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8c8eef  No.154384

Any news on where the people went? Is there another Chan with a Baphomet?

Who else misses it? Any stories?

I remember the old lady at the dealership who'd get mad over anything. We hacked her camera and started prank calling her and sending delivery men for the lulz. Eventually a gay stripper was sent and he began Stripping to the song I'm sexy and I know it. I miss those days. Harrassing the fucking normies… Driving trannies to suicide…

Doxxing Sean Loral Wingdingland… HWNDU… What's happened to this place? It's all sanitized and clean with no one here to create chaos for the lulz

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0be87b  No.154387

Jim Watkins happened.

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954f78  No.154401


Kikes happened to 8chan. I own /baphomet/ and I'm still trying to get it back but I have other shit on my plate.

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954f78  No.154403

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0be87b  No.154408


If it weren't for him you wouldn't need to get it back.

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3d206b  No.154413


Sorry, but boards like /baph/ and /lolcow/ have been shoved deep into the memory hole. /pnd/ stands firm that doxxing began in 2019 as a method of getting conservatives fired and that no doxxing ever occurred before then for any reason.

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954f78  No.154524


Not if I have anything to say about it. I need some people who like to dox for /archon/.

<inb4 glow

Just tell people about it. Whenever /baphomet/ comes up. If your friends like to dox, if you hear someone talk about doxing. Hell, I don't care if you have to spread the word by writing the link in sharpie on a bathroom stall. Get /archon/ some people so it becomes busy.

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954f78  No.154669


/baph/ is gone but not dead.

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6e9716  No.154715

File: 036096f7f6bfd33⋯.jpeg (68.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, DE226E9E_91BB_4D08_8461_C….jpeg)

I fucking miss 8chan in general. I hope it livens up again. I fucking hate going to /pol. Those people are so retarded.

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6e9716  No.154717


I can’t even use mobile on 4chan. Fuck.

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9485c8  No.155446


Post-election 8chan started to decline, especially with a few choice posters such as that christ-chan tard and doomsday emo freely shitting up /pol/ threads. Moderation absent as typical, and thanks to that lolberg fucktard hotwheels we became the first imageboard to get b&.

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3781b6  No.157010

File: 5e66cb826c3ff65⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 122.03 KB, 471x179, 471:179, gcomwgq.png)


oi hows it been benny

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57aec1  No.157018


Plenty of other imageboards got b& but for them the reason was cp it wasnt politically motivated

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b77c2e  No.157167

was on endchan ~2016

no clue where it is now. I think 8channel for a moment before that site shut down

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267d7a  No.157169


people grew up and there are more important things right now

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3781b6  No.157215

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8dd704  No.158258

/archon/ got shut down apparently

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c26582  No.158263

File: 7c7a9cd07f43a49⋯.png (86.31 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1434052104399.png)



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081717  No.165135


There's a reason the doxing only started after /baph/ disappeared.

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07a730  No.165147

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