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File: 6f98b51964e78c6⋯.png (682 KB, 2428x1366, 1214:683, ClipboardImage.png)

8b2bce  No.153307

Have you ever noticed that, contrary to "egalitarian" vomit spewed by such places such as Apple and Starbucks, they hire almost exclusively homosexuals to work there?

I mean, if the population was 87 percent faggots and dykes, then it would not be a case of such complete heterophobic hiring bias.

I think it is high time that they introduce legislation to punish any business that hires more than 3 percent homosexuals, as it is bigoted and heterophobic.

PS Daybreak Games, who owns DC Universe and a massive host of other games, is very, very aggressive at hiring only homosexuals to oversee their games, another place of control for the globohomopedo cabal, allowing them direct access to children's IP addresses and other such things.

One of the problems with homosexuals is that they can't be satisfied with being left alone. They have gone on a full assault against absolutely everything, and won't be happy until every child is sodomized while in the womb.

Yes, I know you all know Joe over there who is such a NICE homosexual. Have you spent 24 hours a day with him for the last 20 years?

The problem is that they can't stop taking over everything and forcing everyone to bow down to their sick agenda.

When you have an enemy force among you, you have no choice but to kick them OUT, because they just CAN'T resist insidiously seeping into every crevice and banning anything and canceling anyone they do not like.

They have to be evicted from our countries. Will they be welcome in Israel? They are the chief proponents of globohomopedo.

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3de008  No.153312




"Daybreak Games is privately owned by Jason Epstein, who serves as our Chair of the Board. The company’s executive team serves under the leadership of our CEO, Ji Ham. Daybreak is headquartered in San Diego, and has development studios in Austin, TX and Boston, MA."

Daybreak Games is privately owned by Jason Epstein

by Jason Epstein

Jason Epstein.

If you were wondering why anything you do online to waste your fucking life is made even more fucking miserable by overwhelming homo, there you have it.

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3de008  No.153313


I wonder how closely he's linked to Jeffrey Epstein.

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454ed1  No.153314

File: 83998114b3b61a6⋯.jpg (94.76 KB, 414x600, 69:100, 414px_Le_Toru_Du_MOnde.jpg)

>They have to be evicted from our countries

No, evictions are too lenient. Homo's get the elephant foot!

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3de008  No.153315


Like the one found at (wormwood in Rusian) Chernobyl?

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3de008  No.153316

File: 59763fd902ea55a⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1215x1248, 405:416, ClipboardImage.png)

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3de008  No.153317

File: 1c8f1cceefdf30a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1118x1267, 1118:1267, ClipboardImage.png)

You can bet that Jack Dorsey is a shrieking pedo, also. He runs Twitter's vast empire of child rape and torture videos.

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5304bd  No.153329

Have homos been the real jews all along? They seem to dominate in the priest class, military and intelligence agencies. I wonder how many free masons are fags, but I'm sure they comprise a large portion of the secret societies.

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afea9d  No.153371


No. Go away.

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2d6469  No.153390


This is where I am anon. Homos have brought nothing but evil onto the planet.

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2d6469  No.153391


Yes. I believe that these luna-tics are the real jew but I also believe that all jews are homo/pedo as well.

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cb1716  No.153692

File: e5b7c65a709d4dc⋯.webm (609.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, evalion_9_11.webm)

File: 46e7208bbc63afd⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB, 320x240, 4:3, inside_the_federal_reserve.mp4)

File: bfb6593a38648d8⋯.mp4 (699.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, people_who_run_the_world_a….mp4)

File: a9def30a65c4e67⋯.webm (6.47 MB, 320x180, 16:9, the_constitution_of_the_u….webm)

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251350  No.153694

File: 4ea66057e09cff0⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 586x671, 586:671, niggerjewfagpedo_png.jpg)

>The problem is that they can't stop taking over everything and forcing everyone to bow down to their sick agenda.

They aren't done, op

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