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File: 9e6d8c6d0be7492⋯.jpg (205.95 KB, 1200x850, 24:17, Reichsparteitag_234.jpg)

File: a91882e7c7e5f20⋯.jpg (295.81 KB, 908x1367, 908:1367, Reichsparteitag_1936_II.jpg)

File: 41e4a10713ee3c6⋯.jpg (193.22 KB, 900x1273, 900:1273, Reichsparteitag_N_rnberg_n….jpg)

File: 84ad01cc3b06709⋯.jpg (209.71 KB, 1280x850, 128:85, Reichsparteitag_1234.jpg)

508de8  No.150236

The one thing that should never come out of our facehole is „I", nobody cares about „I" the only thing that matters is us. Nothing is ever mine it is always our possession, my own life doesn't even belong to me it is our life. We are all in this together so we should remove „I" from our vocabulary and replace it with „we". Individually I am week but together we are unstoppable.

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51af06  No.150240


Fuck off commie.

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c2fdb3  No.150242

All invention and true art is a solitary act. The essence of Aryan greatness is heroism which is the excellent action of one who benefits the whole. Anihilating the heroic individual is anti-Aryan. This relationship between the hero and the folk is the basis of national socialist spiritualism. The fact you dont comprehend that betrays your immaturity.

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f7cf5c  No.150246


>invention is a solitary act

Pretty much all inventions are made with the research of other people, the Wright brothers didn't just make the airplane in a vacuum they built upon what was known about flight and models from inventors like Leonardo Di Vinci and others.

Take any invention and this is probably true.

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51af06  No.150248


Your point only makes it more essential to understand the role of the individual rather than this commie OP's idea of the death of individual in service of PARASITES. It is fucking sad that someone out there thinks that we would fall for this 'lightly disguised' brain dead jewish communist bullshit.

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f7cf5c  No.150249


How is the OP a Jewish commie?

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c2fdb3  No.150255


A sequence of individuals invent but every invention is the work of a single mind. Engineers work in teams. Breakthroughs are works of genius – Heroic victories against the unknown. This competition between individuals for excellence in the service of the folk is Aryanism.

Fuck your false kike dialectic.

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51af06  No.150256

File: 701fbd5bf4c5dc8⋯.jpg (15.55 KB, 275x183, 275:183, chinese_commie_parade.jpg)

File: 9c61628ac9329fe⋯.jpg (54.69 KB, 480x360, 4:3, china_parade_commie.jpg)

File: 686ff881744500c⋯.jpg (12.71 KB, 290x174, 5:3, china_parade.jpg)


Can you recognize the death of the individual (humanity) in the bug people parades and not recognize what OP is really saying? Remember anon…all these disgusting parasitic mongrels are ALREADY DEAD…only Western Europeans are alive and not'part of the machine' (removed from their humanity completely).

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51af06  No.150257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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51af06  No.150258

Just out of curiosity do you think when you lose your humanity completely and become part of the 'human machine' which cares nothing at all for you, your future, your happiness, your desire, your offspring, spirit or soul do you really think you will be 'serving the advancement' of your own people OR a globalist cabal that only views you as something to use until you are dead? If you WANT TO DIE anon, there are faster ways of killing yourself.

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8fdcb4  No.150314


what would happen if someone tripped and caused a disturbance while doing that millimeter tight marching shit?

Would he/she

1. Be executed at the spot

2. Be kicked out off the marching squad and spend the rest of his/her days gutting fish?

3. Get some friendly chuckles from the marcherinos around him/her and then get helped back up and continue as if nothing happened?

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51af06  No.150336


>1. Be executed at the spot

It is all part of the inhuman bug entertainment. Those people are the most soulless species on the planet (outside of the kikes).

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cdf63f  No.150357


Actually, not true at all. The Wright brothers didn't just invent the first airplane; they created a wind tunnel and created the first engineering tables of airfoil lift. Leonardo had nothing to do with it. Nor did anyone else. The science of aeronautics begins with the Wright brothers.

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914bde  No.150359


Wrong. We should serve ourselves by preserving large amounts of White breeding stock for the sake of our own bloodlines. Ideology is how jews sneak in and control people.

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5bebdb  No.150376

You know, I post here because I am a homeless guy and have a lot of time.

You post here thinking that anybody that replies must be a racist lover piece of shit.

I have bad news for you OP, you're a nigger

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5bebdb  No.150378


Shut up Jew.

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cfb876  No.150381


It is un-Aryan to disavow individualism. Only the individual can be heroic. There is a Hitler quote along the lines of "fight as if the future of Germany depended on you alone".

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44b675  No.150390


It is an individual right to racemix, it is an individual right for brown people to have access to white countries it is an individual right to become trans. The collective has rights to that the individual should respect.

In an all white country I suppose you can have individual rights but all mighty international jewry has declared war on us so for the time being the rights of the individual could and should be temporarily revoked until further notice.

This is the final struggle, the sturmalarm has been sounded for the final time and we are all ready to fight; soon Hitlers flag will be flown over all streets and our bondage will only last for a short time.

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433655  No.150397

File: 66e8d1b0c67d27b⋯.gif (4.4 MB, 601x250, 601:250, bond_poker_all_in.gif)


Your bondage will last forever if you chose that route.

>It is an individual right to racemix

No, it is not. You have a DUTY to your lineage to uphold the rights of your parents expression in your genes and your children's receipt of your genes…you are not a fucking island when it comes to genetics, you are only a link in the chain. You do not have 'muh right' to destroy your genetic heritage at all. In the case of genetics even YOUR NATION has greater right to your DNA than you do and race mixing is flat the fuck right out. IT SHALL NOT BE DONE. If it is done you will be killed. I am sure that we can all agree that the bestiality of the current age has taught us a few things…one of which is that your nation and your family have more right to your DNA that you do.


>the rights of the individual could and should be temporarily revoked until further notice.

Jesus Christ I hope you are never in put charge of anything because you are basically a kike. You love their system because deep inside you are hoping that you will become the new 'overlord' with the 'plan' and that from that point it will be you destroying humanity, stealing and pillaging the slaves.


There is nothing that 'kike based authority' can give us that national mutual emergent cooperation cannot vastly outperform.

We do not want another 'leader' because the heart of the movement must be within the people or it is not robust and resilient. Leaders can be killed. Ideas are much harder to kill. But the only way to kill an idea that is lodged within the heart of the people themselves is to totally exterminate them. We will not be exterminated. We will brutally slay all of our enemies without a shred of mercy. Nothing will stop us and we will not cease.

We need to go all in this time. All the chips are on the table. The only way to defeat Death is through Death. No fear. No stopping. No relenting. No quarter.


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7c112c  No.150432



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5bebdb  No.150446

Jews only wish Hitler were gay, because Jews are gay.

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7c112c  No.150449


lukr2moar years



▲ ▲


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5bebdb  No.150455


On a site that has no fucking value?

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433655  No.150512


You are here because…

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ed6854  No.167559

>Individually I am week

But together we are month! No but really, I better want to live for something if I am going to die for it. If I don't want to live for our goals, I'm not going to die for it. Same goes for following the leadership of the resistance. If I don't want to serve them with an extended life, I don't want to die for them. I just haven't found a leader who seems to be a team player.

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6dbe22  No.167562


And you won't, either. All white leadership is murdered before they even gain attention, much less take any level of power.

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f7cc9a  No.167569


A true leader is one who acts as an example of how he believes his followers should act. I do not think we have many leaders like that at the moment. They will always make some kind of concession like "Anybody would do what I'm doing if they were in my situation!" and justify their own behaviour.

I'm no paragon of excellence myself, but I also do not seek the burden and responsibility of power.

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e7edcc  No.167570


>Throw your soul in a blender and join the faceless hive goy!

That's the exact same trick that turned people into commies. The key to having a society that supports natural law like Nazi Germany is having a people logical enough and educated enough to value natural law. The "greater good of the people" can always be hijacked by any ideology with good propaganda since it's such an abstract vague idea. Natural law is more obvious and unchanging so you can't bullshit it. The US flourished under manifest destiny which was just the "strongest will survive" aspect of natural law. Donating food "for the good of the niggers in the Africa" is an inversion of that.

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