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573256  No.150652

Mayor De Blasio’s New York City placed at least six homeless pedophiles, all of whom were parole for child sex crimes, at a luxury Upper West Side hotel located just one block away from an elementary school playground.

The parolees includes a sexually violent pedophile who overpowered and raped a 4-year-old girl. Devron Vernal, 26, was sentenced to only four years in prison and remains on parole until 2028.

Other parolees include Jonathan Evans, 29, a sexually violent offender who was convicted for using threats to force the rape of a 6-year-old boy. He was sentenced to five years; Anderson Stuckey, 51, who violently raped a 10-year-old girl; Orlando Velasco, 35, who molested an 11-year-old; Ronald Butler, 62, a predicate sex offender who violently raped a 16-year-old; and 37-year-old Rafael Medina, who forcibly raped a 15-year-old



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