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01057e  No.150842

…has, as its primary goal, like a human being, self-preservation.

It's secondary and closely-related goal is to gain ALL power, not jus MORE power, but to accrete to itself all power, everywhere, over everything and everyone.

It's tertiary goal is to remove itself from all knowledge, surveillance, and accountability.

The end game of all evil entities is being all-powerful, completely unaccountable, and without challenge or rival.

Now, let's look at that at the primary cancer to common law and decency in the world: the United States "Law Enforcement Community."

Whichever letter agency exists, its stated purpose is often diametrically and violently the opposite of its actual raison d'etre.

I won't delve into details of the evil of which they are daily guilty.

What I will say is this: if you want your freedom, you have to start reversing the trend of any cop being able to arrest anyone anywhere for any accusation or imagined "offense."

You have to put them back on a very short, very strong leash. They are shredding the constitution every single day.

Speeding tickets?


Deciding which orifice you are allowed to penetrate during sex?

Dictating how much water per flush your toilet can use?

There are people who are starting to shine a light on the freedoms you have lost, such as https://www.youtube.com/4patriotsolutions

It is downright enraging to realize just how far our freedoms have been invaded, encroached, and downright raped by these enforcers of other-than-good.

Here is how police should be:

A) no FBI. Nothing in the constitution supports it.


All law enforcement officials are elected, not hired guns of the imprisonment industrial complex.

Trials and swift executions, publicly, for those who have violated the constitution.

Individual liberty and freedom. Not a SWAT team being called to arrest an eight-year-old for having a lemonade stand.

You have a war of emancipation ahead of you, America. You are going to have to do the research, disseminate the knowledge, unglue your face from the Screen, and get people together to FIGHT for the freedoms given by God and stolen by others.

Remember this phrase, something you were never taught in school: Capital Felony Treason.

Get together, wake up, and take back your country, and quit exporting child murder porn to the world.

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a25691  No.150860

File: 650204aa804266f⋯.jpg (61.28 KB, 800x420, 40:21, peter_strzok23.jpg)

Somebody back on 8chan before it was taken down, asserted that Peter Strozk was not only FBI but also a member of the Continuity of Government committee of 500 and thus untouchable and above being dismissed even by the president.

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a25691  No.150869

File: 7cd29781e4de52a⋯.png (22.67 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, d2g63x4_e802bb5f_fd22_41b7….png)

OP has raised a rather complex issue since the USA is now and always has been a creation of law. Initially the original colonies were corporations traded on the London exchange and their creation ocurred simultaneous to the creation of what we regard as modern capitalism. To understand them one must wade through a thicket of legal documents with very precise wording, literally the terms of the agreements. With the revolution these corporate entities underwent a modification but did not cease to exist. They transformed themselves. It is worth noticing that virtually all the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation were attorneys who received their legal franchise from the Inns of Court in the City of London. To understand the USA one must understand law. One must posess the full Webster's dictionary. The next big transformation of the US took place under Lincoln; not surprising that Lincoln was a corporate attorney for the railroads and his wife Mary Todd was the daughter of a rail baron. Railroads were the biggest and most important commercial enterprise of his era.


If any other hints are required consider the American flag.

A red flag is a ship or port under Martial Law, that is to say a ship on war footing.

A red flag with white stripes is a ship or port that is designated as a commercial vessel or port but still under Admiralty or Martial Law.

The upper left hand corner is reserved for the corporate logo of the commercial or war vessel.

Thus the East India Company flag.

Look familiar?

I look at the flag of the USA and I don't see "old glory". I see the flag of a commercial vessel or port, incorporated in the ancient City of London, through the Inns of Court, and its stars are the logo of 13 or for that matter 50 consolidated "states" or rather "corporations" or in the language of the 18th century, "commonwealths".

The USA is a corporation. The Bill of Rights only applies to citizens of the US. What is the US? It's the United States, that is, "the states united". When are the states united? In the district of Columbia when Congress is in session. Thus the Bill of Rights only applies, technically speaking to Citizens of the states united, that is to say members of Congress when it is in session.


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a25691  No.150871

File: 526ad2d036b5b8c⋯.jpg (62.86 KB, 677x140, 677:140, queen_comm_banner.jpg)

One of the oldest of these Anglo American corporations is the Commonwealth of Virginia. You might want to take note of the fact that every time the Queen comes to America it is to a meeting of the Commonwealth of Virginia. That is because she is the majority shareholder in that commonwealth/corporation and always has been since its inception.

Nobody seems to pick up on this.

New Jersey is divided into two commonwealths/corporations of great antiquity.

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acb249  No.150969

Some Americans may have felt uneasy 35 years ago when DUI laws, DWI checkpoints, seatbelt laws, and car liability insurance laws were started, but most people felt that the experts must be right.

Pro-police state shows like "COPS" and "America's Most Wanted" were then aired, neighborhood watch groups were formed, "get tough on crime" candidates were elected, and laws allowing mandatory minimums, IMBRA, 3 strikes laws, curfews, police militarization, teen boot camps, school metal detectors, private prisons, and chain gangs were enacted.

Nanny state smoking laws then started appearing.

When 9/11 happened, the Patriot Act was passed, NSA wiretapping, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, Jade Helm, sneak and peek warrants, policing for profit, no refusal blood checkpoints, license plate readers, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, tattoo databases, gun bans, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, CISPA, SOPA, private prison quotas, supermax prisons, FOSTA, sex offender registration laws, and sex offender restriction laws were allowed.

Now that the USA is a total police state, Americans are finding out that changing anything is impossible and that freedom is lost forever.

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5626b6  No.150973


I'm old enough to have witnessed much of this occur. But I am ashamed to admit that while I knew of these gradual losses of freedom, choice, and independence, I could not fully comprehend the magnitude of the danger or the end-game.

So many brave voices tried to warn us. But trapped in their system I was too busy trying to survive, or enjoying myself in their carnivals of death. It's much easier to not worry too much about such things. I am complicit insomuch as I participated in the system and hoped someone else would solve these problems.

There is no redemption for a coward.

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a25691  No.151007


35 years ago? haha you fewl

FDR just arbitrarily seized everybody's gold, just like that and nobody did shit. Woodrow Wilson brought in the Federal Reserve and had Eugene Debs put in jail all unconstintutionally just like that and nobody did shit. And BTW the Fed is totally illegal. Yes it was passed through congress in Christmas Eve, BUT, it was a Constitutional Amendment and thus required ratification by a minimum of 60% of the State Legislatures and that within 2 years. That minimum was never attained. Never happened. The Fed is unconstitutional and nobody did shit. You're not even allowed to talk about it on TV.

And let's go back to the Civil War eh? The South had a constitutional right to seceed. Nothing in the Articles of Confederation ever indicated that a state couldn't withdraw at any time. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said so publicly and Lincoln threatened to just throw him in prison, just like that, and nobody did shit.

What a pack of assclowns.

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d4f8c3  No.151010

File: 1bbe8bc8d731e76⋯.jpg (17.35 KB, 255x241, 255:241, americans_willing_to_cross….jpg)


>There is no redemption for a coward.

Not true. You learned. Your growth was invaluable. You understand now. Don't treat that lightly.


Come on guys…focus on the real problem here. Obviously there is a problem within the system and within our response to the system. Think about what that issue is and why we seem to respond this way. We have solved this before, we simply need to solve it again. My solution was to kill anyone who tries to have authority over us and then keep killing them every time they show up in the population. If I had only one rule or law to live by it would be that. Cooperation will take us much farther than authority ever will.


>Americans are finding out that changing anything is impossible and that freedom is lost forever.

Nice blackpill. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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5551c5  No.151018

File: 06fa691dcdd3460⋯.jpg (82.71 KB, 461x600, 461:600, the_bosses_of_the_Senate_1….jpg)


'"Definition of corporation'"

1a : a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild (see GUILD sense 1)

b : the municipal authorities of a town or city

2 : a body formed and authorized by law to act as a single person although constituted by one or more persons and legally endowed with various rights and duties including the capacity of succession

3 : an association of employers and employees in a basic industry or of members of a profession organized as an organ of political representation in a corporative state.


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a25691  No.151020


The Inquirer in the Vyzygoth interviews I posted says that back in the 18th cent they were synonymous with "Plantations".

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799638  No.151072


You have no argument for anything you’re claiming and no evidence that anything will ever happen. Today is literally unprecedented in ways you can’t even begin to comprehend. There is absolutely no way that anyone can revolt barring the GLOBAL destruction of

1. the electrical grid–requiring a solar storm, which we cannot cause or predict

2. food production–requiring a solar minimum or sufficiently large volcanic eruption, which we cannot cause or predict

Let’s look at where we are right now.

The purchasing power of the US dollar is worth less than one cent compared to the dollar of 1913.

Taxes? Where do we start. ✡Income tax✡, which exists solely to pay for the existence of the Federal Reserve–going to the pockets of private individuals for the ‘privilege’ of printing worthless currency.

An unconstitutional marxist welfare state to steal more income from the working and give it to the lazy, the nonwhites, and the foreigners.

Endless war solely for the sake of other nations with no annexations or financial benefits for the US, wasting trillions in taxes and tens of thousands of lives.

All laws, everywhere, at every level, are completely ignored by the government. The governing class is universally guilty of multiple felonies, and at least half of whom are guilty of outright treason.

Genocidal invasion from the third world. Rape, murder, theft, etc. running rampant throughout once-safe streets as niggers and dune coons reap the fruits of their invasion.

Terrorist attacks against people who are imprisoned for fighting back against the terrorists.

Faggots and trannies holding parades where they spew their juices riddled with incurable STDs all over the streets.

You get fired from your job or arrested if you so much as disagree with this.

And gun confiscations from actual citizens so they can’t even defend themselves against any of it or reverse it. NOT THAT THEY EVER WILL. And that’s the problem. Over 100 years of this. Never stopping, never slowing. And what have the people done? NOTHING. They didn’t rise up in:

* 1913 when the US stopped using gold and silver as money and started using private paper currency.

* 1917 when the jew puppet Wilson said, “We’re going to war in Europe and getting nothing out of it in return.”

* 1920 when jewish feminists brainwashed men into granting women the vote, setting a deadline on the collapse of our nation (every civilization in human history that enfranchised women fell within roughly 100 years).

* 1933 when FDR unconstitutionally made “owning gold” illegal.

* 1934 when the National Firearms Act unconstitutionally banned the ownership of weapons.

* 1935 when the marxist Social Security Act was passed, nor during any of other FDR’s illegal acts.

* 1941 when the jew puppet FDR said, “We’re going to war in Europe, again, and getting nothing out of it in return, again.”

* 1946 when Bretton Woods was signed.

* 1950 when the Korean War removed all pretense for reasons for the US going to war–and with no legal declaration.

* 1955 when the US paid 100% of Laos’ military budget for its own civil war, without anything in return and without taxpayers’ consent.

* 1959 when the Vietnam War saw its first direct US involvement, again with no legal declaration.

* 1965 when the Immigration & Nationality Act openly committed genocide on Americans. THE POLITICIANS ADMITTED THE PURPOSE OF THE BILL WAS TO COMMIT GENOCIDE ON WHITES. No one did anything.

* 1965 when the US intervened in the Dominican War, again without declaration.

* 1967 when the USS Liberty was attacked by Israel for the sole purpose of getting the US to attack Egypt for the jews’ sake.

* 1968 when the Civil Rights Act unconstitutionally destroyed freedom of association and whites were forced at gunpoint to allow niggers into their schools.

* 1973 when Roe v. Wade legalized murder of the innocent, and when the US defended Israel in the Yom Kippur War after Israel literally threatened the US with nuclear hellfire.

* The 1980s when the US was exposed as deposing democracies and installing dictators.

* 1990 when the first Gulf War began the march for Greater Israel.

* 2001 after 9/11 when jews attacked the United States, yet again for Greater Israel.

* 2003 when the Second Gulf War was declared. Nor when it was proven the war was carried out under false pretenses. Nor when any of the post-Cold War wars STILL failed to get us land or reparations, and we paid TRILLIONS MORE to rebuild our enemies.

* 2008 when the economy collapsed and the banks were given trillions of dollars to give bonuses to their executives who caused it.

* 2010 when Obamacare ran roughshod over the Constitution.

* 2015 when faggot “marriage” became “legal.”

* 2018 when trannies became accepted as “normal.”

* 2019 when CPS confirmed that children stripping at faggot clubs “isn’t” child abuse, or when a jury ruled that children can be forcibly castrated.

* 2020 when the entire world obeyed a lockdown for a smaller threat than SARS, the Keynesians stole 6 trillion more from our future, and niggers destroyed our cities worse than the riots of the 1960s.

Explain when you think anyone is going to fight back against this. Ever.

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f5fb7e  No.151077


You make some fine points. Thank you for posting.

I've grappled with the precedent of America and whether there's some genuine good in the imperialism of it, but more and more I see the senselessness of it.

That the South wanted to secede and were prevented from doing so, all whilst Lincoln strong armed internal dissidence, and then the confiscation of gold and how you put it "nobody did shit." That the Fed isn't even technically legal according to the constitution - all of this really juxtaposes neatly and succinctly to show that there is nothing sacred in America. It isn't some "divine will" but tyrannical power mongering.

The grasping of every government agent should result in punishment. Trying to pass a vile bill merits being fired and imprisoned or condemned to house arrest, if even for just a short time. The President shouldn't be treated like a king of a constitutional monarchy.

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f0f0ae  No.151079


Good, now stop charging me for my own shit.

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a25691  No.151281


The history of the American Revolution has really been part of the English Revolution that started with Henry VIII seizing Church lands to pay for a navy and Charles I beheaded with Cromwell elevated to military dictator and then the creation of the secret private corporation known as The Crown and it's main arm of action The Bank of England.

The second act in this English Revolution was the American Revolution.

The third act in this English Revolution was the US Civil War.

This is a complex story but essentially it's the attempt of people of the esquire class to escape from the Mercantile British Empire System which is hostile to all humanity and desires universal slavery.

It is tied up with the transition of the Venetian jew banking/slave trading cabal from the Mediterranean to their new base in Britain in the 16th and 17th centuries.

We now seem to be teetering on the precipice of a fourth English Civil War which could end up sucking the entire world into it's vortex of genocidal chaos.


As historian Kevin Phillips - Richard Nixon’s electoral adviser - has shown, Anglo-Saxon culture gave rise to three successive civil wars [3] :

- the first English Civil War, known as the "Great Rebellion" (which pitted Lord Cromwell against Charles I 1642-1651);

- the second English Civil War or "War of Independence from the United States" (1775-1783);

- and the Third Anglo-Saxon Civil War or "Civil War" in the United States (1861-1865).

What we are witnessing today could lead to the fourth. This seems to be the view of former Secretary of Defense General Jim Mattis, who recently told The Atlantic that he was concerned about President Trump’s divisive rather than unifying policies.

Let us go back to the history of the United States to see where the sides are. Populist President Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) vetoed the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) established by Alexander Hamilton, one of the fathers of the Constitution, who favoured federalism because he was violently opposed to democracy. Just as Jackson’s disciple, Donald Trump, is today in opposition to the Fed.

Twenty years after Jackson, came the "Civil War" to which today’s protesters all refer. According to them, it pitted a slave South against a humanist North. The movement that began with a racist news item (the lynching of black George Flyod by a white policeman from Minneapolis) continues today with the destruction of statues of southern generals, including Robert Lee. Actions of this type had already taken place in 2017 [4], but this time they are gaining momentum and governors from the Democratic Party are participating.

However, this narrative does not correspond at all to reality: at the beginning of the Civil War, both sides were slavers, and at the end, both sides were anti-slavers. The end of slavery owes nothing to the abolitionists and everything to the need for both sides to enlist new soldiers.

The Civil War pitted a rich, Catholic, agricultural South against a Protestant, industrial North aspiring to make a fortune. It crystallized around the issue of customs duties which the South believed should be set by the federal states, but which the North intended to abolish between the federal states and have the federal government determine.

Therefore, in debunking the Southern symbols, the current demonstrators are not attacking the remnants of slavery, but denouncing the Southern vision of the Union. It was particularly unfair to attack General Lee, who had put an end to the Civil War by refusing to pursue it with guerrilla warfare from the mountains and by choosing national unity. In any case, these degradations effectively pave the way for a fourth Anglo-Saxon civil war.

Today the notions of South and North no longer correspond to geographical realities: it would rather be Dallas against New York and Los Angeles.

It is not possible to choose the aspects of a country’s history that one considers good and to destroy those that one considers bad without calling into question everything that has been built on it.

In referring to Richard Nixon’s 1968 election slogan, "Law and Order," President Donald Trump is not trying to preach racist hatred as many commentators claim, but is returning to the thinking of the author of that slogan, Kevin Philipps (quoted above). He still intends to make Andrew Jackson’s thought triumph over Finance by relying on Southern culture and not to cause the disintegration of his country.

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a25691  No.151282

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9705c3  No.151296


>Explain when you think anyone is going to fight back against this. Ever.

Well fuck, I figured you would lead the way, Herr Glownigger, since you post your bait in every thread of significance.

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799638  No.151299


>no argument whatsoever

>can’t respond to anything

>can’t refute anything

>literally not even trying to hold a discussion, much less prove his own claims

>just strawmen, spam, and impotent jewish screeching

Thanks for admitting that everything I said is fact and that you have absolutely no argument against it. Your refusal to support it ideologically is proof that you are paid by jews to post here, dissuading whites from ever fighting back.

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9705c3  No.151314

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