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File: efde314a00b511c⋯.jpg (108.05 KB, 600x730, 60:73, zion_antifa.jpg)

beca04  No.152678

What level of trolling do you have to be on to get an antifa tranny to admit that they think it's antisemitic to arrest jews for raping kids?

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8db776  No.152680


Everyone save this image.

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fdda2a  No.152687

but when we going to stop acting like the feds arent the the strong arm for the pedo kikes ??

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a484f1  No.152695

Clearly being sarcastic, you dumbass.

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50c4a5  No.152698


Why? It's just some random noname saying something stupid. OP could be the account owner. You could be. Who cares?

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68c0b9  No.152701

File: 747921023cbce2a⋯.png (203.87 KB, 1198x598, 599:299, kek.png)


Forget that "own the left" shit, the absolutely hilarious part is getting the FBI to tweet and distribute The Protocols. The kvetching was so hard, they had to make a comment.

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20a157  No.152704

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b08d7d  No.152728



jews are out in full force over this one little tweet

they mad


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a93b3e  No.152729

File: 67631fba4775ae7⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gj.jpg)


well done

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0f262e  No.152732

File: 0d5e0a7e64653e4⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 960x720, 4:3, _who_can_it_be_now.mp4)



>2 sage posts in a row claiming the tweet is nonsensical

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8b0bd2  No.153020

File: b116fca93ad4eb6⋯.jpg (35.37 KB, 600x539, 600:539, 1592796535938.jpg)

Did a cheeky anon purposefully

FOIA the document, knowing full

well the FBI's automated system

would post it to twatter?

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135722  No.153024


You could upload any document on to the vault but you have to wait a few weeks while they give a FOIPA Number. Not to sure who uploaded it though.

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a93b3e  No.153041


I wonder what other documents we could FOIA just to see this level of butthurt again. It was very entertaining reading the comments on the FBI twitter feed until it got shoah'd.

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709ab1  No.153104

File: 5df13c1158d8204⋯.jpg (69.56 KB, 400x287, 400:287, haha.jpg)



>>Did a cheeky anon purposefully

>>FOIA the document, knowing full

>>well the FBI's automated system

>>would post it to twatter?

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169902  No.153119

File: 6799380f383c37b⋯.mp4 (11.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Histerical_girl_laughing_7….mp4)

File: 6e04d25ee832b95⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Laughing_Girl.mp4)

File: 7b8f737b8e397d8⋯.png (82.87 KB, 283x283, 1:1, notfbi.png)

File: 35e6022cf3b937c⋯.mp4 (338.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, peewee_laugh.mp4)

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ca928a  No.153121


>2 sage posts in a row claiming the tweet is nonsensical

Hey, fuck off. I posted the first one because this dumbass thought a redpilled individual was a triggered lefty. Now we're stuck with this shitty OP for this happening.

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12f8c5  No.153122


Dearborn Independent

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317135  No.153123


Anything on the "28 pages" report saying saudi arabia funded 9/11

Anything about the khazars

Anything on Ruby Ridge

Anything on the USS Liberty

Anything on comet pizza

First one already was released, but could request FOIA on any further internal discussion and/or investigation they did about it, and hopefully get it seen by normalfags. They will probably assign someone to filter the automatic posts now though.

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b58d28  No.153292

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c998a6  No.153297


Project Bluebeam and Tesla's confiscated notes too.

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487f86  No.153306

I think he just doesn't understand what he reads. A mentally ill fag after all.

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06cf11  No.154388


Please enjoy the [GOLD STAR] you have received for convincing [YOUR OTHER ACCOUNT] to post something so embarrassing.

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06cf11  No.154389

File: b0662e5732d12d0⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 474x319, 474:319, 143982.jpg)

Also, I must laugh at the ad. For only $49.95 (€30 or so in real money) I get a bag of chips, a hot dog, soda, and whatever coronavirus strain the Q-con presenters are carrying? Nice, let me just drop everything and see if I can find any flights that weren't cancelled due to coof, alligators, or global worming.

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