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24baa5  No.154076

Pelosi: Republicans are Domestic Enemies of the State

Well, that escalated quickly, and here we were all bickering about it accelerationism is the way to go or not. Instead, Pelosi starts doing it for us. Nothing to accelerate if the Dems kick off the war.


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99e620  No.154079

Fuck off

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38aa29  No.154086

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5cdfaa  No.154096


2020 just keeps on giving. Is anyone really surprised by this though, wasn't he pulling for Yang neetbucks too?

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078f91  No.154116

File: b417827b7c7c00d⋯.jpg (122.42 KB, 1532x742, 766:371, tucker.JPG)

I feel a political earthquake coming…

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078f91  No.154142

File: 6c5a9b068d0bb2f⋯.jpg (48.54 KB, 393x576, 131:192, nancy_pelosi.jpg)

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ab11c2  No.154143


You got sand for a brain.

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08e0cf  No.154146


I personally don't know which would be funnier.


Butthurt riots

Big tech (who vowed to prevent another Trump situation) humiliated


Qtards commit mass suicide

The president of America is clearly a senile fuck

Migatards go haywire over election fraud

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af09b5  No.154147

getting a strong whiff of finkel-think in this thread

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d7e79b  No.154150


>jew puppet says things on jew media about other jew puppet



Interestingly, you’ve made me agree with “fuck off” guy. There’s plenty to talk about here, but you poisoned the well before it was even dug.


Oh boy, are you gonna start worshipping your new jew puppet paid by jews to read jewish scripts on jewish television now? Golly, wouldn’t it be great if Tucker Carlson™ was president? My, he sure seems to know things, doesn’t he? And boy, always says the right thing… not like he’s literally reading from a teleprompter and has no free will of his own or anything.


>actually believes that the censorship is about stopping a jewish puppet from taking office

>actually thinks jews don’t want Trump

>actually believes this

Imkikey did more lasting damage to this place than I thought.

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078f91  No.154267


JFK got to fuck her when she was 18.

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806316  No.154271


They are setting the stage for holding a fraudulent inauguration for biden. If they can't force it to start before then they will form their own retarded version of the CSA.

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46c9f6  No.154273

<slow clap>

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7bb7a1  No.154288

File: f1c20cce0fae912⋯.png (206.7 KB, 506x538, 253:269, Psyops_kill.png)


This is a good thing. The guy glow so hard anybody with half a brain was onto him.

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7f9541  No.154294


And the state is the enemy of the people.

Kill the state agents.

Along with all jews and all corporate suits, who are all in the same bag.

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d7e79b  No.154341


Okay. And? It literally doesn’t matter what jewish puppet sits in the White House or the Black House or Congress or the SCOTUS. Every single one of them votes identically. Every goddamn one of them does the same thing, no matter what color of tie he wears. It’s all theater. It’s all a hoax. Only slaughtering every last one of them will solve this. As whites will never act in any way, shape, or form, they’ve already won.

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46c9f6  No.154517


you are one intellectually and possibly mentally challenged individual, facts unfortunately will not help to you. not only because you are not able to see the facts but you absolutely don't care about them. I would advice to seek help of psychiatrist, you clearly need it.

if my logical deduction is not entirely fitting, I consider you being paid to post this nonsensical missguided political rubbish of doom and gloom opinion.

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d7e79b  No.154528





Okay, leave. This isn’t your faggy Q-LARP board. We don’t fall for jewish hoaxes here. It literally doesn’t matter what jewish puppet sits in the White House or the Black House or Congress or the SCOTUS. Every single one of them votes identically. Every goddamn one of them does the same thing, no matter what color of tie he wears. It’s all theater. It’s all a hoax. Only slaughtering every last one of them will solve this. As whites will never act in any way, shape, or form, they’ve already won.

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10acc4  No.154533

I have to say, I have never started a thread before that was immediately and only infested by feds and shills.


> Only slaughtering every last one of them will solve this. As whites will never act in any way, shape, or form, they’ve already won.

So much talk, so little slaughtering. Why don't you go beat your tiny chest somewhere else?

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e5dd0d  No.155129


>We don’t fall for jewish hoaxes here


'You' do nothing but flood more or less every thread with demoralisation content, and it doesn't even give the terrorists you want.

Being clearly a completely useless and worthless individual yourself, you would surely be doing a favour to the people who support and finance you in merely ending your own life right now. Tell me I'm wrong.

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af09b5  No.155131


The real demoralization content is steering people back towards conservatism, republicanism, and trumpism.

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078f91  No.155164


>> hates the good old days.

The fifties were pretty sweet, senpai.

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63957f  No.155168


Pretty nice, their dream is to adopt the monopartisanship of shadows. Their dream is to make America like China.

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af09b5  No.155177


Not really.


>Their dream is make America like China.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

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