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File: a981583627bcc71⋯.png (695.63 KB, 639x882, 71:98, ClipboardImage.png)

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499f6a  No.152745

stuart baker (Early Cuyler's VA in Squidbillies, and musical entertainer Unknown Hinson) was just fired for wrongthink and will likely never make a cent from entertaining again, and while i think he was pretty much asking for it and had to have known this wouldnt fly with adult swim and turner broadcasting, i still love him and his music a lot.

and not a lot of people know this but he has an official ebay storefront.


if you buy something here the money goes directly into him and his wife's wallets. i emailed them and confirmed it.


here's my favorite song by him if you were unaware he does music.

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740d50  No.152761

The entire entertainment is shit, and squidbillies is obviously at the bottom of that shit pit but I have to say his denunciation of Dolly is an amusing stroke of courage during this era of capitulation and cowardice before the righteous ones.

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499f6a  No.152762

File: 79acc810fe40502⋯.png (380.71 KB, 883x632, 883:632, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27465a8373e2de9⋯.png (987.9 KB, 1485x1522, 1485:1522, ClipboardImage.png)


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089005  No.152772

Fuck Dolly Parton. The sooner America implodes the better. But they won't let it implode. Instead we get Donald Duck and crowd control Q to befuddle the White masses while the great replacement is completed.


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7d199e  No.152773


I think it is about time to create an alternative to cartoon network.

I have a friend who likes Unknown Hinson alot. guess whos getting a signed poster and some cds?

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089005  No.152776

Stop watching TV. It's poison for your brain and a complete waste of time. Don't be a boomer.

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499f6a  No.152783


he's a country comedy musician as well, and was doing it before adult swim

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499f6a  No.152784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

another example of his music

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f836e3  No.152810


>was just fired for wrongthink

He was fired for calling Dolly Parton a "freak titted, old Southern Bimbo" and a slut because she had an opinion on the BLM issue that pandered to the popular media for which they both work.

This dog bit the hand that fed him.

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f0cda4  No.152843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He did also say she was a traitor to her own race which is a no no especially to the narrative .

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27f044  No.152903

File: fd2039701a3045a⋯.jpg (71.87 KB, 644x376, 161:94, crazy_nigger_runs_from_pol….jpg)


true, at least he didn't back down and let the lefties fuck him

>There's a nice story in pic related if you search out the names on the filename.

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a78f4d  No.152919

I have never been able to get over how freakishly huge her head is.

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