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File: f78d43d4842fff4⋯.png (400.38 KB, 900x900, 1:1, the28th.png)

fe97a6  No.153357

AMENDMENT XXVIII The right of the people to procreate shall not be infringed.

All entities, public, private, and otherwise, are expressly forbidden from levying any licensing, permitting, waiting period, medical approval, mental health evaluation, travel restriction, zoning requirement, educational requirement, assertion of need, residency requirement, or background check upon any willing adult's right to procreate with another willing adult. No child's conception or birth shall ever require a tax stamp, nor any other tax, fee, deposit, transfer of title, proof of financial responsibility, or liability bond. All adults who procreate shall be held equally in the eyes of the law to all adults who do not procreate. No entity, public, private, or otherwise, may enact, enforce, or enjoin any law, rule, policy, order, judgment, ordinance, arrangement, agreement, covenant, or contract which counts the number of a person's children. In no way shall the right of an adult to procreate be under the auspices of any other entity for any reason; this specifically includes, but is not limited to, public health, public safety, public need, the public good, and national security. No law may be enacted, nor may any entity issue any order, requiring the determination of any adult's means, ability, mental health, or temperament prior to procreating. No declaration, by any entity, of a war, an emergency, a crisis, or martial law may suspend any adult's right to procreate, even temporarily. No entity may enumerate any list, nor maintain any registry, of any allowed or dis-allowed characteristics of children, neither before, during, or after birth; this includes, but is not limited to, sequences of contributing genetic material. The right of an adult to procreate is natural and may not be suspended or revoked, even upon criminal conviction or civil judgment. No Treasury may disperse any funds to encourage or reward non-procreation. Every law which inhibits or dissuades procreation by willing adults is prima facie repugnant to this amendment. No treaty may be ratified which inhibits or dissuades the growth of any population, anywhere.

–The 28th Fucking Amendment, proposed on the 157th day of lockdown, 2020

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1626a2  No.153360


That's an absolutely unnecessary amendment. Literally nothing anywhere is preventing you from breeding except your own faggotry and fat rolls.

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e23ec3  No.153363


You have no right to sex, you subhuman fucking communist. Eat shit.

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e5c003  No.153373

File: 6f4fa3c6b90c617⋯.pdf (83.2 KB, bill_of_rights.pdf)

File: 5331128939a7b18⋯.pdf (171.36 KB, constitution.pdf)

File: 6de78ebe7aaf0c8⋯.pdf (107.82 KB, declaration_of_independenc….pdf)

File: 81f261bcd6eb830⋯.pdf (467.63 KB, ProtocolsOfTheEldersOfZion.pdf)

File: cee5c354b01b043⋯.pdf (10.32 MB, PRZion_text.pdf)

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ca751b  No.153384

You really have a thing for sex anon…you are the same person who made the sacred prostitute thread, right?

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e23ec3  No.153385

To expand:


>All entities, public, private, and otherwise, are expressly forbidden from levying any licensing, permitting, waiting period, medical approval, mental health evaluation, travel restriction, zoning requirement, educational requirement, assertion of need, residency requirement, or background check upon any willing adult's right to procreate with another willing adult.

This is exactly what communists want.

>No child's conception or birth shall ever require a tax stamp, nor any other tax, fee, deposit, transfer of title, proof of financial responsibility, or liability bond.

Other than “proof of financial responsibility,” this is fine.

>All adults who procreate shall be held equally in the eyes of the law to all adults who do not procreate.

No, you can’t enforce this. No, you’re not equal. Eat shit and die.

>No entity, public, private, or otherwise, may enact, enforce, or enjoin any law, rule, policy, order, judgment, ordinance, arrangement, agreement, covenant, or contract which counts the number of a person's children.

No, that’s necessary.

>In no way shall the right of an adult to procreate be under the auspices of any other entity for any reason; this specifically includes, but is not limited to, public health, public safety, public need, the public good, and national security.

No, eugenics is good.

>No law may be enacted, nor may any entity issue any order, requiring the determination of any adult's means, ability, mental health, or temperament prior to procreating.

No, eugenics is good.

>No declaration, by any entity, of a war, an emergency, a crisis, or martial law may suspend any adult's right to procreate, even temporarily.

No, you don’t HAVE the right to procreate.

>No entity may enumerate any list, nor maintain any registry, of any allowed or dis-allowed characteristics of children, neither before, during, or after birth; this includes, but is not limited to, sequences of contributing genetic material.

No, eugenics is good.

>The right of an adult to procreate is natural

Literally isn’t a natural right.

>and may not be suspended or revoked, even upon criminal conviction or civil judgment.

lol, commie wants convicts to spread their genes

>No Treasury may disperse any funds to encourage or reward non-procreation.

Yeah, that makes sense. So you’re 2 for 100 now.

>Every law which inhibits or dissuades procreation by willing adults is prima facie repugnant to this amendment.

Good. Fuck your amendment.

>No treaty may be ratified which inhibits or dissuades the growth of any population, anywhere.

lol, eat shit. We should be making treaties that explicitly inhibit the growth of the nonwhite population.

>proposed on the 157th day of lockdown

No one cares about your chink virus. No one cares about your communist lockdown. We literally do not obey it. You’re brain damaged.


You keep doing this… it’s very nearly spam.

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dd4add  No.153398


"so we're just asking everyone to stop having actual sex for the next three years. do your part to fap instead, and help flatten the population curve." Department of Social Justice and Public Health, NYC

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833a2f  No.153401


how much should the check from the government be for 'voluntary sterilization' ? you'd take a one-time $2000 ? or maybe get an additional $100 a week on top of the your unemployment ?

How much would it take to let them cut your balls off ?

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833a2f  No.153402


You just have to submit these forms, with $200 and wait 9 months for ATFP approval (alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and procreation), then you are allowed to bang that drunk stripper in the trailer next to yours. Just common sense procreation laws. An 'inconvenience' is not an actual infringement on anyone's' rights

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f1ee97  No.153404


>Department of Social Justice and Public Health

No such government organization exists. If all you can do is lie, then you will never win.

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aaf084  No.153406


"…and the BLM orgies you see on TV every night where hundreds openly fuck in public streets are protected free speech, we won't regulate or control that." Department of Social Justice and Public Health, NYC

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ca751b  No.153428


>How much would it take to let them cut your balls off ?

They have already done the damage to our balls via COVID anon…it is the 'great sterilizer'. But I don't really want my balls cut off either.

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ca751b  No.153429


I thought it was funny…I think it was anons attempt at humor.

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342709  No.153472

File: 442d54869964bbd⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 325x348, 325:348, fisher.jpg)


ok ill give you one. You do not have any rights. You are only right to what you can seize with your two hands. All else is just mental cancer and fantasy that you have some entitlement yet lack the means to actualize it. I have the right to bear arms yet can not afford to buy a decent weapon with sufficient ammunition. I have no right. I have the right to speech yet all I can do is talk to a small group of people in person because I can not afford to print and distribute mass literature and even if I try to share prohibited philosophy on the internet I will be censored into oblivion. I have no right. Whatever made you think you have the right to anything you can't afford friend? Money is power in this world and power says what is right and wrong. You have the right to reproduce if you can afford it. The white race would not be loosing the numbers game if we had mastery over money. Our collective submission to the status quo and pleasure addiction have created the world we live in now.

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33ac40  No.153496



I was just listening to this video about the World Health Organization and it talks about this gem included on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations:

>Article 29.

>(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Which basically means the United Nations reserves the right of nullifying any and all of your so called "Human Rights" whenever it deems these rights don't serve their own purposes.

You want rights? You better get armed, join a militia, train and plan ahead. Because only might makes right.

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33ac40  No.153497


>If all you can do is lie, then you will never win.

Jews would disagree.

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f55427  No.153661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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