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d447fc  No.150348

HAPPENING! Muslims riot in India's silicon city Bangalore

>family relative of an MLA (state legislator)posts a red pill meme on Prophet Muhammad on Jewbook

>MusIim mob of 4000+, organised on social media, surrounds the MLA's house chanting Allahu Akbar

>MLA's house burnt down in minutes

>Random vehicles on the street and few surrounding houses also burnt or attacked with stones

>Proceed to burn down the local police station

>Cops shoot dead 2 of the mob. 15+ arrested


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72ec83  No.150353

File: 3f6c6c2a4fb0b65⋯.png (907.17 KB, 934x6142, 467:3071, Screenshot_2020_04_30_Amer….png)

good. fuck india.

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d447fc  No.150356

File: cc3095c18f3a5d9⋯.jpg (204.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Why? The current administration under PM Modi is anti-cabal

Riots, the first of its kind in decades in the city, started on the same day income tax department raided Chinks in India for money laundering of hundred million+ dollars.


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7cdcea  No.150358


How much longer is the entire world going to put up with this Soros asshole?

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72ec83  No.150361

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)


Modi is kosher. He's Finkel-think. Just like PiS in Poland, SD in Sweden, Vox in Spain, AfD in Germany, Brexit in UK. Kosher, kosher, kosher. The Soros shit is a red herring.

I'm tired of you shitskin hindustanis shitting up this board.

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d447fc  No.150366

File: 427eca304c6702c⋯.jpg (112.5 KB, 1820x1024, 455:256, rahul_gandhi.jpg)


>Modi is kosher

No shit, Sherlock. But the previous administration,puppet of Cabal and CCP, was much worse. The Indian National Congress party, which had been in power since independence till 2014, was the favourite of Clintons and co.

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72ec83  No.150367


Fuck off, shill.

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455eb9  No.150385


You really love your Striker, anon.

>I'm tired of you shitskin hindustanis shitting up this board.


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72ec83  No.150387


Thiel-nat hindu contractors need to be cut off at the knees every time they try to make a thread.

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998d60  No.150399


You have my vote. Lets do it. ;)

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87c68a  No.150434

Anyone has the original FB post?

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aeb51e  No.150436


like every other so-called 'nationalist' politician of to-day, Modi sucks up to Zionist Jews in order be able to have some resistance against globalist/liberal Jews, without getting persecuted by the Jews as a whole.

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dc591f  No.150452

File: ce061f5475430f7⋯.jpeg (76.01 KB, 654x545, 6:5, EAAgEPeXoAArYyj.jpeg)


Pic related was the meme he posted


True. But there are no other viable options for India when 2 hostile nuclear powers are lurking at her border and 15% of the population is mudsIimes ready for civil war.

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998d60  No.150517


All semites are pedos. I guess I don't understand how this is news to the mudslimes…it is literally written in their holybooks.

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d64936  No.150529


> Finkel-think


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27e3af  No.150540

File: 23ff40953348680⋯.jpg (78.25 KB, 644x915, 644:915, IMG_20200812_WA0053.jpg)


>I don't understand how this is news to the mudslimes

They're fully aware, anon. They'll flaunt it openly when the juice finally normalise p3dophilia. Besides the meme on P3doProphet was posted under the comment section of a derogatory post on an Hindu goddess, posted by a mudsIime. But only the screenshot of the comment was circulated to mobilise a mob.

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48410f  No.150550


Is there even a holy book that disavows it? It was just the morality of the time for it to be permissible so of course all the holy books would reflect that. You might as well be a holier than thou vegan saying all religions are immoral because they're all permissive of eating animal products. The morality you people hold as an objective truth is nothing but a modern invention.

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ab10f6  No.150877

File: f0f4c7bbb47d356⋯.webm (628.95 KB, 632x718, 316:359, f0f4c7bbb47d3567e7c923ecb….webm)

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065c9b  No.150885


>Is there even a holy book that disavows it?

Jesus himself preached that it would be better for you to tie a stone around your neck and jump into a river than to harm a child, so yeah. There is.

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27b251  No.150940

I thought poos were more based than this. 2 fatalities out of 4000 is a nothingburger. More mudslimes get trampled every year during the haj.

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cc741e  No.150976

File: 302b45657750b1e⋯.jpg (72.6 KB, 783x735, 261:245, muzzieownedpage.jpg)


We currently hold power in India. The centre, judiciary, military and most states are in the hands of RW. But the (((leftists))) still have dominance in media and narrative in general.

Violence at this time will simply attract unnecessary international attention and scrutiny.

Properties of rioters are being confiscated to pay for the damages. The mastermind SDPI (MusIim antifa) organisation is getting banned.

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