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f5a8c1  No.154936

all he has to do is run ada with this video.


pic unrelated. basically the tweet is a video of an aggressive antifa lady attacking a man and wife. it's gripping. at first they look like eichfahs, who could love them? by the end you want to hug them after the antifa mob lies and abuse.

Narration: Joe Biden says the violence and the bullying will stop if he's elected. what happened to refusing to negotiate with terrorists? In November, we're gonna tell Joe NO to amnesty for antifa.

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9e9af2  No.154943

>Deny citizenship for a political belief to people who are already citizens.

Wow, great idea. Who's asshole do you fucking idiots crawl out of?

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c52e25  No.154946


The fuck are you on about? Amnesty for any crimes they committed while rioting, not fucking citizenship

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9e9af2  No.154949


>The fuck are you on about?

What does that even mean. Is that nigger-speak for something?

My apologies, while the word 'pardon' would have made more sense, amnesty is more often than not used in regards to naturalizing illegals who cross the border.

And no, your idea is retarded for a campaign ad. It's a screeching mentally ill woman screaming nonsense at people walking that has no definitive message other than 'we live among retards'. Go read a marketing book.

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f5a8c1  No.154950


it's how Americans talk.

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f5a8c1  No.154951

I'm just pedicure the future. it's an ad that will play. it's an ad that has already won Trump 2020.

all antifa had to do was avoid attacking nice people. lol amazing, they are possessed be retardation

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f5a8c1  No.154952

predicting, not pedicure ffs this predictive text

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f5a8c1  No.154953

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9e9af2  No.154954


>it's how Americans talk.

The girl in the video talks like that. Says a lot about who you are as well.


you're not predicting anything. Do you honestly think a political campaign is going to spend millions on an ad to give notoriety to some degenerate crybaby? Go inhale some more meth, or shove it up your ass or whatever you do with it.

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f5a8c1  No.154955


you don't understand Americans. we don't have a a shame culture. you are Jewish and a transsexual with the Lincoln thingy or similar, you always should the same (crazy).us white people have different registers, casual, parental, professional, friendship, for some also academic, street (the lady in question is from the lower classes, they are copied in parody by the casual middle class), society, religious, philosophical, film, art, music dog breeding (similar to horse breeding), antiquing, many i could list more obscure - 4chan is a register).

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f5a8c1  No.154956

sound the same

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f5a8c1  No.154957

I'm amazed by this infinity points own goal by team hufflepuff. they outdid themselves l

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f5a8c1  No.154958

i think only sociopaths can't see why this is a win. you have to have a normal empathy system.

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f5a8c1  No.154959

it's also good the attackers are not black. no need to show the Rand Paul video, in an ad. amazing

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9e9af2  No.154960


>us white people

ok, nigger.


>empathy system

>you must be a sociopath to not see how great my half-cocked derelict idea is

You sound like an absolute buffoon. Stop the substance abuse and get help.

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f5a8c1  No.154961


???? you are misquoting me. why?

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f5a8c1  No.154962

yeah that's an israeli. see the extra space? it's what happens sometimes when using foreign layouts

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f5a8c1  No.154963

not a big deal just wondering when hamas will retaliate like they promised

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f5a8c1  No.154964

israel is obviously not able to hit real targets w/o boots on the ground, their airstrikes are for show

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f5a8c1  No.154967

the rockets are not the "message". i wonder what it will be. previously, hamas has shown the ability to tunnel into israeli checkpoints. more of the same?

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9e9af2  No.154971


>it's what happens sometimes when using foreign layouts

you're demonstrating that you're so stupid in thinking that typing something in an html text area that is hosted on a server with it's own formatting settings is able to be adjusted by a local machine via crossing a border. Please do the world a favor and kys.

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f5a8c1  No.154972


israels airstrikes are for show and dumb, yid. anyway, can you fools stop raping children now? id very much like you to stop that.

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f5a8c1  No.154973

see how the yid ant comment lol

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0be895  No.155021


We don’t give a fuck about your jewish puppet theater.

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