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63117a  No.150155

I'm currently trying to gather information to discredit the statistics pushed by trans advocates. I already have the information needed to refute anything coming out of Cornell U. Just look up Jennifer Pritzker (a trans billionaire) and "her" Tawani Foundation.

Anyway, I need your help. For the life of me, I can't find any brands of puberty blockers. The only one I know of is Lupron (which already is showing to have bad side effects). Does anyone here know of any other puberty blockers or at least the companies that sell them? The longer the list, the more stats I can debunk by looking into the "philanthropy" these billionaires engage in.

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23a70d  No.150169

don't know anything about brands, but just came here because I want to thank you for doing it

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23a70d  No.150186


on and forgot to say go to the discord here


which is linked to here :


lots of trans people there that will be able to answer loads of questions

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102890  No.150525


hey, thanks for sharing this. actually very informative, never really researched AGP.

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16a264  No.150723

Have you looked at where you're posting?

This site is flooded with the gay bullshit.

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20c6ed  No.150737

Just tell the fags that pour millions of Soros money into turning Right Winders into trannies that they are the niggers we all know that they are.

They will pour their, we all know a faggot and like him more than you have a right to live your life or be free.

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701af8  No.150797

The trans suicide rate speaks for itself. You think the grass is always greener on the fem side until your missing a cock dilating with a gun to your head kek

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