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File: 706b94ab2ad6c54⋯.png (234.99 KB, 1361x2266, 1361:2266, app.png)

5001f6  No.153854

Someone posted irrefutable PROOF that 4chan is controlled by Israeli Bots and nobody there gave a fuck and the thread got slid harder than I've ever seen anything slid in my life. You guys will want to see this.

Insanely slid thread with proof: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/273941427

The video from the thread: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ykSqCF6ID8oI/

Pic related is from the thread.

The comprehensiveness of this shilling is greater than I ever imagined. The bot posts hundreds of threads from a massive library of slide threads. Please pay attention to this…

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5001f6  No.153856

This is an extremely important post but it requires you to have a high IQ. I could not believe how stupid the population of 4chan has become, they were completely blind to what they were seeing.

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3c53a9  No.153857

File: 53e6a8c58f047e9⋯.jpg (160.5 KB, 621x575, 27:25, 1596151053457.jpg)

>just when you thought pic related was a joke

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620fe9  No.153859

>Anon writes some pretty basic javascript

>Uses a VPN with Israeli flag

>Holy shit guyz look muh botz!

I think you gave up the joke when you stated the need for a high IQ to read very elementary javascript code. Turing award stuff right there!

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62869c  No.153863


fake or not all anons can agree that most imageboards have been in a bad place with the huge ramp up of shills for the past couple of years

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652e25  No.153867

t.new kid in town is qboard.cc

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dca4ad  No.153870


You are mistaking Israeli bots and Poojets paid by JIDF $1 a day for actual people. Similar happened on 8chan during the elections, the genuine userbase remained relatively small and was completely unaffected by it long term.

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8bda28  No.153875


Okay. What are you or anyone else going to do about it? What do we care about cuckchan? We don’t use it for a reason.

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4f8eab  No.153900


these are known facts for very a very long time,now fuck off back to that containment shithole you are comming from and never return. You are not welcome here

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7c4713  No.153927



OP is giving information about kikery going on and red-pilling people in the process

gee who could ever be against such things

fucking kikes, you are way too obvious

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5d849b  No.153951


>Implying 8kunt is somehow better

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8bda28  No.153967



>about 4chan

>any year since 2014

No, see, you fundamentally DO NOT GET IT. There is nothing you can do to change that place. There’s no point spamming us about it.

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0dafb0  No.153980


Why the fuck did this dev decide against using the JSON API? He's literally fetching the catalog pages…

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3784fb  No.154057



You've answered your own question, that's why it's being slided.

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1fcd45  No.154060


More like 2011. That was the year when Moot kiked /new/ and /r9k/ and later brought them back just to kill off 4chon.net, which was their main rival site at the time. Ever since /new/ was renamed /pol/ cuckchan has been shit. Whereas with /new/ it was actually a designated news board whereas with /pol/ it is a designated shitting board. /b/ also died that year as well. Whoever claims that /new/ and /pol/ are the same don't know what they're talking about.

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7729e0  No.154074


Maybe to evade detection. You would want your bot to act, well, not like a program.

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1ad8b8  No.154586


This isn't news. It's just funny the jews are so bold they admit it. Cuckchan is shit but this place is also dead and a bit boring. Not gonna lie, jewish ownership of social media just sucks fam.

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d1e3c1  No.154592

So thats the site in the pic

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8701a6  No.156435

From the catalog (I visit maybe once a month) it's clearly beyond redemption. The subversion is cartoonish it's so obvious. jew bots or jew faggots in Pissrael, or commie white trash kids or uppity niggers, it's all the same as the result, is an usuable board.

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19d6fd  No.156448

File: 5b8adacf78e94ab⋯.webm (319.67 KB, 360x638, 180:319, 1598679708667.webm)

File: bd5c61ac0ed0025⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1514x1666, 757:833, 1598676531990.png)

File: 9679b0c9c064fa7⋯.jpg (173.87 KB, 805x448, 115:64, 1598724237991.jpg)

File: 40fab583960218e⋯.jpg (134.15 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1598723817002m.jpg)

File: 30ea5a4e238af82⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 1007x565, 1007:565, 1598723924682.jpg)


You say that like there isn't actual discussion or weaponized autism left on pol.

We found pic related and his pornhub vids.

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c65062  No.156451


i cant code whatsoever and i can read this easily

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1aa975  No.156488


We use JavaScript for many many things. We even use it for dynamic code instrumentation. If you don’t know what you’re talking about then shut up.

It has its uses especially in this field.

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e8b7ed  No.156721

File: 77690a8b3e2632d⋯.png (33.88 KB, 1413x741, 471:247, nigger.png)


>irrefutable PROOF

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5947cb  No.156856

File: 56e277483cdd41e⋯.png (142.73 KB, 449x449, 1:1, 1583715152979.png)


that's pretty funny

but my shill/slide/retard filters on 4chan are always at 160+ filtered at any time

so many posts are memeflags with 1 post by this ID, only asking some retarded question or stating something obviously wrong with a ton of replies.

bots, JIDF, discord trannies, idk but that place is the frontline, and sees the most action to shut down discussion. As long as the action stays there, there can be peaceful discussion elsewhere

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8379cd  No.156875


What's the story on this?

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dd572f  No.156964

how does this prove 4chan is run by israeli bots?

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9332e9  No.156982

File: 52d764b9a14997d⋯.png (225.67 KB, 360x432, 5:6, 1598684081060.png)

File: 78efbf485c80271⋯.jpg (85.11 KB, 916x1200, 229:300, 1598680080087.jpg)

File: 83b24f468e28ba1⋯.png (930.4 KB, 372x1920, 31:160, 1598683803268.png)

File: d25a8f38bd1121a⋯.jpg (3.58 MB, 3725x3438, 3725:3438, 1598512154594.jpg)

File: aae6479dd60b1d4⋯.jpg (6.12 MB, 5296x3531, 5296:3531, Kenosha_Wisconsin_Protests….jpg)


Hobo who goes by Alex Blaine is the supposed blm member who shot first, prompting Kyle "watch the bodies pile" Rittenhouse to go John Wick.

bonnie p. on (((pornhub))) if you want to see true degeneracy

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cafc5c  No.157020




this - the code doesn't even have a way to get past captcha - which would make the bot useless

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dd18d8  No.157201

Halfchan is full with lurkers, like always was. Millions of viewals everyday. Saying that you won't go back is betraying what you are fighting for: "The redpill". Normie lurkers don't know what a slide thread is. They will read it all anyway and it's there where you must drop pills.

Instead you'are here echoing and jerking off leaving shills open fields.

Go to battle in the frontline.

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bef793  No.157202


>Kyle "watch the bodies pile" Rittenhouse to go John Wick

Jesus … he shot 3 people and killed 2 and then got arrested … is the bar for heroes really this low?

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f0370c  No.157231



Ok skid.

88 is the only good part of your post. Read it again retard, with emphasis on the "very elementary." This example makes simple HTTP posts, why the hell are you bleating on about code instrumentation. Congrats, you've discovered you can embed javascript. What is Scheme, what is LUA, what is Tcl?

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62c1e4  No.157235

File: 1d92e0cc733cfc8⋯.jpeg (104.29 KB, 1093x285, 1093:285, screenshot.jpeg)


>The absolute fucking STATE of Cuckchan

still better than this shithole

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8bda28  No.157239


>totally controlled by leftists and censored since 2014

>all forms of non-clearnet communication banned

>range bans across the entire website, not just a board, for saying nigger anywhere but /b/



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62c1e4  No.157242


Why are you lying, bitch?

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cafc5c  No.157246


range bans are definitely a thing and they did ban vpns. Moderation on 4chan definately skews against racism even though they do allow it - I notice I tend to get banned and have my content removed for minor and questionable violations when I am posting something racist, but I never have any problems with posting something that has nothing to do with race or posting stuff that disagrees with arguments some of the racists make

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8bda28  No.157274


>you’re lying I say so!

I guess you’re ignoring the reason this website even exists, huh. Run along now.

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1ad8b8  No.157275


Lying kike. It's impossible to get banned for anything except cp. Maybe animal torture or gore in gay boards idk I'm mostly on pol.

I've never gotten banned but its gay vpns/mobiles/tor are all effectively banned from posting

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8bda28  No.157276


>you’re a jew because you said something demonstrably true that only a brain damaged paid shill would refute

What do you think you’re going to get out of this? We’re not going to cuckchan. You’re lying. It’s that simple.

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cafc5c  No.157283


I've never had a problem when commenting - but I've ran into problems twice when I make race based threads that get lots of reples. I've never had the issue with non-race based threads I make

First was on /g/ I was posting techlead making fun of Black Lives Matter by talking about how programmers are oppressed and using BLM talking points. I think I posted it with a comment like BLM and linux users BTFO - that got banned for off-topic or something like that.

The thread stayed up for a long time - but someone posted something stupid and I made a joke in response about how blacks are criminals and right after that the thread was taken down and I was banned which I thought was suspicious

The second time was a race science thread about how testosterone levels in blacks may affect their crime rates and negative interactions with the police. That got banned for spam.

I couldn't appeal either ban because they were short - but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have happened on non race based threads.

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cecb35  No.157476


Either you are lying or are uninformed, 4chan has banned many ips, including almost whole of india. No, using computer doesn't change that dumb cunt.

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37c8dc  No.157501


he didn't kill innocents, which makes him a misguided hero in my book

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