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File: 79b399341df10fb⋯.png (917.39 KB, 1069x1674, 1069:1674, Mayim_Bialik_Kills_Blacks.png)

146a17  No.154355

>Be celebrity

>Keep thoughtlessly posting BLM support media, even though the shooting of latest "victim" was justified

>NEVER teach blacks that complying must be done by every race and not doing so endangers your life

Celebrities that do this are now complicit in killing blacks by furthering self harming logic, failing to tell blacks to just comply. Funny they want "justice" for them but they don't actually care about black lives enough to mass educate with their platforms about complying that could save their lives. NOT EVEN ONCE! Ironically, celebrities support blacks putting themselves in justified harm's way while chanting black lives matter.

If only there were smart anons that could campaign this truth to the masses and even embarrass some of these careless celebrities like the dumb bitch pictured.

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ffda96  No.154383


No. Sadly the only way out is accelerating the decay. Only then might the normals be woken up. If not who cares. We will be long gone and most of us childless.

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3b3e01  No.154386

Who cares about niggers the more that die the better. If anything promotion of niggers going against cops should be encouraged as these animals can't think and just act. Let the cops do some work and if they're not up to the escalation in violence well the general citizenry will be more inclined to let groups deal with them.

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146a17  No.154405


Stop being such a doomer. You're either some shill or other type of demoralization faggot. Nothing would be better than forcing celebs to eat their own words and mass expose their true position. This then makes leftist celebs be seen as no better than those they criticize. Their support of BLM would dwindle and Hollywood would look bad more than it is now. Why wouldn't you want to destroy these birds with one stone?


It's not like every single retarded nigger is going to go get caught by police and get shot when resisting. Be realistic. Moronic blacks will defeat themselves as they do most of the time. Anything squashing the momentum of these assholes blm riots is a win for all of us. Make them turn on the media so they can shut the fuck up about it, feeding into it too.

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5678e3  No.154417


If celebrities helped to kill niggers I'd joined them

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3b3e01  No.154419


That's where you're wrong faggot. The media will never turn on these animals they are an ally even if these niggers don't see it that way. In the final moments for any one in the media their mind will race to find excuses as to why the were attacked. While yes some will get away any amount that are eliminated before this really gets going is one less to deal with in the end. It doesn't really matter if a few cops pay the ultimate price if anything they will be made martyrs (white cops only) nor does the opinion of people close to said cop/s matter. Only what the public will demand and I have hope in most whites within the US to see what must be done.

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146a17  No.154431


Learn to read stupid cocksucker. Sure you're not one of them chimping out in the streets you fucking retard? I said make the chimps turn on the media not the other way around you fucking failure. Your retarded idea will never get anywhere, just faggot low level goals that will never accumulate to anything. What needs to be done is subterfuge the way the democratic leaning media is using subterfuge and identity politics to make gullible people blindly support anything against racism even to extremes. It's using the enemy's strength against themselves. Gay ass little nigger kid go fucking read a book retard.

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5a7f9c  No.154442

>Another finkel-think thread

trumpnigger hinjews fuck off!

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146a17  No.154489


shut up faggot, I think you've had enough soy for the week bitch

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34f96f  No.154529


We already have a chimpout thread, anon. This one doesn’t need to exist.

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dd7374  No.154754

Delete this bullshit. You talk like a nigger. You don't even see the big picture. In fact, your reasoning is barely cuckchan tier. You sound like you just got here and HAD to post shit as soon as you could.

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c1d3ee  No.155104


>If only some smart anons could [..] tell the dems they're the real racists

Try again.

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