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9e14de  No.154590

MurdochMurdoch is locked when i go on it and i found this picture, i want some pdf and https://8kun.top/pnd/res/35673.html#q35673 pdf section is fucking deleted. Where can i find good ebooks/pdf

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9e14de  No.154591

it would actually be nice to have a mega file of good ebooks and pdf, shiet that would be nice

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49887e  No.154596

The time for reading is over, unless you're a new fag.

We need to get into propaganda mode. Make 100000 phone email validated twitter and reddit accounts and convert normies.

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9e14de  No.154597


I am a newfag bud

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49887e  No.154602

File: 191648829021a71⋯.png (296.59 KB, 644x1064, 23:38, 1598190287739.png)


Not necessarily natsoc and not pdfs but it's white culture.


Big collection of audio books, have this fren.

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9e14de  No.154605


ty bud, i will dl it

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49887e  No.154607


If I have to recommend 3 books, it will be, culture of critique, mein kampf, and for my legionaries.

I'd say start with Codreanus book. It's like a diary and a comfy read. Then mein kampf, just do research into which edition you're reading. Most are manipulative jewish translations. Next read kevin macdonald's book. It's the most red pilling, it documents and explains jewish group evolutionary strategies.

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49887e  No.154611


After reading those 3 books you'll be ready to wage war against zog.

Regarding red pilling documentaries, ryan dawson made the most epic 9/11 documentary. It's like 9 hours long, the free one is like 4 hours. Hes not a wn but hes a true sperg and truth seeker. Basically it was mossad.

The greatest story never told, best natsoc documentary. 6 hours long. A bong made it. Forget his name. It even covers the holohoax a bit.

There are a lot of rabbit holes man. But the best use of your time would be the above documentaries.

Rabbit holes take up a lot of time, but they are fun. "Its the jews" became a meme because they are at the end of most rabbit holes. I wouldnt consider myself a jew hater or anything hateful, its just a "omfg" moment, when after each rabbit hole, it really is the jews.

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49887e  No.154614


You really need culture of critique under your belt before you start digging your own rabbit holes.

You'll be faster at recognizing jewish circular references. That's primarily how they manufacture consensus in all academic fields, medicine, news media, etc. And they also reference each other across fields too.

When you realize this is how deeply ingrained "truths" you grew up believing, like the genius of einstein, or the evilness of Hitler, is nothing more than a bombardment of 1000s of inter jewish references. Eventually the jews create such a "consensus" that goyim believe it. Goyim are unaware of jewish group strategy and see each jewish statement as work of an individual and thus give the "consensus" credibility. Because whites are hyper individualist and can't comprehend such a group strategy.

Their power base started with banking and ownership of mass media publications. But the current post ww2 absolute mind fucking is due to jews infecting academia, technology, and medicine.

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a2d979  No.154640


I think you posted the wrong folder. That isn't audiobooks, it's an archive of the extremely implicit TRS podcast, Kultur Kampf. Three years later, and I'm still scarred by the shit I saw when their faggot host got doxed.

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237feb  No.154806


>The Prince by Machiafaggot and The Republic are under the same category.

Why are you guys are so retarded?

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