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File: 02769df0a01f688⋯.jpg (124.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

fc284d  No.152966

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fc284d  No.152967

File: 43282eb9f9ccd45⋯.png (141.89 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 8fdd49ef5bd348e3a4fd0a1184….png)

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f95624  No.152980

File: 96b44d25da14100⋯.png (194.86 KB, 1468x719, 1468:719, watglowie.PNG)


What the fuck? Are the glowies based now? I'm confused.

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fcc5bb  No.152982


>Are the glowies based now?

Nope they are just as fucked up today as they were yesterday.

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f95624  No.152983

File: 6efe0bfd89d576a⋯.png (383.44 KB, 1501x1549, 1501:1549, lol.PNG)

File: a01c5684e048396⋯.png (382.46 KB, 1466x1561, 1466:1561, lol2.PNG)

It was taken down though. Stupid soycucks crying about it. Keep posting redpills glowies, don't submit to crybaby faggots.

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fcc5bb  No.152985


Yeah well even with (((Antifa))) and (((BLM))) organizing death squads against our government the kike cock is literally too far up their assholes for them to ever recover.

<You see anons what we need is the entire fucking hostile aggressive terrorist third world imported into the USA and we need them to take down the US government and kill the very people in service like cops etc…even then the dick is so far up their ass that it reaches their brains and they are paralyzed by the skewer of globohomo cock death they and we by their incompetence, complete and total failure, traitor behavior and retardation are going to receive.

This is 'justice' and 'good behavior' and 'morality' according to the retards in charge of the FBI.

The second their pigdog soyboys squeal about 'the antisemitism' the FBI is on its knees again just lining up to betray this nation.

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f95624  No.152989


How did it get this bad anon? Its so pathetic. And glowies, since I know you're reading this, please stop being losers and actually fight against the real baddies. You would have my thanks.

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92649b  No.152991


As if the FBI never baited anyone before.

>See goy it's real now go say and do things we can arrest you for

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fcc5bb  No.152992

File: 004d1b73d082530⋯.jpg (17.28 KB, 974x119, 974:119, 2020_08_20_181748.jpg)


They will never 'get into space' if they do that anon…'we' are just not 'big picture people' since we believe in cooperation over slavery, torture and coercion.

So I entertain myself with lies on occasion and one of the biggest psyops I have found is the Super Solider Programs. These people are recruited and are coddled with the fantasy that they can be 're-inserted' into the matrix instead of the most logical proposition that they will simply be ground up, liquefied and processed.

I think of the FBI the same way…they got sold the same shit eating ideas that 'they will be re-inserted' into the NWO. But it is all total bullshit because just like the retard leftists that they will use to overthrow the government someone who has held power and authority for a 'foreign nation' (non NWO) is too much of a liability to be 're-inserted' into the matrix.

Now, because we live as slaves and we are used to get the shit pummeled out of us by anyone who wants to (since we have no representative republic anymore due to traitors) we (you and I) know how totally asinine the glowies are; they don't understand but we understand that they are just signing their own death warrant.

0.11% lmao…I am not a GPT-2 robot.

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988b6e  No.152997

File: 1583c0000f27b3a⋯.gif (68.48 KB, 514x568, 257:284, Tf.gif)

Now this is how you actually fight the kikes. Inb4 Zognald abolishes FBI

I hope our hook-nosed friends are not feeling … distressed.

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8d021b  No.152998


There's an automated system to request documents. Some based anon just put in the request and the process obliged.

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862354  No.154453


>There's an automated system to request documents. Some based anon just put in the request and the process obliged

So I guess the question is, what else can we request?

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ab22dd  No.164544


To be honest you redpilling intel government workers needs to happen.

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