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e6e65a  No.149655

Shia LaBeouf's latest movie, Hitler Did Nothing Wrong, The Tax Collector, is being savaged by critics who have called it 'incompetent,' 'a bloody mess' and 'one of the most atrocious viewing experiences of the year'.

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c862ab  No.149658


all new movies are garbage, so there's nothing new here

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1c154b  No.149687


> being savaged by critics

proves nothing

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345790  No.149717


Even saying the words "savaged by critics" does not really lend one an air of credibility, like "White nationalism is the worst thing ever."

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e6e65a  No.149748




what we all need to be reminded of here is:


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f41d95  No.149758


Does 8kun get indexed by search engines? It's a good idea still.

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c09eb0  No.149761

>"Hitler did nothing wrong"

He lost WWII and failed to defeat the Bolsheviks.

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f06525  No.149763

Super special crypto kike with nigger lifestyle fetish makes a movie with his nigger idealism and thus passing of the people with the Hitlerism fetish.

Seriously fuck off.

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db8b58  No.149771


>He lost WWII and failed to defeat the Bolsheviks.

AND he didn't even kill any kikes when he had the chance. He was such a jew lover he even tried to save them from Typhus. Jew loving fuck.

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f06525  No.149788


He gave you Jews something to talk about after your gay fuckfests and drug induced music festivals that your laundered reperations money and holocaust scams funded.

We know why you took down 8chan, because it was a no nigger zone. You didn't like being outcasted.

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3e3aba  No.149824

I thought he killed himself lol

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4df9c8  No.149842


No, the zoomer glee club killed his career with their mental illness and delusions.

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855c3f  No.149851

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e5fb48  No.149877


I haven't seen a truly good new movie in a long time.

The fact is movies will only get worse as black/Latinos become a larger share of the viewing audience.

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e6e65a  No.149895

Hitler Did Nothing Wrong, The Tax Collector


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320b61  No.149984


> Muh bolsheviks!

Wasn't them who declared war in September 1939. Ore demanded unconditional surrender in February 1943.

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