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File: 58e6075fa9dbf15⋯.jpg (74.54 KB, 640x409, 640:409, Cannon_Hinnant_1_1_.jpg)

ac7ee6  No.150214[Last 50 Posts]

>"Five-year-old Cannon Hinnant was allegedly executed at point-blank range with a gunshot to the head by 25-year-old felon Darius Nathaniel Sessoms while riding his bike and playing outside his house on Sunday evening in Wilson, North Carolina."



Another innocent white murdered by a nigger demon. The murder happened in Wilson, NC.

The racial makeup of Wilson is 46.67% White, 47.53% African American.

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ac7ee6  No.150219

File: f28a9f17247f34c⋯.jpg (754.83 KB, 1575x1260, 5:4, Race_peoples_chart_1_.jpg)

File: b01aeca09a0ef9d⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 625x415, 125:83, final_answer_1_.jpg)

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013083  No.150222


Asians as 'lawful good' is asinine. They are the most corrupt murderous least empathetic society on the planet. Total evil.

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ac7ee6  No.150224


It depends. If we're talking about Japan, then the chart is correct. 120+ million people and less crime than the city of Chicago! Bullet trains, excellent infrastructure, and women who act feminine.

China is a totally different matter of course. I imagine whomever made the chart probably had the Japanese in mind.

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013083  No.150228



Addicted to porn, pedophiles, can't breed due to sexual psychosis. DNA is chinese and the only thing that was 'good' about Japan was the Ainu (whom they exterminated with glee due to their chinese DNA). I stand by my statement

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123ebe  No.150229


Everything about your chart is 100% wrong.

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7d07ce  No.150237

This is why our forefathers did not share living space with negroes.

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013083  No.150239


You get back to me when you come to the conclusion that they don't belong on the planet.

Until then…enjoy…

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68d103  No.150266



How can Kikes NOT be "lawful evil?" They're obsessed with law to excruciating details (pilpul). The Muslim should be chaotic evil, since they are often highly disorganized mobs. The nigger makes a good neutral evil, since they function more similarly to automatons than any conscious entity.

Someone else can fix the other rows.

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bd9652  No.150278


>that image

pure cringe

I can tell some little cuck twink that watches anime religiously made it.

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5180ca  No.150307


Obviously the sucker who made this meme has never dealt with real chugs. I worked an entire summer break from university as a bouncer in a bar on an indian reserve. I was the only white guy in the place besides the owner. They are low vicious stupid lazy ugly filthy scum. You couldn't pay me to fuck one, not even Shania Twain.

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ac7ee6  No.150311



>Addicted to porn, pedophiles, can't breed due to sexual psychosis.

Sounds like you're describing America and much of Europe too. I have no doubt that America and most of Europe is probably more degenerate than Japan or South Korea. And worst of all, America and Europe have tons of niggers and immigrants flooding in.

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ac7ee6  No.150312


>Obviously the sucker who made this meme has never dealt with real chugs. I worked an entire summer break from university as a bouncer in a bar on an indian reserve. I was the only white guy in the place besides the owner. They are low vicious stupid lazy ugly filthy scum. You couldn't pay me to fuck one, not even Shania Twain.

American Indians simply aren't cut out for modern civilization – they were perfectly adapted to their nomadic hunter-gatherer type lifestyles.

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9ae596  No.150317

File: 01d5ee51a96b63b⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 512x251, 512:251, unnamed.jpg)

File: 8ec0ea71d8ae66d⋯.jpg (53.33 KB, 445x600, 89:120, shania.jpg)


>not even Shania Twain.

Come on buddy. How long have you had the gay?

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013083  No.150333

File: b1458f209fc9ac2⋯.jpg (780.34 KB, 1804x4174, 902:2087, asian_bug_people.jpg)

File: 97736ca93d3d764⋯.png (119.3 KB, 1246x516, 623:258, asian_behavior_in_the_work….png)

File: 8c5891a829c0d9b⋯.jpg (23.34 KB, 354x466, 177:233, asian_sluts_will_fuck_anyt….jpg)

File: 820c14077ade49d⋯.jpg (162.74 KB, 1808x331, 1808:331, asian_sociopathy_insane_ha….jpg)



Holy fuck…it is the fucking nigger asian contingent again. FUCK OFF BUG. You don't belong here you fucking retard mongoloid. You people are as disgusting as the niggers all you do is breed and eat and destroy the environment around you completely.

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5180ca  No.150340


It's late at night, and you're driving down a lonely country road in Canada's north and there she is hitch hiking that lonely highway way out the middle of nowhere. You're probably the last car to pass down that road for the night so you pull over and let her into your car….you ask her where she's going and it's on your route so you drive off in silence.

Then she says it; "giff me all deh munney in yer wallid or I'll sharch yu wid shexshuall ashault, wite mahn". You lurch back over to the side of the road and order her out of your car but she's already got her knife out. You manage to just block it before she stabs your eye out but she's already forcefully running her free hand through your pockets looking for your wallet while screaming right in your face RAPE RAPE RAPE! and repeatedly trying to stab your face with her knife. God help you.

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5180ca  No.150343


And it's at that moment you notice the vile stench in your car; the filthy chug bitch deliberately shit her pants 3 or 4 hours ago. That and her vile unattended yeast infected cunt sicken you with their putrid stench, the stench of the most vicious cannibalistic barbarians of the frozen witch haunted north. As you struggle in desperation, appalled at the humiliation of it all suddenly you get an inspiration from heaven itself. Holding her knife hand in your iron grip you reach past her with your boot and kick open the passenger door. then with your free right hand you reach in the back seat for those four remaining cans of Black Ice on their plastic rings. You dangle them in her face then throw it violently past her out into the snowbank. You don't even need to force her at all with your boot; she's already diving for the beer. Without even slamming the door shut you hit the gas and send your car careening away from her down the icy road. A shiver of horror runs down your spine as you hear behind you her last banshee scream of rage and hate.

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013083  No.150344


This sounds a wee bit personal Odin.

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5180ca  No.150347


Rather then recount each encounter I thought it best to just use literary license to compound them all into one piece of fiction.

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013083  No.150350


Canada seems like it is really doing well with its multiKult, you appear to be a shining example of the benefits of this system.

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5180ca  No.150351


It's great if you can find a moderately sized town that's still an all white community.

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f3ad02  No.150368



Sounds like you're picking up native men at night, don't let the long hair fool you. And don't pick up people at night

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bc1353  No.150400


In that case I am rather mortified by this line…

>her vile unattended yeast infected cunt sicken you with their putrid stench

What was he smelling there, anyway??

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3fdab1  No.150408

They keep telling me they want life.

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5180ca  No.150478


We were talking about Shania Twain.

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72b038  No.150576

File: a186957ef97c6cc⋯.gif (3.84 MB, 204x204, 1:1, Unrequitted_Anticipation.gif)


I disagree. Even the ones who are behaving badly are doing so within a narrow framework of what is tolerated by the corrupt bureaucrats, and thus technically good since it is obedience to the legal framework of their society. Furthermore, they do generally refrain from illegal and evil activity within the most important natural law frameworks. What's more, The corrupting societal influence amongst many Asians seems to be Marxist/Jewish in origin. This is quite self-evident when Asian Capitalist societies are compared directly to their Socialist/Communist counterparts.

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07680e  No.150710

Bump. Nigger Floyd had 4 funerals in a Golden Casket. What does this little white child get?

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07680e  No.150712

File: e703c1dad76ce4a⋯.png (190.74 KB, 564x633, 188:211, E80746B7_FB0A_4F14_937C_2C….png)

File: 846c9771f0f3e61⋯.jpeg (337.7 KB, 828x839, 828:839, FCA2D0A3_08FB_4E13_B002_A….jpeg)

File: a06ec435d5e8269⋯.jpeg (265.35 KB, 828x457, 828:457, 33E4D015_7BBA_4039_9E56_F….jpeg)

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a9dcc0  No.150719


tbf communism worked pretty well in China mainly because it is more compatible with slants' bug hivemind nature whereas it is in direct contradiction to White man's nature.

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5180ca  No.150911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker is covering this story Aug 13 2020

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488873  No.150912

We can't let this go. Blast it everywhere. Anytime some jew piece of shit writes some garbage about a nigger, post this. EVERYWHERE you go, post about it. A YEAR FROM NOW, still be posting it.

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07680e  No.150964

File: 240bd8e395f0b03⋯.jpg (44.8 KB, 636x382, 318:191, georgedemon.jpg)

File: d7df0b72ef55067⋯.png (186.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1597158245642.png)

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07680e  No.151025

File: 3039f11b561271f⋯.png (983.94 KB, 716x678, 358:339, 815FAF75_F596_4230_8A2A_14….png)

File: 0345fd2151755ec⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB, 648x648, 1:1, 07480062_0A13_4AE6_A867_E….jpeg)

File: 1f104c0b88cc5e5⋯.jpeg (136.58 KB, 828x563, 828:563, C63257B7_DD13_4ECE_A7E6_A….jpeg)

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68d103  No.151073


This. Also when any virtue signalling celebrity repeats one of the BLM slogans like "Remember their names," reply with this.

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5180ca  No.151435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker covered this story for a second night in a row, emphasizing that the killer was an evil nigger. It was an even longer segment tonight.

12 minute mark

"why haven't the media covered this story?" is the basis of this report

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07680e  No.151440

File: 787e41ccaf5dbc3⋯.jpg (532.24 KB, 948x1500, 79:125, fedwavefindout.jpg)

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5180ca  No.151445

something tells me Tucker will soon have a segment on the 8kun thread on white victims of black crime. It's the ultimate antidote to all this George Fentanil nonsense.

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5fb255  No.151447


Hopefully he has other staffers that visit places like this, since (((they))) made fox very publicly fire one of the lead writers for muh racism.

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5180ca  No.151456


I know but basically he's just cut and pasting 8kun and halfchan to Fox news which really makes me chuckle. He's come close to saying as much last week.

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07680e  No.151462

File: a0f7a62a558025a⋯.png (497.75 KB, 1058x1500, 529:750, 1597451667828.png)

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944513  No.151914

fuck, checked


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07680e  No.151966

File: c96e5f822e151f0⋯.jpg (118.69 KB, 715x1024, 715:1024, niggerhatecrime.jpg)

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07680e  No.151967

File: c4412beee3739d9⋯.jpg (149.04 KB, 960x626, 480:313, solved.jpg)

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123ebe  No.151969

File: ae8f5d860e8df57⋯.png (219.21 KB, 783x416, 783:416, F195805B_FEEE_422C_8533_5A….png)

New information:Note that there is a FAKE DOCUMENT circulating, claiming to be from the local police force. Leftists have crafted a narrative where the mom and dad were drug users, got into an altercation with the nigger, and claim that the nigger simply missed the dad and hit the kid by accident.THIS IS A HOAX.The text follows so that you know it when you see it. This is how far jew puppets will go to maintain their narrative.

<Just to be clear, we did NOT find any evidence to back the version of events the family has been claiming. The parents of Cannon claimed their son had been shot at random for riding his bike into the neighbor’s yard. This is not an accurate. The version of events the suspect gave the police after his arrest was that Cannon’s father had invited him over over [sic] earlier in the day to do drugs. They later got into an altercation after getting high. Darrius claims that he struck Cannon by accident via a stray bullet while aiming for the child’s father, Austin Hinnant. Preliminary evidence has so far lined up with the suspects version of events. Both of the parents have prior histories of drug use and offenses.

<While Cannon’s father did admit he invited Darrius over during the day, he has refused to tell ocal authorities what exactly they were doing in the home prior to the incident. When our officers arrives in the scene, Austin Hinnant appeared to be unde the influence of prohibited substances but refused to cooperate with our officers. We, as of today, have not discovered any evidence of this incident of being pre-meditated or committed with any intent to kill the child. However, as with any violent crimes committed against children, Cannon’s parents Austin Hinnant and Bonny Waddell have been placed under formal investigation under order of the Attorney General Josh Stein.

Again, this is a hoax.Report it when you see it on ANY website, because even leftist websites are taking it down (because the police are fucking LIVID that they’re being impersonated).

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8612ab  No.151993


I did read that the father had dinner with the nigger the previous day (he relaxed), but there is no way a police department would comment publicly like that on an ongoing case.

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8612ab  No.151994


I realize that I'm making a broad assumption that this is a functional police department. It could very well be real if it's completely staffed with incompetent niggers.

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2e20af  No.152362

File: 55c532e8f7a6799⋯.jpg (25.76 KB, 600x419, 600:419, ArrestMultiples.jpg)


>Asians most murderous


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ac7ee6  No.152368


>I did read that the father had dinner with the nigger the previous day (he relaxed),

Imagine inviting nig-nogs over for dinner – wtf is wrong with people?

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0fbd6d  No.152371


what are the communist revolutions in asia?

Run that by me again how many of your own people did you all slaughter willingly…disgusting bugs! It wasn't even a fair fight…you asians are disgusting, your own fucking mothers and fathers…

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0fbd6d  No.152372


Ummm hmmm how does that address the liability of having niggers in your nation? Shooting at the father and killed the son…NOTHING is worth having these shitbags around.

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2e20af  No.152400


>what are the communist revolutions in asia?

those are in the past. hows africa doing today?

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998e67  No.152403


>those are in the past

Ha, your nature hasn’t changed at all, nor has your DNA. You are trash people. Look at the chinkflu…you insane fucks will murder the entire planet if you are allowed to continue on it.

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9b77d4  No.152423



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0fbd6d  No.152425



We shouldn't have to share the planet with violent proto-human criminals. There is nothing they can give us that we can't do better ourselves without having to deal with their sociopathic behavior.

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39e87d  No.152461


Oh fuck off with this glowindark psyop shit.

The father knew the guy and bought drugs from him regularly.

He shot his kid out of retaliation for ripping him off after a bad drug deal. It wasn't a "random" murder at all like the MSM is trying to paint.

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123ebe  No.152473


You were LITERALLY just told that what you said is a proven hoax. Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling, subhuman?

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e7b60f  No.152536

I'm not sure if I wanna get behind this anymore. The media finally decided to report on it and I know why. The white dad has a fucking missing tooth, heavy southern accent- something seems wrong with him. I read in the comments that someone from the nigger's family said it was over drugs. This whole thing might have been fabricated from the start. The George Soros coon gang loves it when they see white trash/inbred people, they'll have a field day. I hope I'm wrong, but I've seen enough shit in my day to think that the nigger might have been his dealer. I wouldn't be surprised if the mainstream media starts propping up this story because it kind of fits that narrative.

Obviously sad for the guy and the nigger should be hanged, but I have a bad feeling that there's more to the story. Possibly a toll paid. I hope not

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a082d3  No.152674

File: b04e053fe607335⋯.png (741.87 KB, 675x451, 675:451, d_d_it_s_magic.png)


I can't tell you how disappointed I am that the gyps and spics fall into the neutral category. It's a shame D&D didn't add a fourth row like "Lawful/Neural/Chaotic Absolute Cunts." Then we could move the jews and other pieces of shit down to that, freeing up space for them.

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a082d3  No.152677

File: 26d3917e8ae7864⋯.gif (461.55 KB, 192x145, 192:145, indiantears.gif)


>real chugs

Albertan, are you? Or has that magical slur made its way around North America?

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0c4f72  No.152748

Wow. Maybe the kid was asking for it?

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