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File: 1e65d62fe59ce94⋯.jpg (194.58 KB, 668x843, 668:843, Jean_Baptiste_de_Lamarck.jpg)

File: b11279756adfb86⋯.jpg (18.74 KB, 631x300, 631:300, Charles_Darwin631.jpg)

File: 386fceb5e1163a7⋯.jpg (94.67 KB, 1109x500, 1109:500, Larmarck_Darwin_fig6_darwi….jpg)

a76746  No.153153

Darwin being both an anti-racialist and part of the British aristocracy has always been a bit suspicious. I think that Lamarck might be a bit more correct than high-school biology would have us believe, in Darwinism you have to deal with the hand you are given whether it be your environment or genetics in Lamarckism you control your own destiny. I propose a compromise between these two extreme that compromise is eugenics, in eugenics we manipulate our species destiny through the chaos of random mutations. Darwinism is what we rely on in the wild but once we can provide basic needs for our species we rely on Lamarckism to control our civilization.

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0ac387  No.153154

File: 2ac4d01b5fd01af⋯.jpg (123.73 KB, 622x882, 311:441, darwin_quote_elvolution_of….jpg)

Leave him alone.

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1400a5  No.153165

>the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated


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c9a5f9  No.153224


>anthropomorphous apes

Nice bantz. Pretty sure Darwin would have lurked here.

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c9a5f9  No.153225



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1400a5  No.153228


Oh, i thought he meant those when he said savage races. I guess by savage races he meant various shitskins.

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4f20cb  No.153230


The problem with eugenics is that it is based on feelings. Whomever is in charge decides what constitutes "good genetics" and enacts policy according to those feelings. Then, when someone else inevitably takes control, the rules are changed based on the new feelings.

Survival of the fittest is superior to genetic manipulation because it is natural. Nature is brutal but fair. If you have the ability to adapt to your surroundings and fight for survival in the environment in which you were born, then you earn the right to breed. You can't think of us as wolves or birds or things of the like. We adapt by changing our environment. We don't see well in the dark, so we invented the fucking light bulb. We don't have claws or sharp teeth, so we invented the M1 Abrams. As a species, we've already earned our place in the world because we are the fittest. What you do as an individual is up to you.

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32eaec  No.153231

File: aa7c2d5dc19b043⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, cunts.jpg)


Yeah, he's essentially saying a nigger is less than savage, not even human. In his day, savage was a technical term for primitive, uncivilized, and illiterate peoples, but not beyond saving.

It's probably clear to you, but his use of Australian refers to the Abbo, not these good cunts.

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1400a5  No.153235


Yeah, i got what he was referring to when he said Australian. Abbos really do look disgusting and subhuman even when compared to some niggers.

Not sure what to say about eugenics. I don't know much about any modern theories and practices, but historically, it seems not that reliable

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1c21a0  No.153251


>I think that Lamarck might be a bit more correct than high-school biology would have us believe

In modern biology, Lamarckism isn't dismissed as readily as it once was. This isn't a secret.


At a very high level, "using" traits increases their heritability.

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c71c1e  No.153269


>in eugenics we manipulate our species destiny through the chaos of random mutations

It's called "artificial selection" and it's the first chapter of Darwin's book, which you obvious haven't even started to read.

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47a42f  No.153289

New genetics is giving now credit to Lamarck due to epigenetic and its heritables mutations. Darwin was partially right (we adapt), but we can develop new traits too and give them to our children.

In short, don't fall for their tricks.

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3d4088  No.153309


“Survival of the fittest” doesn’t work in modern industrial society since we have removed ourselves from the evolutionary pressures of our natural environment. As a consequence, we keep people alive who, in nature, would be unable to pass on their genes. In order to maintain the genetic fitness of our people, it should be a top priority for us to try and eradicate inheritable illnesses and genetic disease to the best of our abilities through eugenics, otherwise we will be weighed down my genetic dead ends multiplying unnecessarily.

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de3ff7  No.153318







Seriously, anons? You guys are wrong.

Darwin was referring to untermensch/subhumans as savages. When he mentioned the anthropomorphism apes he was talking about gorillas, chimps, and Bonobos. This is fairly obvious. Anthropomorphous ape was a very common the for these species, and it is, indeed, a fitting term.

I agree with you guys that nigs are not the same species as Europeans. But Darwin was not using the term anthropomorphous ape for niggers in that quote, and if you go around telling people he was you will just be embarrassing yourselves and our entire weltenshauung itself (because people will assume we are full of shit).


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de3ff7  No.153319


Anthropomorphous ape was a very common term for these species*

Sage for typo.

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de3ff7  No.153321


You, specifically seem to be most wrong.

Darwin specifically makes a major mistake in that quote when he actually includes abbos and nigs I'm humanity at the end of the quote. I mean, can you not read?

He also clearly shows he was talking about gorillas, chimps, etc. when he said anthropomorphous apes, because when he is talking about the future at the quote's end they are no longer exist, just as he said they would be eradicated.

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6c7b80  No.153348


True but we're fast approaching a reality where these illnesses can be removed by gene therapy. If this works then eugenics and survival of the fittest goes out the window, especially if we include robotics, exoskeletons, AI etc.

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523916  No.153352


>Someone should waste such resources on defectives instead of using it to further enhance naturally superior people

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6c7b80  No.153353


Where did I say that? Its reality, this technology and science exists and is being worked on. I don't support it but it is happening.

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71ac42  No.153356


>When he mentioned the anthropomorphism apes he was talking about gorillas, chimps, and Bonobos.

That's what i thought at first too, which is why i said >>153165 . I mean, what's the point of killing those off?

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1ff583  No.153362

File: 6ab294396521089⋯.jpg (22.98 KB, 320x215, 64:43, The_Myth_of_Er.jpg)

Thinking you proceeded from something higher than you is superior than thinking you proceeded from something lower than you. It reminds you that your reason is not the one of mere body faculties and rather going down to earth makes you ascent intellectually. What a man believes he is he ends up being, imperfect particle of a God anytime better than most evolved animal. Because your reason alone that grows and improves, body withers and dies. Darwinism leads to getting most out of material hedonism, rather than looking at immaterial pleasures of intellect. There's no point in being a nigger in white clothes.

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005b2f  No.153366


>we should invoke literal voodoo and impossible magic to fix the genetic problems in niggers spics slants dune coons, and abbos and make them all white

>instead of simply slaughtering them and keeping their subhuman intelligences out of our fucking gene pool

1. All of the promises of genetic medicine in the early 2000s were proven wrong.

2. We have no fucking idea how to do any of this shit, nor will we ever.

3. Life extension will never exist. Whites will be exterminated before we figure out it, much less before it’s distributed to the white population.

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220cd5  No.153372


You don't even have to go far for the proofs our medicine is still shit, just look at the whole situation with Covid. A mere fucking incurable flu stirred up whole planet.

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3b8109  No.153378


The chink flu fear mongering is worse than the virus.

Now in China they do pool party.

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5685cb  No.153379

File: fba6ed6baf6c674⋯.png (448.45 KB, 598x782, 13:17, bugs_getting_niggered_by_t….png)


The chinese may have engineered a 'vaccine' and released it on their people without telling them. But as with all other nations the war of the government against the people continues.

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de3ff7  No.153434


He didn't mean they would be purposefully killed/eradicated. Just that it would, unfortunately, be the inevitable result of continued human development. He wasn't saying it was a good thing, or something desirous.

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6c7b80  No.153610


The flu was a tool to impose new societal norms and wreck the economy retard. It wasn't legitimately the threat they were making it out to be. Covid is this decade's 9/11 of mass upheaval and change up.

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de71f3  No.153626


>Darwin being an anti-racialist

[citation needed]

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