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File: 849c2ad667fb7d4⋯.jpg (626.16 KB, 796x626, 398:313, 1598254872808.jpg)

5b322a  No.154919[Last 50 Posts]

Why can't we tell the truth? Why must we hide our power level? We let these sinners, blasphemers, and degenerates spew their lies and do nothing about it. We are too afraid of being persecuted for telling the truth. Nevermind that men throughout history have spoken their minds in the face of beheadings and torture. We fear social ostracization and loss of income. We are weak, and we idly watched our society degenerate into a Godless cesspool.

TELL THE TRUTH. Embrace the persecution.

How many minds could we change if we used plain language instead of dogwhistles? Are we not complicit every time we hear a lie and say nothing against it?

You do not need to kill your enemy. You do not need to plan elaborate operations. You do not need to sit in silence any longer. You do not need to stay weak and cowardly. All you need to do is tell the truth.

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0f7bfe  No.155013

>>154919 Okay, I will. Everyone around me will be disgusted and abandon me but I have already lost a lot in my life. Here goes nothing.

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8349ed  No.155022


>why can’t we

We can, you cowardly faggot.

>why must we

We don’t, you cowardly faggot.

>we let these

The only recourse is physically killing them. There are no peaceful solutions. Yes, we do let them. You let them, too. EITHER GO KILL THEM OR SHUT UP ABOUT IT. YOU’VE ALREADY LOST.

>we are too afraid

Yep. White genocide is already complete.

>you do not need to kill your enemy

Paid jewish shill confirmed.

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6716ef  No.155041

File: e9344db30544156⋯.jpg (111.83 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, Mask_Without_Mind.jpg)


You won't do shit. You can't even work up enough balls to go in stores without a mask! You're a conformist cow who is too afraid to speak your truth, and you know it; which is why you're on here trying to convince other people do the things you yourself are too afraid to do. I'm not trying to tear you down – I merely speak the fuckin' TRUTH.

It is beyond difficult to display your refusal to conform for conformity's sake to conformity-enforcers (which is what all conformists always become, because they don't want to feel like such stupid livestock. Misery loves company, and so does slavery.) Nope. You will not only NOT have the courage to speak your truth, but no one would understand you even if you did, because of that ridiculous mask you continue to wear. All the fucking masks you wear! That would include your "persona" you are so attached to, and wish to protect under almost any circumstance. (Yeah, I see you on social media!)

I don't mean to be an asshole, but you will not do shit, and you will not speak your truth. You know how I know this? Because I do not see you out there, coming to my defense when I go wherever I want WITHOUT A MASK, and I live in a mask mandated state requiring masks be worn, even outdoors and it has already been scientifically proven that masks have almost zero efficacy, and may do more harm than good! I have not worn one yet. You cannot imagine how many screaming banshees and conformity-enforcers of every kindIhave put up with, fucking daily, formychoice to LIVE My Truth. One thing I can tell you is that conformist cows are the worst. They always want to drag others down in the slave-pens of their own making with them. You know who treats me with the MOST respect? Cops. They get called on me by some cunt or another almost every day. I'm always calm compared to the screaming banshees, and they always have to inform the sheeple and management that they "were hired to enforce LAWS, Not Governor Mandates." So yeah, it is important to speak your Truth, but too difficult for anyone but the very very few to actually do. They'll chop your fucking head off for it. They'll try to "Cancel" you. They'll fucking Crucify you if they can; but that won't stop people like me from Living & Speaking MY Truth. But yeah, it will probably stop (You), OP, because you're still asking Why– instead of just doing what needs to be done, and damn the consequences!

I don't mean to be a dick, but I am one. That is the Truth. I will never be a mere member. Too big of a dick! So, if you don't like what I have to say, go ahead and try to shut me down in some way. Most conformists do. I would not be surprised.

You want to understand a little more about TRUTH?

Try doing pic related. Seriously. Try it.

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6716ef  No.155042


Fuck. Truth be told, I did not try to fuck y'all up with that purple text, so no h8!

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4e63e5  No.155046

File: 1d3b579c47f4afc⋯.mp4 (13.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Goyim_Goddess_Mossad_Appla….mp4)

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4e63e5  No.155050

File: 363cbee92695343⋯.webm (7.84 MB, 704x377, 704:377, truth.webm)

File: aabba689ed16e74⋯.webm (7.83 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Yuri_Bezmenov.webm)


>Tell the truth

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4e63e5  No.155051

File: a2f547bd0d9a1a3⋯.mp4 (14.72 MB, 492x360, 41:30, 12_Year_Old_Exposes_Illumi….MP4)

File: e5b7c65a709d4dc⋯.webm (609.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, evalion_9_11.webm)

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11c26e  No.155056


It's because your head is full of conservative nonsense.

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6716ef  No.155064

File: f58e5d1f36f4f5d⋯.jpg (339.59 KB, 2160x1080, 2:1, PicsArt_09_16_01_34_47.jpg)


>conservative nonsense

I think you meant religitard nonsense.

There is nothing nonsensical about conservatism, unless it is forced on others, like religitards and other conformity-enforcers tend to do.

I mean, you want less government, don't you?

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11c26e  No.155068


There is everything wrong with conservatism.

>you want less government, don't you?

No, not at all. Not in the least.

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6716ef  No.155100

File: 80cc24687479d88⋯.jpg (66.64 KB, 528x594, 8:9, download_20200821_091552.jpg)


>you want less government, don't you?

<No, not at all. Not in the least.

That figures, you Socialist cow.

You don't want to learn self-control, which is why you crave the control of centralized authority and mob rule.

Nig off back to your glowing bunker, schlomo.

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8349ed  No.155102

One and done OP. Spam thread.

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11c26e  No.155108


Libertarian/limited government stuff is an explicitly jewish construct designed to atomize and dupe White people and only White people. I'm just going to filter you rather than get into a back and forth with a finkel-think peddler.

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56ead2  No.155121

File: 0a22160d8d9ad1b⋯.jpg (124.41 KB, 800x533, 800:533, PicsArt_04_13_09_11_27.jpg)


Waaah! He said something I don't like!

Filter! Filter! I cannot handle ideas contrary to my own crystallized and limited belief system!

What a Millenial fag you've turned out to be. I suppose folks are "victimizing" you with their alternative viewpoints too! What a pathetic fool. You deserve to be controlled by others. You can't control more than a fucking filter on 8kun, and not even that very well, considering I did not change my IP and (You) are still reading this post, faggot! Go ahead and crave centralized control imposed on you by "others" if you want, little boy, but REAL Men know how to control themselves and do not need your Big Government to tell them what to do. You had better start encouraging more REAL Men to come to the forefront, instead of these simpering fools who cannot even listen to Truth, for fear it will sully their preconceived notions and bypass their filters ofnah nah nah nah, not listening!

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11c26e  No.155130


>He said something I don't like!

He just regurgitated the boilerplate narrative that has driven White America into the ground for 100 years now. The limited government angle is your ZOG-approved outlet because it doesn't do anything to them.

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11c26e  No.155158

File: 6f8638bb73b5671⋯.png (105.72 KB, 652x1569, 652:1569, mefobillsunzclassicalecono….png)


The only on that springs to mind running a jew/Western style government is India, which is a total failure and basket case.

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4e63e5  No.155208

File: e104c2b335346ba⋯.png (255.11 KB, 1006x646, 503:323, shootupyeshivacamp.png)

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11c26e  No.155210


I have absolutely no idea what this article is supposed to telling me in relation to what I said. It's too bad it was only a threat.

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4e63e5  No.155212


they did not wear a mask, and they did not social distance…

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11c26e  No.155213

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4e63e5  No.155216


Sure, the article just gives proof that what you were saying is true.

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91f344  No.155275


Why did you post almost the exact same thread on /pnd/ and /christian/?

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aee393  No.155453

Tell the truth:

Racism is bad

Religion isn’t real

The holocaust did happen

Coronavirus will make you sick

Nazis are lame

Q was made up by trolls

Q is an elaborate troll

Nobody cares about antifa

Killing people is bad

It’s okay to be gay

Being white is actually really good

It’s okay to be black

It’s okay to be Jewish

Wearing a diaper is weird

There are no women on the internet

There are definitely no women on 8kun

8chan used to have a /hebe/ board

Kids are not sexually attracted to adults

Donald Trump withheld military assistance to a county under attack by an authoritarian regime under the condition that they investigate a political rival based on a rumor that was made up by eastern europoorean internet trolls.

Any other truths you hate?

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8349ed  No.155454




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d63cda  No.155459


>Why can't we tell the truth?

What's stopping you? Fear of consequences? If so, then you have no desire to tell any truth at all. You're just a 12 year old who wants to scream "nigger" at his teacher without getting detention.

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8c51f7  No.155464

File: 2f4467c3924f5e3⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 182.6 KB, 916x1019, 916:1019, 1421536463.jpg)


I did this. Yes my life got completely fucked up. I just keep at it. I've noticed though many people have followed.

Unprovoked a woman last night who looks semi degenerate started railing on jews while she was drunk. I thought: "How interesting." Political types I've known have also distanced themselves and begun to blog about it.

That topic generally does not come from the lips of "normies" ever. I also have my more liberal friends tell me to "slow down" as I continually deconstruct their reality. They're pacing themselves but not shutting down.

Tell the truth works. Don't go quietly into the night.


Watch this.

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aee393  No.155481


My name is Michael. 27 years old. Virgin. My mom is a restaurant worker and my dad works in a shop. Both of them are high school dropouts on their second marriage.

I dropped out of college for financial reasons (and bad grades). I think I could make it farther if I weren’t for affirmative action (and bad grades). I saw someone sliding my favorite imageboard and I called him a Redditor. I don’t know anyone that uses reddit in real life but I read a lot about it and I don’t like it. Seems way too faggy for my taste (which is dick).

I hate the Jews. I don’t know any Jews in real life, but I read that they deserve to die. I don’t like how people remind me that my life is a joke, so I call them Jews. It makes me feel stronger. It makes me feel like I’m part of something bigger.

And I do it for free.

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8349ed  No.155488


This isn’t your blog. Piss off, yidlover.

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b42d03  No.155495

File: b1d1787ea12b748⋯.jpg (413.54 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Finkle_Think_Parrot.jpg)

File: b27ba668aba4835⋯.jpg (413.29 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ZOG_Parrot.jpg)

File: 99d39af7772dfb5⋯.jpg (423.04 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, It_was_da_Joos_Parrot.jpg)


Hi Michael.

I am certain that you and this other

>finkle think

fag >>155108





could benefit from practicing your terminology lessons together…

Keep working on proper pronunciations, and we may soon give you both a cracker!

I think his name is Pauley, but he spells it "Polly". Some kind of 'Identity Politics' thing.

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b42d03  No.155496

File: c433c0c041cf777⋯.jpg (415.51 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Finkle_Think_Fag.jpg)


There's the "Finkle Think" Faggot again!

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11c26e  No.155498

File: 42f1b5dd36656f3⋯.png (461.26 KB, 674x2618, 337:1309, Trump_Needs_White_National….png)



squawk squawk

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b42d03  No.155510

File: 371dce6da140661⋯.png (4 MB, 1500x2500, 3:5, Found_It.png)


What a fucking nigger.


Nigger-tier advocation of 'Mob Rule'.

> We Right-Wingers Gonna Chimp Out Too If You Don't Give Us What We Want!

I called it. You're a fucking fag. And an ignorant nigger. You are a disgrace to white people everywhere.

Also, some things go better with Sage than other things. You should learn the difference. But you're just an angry little boy who sprinkles his H8-Sage on EVERYTHING.

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b42d03  No.155514

File: b8a7255daea55d7⋯.jpg (105.26 KB, 640x637, 640:637, Sage_Whine.jpg)

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11c26e  No.155516



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b42d03  No.155519

File: 61d554d6cd8265e⋯.jpg (853.3 KB, 1890x2773, 1890:2773, The_Cheesiest.jpg)

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8349ed  No.155531


I used to like your exposure of jewish spam earlier, but now you’re calling anything YOU don’t like by your buzzword (which only you use). And now you’re posting shit that only proven jewish shills say. It’s odd.

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f59f09  No.155577


>Why can't we

>Why don't we

>When will

>What if

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11c26e  No.155848


>Striker is a shill

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559a83  No.159411


I already do faggot, always have. What kind of faggots are you that you havent always spoke the truth?

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559a83  No.159412


the only thing in this post I believe is that you like the taste of dick

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3dddb5  No.159419


>mindlessly go against conformity

>masks dont work goy

>dont hate me please

Get fucked you frustrated, dickless faggot

if you go "rebel" because its against "the rules" you are on the level of a 4-year old that goes through his "no"-phase.

Any enemy you perceive who has a brain will anyicipate this and still be able to control you because they KNOW how you will react and plan theire moves in advance.

Also, this isnt a hugbox.

It's a hatebox.

If you can't take some mean words by a stranger this isn't the right place for you.

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819772  No.159424


>buzzword (which only you use)

So fucking true. He's basically namefagging with that shit.

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37664c  No.181421


I do tell the truth, always have. "hiding your power level" used to be a chan meme that was a joke about not being a sperg and feeding someone to many red pills for them to swallow all at once then around 2017 it became a shill meme to try to get people from speaking up and speaking out. If you aren't talking nowadays you are just a coward

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17a837  No.181584


you can't give knowledge to those who don't seek it.

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61e235  No.181649

I am so confused by some (most) of you.

>we don't believe the election


>we don't trust the jewish media


>we don't trust the ZOG


>but we totally believe that White Men voted for Biden

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be98a2  No.181655


Utility is a little more important than Truth. Telling people things that will lead them to believe the Truth is more important than just listing off facts that will trigger cognitive dissonance and make them dig their heels in deeper. Rome didn't convert because of the martyrs. They converted because a Christian angel helped Constantine win a war for Rome.

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36dfee  No.181657


> All you need to do is tell the truth.

Where? On your TV news program? On your youtube channel? In your column in the New York Times?

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36dfee  No.181661


> cops won't enforce the Governor's mask order against me because the only enforce rules made enacted by the legislature.

I'd love to believe that cool story bro but it literally sounds like a sovereign-citizen fantasy.

I do believe the part about cops being the most reasonable in demeanor. I go everywhere without a mask to see how far I can get. Oddly, government offices are among the most lax. Post Office: no problem, the staff is working without masks. Subway, no problem. One time a subway worker saw me without a mask and he took his off and started talking to me.

Whole Foods? For-fuckin-get about it. Even if I get past the door I can be alone in an isle and a store employee will come out of nowhere to tell me to mask up or get out.

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36dfee  No.181663


> Man threatens to shoot kids over no masks

if it saves just one life….

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36dfee  No.181664


Ignore him. He's a lightswitch brain.

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36dfee  No.181666


> mask-cult true-believer mindlessly conforms because "it's the rule."

The reason you assume people who choose to reject a rule do so because they're mindless and not because they critically formed an opinion, is because your own decisions are mindless and not based on critical thought.

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f670f7  No.184570

>Why can't we tell the truth?

Because some dumb jew told you that shit and you were stupid enough to believe it?

>Why must we hide our power level?

What power level? You're running on like a negative three there chief :D :D :D

>We let these sinners, blasphemers, and degenerates spew their lies and do nothing about it.

Really? Because I've.. redacted :D :D :D

>We are too afraid of being persecuted for telling the truth.

Has… someone like Alex Jones or whoever your favourite jewtube shittalker been arrested?

>We fear social ostracization and loss of income.


>Are we not complicit every time we hear a lie and say nothing against it?

No. Over 7b people and like half of them are online and debunking bullshit is a lengthy process. No pearls before swines. Plenty of cunts LIKE being lied too. Hence, taboloids and msm sales. Really the samething these days.

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