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9abf70  No.154608

Why do you think they do it?

The people who help push all of this violence? It has gotten really forced the past week, like a forced meme.

Its almost as if they are like "come on, what the fuck, they aren't getting violent fast enough"

Just forcing twitter videos and more race related strife, "video_of_black_and_white_man_yelling_in_street.mp4"

I know they think they have a ticket to elysium, but have they seen where the escape pods are located?

Why do they help destroy their own future?

This applies to a lot of people, not JUST JEWS, but them and everyone else.. Humans.. even random fucking people on here, some probably draw a pentagram in toothpaste and bullshit themselves into thinking some meme evil god is going to give them some sort of reward for their pittance and postings.

They probably think "The Great Reset" is catchy, and skips them.

They think of nothing but themselves and call it being smart.

Its absurd.

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9abf70  No.154610

Something tells me this thread will be deleted, why wouldn't it.

It is different.

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3f7443  No.154643


>Why do you think they do it?

White genocide.

>The people who help push all of this violence?

For white genocide.

>It has gotten really forced the past week, like a forced meme.

Because they know whites will never fight back, so they don't even have to put up any pretense anymore.

>Its almost as if they are like "come on, what the fuck, they aren't getting violent fast enough"

No, it's just that whites won't do anything no matter what you do to them.

>I know they think they have a ticket to elysium, but have they seen where the escape pods are located?

They believe that they, collectively, are god itself.

>Why do they help destroy their own future?

Because they're not. All jews will move to Greater Israel and the goyim slaves will work for them around the world.

>This applies to a lot of people, not JUST JEWS, but them and everyone else…

You might notice that MOST of their shabbos goyim leaders don't have kids. No reason for them to have kids, after all. It's just a waste of time for them.

>They probably think "The Great Reset" is catchy, and skips them.

They created the concept. Why would they be skipped by their own reorganization to control everything directly?

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e7249f  No.154645

I encourage the collapse. I'm no anarchist, but we need mass reform, and that seems the best way to achieve it.

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9abf70  No.154646


Thanks for saging, really neat.

Also, I really cannot take your post seriously, when you are clearly lacking the prerequisite forethought.

Either you are intentionally telling lies, or you are in need of a re-examination of process.

You spend most of your post listing reasons why things are happening, and you then slap it on top of "All jews".

The very next sentence you state that "shabbos goyim" are complicit.

So which is it, jews, or jews and everyone else?

This is my point, its not just the jews. There are literally people everywhere who are happy to light matches and throw them into their own house. It just seems absurd to me.

There isn't enough gold and bunkers to go around, the dr.evil crew is too large.. why do they not see this?

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9abf70  No.154647


You encourage breaking shit to fix it.

Do you see why this sounds stupid?

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3b2d9b  No.154648

You're sitting in a den of forced race related strife wondering why its happening, if you want a rational answer to this question here is not where you're going to get it and you'll likely be censored even for raising the question.

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9abf70  No.154649


You correct. But, the problem is, the internet is completely fucking destroyed.

I often sit back and try to think, but I cannot even think of any place left, where one can have civil discourse anymore.

Sure, the internet has always been quite shit in a plethora of ways, but things have changed. Nowadays, posting feels like catharsis more anything.

And yes, I know, its not good these days to be a person who just wants fucking peace and tranquility. Counter productive. I get it.


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9abf70  No.154650


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3b2d9b  No.154655


I totally get it considering this dead fucking site is all thats left of the last popular free speech platform on the internet that I'm aware of. People try to reference places like gab or parler but they're all equally as censorious as twitter only in the opposite direction, theres no free civil discourse to be had on those sites either. I even tried to have a discussion in a youtube comment section of all places recently only to have their algorithm automatically delete my posts due to the subject that was being discussed.

The internets definitely in a sad place right now but I still hold out hope, I stewed on 4chan hating what it was becoming for years before 8chan finally came along so theres always a chance it can happen again. Its just that platforms like this are inherently unprofitable and difficult to maintain while being potentially reputation destroying based on having to give a platform to everyone, thats something that very few people are willing to undertake so who knows when one might show up.

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9abf70  No.154658


The internet is just part of the world, a world being destroyed by people expecting a payout or cut from the ashes.

If only it was just the internet.

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809170  No.154659


Go back to reddit or lurk more faggot.

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8f636a  No.154662


Not stupid at all. The status quo is untenable. "Breaking shit" allows the formation of a new status quo. The more the shit is broken, the more opportunity for a form of status quo to form that would have been unthinkable before. Think the transition from Roman Empire to Feudalistic Europe. The Roman status quo was utterly wiped out and from that "shit being broken" a completely different status quo formed. Do you think a Roman citizen of Gaul ever considered the Frankish "culture" as tenable?

>>154655 (checked)

Something is deeply amiss when I had to create a thread for a category 4/5 hurricane 4 hours ago and it has dropped to page 2 with zero replies. No comfy Jeff tonight. Le sigh.

Is it because /pol/ is dead? /pnd/ sucks? Ish to a degree, but in a larger scope I think it is because people have succumbed to disaster fatigue. Instead of wanting to defend their ideology further, or expand their ideology- they are getting ready for what everyone feels is coming, they are preparing themselves intellectually, spiritually and physically. I know I haven't been here in several months because I've been doing exactly that. Reading more than I ever have, picking up additional homesteading skills, etc.

I feel that the ideologies are set, and as such what is the further point of "discussion" or even repeating the same thing over again. Ideologies are hardened, no one wants to be challenged, called out or called a fag. Vis a vie, no one wants to deal with the fags or argue with them for the 1000th time over their shill ideas. People have become tired.

Echo chambers can be as fatal as repressed ideas. This board became an echo chamber in a way, and I watched as dissenting ideologies were actively snuffed, it made the quality and color of the board a boring grey. Back to OP's point. It is exactly what has happened with the COVID hysteria and socioeconomic and political ramifications. It is tiresome, why come here to be reminded of the hellscape when all you have to do is spend 3 minutes "out there". I knew this ride was a grueling ride of years, not months back in January. We are not even close to the crescendo of where it will go.

Summer fags grew up, the adults in the room left, the sight was borked and a perfect shitstorm snuffed the candle. It happens. That's the way I'm seeing it and you are spot on, a cesspool like this is a shit-prospect with nearly zero reward for the risk. It is something everyone wants someone else to do.

If I had enough fuck you money I'd open a new one, but as things go- it would end up in the same place. And le sigh, I didn't buy le dip and don't have said fuck you money to test my theory.

Like the COVID hysteria, the BLM riots, the nouveu level of in your face "tolerance"- it is a forced meme. /pnd/ became a forced meme too- it outlived its usefulness and either by design, desire or bad luck- nothing came in to freshen the herd.

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9abf70  No.154666


When your lawnmower is broken, do you ramp it up to high revolutions and wait for the blade to tear itself off?

Or do you fix it.

Or do you buy a new one.

Do you like paying for a new lawnmower? Because you're the one whos paying for it. And you'll use it to cut someone elses grass.

let the hermeticism kick in, cozy up to hegel, you will still fork over the cash for someone elses new lawnmower.

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3f7443  No.154705


>Thanks for saging

Sage, then.


Thought ahead more than you.


Lurk more or leave forever. It’s the jews. It’s white genocide. We all understand it. You don’t. It’s literally that simple.


It is all jews. Because they are jewish. Their judaism Is the problem. Their jewishness is the problem. We all understand it. You don’t. It’s literally that simple.


This is your problem, 80IQ retard, not ours.

>so which is it




It’s the jews. It’s white genocide. We all understand it. You don’t. It’s literally that simple.

>it’s not just

No one, anywhere, said otherwise, you illiterate fuck.

>why do they not see this


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3f7443  No.154706





Yes, see, this is why you get the dismissive replies from the get-go. WE KNOW THAT YOU’RE A SHILL AND THAT YOU DON’T FUCKING UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS. You don’t DESERVE better explanations when you’re too lazy or stupid to better yourself with reading before posting.


>oy vey goyim racism is FORCED!

>you can’t get any answers here, goyim!

>oy vey you’re going to be banned!

So how many times have you been banned for spamming communist propaganda?


>free speech

You’ve never had free speech here. You fundamentally don’t understand.

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fdf22e  No.155245

They suffer genes that make them think that investing in maladaptive institutions is ethnic reproduction.

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54705c  No.155545

It is said in Rashi's commentary on the Torah that in the times of Egypt people were moved around in order that no one would be able to say to the Jews; "you are a foreigner from a different tribe", as they were all foreigners to each other.

I consider culture/tradition and race to be the most important factors that bind a people together, if those would be attacked the people would fall apart.

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55f449  No.155556

File: 5a7c0f032ce5eaa⋯.gif (100.34 KB, 300x225, 4:3, 17967_Audience_Clapping_Gi….gif)


>>let the hermeticism kick in, cozy up to hegel, you will still fork over the cash for someone elses new lawnmower.

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1e01dc  No.155643


>Why do you think they do it?

>The people who help push all of this violence?

Violence is natural trait of all living beings. Nobody can escape it, no matter how high IQ one person has, he will still have nis natural urges to get violent form time to time. Pretending that violence can be eradicated or abolished is insanity, and a lie pushed by the elites who want to control a domesticated society that won't rebel against their control because they still think that "muh violence is wrong". It isn't. It is the primary solution to all problems.

>They think of nothing but themselves and call it being smart.

Being selfish is another natural trait of all living beings. Those who band in groups or "think of the others" are nothing more than the weakest among their species, and they help others because they want large groups around them for the sake of protection. They are incapable of surviving on their own, since they are all weak, both physically and mentally.

The self-sufficient, strong and capable individual is by default, selfish and individualistic. He doesn't need groups or bands. He rightfully puts his interests above everyone else's, and his life matters more than anyon else's life. and there is nothing wrong with that.

We are all, deep down, animals competing against each other. The illusion of selflessness is another of the many lies being used for thousands of years in order to keep weak individuals weak, and to try to ostracize the strong individuals.

Being selfish is being alive.

Being selfish is being a free.

Being selfish is being a thinking man.

>Its absurd.

Not really. It is natural. We are all like that. The thing is that some were indoctrinated into thinking that they aren't like that. But reality takes care of that.

A living being is always selfish and violent. Those who can't be enough selfish and enough violent are those who perish.

No matter what lies you or others believe, after centuries of indoctrination, reality won't change, ever: there is nothing wrong in being selfish and there is nothing wrong in being violent.

We are animals. High IQ or not, we can never escape our nature and animalistic instincts.

We are just animals competing against each other, and nothing else.

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054c9b  No.156087


People realize the system they are in is not aligned with the truth, nature, and improvement. This is due to many things, and this degeneration has increased at several points. The most notable one being about 1970. After that it's been getting worse day by day.

Because of this many average people want change. They want an outlet for their desires. For the indoctrinated masses that was people like Bernie. Who would have ultimately not accomplished what they wanted. For people with slightly more sense that's Trump, who has been improving things slightly despite the challenges placed upon him. However since the propaganda is so strong many will never accept his work as positive.

They seek what we call "populism" which tends to precede a great dictator who gets dealt with soon after. This happened with Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, etc.

What the other side wants is the opposite. They wish to insert a puppet government in the fashion of Communism. They do this under the guise of a popular revolt, but in reality it is a not very popular coup.

Things have stagnated too much and are not aligned properly. The direction they will go in is determined by the will of the people. If they can create a great man, or have a so called "great man" thrust upon them.

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94eb8c  No.156102


Kikes are trying to bait whites into an uphill battle so they can pull South African scenario in USA. So far it's not working and is getting very unproductive for them so they are getting more and more desperate.

Other than that, there is literally nothing wroth with a litany of violence and massive bloodbath. In fact, the world has been quite overdue for one, and the more they tried to prevent it, the worse it will become.

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