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92a41d  No.148695

Skying Skyking Do Not Answer

Message Follows

It's Time to make /pnd/ SKG Again!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUHQ85htUZU [Loc EM29rc]


main: 8992

backup: 11175 4724 6739 13200 15016

mode: USB 2500hz









http://www.panix.com/~clay/scanning/Frequencies/Military/mil-callsigns.txt (out of date)









Go to options, filters (check enable filters), and select military.

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92a41d  No.148697


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832468  No.148699


you again, just for how many more year will you cling to this bullshit

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92a41d  No.148703


Hello Glownigger

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177f57  No.148721

Oh, THAT’S what you meant. I miss the days when we thought this actually meant anything whatsoever or that a Happening™ would be a good thing for whites. Goddamn, those were happier times.


No, see, you just don’t have an argument.

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92a41d  No.148732


Well, you're the one saging my comfy skg thread because someone pissed in your cheerios. Anyone who set store by HAPPENINGS and KEK will be disappointed- All things happen in their own time.

But that doesnt mean SKG cant be comfy

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92a41d  No.148733

It's like, only my thread that gets saged through. All of the other circlejerking and nihilistic pointless bullshit and progaganda gets promoted, but innocent, innoculous SKG gets defiled

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80c7dc  No.148762

Thanks for the rain.

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e237cf  No.148817


How many of your threads have been saged? Is it more than five million? Sounds like a sad story.

Skyking is interesting at times. The fact you posted a stream instead of a specific message means this is probably not one of those times.

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177f57  No.148820


You're an illiterate fuckstick who doesn't comprehend how the world actually works. Your next line is "Q is real and the GEOTUS is god." Fuck off with your retarded spam. There has never been a Happening that was beneficial to whites, and there has never been a skyking thread that actually LED to anything.

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daf1c2  No.148956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What would be the purpose in posting a specific message?

Let's say something happened like a big happening skyking message.

Then the thread launches. All kinds of people tune in.

Then nothing. They spend the next 4 hours posting memes in the thread, but nothing else happens on the radio.

No, you need to be there when the skyking comes in for the first time.

It is boring and it is painful to the ears to sit listening to noise on the radio.

I am working on integrating skyking into a happy fun times ambient production system that will automatically fade out when HFGCS traffic is detected and fade the noise back out when the message ends. Attached is an example of my current work.

I am sharing it because you didn't sage.


Q is a LARP built by roger stone(specific timing of posting) and his political action affiliates as part of the political spin machine behind president trump. IT DOES have marginal white house access for meaningless "drops" and "proofs" along with, through journalist access to media preview systems, the ability to share news stories between 1-12 hours before they drop into the mainstream media. it is DESIGNED to inspire boomer MAGA enthusiasts to form a voluntary army of political advocacy hence the parallel WebWarriors WW1WGA ovaltine game that entrances them with the conspiracy and then uses them to advocate on trump's behalf. it is working. Powerful media celebrities have gotten involved in this now. That doesn't mean anything being pushed by QAnon comes true or that it has any INFOSEC ramifications for our interests in the "great happening".

Antagonizing me with "you are an illiterate fuckstick" just proves that you literally are severely depressed and have no basis on this board. I've invested a thousand dollars and countless hours into my skyking receiver. I am located in EM38- central USA. Within good radio distance of nearly all the skyking infrastructure. I am not a person who posts happenings threads. I post skyking threads. skyking is my thing.

Skyking threads don't lead to anything. if you expect them to lead to anything, then maybe your mental health is suffering. Consider this, instead- skyking messages don't mean anything. However, if there is ever a skymaster message, that does mean something. if there is ever a mustang down or snowfall message, that means something. The former can mean there is action afoot. The latter means shit has absolutely hit the fan and we'll hear about it on the news shortly.

But I find skykings soothing. I find listening to that human being out there counting out the hour, live, over the air, in nato codewords, but still a live human voice, is a message that all is well and there are other people out there and that the powers which be are still stable. You can hear more than the message, is what i'm saying. You can hear anxiety and tension, you can hear people make mistakes in the transmission. There is an actual person at the other end operating the HFGCS infrastructure, and it is someone trusted to do so reliably without schizophrenia or delusion. Much better than listening to amateur radio.

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daf1c2  No.148957


i cant actually attach an MP3 or audio file and the integrated voice recorder is shitty

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daf1c2  No.148959

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177f57  No.148963


>oy vey goyim you’re depressed ha ha look at depressed man

>why would any white person ever be depressed in this world

>look how much I spent on my pointless hardware to listen to something that you can hear for free online

>something which has absolutely no relevance to anyone, anywhere, and which can’t be controlled, changed, or means a goddamn thing in terms of reclaiming white nations

>watch as I flaunt my status in front of you


>but you’re the one who doesn’t belong here

Kill yourself.


It’s not live, dipshit.

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89e9ed  No.148975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I am working on integrating skyking into a happy fun times ambient production system that will automatically fade out when HFGCS traffic is detected and fade the noise back out when the message ends.

Needs more italo-disco.

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55d950  No.149082


I used to be depressed like you.

Then I stopped giving a shit about the jew.

If god had the power to put me here on this rotten world, then he certainly intends to get me through it. Any other attitude is defeatist.

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55d950  No.149083


I was thinking more Utvarp Saga talkhost with Guts Theme on low looped.

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c011db  No.149096

Go back to Africa niggers

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f43f29  No.149098

law enforcement is far to powerful, resistance is futile.

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7fdd89  No.149323

its happening!

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7fdd89  No.149324

Something BIG is happening!

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8b7b84  No.149356

HFGCS telefax transmission ongoing for more than 3 hours now. Either that or they've moved from doing vocal skykings to data.

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a1b2ec  No.150637


Is the sounds (the lines it makes) on 6321.63 morse code?

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065c8f  No.150931

skykang, skykang, this is Oscar 3 nigger lips, do you copy, over

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7fdd89  No.154664


bookmark it. Remember it. When there are skykings, we will have them.

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