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7a6b88  No.154107

Cashless society is next, only Trump's team knows BTC cannot be king, because china owns most the nodes and most the coin.. And elites able to launder money safely with chinese loyalties.

The usps shuts down for even a day, or even the threat of it happening.. Internet drug markets stop business in america completely. drug cartels drump their coins, money launderers dump their coins, everyone dumps their coins..

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18fdc4  No.154114

>>Can we mine Ripple?

>>Ripple has no mining or miners whatsoever. …

Since you cannot mine Ripple, the only option is to mine other Cryptocurrencies first and then look for exchanges that help you convert your BTC to XRP.

In other words you're shilling some shitty scam.

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863c06  No.154149

>Trump knows

No one cares. He’s a jewish puppet.

>China owns

No, jews own. You’re just repeating the same neocon propaganda that you were told to post by your masters.



>insane rambling about coins

Have a point, please.

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a8402c  No.154207


you have no idea what you're talking about. most of the BTC hashrate comes from mining farms near hydroelectric dams in manchuria. if you control the majority of the network hashrate you get to decide the rules of the network. the only reason why the CCP tolerates BTC infrastructure on chinese soil is because it guarantees that all of the electricity gets sold all of the time and they can have 100% utilization, so it's subsidizing all of their new renewable energy rollout. the rules of the BTC network are ultimately controlled by chinese companies. a BTC future would be a complete disaster because it doesn't scale without a central banking rube goldberg machine duct taped to it, it has no privacy at all, it's developed by autists with personality disorders, and the chinese have the final say in how it operates.

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8b6f95  No.154247

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

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18fdc4  No.154258

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863c06  No.154262


>you have no idea what you're talking about.

I know exactly what I’m talking about. What you’re saying is simply meaningless.

>if you control the majority of the network hashrate you get to decide the rules of the network.

Okay. Why should anyone care about kiketocurrencies, though? That’s what I’m saying: I’m ignoring your narrative entirely because it’s more jewish bullshit.

>the rules of the BTC network are ultimately controlled by chinese companies.

All the more reason to ignore crypto.

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18dfe6  No.154445


>All the more reason to ignore crypto.

Sure thing Shlomo.

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863c06  No.154451


>you're a jew because you refuse to fall for jewish fiat currency

Sage. Kill yourself.

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f176ae  No.154468

>>154107 (OP)

Crypto sucks ass. The fact it doesn't have ANY underlying value is the ultimate sign that it's only a pozy scheme. I look forward to the day it drops to zero, just like any other speculative bubble has throught all of history, without exception. Get rekt, nigger

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494880  No.154485


>The fact it doesn't have ANY underlying value

people want to use it to commit crimes or buy illegal things, a neat concept but I don't think it will ever have the value that actual dope and ass have

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b00e50  No.156074

File: 2f687f45bb8258d⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 752x480, 47:30, dark_thot_magic.mp4)


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356426  No.156079


Mao-embroidered chopsticks typed this article

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e3017c  No.156112


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83d58c  No.156130


Seriously asking.

What underlying value does gold have?

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45a784  No.156153


It's a precious metal, has some properties no other materials we know of have. There's a very limited quantity of it in existence on the planet, and we rarely discover new sources of Gold.

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d7d2cd  No.156154


You got anything substantive to add to refute it, heeb?

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d7d2cd  No.156155


>There's a very limited quantity of it

Exactly why you don't want it for money.

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7044f0  No.156159

Crypto is the future.

>if you control the majority of the network hashrate you get to decide the rules of the network

In a way. But miners are running on the rules set by the nodes and they're not concentrated in China.

A bigger problem is BTC's development is 100% in the hand of Blockstream. They're the one's deciding BTC's future. They could change in hashing algorithm and China turns irrelevant in a single day but developing the clients gets you a bigger stranglehold.


Enjoy staying poor.

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863c06  No.156564


Enjoy starving to death when no one accepts your hard drive’s magnetic states as currency.

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