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File: bf28197e4504866⋯.png (313.13 KB, 553x362, 553:362, election_hitler.png)

fefe08  No.149157

"Vile’ and ‘abhorrent’ politician wins election despite praising Hitler"



His own family disowned him for praising Hitler. You gotta respect a guy who sticks to his guns.

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b3eece  No.149158

Vile and abhorrent jewish propaganda hack calls things vile and abhorrent. Nobody listens except their paid goons.

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57f8fc  No.149171

Missouri is just north Arkansas, of course there are right wingers there.

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306686  No.149271

Except he hasn’t won an election. He won a primary. He’ll lose the election.

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f1f4c1  No.149380


Holy based.Just made my day, look at those fags and (((women))) squirm.

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bb3996  No.149393

Donald had Mein Kampf on his bed stand.

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bb3996  No.149394

To be fair, Goldwater was also a reader of Mein Kampf, as was Obama.

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ad2e45  No.149420


Wow it really seemed to have done them some good too didn't it?

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bb3996  No.149441


As if the Jews weren't a relentless pack of Hyenas using every trick they can to win in whatever perceivable manner they could.

Don't get me started on the kikes again. I might lose my fucking mind and decide to go batshit insane. I am already almost there at this point.

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306686  No.149487


No, you fucking retard. He didn’t.

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bb3996  No.149491


That's great you emotional Alpha dude. Tell me, who didn't?

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33167b  No.149499

File: 1e8a514e70662ea⋯.jpeg (112.51 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, Rodrigo_Duterte.jpeg)

File: 4b36e7287845ed0⋯.jpeg (695.96 KB, 4125x2750, 3:2, reuters.jpeg)



Don't forget Duterte.

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98f059  No.149604


> Don't get me started on the kikes again. I might lose my fucking mind and decide to go batshit insane. I am already almost there at this point.

What? Why don't you like jews?

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3db754  No.164543


Lets make it a trend.

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3407fe  No.164555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You guys are so stupid, quit trying to inject Hitler into everything therefore giving other groups no option but to oppose us. There are Jews and other races who share our pov, vid related.

Amazing interview, get to studying so you can convert to Judaism.

Stop with the white talk we need to refocus on preserving American culture not white culture.

The majority of Americans shares our POV.

Then some mouth breather brings up Hitler and white nationalism.

American culture not white culture, remember that.

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f1f4c1  No.164557


I know this is bait, but in case you are retarded: Hitler didn't want to exterminate other races, but a nation needs its primary race. He liked muslims and even had many jewish supporters. NatSoc is for everyone, we all get ethnostates bro.

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1d0523  No.164560

File: 4f50e6e41e9d09d⋯.png (161.6 KB, 268x364, 67:91, tom_hanks_with_down_syndro….png)



>‘Vile’ and ‘abhorrent’ politician wins election despite praising Hitler

Literally the second sentence:

>Steve West won the Republican primary for Missouri’s District 15 State House seat this week, although neither his own party – nor his own family – wants him to elected to the seat.

>wants him to elected to the seat

Aside from the horrible grammar, they are saying he hasn't been elected yet. What a retarded article.

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89d7eb  No.164896

File: c38fe7f9c39cefb⋯.png (4.34 KB, 510x84, 85:14, ClipboardImage.png)


Wonder why he hasn't been added on the wiki… :^)

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06f927  No.164924


The problem though is the Philippines government is corrupt and probably really controlled by jews

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0485da  No.164925


Because he hasn't won the election. He won a primary. OP is too retarded to understand the difference.

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3f5c43  No.164928

It depends on what you'll call "white nationalism" or "fascism" for that matter. As far as the woke goes, all our elected politicians are white nationalists, and we're all fascists now.

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89d7eb  No.164994

File: 1372bb1c244278b⋯.png (86.44 KB, 250x514, 125:257, ClipboardImage.png)


Just like that self avowed White Nationalist who won the Republican Primary in Chicago in 2018, then got disavowed by the Republican Party in this years election?

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0485da  No.165026


Winning a primary is meaningless if you can't win the election.

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4185ba  No.165418


need more of this

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4185ba  No.165421

File: f8bd7b14dbc4b64⋯.jpg (147.13 KB, 500x560, 25:28, mexicans_are_trash.jpg)


You are a retarded beaner stop trying water down things for you shitskins and traitors.

The point is being absolute in your ideals no matter what people follow strength as soon as you show you are having mutts march with White People you stopped valuing White People and value the views of your enemies.

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306686  No.165442


>I can’t read a single sentence in English and parse the context of it

Why are you even here? You’re not white. Fucking kill yourself.

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ab651e  No.181699

sounds pretty based

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3d93bd  No.181706


Look at Dutertes face. That man is probably an Fillipino kike his ears are kike like enormous and his nose doesn't look Asian.

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d9953c  No.181711

File: 62f1e0849612b9f⋯.gif (4.78 MB, 414x382, 207:191, pence_nono.gif)


>American culture not white culture

Hahaha imagine not realizing murrico is death.

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