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File: 1f0daa3ab1f0b4d⋯.png (292.44 KB, 613x868, 613:868, shinzo_abe.PNG)

93f765  No.154990

Shinzo Abe resigned from his post. Its all over the news, on all news websites.

>TOKYO — Shinzo Abe, Japan’s longest-serving prime minister, says he’s resigning because a chronic illness has resurfaced.

>Concerns about Abe’s health began this summer and grew this month when he visited a Tokyo hospital two weeks in a row for unspecified health checkups.

>Abe has acknowledged having ulcerative colitis since he was a teenager and has said the condition was controlled with treatment.

>Abe, whose term ends in September 2021, is expected to stay on until a new party leader is elected and formally approved by the parliament.

>He had abruptly resigned from his first stint in office in 2007 due to his health, which was fueling concerns about his recent condition.

>Abe on Monday became Japan’s longest serving prime minister by consecutive days in office, eclipsing the record of Eisaku Sato, his great-uncle, who served 2,798 days from 1964 to 1972.

>But his second hospital visit Monday eclipsed festivity for his record and has accelerated speculation and political maneuvering toward a post-Abe regime.

>Abe has acknowledged having ulcerative colitis since he was a teenager and has said the condition was controlled with treatment. He has not made clear if it is related to his recent health issues or hospital visits.

>After his recent hospital visits were reported, top officials from Abe’s Cabinet and the ruling party said Abe was overworked and badly needed rest.

>His health concerns added to speculation that Abe’s days in office are numbered, when his support ratings are already at their lowest levels due to his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and its severe impact on the economy, on top of a slew of political scandals.

>Shigeru Ishiba, a 63-year-old hawkish former defense minister and Abe’s archrival, is a favorite next leader in media surveys, though he is less popular within the ruling party. A low-key former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida, Defense Minister Taro Kono, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, and economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, who is in charge of coronavirus measures, are widely speculated in Japanese media as his potential successors.

>The end of his scandal-laden first stint as prime minister was the beginning of six years of annual leadership change, remembered as an era of “revolving door” politics that lacked stability and long-term policies.

>When he returned to office in 2012, Abe vowed to revitalize the nation and get its economy out of its deflationary doldrums with his “Abenomics” formula, which combines fiscal stimulus, monetary easing and structural reforms.

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d491aa  No.154992

How much of a good goy was he? I seem to recall him being bullied into buying the F-35. Does Japan have a good alternative to him? Is the next government likely to open the diversity flood gates?

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a48b53  No.154996

File: cb132f16eaf8ed9⋯.jpg (101.75 KB, 997x997, 1:1, live_beautifully.jpg)


Well, his epoch is associated with trying to fix japanese demographic crisis. But people been pointing out he wanted to solve this with more chinese immigrants at some point. Japan’s population projected to plummet by almost 40 million by 2065 because its mostly old people.

In terms of buying F-35, he's not going to buy anything out of Russia because of dispute over some isles belonging to Russia. Putin knows Japanese are going to allow Murricans to install their bases there, so they aren't giving them up under any circumstances.

Japan's in a tough spot between US, China and Russia, and its being kicked and booted by all three. Their only weapon is cultural propaganda, at times i acknowledge them being as much culturally important for whole world as Californian Hollywood. But foreign actors shilling new global order are not going to stand still and allow any foreign element to continue poisoning their well with "wrong thought".

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85738e  No.154998


So how bad is this exactly? Are we going to see a Marxist takeover anytime soon?

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112f4b  No.155000


I hope for nationalist takeover.

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379f30  No.155001

File: 20280cc601c9ec4⋯.gif (754.72 KB, 420x314, 210:157, popcorn.gif)


>American weebs on Filipino basket weaving forums try desperately to understand Japanese politics

Dis gon' be good.

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127995  No.155015


>I hope for nationalist takeover.

Always the best option.

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52b813  No.155028


He ran as a conservative that wanted to reduce immigration, ended up opening the boarders with historical levels of immigration. Parts of Tokyo are 53% foreigners now. Even in the countryside where are live, I see plenty of Hijabs with baby strollers.

Sound familiar?

He's a cuckservative, just the least worst. The one to replace him will likely ramp up immigration even higher, apologize to Korea even more, send Japanese troops to "assist Americans" (indirectly serve israel), and allow China to take some of Japan's islands.

At the very least, you can expect China to gain the Senkaku islands by the end of 2021.

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52b813  No.155029


Nah lunatic radically racially self-hating marxists are thankfully only a minority of about 15%.

55% are lightly self-hating white-worshipping normies typical of Yellows.

25% are lightly redpilled cuckservative type

5% are redpilled on the Korean, Chinese, American, and Russian menace

out of that 5%, only 1 out of 5 are redpilled about the Jews that control the above

Not that leftist, but nearly no hope of population-wide awakening

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52b813  No.155030

Nevertheless, Japan doesn't have more than 15 years left at the very longest. Either the Chinese annex the Japanese islands, or the Americans (Jews) manage to turn the country into a second California via mass immigration.

It's been fun lads, one of the most peaceful, literate, civilized countries on this planet will go the way of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Persia in a matter of a few years. It's been a good 2000 years.

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5d0830  No.155122


I hope that's not true Anon. Japan is the last great nation.

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747786  No.155133


No one is great if they will not fight to preserve themselves.

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c52668  No.155134


No one formally allied with the US is a great nation.

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c596aa  No.155139


The japs need to get jew pilled fast or its over

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6a1c55  No.155476


They're great but I put Scandinavian countries above them because they aren't as cruel to animals. I'm not saying cruelty happens a lot but they lack sympathy towards animals. Also, the rape of Nanking isn't 100 years old yet, I don't think Japanese people have changed that much so if they take over a place they could be more unnecessarily violent (unless the torture actually was necessary) than their anime and technology would make you believe.

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42038e  No.156037

File: 0dff037b871f7a6⋯.jpg (45.41 KB, 600x350, 12:7, Abe_Bibi_and_dessert_shoe.jpg)

Mossad probably poisoned him like they did Peter Jennings, Hugo Chevez, t and that one guy from antiwar.com. To name a few.

Why would i think that?

They had a meeting with the Iranian leadership.

You know how the Japanese don't wear shoes indoors. Bibi Netayahu personally served the Japanese PM dessert in a shoe, hahaha

Fuckin jews lol. Look at the face of the japanese PM hahaha.

Notice Bibi's desert isn't in a shoe. The Mossad agent that got him is even posing in the picture. They even did a false flag on a Japanese ship while the Japanese PM was meeting in Iran

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42038e  No.156038


Or atleast they're not eating out of a shoe. Yes the Japanese pm was offended. Haha

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f2b221  No.156287

File: 3dd2ca97874d390⋯.jpg (94.72 KB, 473x480, 473:480, 1547400082778.jpg)

Cuckservative out, time to usher in more of the same from an opposing side. Do you really think if the US runs Japan they would let them have a government that isn't similiar if not identical in practice? 3rd world hellhole just like America.

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95d317  No.156318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Do you really think if the US runs Japan they would let them have a government that isn't similiar if not identical in practice?

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f2b221  No.156447

File: 3a294539391d84d⋯.jpg (93.12 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 65h45nb7.jpg)


Good doco. I didn't know central banks make everyone poor to force all this fucking shitskin importation.

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1f3891  No.156750


They are eating from plates as well, shoes are just a decoration. The psycho look of that cook/waiter though through …

Today's menu: Roasted foreskins and cyanide

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6e1bf9  No.156767

File: 55c5b139469509a⋯.jpeg (185.54 KB, 1000x712, 125:89, Yoshihide_Suga.jpeg)


if Abe steps down he becomes prime minister. It's business as usual, they share similar policies.

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