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File: 7b1e885e8e5c45b⋯.png (474.36 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, 1598480218730.png)

File: bb74f0c27fe3caa⋯.png (264.61 KB, 1416x682, 708:341, 1598481260482.png)

edb019  No.154572


Anyone here /techliterate/? Some are saying bad compression, but wouldn't that aid in hiding deepfake aswell?

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66584a  No.154617

The video is MPEG-2 compressed (an old and shitty codec from before h264/mp4) judging from the .ts files Twitter sends.

>image two

The wrinkles on the right are gone too. He probably turned his head.

>image one

Well what do you expect would happen? The shadow and his eyelids darken the spot.

Dark spots have worse colour accuracy and the surrounding colour is his skin.

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17b240  No.154652

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17b240  No.154689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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185a9a  No.154691

File: 0c87b13639774a7⋯.mp4 (60.2 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ComposedWelldocumentedImpe….mp4)


Reminds me of same shit with Assange interview. This tech is getting more common every day. Time to stop being surprised.

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ddb242  No.154832

Merging from other thread:

My fellow retards:

>inb4 spacing of whatever

go fuck yourself, I don't care

Bombard Biden and MSM social media replies with the rumor the Biden is actually dead and he is being deepfaked. The frame by frame proof has been unleashed on hacker 4chans website.

It literally cant go tits up.

Worst case scenario is Biden has to come out of the basement for non-scripted interviews and interactions and the best case is more people spread and reaffirm the rumor he is dead.

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bb1366  No.154837


Biden could walk up to you, shake your hand, say hello, suck your dick, and give you $20 and you would STILL claim he's dead and that was just a real doll animatronic. You're retarded and should die.

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17b240  No.154842


>> reeeee! don't notice our tricks goyim get back on your meds, have sex! Stop being so envious of us losers! REeeeee!

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849ab3  No.154857

File: 8dba4d838df4d69⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 403x394, 403:394, 123.jpg)

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05fc36  No.154881


reminds me of some bitch on discunt who i insisted was a mutt cause shit-brown eyes. But turns out yeah, she had blue eyes.

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07a317  No.154882


>implying I would let a millionaire suck my dick for a mere $20

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e7cf9e  No.156465


That looks like a quick-fade to another scene. He just happened to be in the same position. You're right to be cautious, though.

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2523ce  No.156491


I bet he sucks a mean dick.

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ee1d0b  No.157015


That's a particular kind of cross-fade effect used to shorten "dead time" in the interview. Not a fake.

You wouldn't be able to tell if they made a fake one.

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af62e6  No.157365



His head is moving when the anomaly starts. If it really was just a quick-fade you'd be able to see it occur in his face, since his head is moving when it happens.

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