but there are enough people virtue signalling about how much they hate gays that people get suspicious.

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8adcb6  No.155325

File: b9b7dea06ecbad3⋯.png (67.65 KB, 809x472, 809:472, new_infographic_meme.png)


Women commonly insult men by accusing them of being effeminate. The people who fell for the university education scam hardest are always using accusations of ignorance as a put-down.

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87d59c  No.155326


There is no such link. The issue is gay politics is out in our face everyday in modern clown world. So everyone is forced to have an opinion on it. Liberals just signal to what the media says. Conservatives are the only ones who will say what they really think. Gay is wrong.

Your "link" is basically just one of the many attacks on conservatives by progressive kikes.

>hey goy, if you don't like this evil shit we're doing, that means you are really evil.

Classic kike projection. This is what every kike political issues comes down to.

Is there a link between hating the environment and not believing global warming? A jew would say yes. I love the enrivonment and don't believe in their hoax.

Is there a link between hating foreigners and not accepting zogs immigration policy? A jew would say yes. I say no. I love traveling and visiting other countries, I like seeing foreign tourists in my country. But I like to protect my labor market and culture.

Do you see what I am getting at? Jews do this with every single issue. Every single time.

Just because you don't accept the kikes queer agenda, doesn't make you a fag hater. No one hated fags before jews made faggotry into an issue. But now that people hate fags, jews have to find more ways to call you evil, because they know they are evil themselves and constantly project

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87d59c  No.155327


So yeah, basically, it's a psyop. But my point was these kikes run the same psyop with everything. Once you understand the jew, life makes a lot more sense

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3d33e5  No.155533


I'm afraid of americans am I an american myself?

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1b1176  No.155536


>'m afraid of americans am I an american myself?

There's a lot of wisdom in this statement, actually, if you stop and think about it. After all, nobody knows Americans better than another American. You could replace "American" in that line with "nigger".

"I'm afraid of niggers because I'm a nigger myself".

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bd2fd4  No.155558


>Whats up with homos calling people that hate them closeted homos?

They're just trying to project their faggotry onto other people, e.g. an attempt to spread their homo mental virus onto others.

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