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2b9bc5  No.149700

White Nationalism is the enemy of the German people and of National Sozialism, it isn't simply that White Nationalism surpasses the extremely low bar of being „better" than what we have now but is in fact significantly worse than our current state. Roosevelt and Churchill were White Nationalists, defeating Hitler was not a White Nationalist because he understood the toxicity of the ideology that is White Nationalism.

As German National Sozialists we must do everything in our power to resist White Nationalism as yet another manifestation of International Jewry.

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e0a5d8  No.149705

Just to be clear, before your spam is deleted, you are literally claiming that “other ethnicities of the same species” are exactly equivalent to “entirely different species,” right?

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c5da1e  No.149733

File: 7c30db775433135⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 4000x2700, 40:27, whicharyans.jpg)

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