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ddaca1  No.148980

Do you have any?

Supposing the large communication monopolies decided you weren't allowed to use them tomorrow.

Then, for example, Israel invaded New York. Oh, wait…

Anyway, you get the idea. Are you in the habit of listening in and finding channels to communicate or find out stuff on that are NOT controlled centrally?







Do you know how to build a directional antenna (for any particular frequency) so you can focus your "ears" where you want them to hear?

I got tired of just plain ol' local radio stations a long time ago. I wanted to hear some cool, far-off stations. (I was far from a major city.) I slung a piece of wire out the window and clear across my entire roof.

Suddenly, I had Made Radio Great Again!

Imagine being able to hear people say stuff that was not filtered, because, literally, no one has the money to blanked the entire world with frequency-jamming of all frequencies.

Start looking into it. You may find that it is addictive. Why not get a telegraph key and start learning morse code?

BTW, if you want to remain relatively anonymous in telegraph, get the two-sided key that does "dits" on one side and "dahs" on the other. It leaves you with no "fist" which is your more code "accent" recognizable by other users.

Shoot, you all just learned a whole bale of information you never heard before, didn't you? Use your non-writing hand so you can write what you hear with the other.

If you want to have the option of automatic or manual key, then do auto with one hand and manual with the other. It is sort of like a VPN that you can turn off with two different styles of telegraph keys.

Morse isn't used much anymore, but it is out there. My question to you is, "Can you communicate if the cellular networks and phone lines go down?"

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32568f  No.148983

GMRS/FRS radio, NOW!

They're cheap, plentiful, small, and portable.

And when the boog comes, we're gonna need them.

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fd8952  No.149045


>literal reddit spam


>buzzwords only jewish shills use

No, see, you’re not infiltrating our communications systems. Piss off.

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d7a560  No.149073



Those are good for 2-way line-of-site communication. It sounds like OP is more excited about SW stations across the globe.

I don't know what SW is like nowadays, but many years ago (pre-WWW) I got a SW set in search of alternative info. That's how I found a show by a guy named Bill Cooper.

People lament the censorship by "big tech" and that sucks, but they have a long way to go to get back to where we were until 1995.

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1ab784  No.149092




Samefagging redditor.

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d54a81  No.149562

On a side note, for local waves (within a 2 mile perimeter) are all the same rules in place by the FCC or are you allowed a bit more leeway with what you can say on the air? Thanks

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50f792  No.149637


>BTW, if you want to remain relatively anonymous in telegraph, get the two-sided key that does "dits" on one side and "dahs" on the other. It leaves you with no "fist" which is your more code "accent" recognizable by other users.

Cool info, op! Today, op was not a gay nigger kike.

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50f792  No.149640


BTech are nice. They are the highest-power units available new.

The advantage of these over an unmodified Baofeng is that they're much easier to use. You can set them to high power (GMRS power level). It's not like anybody will check (Politely decline conversation with hammers).

FYI: there's nobody to talk to, on ham or anything else. hammers are the cuckiest fools, glad they'll get their savings raped by the commies. And nobody's on GMRS/FRS.

They also sell a MURS radio (noobs: FRS radios can't talk to MURS, vise versai different frequencies. Don't have them, don't know much about them). You can hassle Walmart with an MURS unit, wikipedia has the settings.

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50f792  No.149641


In 1995 local police would have nothing to do with the Internet. If you got death threats you had to suck it.

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d26bfd  No.149642

They legally can not deny service for any reason outside of nonpayment.

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3e053c  No.149951


LOL, this cuck still believes that Rule of Law will protect us.

Hint: WE ARE AT WAR, rules no longer count

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6f6aca  No.150360


lulz. I'd say learn Teeline, but it's not like any of you are anything but nigger cattle.

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a35582  No.150633

File: 43a8e0354cd1d0a⋯.jpeg (7 KB, 284x177, 284:177, proxy_image.jpeg)

Return to tradition, embrace the way your ancestors would communicate.

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7fbf2e  No.154448


Can't say anything without a callsign that doxxes you instantly.

But although they'd eventually be able to shut Ham down, they wouldn't do it instantly. You'd know what was up and be able to communicate longer than others. And you would have the physical ability to break the law and leak info about Pelosi's death squads massacring half your town to get their guns when nobody else might have the means. It might get you massacred though..

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