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ba7377  No.155081[Last 50 Posts]

Anyone who still had faith in him: He fucking cucked, you retards:

>Lawyers said Tarrant, who is Australian, regretted his actions, had changed his beliefs and wanted to meet his victims — many of whom were holding white flowers in the hearing room on Thursday. Prosecutor Mark Zarifeh cited

>Tarrant’s statements to psychiatric and judicial officials in which the gunman described his actions as “unnecessary, abhorrent and irrational,” saying he was influenced by political views that he now concedes “were not real.” Zarifeh also referenced the mass murderer’s statement to officials that he was deeply unhappy and committed his crimes because he “wanted to damage society as an act of revenge.”

The pics you keep posting of him like in OP? That's from his sentencing, where all the victims addressed him while he sat there looking sorry and like he was about to cry. That was part of his plea deal.

Remember he was going to fight it in court and say he was a uniformed combatant fighting an invader? Yeah, he denounced everything. He has fully cucked.


What? Life in prison without parole? He is the first person to get that in New Zealand since they got rid of thd death penalty in 1961. They were never going to reinstate it just for him. So what the fuck did he gain? Nothing. He cucked.

I was inspired by this man like so many of us on the old 8ch were. I was there when it happened. I read his manifesto over and over. And to now know he disavows all of it is pretty hard to swallow. Fuck him.



He cucked.

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ba7377  No.155083


Posted wrong pic but at least he never cucked like Tarrant. Was referring to the new pics of him from court.

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7f200a  No.155092


>I was inspired by this man

… to do what? Eat more nachos and cry about kike-run media? Slurp Trump penis? Beg your mom for fancier tendies?

PROTIP: He was a cuck from the beginning and you were just too retarded to see it. You cucked for a cuck. Don't be mad at him when it's your fault for the inability to think for yourself.

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10c93f  No.155112


did you get lost on the way to cuckchan?

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ef57b6  No.155146


>he killed a bunch of random people.

That's how wars work.

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1324b2  No.155149


Wars have rules of engagement. One of those rules is you don't go around shooting unarmed civilians. You don't want a war. You want anarchy. In your head, you stand on a pile of skulls torn from your perceived enemies, but the reality is you'd probably be one of the first people gang raped, shot in the face 20 times, then gang raped again. Enjoy your LARP, though.

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254fa0  No.155167


After a year and a half of pschological torture, its hardly surprising he said that. The NZ government would have gone to all lengths to break him in time for the trial. Very few keep their minds after solitary confinement, Charles Manson beat it but B.T. did not apparrently. B.T. owes us nothing, his only mistake was not predicting it would happen in his maifesto.

Cant you see his blank face and grey clothes. This was a show trial, just another orchestrated psyop.

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35628c  No.155169


>Beg your mom for fancier tendies?

kek nice, saving that for later

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35628c  No.155171


>Wars have rules of engagement.

And in war they're hardly ever followed because following the "rules" is like putting up a "fair fight" in a self-defense situation, in that it limits you and puts you at a serious disadvantage. Every war scholar knows that.

>One of those rules is you don't go around shooting unarmed civilians.

Which has happened every single time in every war, ever.

>You don't want a war. You want anarchy.

You don't know what war is.

>Enjoy your LARP, though.


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35628c  No.155176


>After a year and a half of pschological torture, its hardly surprising he said that.

He's been in solitary confinement since that time, denied even books. So he's just been staring at a wall that entire time in between his beatings from guards. He's probably gone crazy at this point and hence you can't really trust anything he says.

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6b43a5  No.155183


This is correct, the anti-white NZ government denied tarrent all his normal court rights, gave him an ad hoc defense and pretty much made this a show trial, kind of like Stalin.


Given that Tarrent visited Israel, its possible this whole thing was just a larp or some kind of Mossad Psy-Op. But they still want to go around and kill white people without any repercussions in all multi cultural countries.

Even one Tarrant like action scared them.

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35628c  No.155188


>Even one Tarrant like action scared them.

People were terrified of manly white guys for a few weeks after the event. I remember walking around and seeing all variety of nonwhites scared which made me laugh out loud and consequently scared them even more.

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6b43a5  No.155199



Yeah, all white lives are valuable and we shouldnt have to throw our lives away spending the rest of our lives in jail just to teach mudslimes and niggers(that our government never should have brought here) a lesson, but it was great seeing the muslims get a taste of their own medicine after all the terrorist attacks they commit against white people.

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35628c  No.155202


>but it was great seeing the muslims get a taste of their own medicine after all the terrorist attacks they commit against white people

their gta-style vehicle rampages are effective from an economic perspective but the idea that random white guys could be tarrant-breivik esque sleeper splinter cells with carefully studied plans is much more terrifying.

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7cc03b  No.155203


The lad has clearly been put through some shit. He looks like a husk of the man he used to be. It would have been nice if he stuck to his guns, but apparently he cracked a smile when one of the victims told him he should read the quran. I would assume the rest is a show, to what end? I don't fuckin know.

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35628c  No.155204


>The lad has clearly been put through some shit. He looks like a husk of the man he used to be. It would have been nice if he stuck to his guns, but apparently he cracked a smile when one of the victims told him he should read the quran. I would assume the rest is a show, to what end? I don't fuckin know.

A year plus of solitary can break anyone. It's a very effective system that completelydestroys both your mind and identity. Ex felons, even high IQ ones, have extreme difficulty adjusting to real life as a consequence.

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6b43a5  No.155206


Solitary confinement is torture, period.

Their end is to make sure nobody else in New Zealand decides to rise up and fight the invaders with a GTA style rampage. They want to scare whitey and make muslims look like something else besides terrorists or child grooming pedos.

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76ac3b  No.155214

File: 1bfc0d37cf2b72e⋯.webm (1.32 MB, 648x360, 9:5, straya.webm)


I don't give a fuck. He is still a hero and everything he wrote is still true.

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35c4b3  No.155217

File: bc57388e7ac9b5f⋯.jpg (214.43 KB, 1566x881, 1566:881, 190818_richardson_nazi_sal….jpg)


Go back to halfchan you fucking Cuckloid Nigger Jew

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ab7b58  No.155218

File: 1d3b579c47f4afc⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Goyim_Goddess_Mossad_Appla….mp4)



















Ok friends, zogbots, zionist faggot trolls, and retarded anons,

We should really clear up some things before even starting to argue about things like this,

So, the live stream was a video game, and i like gta too, apparently you can now go to jail for livestreaming a video game? Or mossad Tarrant made a livestream video game to stream, then went on a real rampage with his buddy in NZ?

Since when jwo tortures their own mossad agents?

Why is it illegal to spread the video game livestream?

This psyop falseflag mental gymnastics thing is not making sense.

Here, have a music video

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35628c  No.155221


take english classes asap, i suggest

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ab7b58  No.155223

File: 05df98073ae2cf4⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Goyim_Goddess_Internet_Tro….mp4)



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ab7b58  No.155225

File: b41cafa4d356ba0⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I_love_zog.mp4)


I love the military industrial complex

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52b07b  No.155247


>After a year and a half of pschological torture, its hardly surprising he said that. The NZ government would have gone to all lengths to break him in time for the trial. Very few keep their minds after solitary confinement

This right here. Unless he was a meditation master, he wasn't going to make it, note to all anons in minecraft. Don't let yourself get taken.

>Charles Manson

Unless you are a true psychopath and can fuck with your captors instead of letting them fuck with you.


Possibly the best post to ever receive hitler dubs.

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8966ab  No.155376

File: bb59684a8c8f20a⋯.jpg (21.5 KB, 655x377, 655:377, I_think_the_united_states_….jpg)

Tarrant is essentially being treated as a prisoner of war by the ZOG who are hell bent on deradicalizing him and making him publicly recant. You saw him, pasty and practically squinting in the courthouse lights, 5 point manacles, footage of his hands blurred out. those grey trakkie daks. The N.Z. ZOG is a very unsophisticated beast, and they fucked up, it seems, not everyone was on-message as we note with Justice Mander's comment: "the reliability of your changing views has been described by [psychiatric] assessors as questionable."

I think the psychiatrists tasked to interview B.T. would be the most hardboiled, most experienced ones the justice beauracracy could find, and we can probably trust their assessment. If they say "questionable" is like them saying "lying" , YesNo?

The stupid ZOG should have got some patsy shrinks to stick to the spin they want. On the surface: Tarrant Cucked Out, he's not a hero. Scratch the surface: Bad Torture ZOG, No mercy for you.

I put about as much stock in his denounciation as pic rel. Some of you gen x will remember the figher pilots captured during Gulf War one. Anyway, how does the trial compare to K.C Brevik's?


Absolutely goddam right. Never get taken alive by the cursed ZOG

Down with the shills trying to slide this thread

at least we know they still care

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ab7b58  No.155387


no zogbot is gonna comment on this post, just whine and screech

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415800  No.155390


ok Joomer

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415800  No.155392


Funny how the JIDF love blowing up those Muslim kids in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, but luuuv protecting the ones who live Western countries.

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ac6ca8  No.155408

File: eec7228c73c7337⋯.png (81.66 KB, 400x297, 400:297, faggot_bat.png)

Tarrant fags, bowl patrol, Nazbol, TRSodomites etc etc…

All of them are controlled opposition.

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a7e266  No.155416

It was pointless for Tarrant to go after immigrants – what's that going to accomplish besides making the rest of the public feel sorry for the immigrants and giving the leftists some good anti-white PR out of the whole situation, not to mention that right after the incident NZ enacted strict gun control measures. This was an epic fail of massive proportions!

Isn't it strange that in nearly ALL of these mass shooting events, the low-hanging fruit is always targetted and the end result is calls for stricter gun control measures, and weeks of anti-white propaganda in the media always follows each event. "White men bad" "Nationalism bad" . Who benefits from these mass shooting events? It seems like the anti-white, gun control forces are the main beneficiaries.

Hypothetically speaking, if someone wants to defeat a powerful enemy, then the best way to accomplish that task is by stealth, subversion, and secrecy. The media is not on their side, so it's best for them to avoid media coverage at all costs. It's best for them to conceal their identity and to never take credit for any "actions". It's best for them to zero in on HVT's and ignore the low-hanging fruit.

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8420fd  No.155524


Not Nazbol, it is based. In fact "controlled opposition" are those who try to attack and delegitimize it.

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a7e266  No.155553


>Not Nazbol, it is based. In fact "controlled opposition" are those who try to attack and delegitimize it.

Bolshevism is retarded jewish bullshit.

Don't fall for their tricks.

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4686a5  No.155611


>lawyers said

Uh huh

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e77613  No.155621


Anything to replace whitey.


It wasnt pointless, the muslims have been committing terrorist attacks for the last 25 years against white people. Now they got a taste of their own medicine and got some fear put into them. Not an epic fail at all.

Its too bad tarrent didnt wait a year and shoot some people up during America's BLM uprising, if he would have shot up a somali mosque that really would have stirred the pot.

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668136  No.155757


Does it matter? The media will say 'white men bad' regardless if there is a shooting or not and normies EAT IT UP. Maybe you are more at peace on reddit or something idk.

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578256  No.155915

File: cd8d35761259053⋯.webm (11.57 MB, 320x240, 4:3, TheFasterYouRunFromMe.webm)

File: dba36d9d1e8acc1⋯.jpg (40.99 KB, 600x942, 100:157, 1568360405419.jpg)

File: 26ec71f261105d3⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 3523x8191, 3523:8191, Brenton_Tarrant_The_Great_….jpg)

File: d9017cfda86a093⋯.pdf (867.57 KB, d9017cfda86a09390ffcea0976….pdf)

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1e22e9  No.156528

File: 443cb4243b098b9⋯.png (792.11 KB, 977x1267, 977:1267, 1557787497588.png)



To B.T. it is the degenerates who let their society get overrun by invaders who are the true narcissists.

>Describes himself as an artisan

His action was a truly fearsome work of art.

>revenge offending

The ZOG doesnt think he's cucked.

>Empty of any empathy to [the] victims

Bottle of rage uncorked by B.T's empathy for victims

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022487  No.156583

File: 06c6b746b373fd9⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 640x417, 640:417, 06c6b746b373fd9dc057dbb7df….jpg)


Pic related

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d51c1c  No.156593

File: d3dde414db90852⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 2600x4000, 13:20, d3dde414db90852762b3d18564….jpg)


>he should read the quran.

Well he should, and so should you.

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4daa87  No.156618

File: 6e5bb5cdbf36e61⋯.jpg (224.76 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 1598927281827.jpg)


This same demoralization thread word for word is being posted on halfchan and 16chan. Shills working overtime.

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b073b5  No.156944

File: c8a7fed1f47bfad⋯.jpg (511.27 KB, 1174x1022, 587:511, jew_commie_evil.jpg)








This reads like something from North Korea propaganda when they capture a Westerner and making him read a list of demands then claim he apologized, why would you trust the report from literal jews and mudslimes who are actively committing terror against White Nations world wide.Tarrant is a POW.

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6c7e94  No.157189


Lawyers said Tarrant, who is Australian, regretted his actions, had changed his beliefs and wanted to meet his victims — many of whom were holding white flowers in the hearing room on Thursday.

Prosecutor Mark Zarifeh cited Tarrant’s statements to psychiatric and judicial officials in which the gunman described his actions as “unnecessary, abhorrent and irrational,” saying he was influenced by political views that he now concedes “were not real.” Zarifeh also referenced the mass murderer’s statement to officials that he was deeply unhappy and committed his crimes because he “wanted to damage society as an act of revenge.”


A joint team of American and British scientists have discovered that powerful magnetic pulses to the brain can temporarily change people's feelings on a variety of subjects - from their belief in God, to their attitude to immigration.

"Were not real" sounds like that they fucked up his brain.

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6c7e94  No.157190


>weeks of anti-white propaganda in the media always follows each event. "White men bad" "Nationalism bad"

It's like it happens anyways 1000%

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37cf47  No.157264


Some wont survive the reeducation treatment

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35c141  No.157574

I took a shot for every time the word cuck was used in this thread and now I’m drunk. I think it was 13.

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526a1e  No.157602




Not only is he on solitary and denied literally everything, but half the guards in NZ are muslims. He probably has only been getting daily beatings, only fed once every three days with human feces in the food, etc. essentially getting tortured for the last year and change. To be blunt most men would lose it and crack. He made the critical mistake of being taken alive. That and it also might just be a bullshit article that isn't true.


>"Were not real" sounds like that they fucked up his brain.

I highly suspect he has been tortured and brainwashed, and is probably cranked out on psyche meds/anti-psychotics prescribed by the jail and state doctors, etc. He probably barely knows wtf is going on.

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6dd5cc  No.157619

File: 0959996eca5ec7c⋯.png (157.67 KB, 406x395, 406:395, 0959996eca5ec7c959de701615….png)


>I highly suspect he has been tortured and brainwashed

Yep. He knew it was over when he got captured. The enemy has him, and they won't let him get away if they can help it

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ce6c37  No.158505

File: 1af27fcc2aba630⋯.png (562.96 KB, 816x773, 816:773, pope_u_fuckin_pleb.png)


>implying they didn't torture him on a daily basis until they finally broke him

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966855  No.160187


>One of those rules is you don't go around shooting unarmed civilians.

They are combatants in a demographic war, every one of them. They voluntarily chose to participate in the invasion of White Christian nations. We didn't choose to have this conflict thrust upon us, or the terms under which it must be fought. We are absolutely entitled to fight back. Having said that, they are Golems, and it's better to target their Hebrew masters first.

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0a3353  No.160189

File: 0e826af7ece45cf⋯.jpg (28.79 KB, 400x284, 100:71, Maori.jpg)


>New Zealand

>White Christian nation

lol wut

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86af82  No.160642

unpopular opinion but I always thought he was lame and his shilling felt significantly astroturfed.

Not even just optics, just humanity. These are economic migrants who were given a red carpet treatment by Jews and shabbos cucks. They should be forcibly deported, punished only if they resist. I don't think you can do something like this and possibly feel good about it while you sit in jail.

Breivik, on the other hand, has a clear conscience, I can guarantee you that.

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669e2d  No.161225


that someone makes while in custody

mean literally nothing

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adf47b  No.161253

File: e5c895a7df64e65⋯.jpg (69.25 KB, 768x515, 768:515, breivik.jpg)


should've just owned it

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4daa87  No.161261

Why is this blatant JIDF demoralization thread still here

Mods do your job

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1c4a3a  No.161302


The Norwegians don't use the torture methods that the nzggers are willing to resort to.

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c2c465  No.161329


>> Tarrant showed little reaction as Judge Cameron Mander handed down the decision, concluding an emotional four-day hearing in which surviving victims and relatives of the deceased confronted the gunman face-to-face.

“From what I can gauge, you are empty of any empathy for your victims,” Mander told Tarrant, describing the gunman as “a deeply impaired person motivated by a base hatred of people you perceive to be different.”

“You remain entirely self-absorbed, you have offered no apology or acknowledgement of the harm you caused,” he continued. “Your focus appears to be on yourself and the position you find yourself in.

Doesnt sound like a cuck.

Did anybody here actually read the linked article?

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9dbc93  No.161333

File: 3457b2f54187b6c⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1378x5792, 689:2896, screencapture_washingtonpo….png)


this other article that (((WaPo))) did seems to contradict this

>The followed one the rare occasions when Tarrant showed emotion. The gunman appeared to smile briefly when Smith suggested he read the Koran

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ba9f0b  No.161348

File: fab31efbf6ecab0⋯.webm (1.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Counterstrike_Christchurc….webm)


That time in solitary plus whatever else those kiwiniggers tortured him with likely fucked him up physically and mentally.

>So what the fuck did he gain? Nothing.

Maybe another meal, maybe more outdoors time, maybe a book. When you're spending the rest of your life in a dingy cell, everything is a luxury. All of this is to demoralize copycats from following in his footsteps and fighting back.

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9d151b  No.161355


Doesn’t break any rules. You’re the one in control of your own emotions.

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474956  No.161367

File: b2cb9fda16b76f8⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 272x480, 17:30, 20190421_The_Christchurch_….mp4)

File: b64d70e9d19d1c6⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 20180717_African_refugee_w….mp4)

File: a46e7eedbfcde17⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB, 600x480, 5:4, 20191009_Germany_synagogue….mp4)

File: 73cc2b38a739a11⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 600x480, 5:4, 20180929_Ravensburg_German….mp4)

File: 7075de46a24300a⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB, 272x480, 17:30, 20190716_Germany_Asylum_se….mp4)

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474956  No.161369

File: cedb26b8b55a5e9⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Spain_August_2020_Migratio….mp4)

File: d39c93c1b1b49c9⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 20181126_Germany_s_Christm….mp4)

File: 4ea1d99f58c4895⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 20190801_Germany_2019_publ….mp4)

File: b8c0a972f158097⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB, 488x480, 61:60, 20200717_Destruction_Of_Bi….mp4)

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1d8864  No.161435


its american history x all over again…

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1d8864  No.161436


he is being disloyal to his self.

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3d16a9  No.161439

File: 387f1c461b82b53⋯.jpg (55.09 KB, 602x764, 301:382, 00hurtman.jpg)

File: b43059b47c48da1⋯.jpg (149.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ahsocialism.jpg)

File: 54e18ffe41e61db⋯.jpg (25.05 KB, 280x362, 140:181, breakchains.jpg)


did 8ch really fall for the zio op?

jews killed two birds with one stone with that move.

demonized whites, and radicalized muslims further.

obviously all of the jews pets must be sent back, but being stupid and impatiant about it is just retarded. literally 100% of attacks that are not on enemy leadership or propaganda are fake and gay.

That guy who was memoryholed and attacked a sinagog may have actually been real, just stupid about target selection. As one would have to be to "screw your optics, im going in"

in all things you have to see victory and workbackwards with your plan from there.

are your actions going to help or hurt the enemy in the long or short term.

i'm not advocating violence or anything illegal.

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265e62  No.161451


>i'm not advocating violence or anything illegal

Of course not. Only mostly peaceful final solutions going on here yesiree

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38dd2d  No.161495

File: be10c454262a241⋯.webm (12.94 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, christchurch_gunman_train….webm)

It was just a drill gone live.

It's the hallmark of sloppy jobs.

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28621c  No.161510

File: 3f25f970afa69c2⋯.webm (9.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tarrant_trial_faggots_whi….webm)

Christchurch mosque gunman Brenton Tarrant laughs at British survivor in court

> A BRITISH survivor of the New Zealand mosque massacre was mocked in court by mass killer Brenton Tarrant.

> Nathan Smith, originally from Poole, Dorset, told the white supremacist who killed 51 worshippers: “I held a three-year-old boy in my arms praying he was still alive, but he was not.

> “You killed in my name. I am white, Muslim and proud.”

> Tarrant, 29, laughed as Mr Smith added: “If you have a few spare minutes — and you will have many — you may want to read the Koran. It’s beautiful.”

> Mohammad Siddiqui was shot in the arm at Al Noor mosque, leaving him injured in hospital for eight days. He told the court he was only there a few minutes before "the devil arrived".

> "You arrived at the house of God to kill innocent people and carry out your gutless action.

> "I try not to talk about it because I do not want to give you the satisfaction. We have grieved, we have cried, yet we are stronger.”

> "Your time will come, everyone must face God.”.

> Ambreen Naeem lost her husband Naeem Rashid and her eldest son Talha Neem, 21.

> In her statement she described the killing as "inhumane" adding that Tarrant's "punishment should continue forever".

> Australian Tarrant, 29, admits the rampage with assault weapons and a shotgun at two Christchurch mosques last year, plus attempted murder and terrorism. The sentencing hearing continues.

Source: https://www.thesun.ie/news/5826902/christchurch-mosque-brenton-tarrant-laughs-british-survivor/

Archive: https://archive.ph/0O0Jb

(Video grab from source)

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a45a34  No.161529


What a faggot for being a White person and being a fucking towelhead.

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c1b1bd  No.164094


He *was* wrong about his beliefs. He believed there was some kind of unity in his side but the truth is every time something like this happens the right throws that person under the bus. Happens every fucking time. I mean the Freedom of Religion and 2A people wouldn't even stand up for McVeigh even though he did everything in defense of 1A and 2A.

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c1b1bd  No.164095


>My faith is stronger

>I will never forgive you

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c1b1bd  No.164097


>One of those rules is you don't go around shooting unarmed civilians.

Wrong. You made that up. The plain fact of the matter is those "civilians" are invaders and though they may not at the time have been carrying arms themselves, traitors in the state protected them with physical violence so they could carry out their terrorist plans in secret - and make no mistake, the Ultimate Aim of Islam is terrorizing non-Muslims. The world map is full of countries where they have succeeded in this plan. It doesn't matter if the mob boss doesn't feel the need to carry because he has his own security for that, he is still a threat.

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0a3353  No.164098

File: af1bf1f16dede88⋯.pdf (549.73 KB, B130936_Law_of_War_and_Rul….pdf)


>You made that up

No, it's part of the UCMJ.

Everything else you've said is just you CoD LARPing and can be ignored. I'm sure when you go shoot up some brown people, you'll be IB famous for a little while; but you'll have to enjoy that fame from prison. Just like everyone else before you who didn't die by cop.

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c1b1bd  No.164100


Nigger, you're the one CoD larping. No one gives a fuck about the UCMJ. If you want to see the rules of engagement when dealing with these creatures, read the fucking Koran. No more of this

>When I am Weaker Thn You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles.

faggotry. Again, you made it up and you're larping as if you're part of the most powerful military in the world… which is protecting the terrorists.

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cfbb40  No.164113

I don’t think he is “cucked”. He is probably trying to save his own life as much as possible. Even if he is “cucked”, he has already done far more about the local problems than you probably will ever do, so it is a moot point either way and you are wasting your time worrying over it.

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0a3353  No.164114


>No one gives a fuck about the UCMJ

The people out there ACTUALLY fighting wars care about it. You don't care about it because you're a fucking LARPer.

>you made it up

So, I wrote the UCMJ? Wow.

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c1b1bd  No.164123


>The people out there ACTUALLY fighting wars care about it.

No, the people who don't care about fighting and WINNING wars care about the UCMJ - they're the nation builders, the "hearts and minds" crew; and they lose every fucking time because their retarded ideology has defeated them before a single bullet exited a barrel. It's wholly a product of the loser mentality of the modern so called warrior. The only real war is the doctrine of Total War. You continue until the enemy is exterminated. Barring that, the second best doctrine is to use tactics at least equivalent to, if not worse than, one's enemies.

>So, I wrote the UCMJ? Wow.

You pulled it out of your fucking ass, yes. It is not worthy of respect because it has not won a single fucking war and is likely responsible for the USA losing every single fucking war in the modern era.

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5ba0ee  No.164135

He's always been kissing the ass of Xi Jinping. What he understands is that in about 5 years Xi Jinping will take over Australia, free Tarrant, and install him as their governor.

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39950b  No.164143


I doubt this was anything more than a Sandy Hook tier glowop.

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