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File: 3f4c80c6ec1384f⋯.png (441.36 KB, 952x684, 238:171, math.png)

6168cd  No.149780

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10ef8b  No.149791

Drink a gallon of milk, without shitting yourself.

Then, and only then will you understand Whiteness.

You have to have the same shit they were putting in my milk as well. Fuck you Asia.

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6b008e  No.149808

Imagine their shock if they could realize that math quite literally debunks their entire worldview.

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151f5d  No.149814


They do realize it, which is why they’re making math illegal. How don’t you get this?

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b3f699  No.149818

File: 0bdf63956509b6e⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1640x6944, 205:868, racism.png)

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976ca9  No.149838


So much mental illness in one image. My favorite was: "Is it racist to call someone racist?"


Africans existed for hundreds of thousands of years without needing to know real analysis, so tell me why white people feel the need to include it as part of a mathematics undergraduate curriculum? Pro tip: It's white supremacy. I think it is time we re-imagine our mathematics programs to take into account the rich cultural aspects and natural essence of the oft ignored African conceptualization of reality, exploring what it means to be in the moment. All of which cannot be captured by the primitive methods of European mathematical symbolism and systems of logic. The derivative and gradient are inherently racist for example, since they try to recast curvature into straight lines, turning the natural world into something simpler for European minds to comprehend, and completely Alien to the Black mind.

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9ea917  No.149839


China. Here's a hint. Buy US Minted coins. They are only legally worth their face value. They can't be confiscated, because you wouldn't be over $10k.

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39cafb  No.149880


That's true. I give my clients a "cash discount" if they pay me in gold or silver coins and I declare the face value on my income tax. Just kidding I don't declare them

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ea17c4  No.149881


Why would I post untrue information?

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96f8e6  No.149915


>Before coming to teach in Brooklyn College's mathematics education program, Laurie Rubel taught high school mathematics, statistics and computer science for nine years, in Manhattan and in Tel Aviv. Her research interests include probabilistic thinking, teacher education, diversity and equity in mathematics education, and the use of real-world urban contexts in the teaching of mathematics. In 2002-03, Rubel was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as part of the Diversity in Mathematics Education Center for Learning and Teaching. She received the Knowles Young Scholar Award in 2006, the Brooklyn College Excellence in Teaching Award in 2007, an Early Career Award from the National Science Foundation in 2008, a Brooklyn College Tow Professorship for 2014-16, and is a CUNY Distinguished Fellow at the Graduate Center's Advanced Research Collaborative in Fall 2015. Rubel was awarded a Fulbright Scholar Award for 2016-2017.

This jewess isn't retarded, she knows exactly what she's doing and doesn't believe a word of the nonsense she's putting out there. Her goal is to assist in the controlled demolition of the United States, and (((Breitbart))) assisted her in getting her name and nonsense out there. They sow confusion to waste our time. Now instead of having a normal math class, we now have to include the conversation about sociological impacts of Euro centric math. These discussions eventually spin off into full classes, so Tyrone can get an A+ in mathematics just by scribbling down: Egypt make math, we wuz 'gyptians, YT be bad, YT stole da knowledge from da gyptians, YT make math racist, math be racist.

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0d6c71  No.149918


>My favorite was: "Is it racist to call someone racist?"

Maybe we could short-circuit them by leading their insane beliefs to their logical conclusion?

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