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File: 8f9e0ecb49fbb2c⋯.jpg (448.12 KB, 1200x836, 300:209, Flat_Earth_illustration.jpg)

bb9c77  No.148429[Last 50 Posts]

Which conspiracy theory repeated often on this board do you think is retarded and why?

Gonna have to go with flat Earth. So all space-faring countries have a team of CGI artists hard at work faking images of a spherical world… to what end? Where is the potential gain for them? Why have no major figures come out with truly smoking-gun proof?

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1f8bfe  No.148433

>on this board

We deal in truth here. You seem to be in the wrong place.

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50690c  No.148435

Flat earth is pretty stupid on the face of it.

Never landed men on the moon is pretty idiotic tool; what the fuck faces don't get is that the onboard computer that spun off into the world we live in now where I'm some shmoo sitting at my table with an AMD 2950X Threadripper and 64 gigs of DDR5 ram is far more miraculous and astounding a technological achievement than the mere ballistics of putting men on the moon and returning them safe and sound. They don't get that. Their tiny little brains or their resolute trolling is far beyond that.

"Michael Jackson is the ultimate redpill". Only if the "redpill" is a morphine suppository for small children maybe.

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ed8ac7  No.148441

that this board isn't a giant honeypot

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620b76  No.148453


> flat earth is repeated often on this board

Where do you think you are?

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c974eb  No.148456

File: 0f7f9c6e63a4843⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault_2_.jpg)

Flat earth was invented by the illuminati to divide you

It appeared in the 'illuminati card deck' which was made in Austin , Texas

Many things featured in the deck are tools of the 'Illuminati' to divide people or confuse people

The problem is that there is no proof that space technically exists other than what NASA has shown us

To my greater understanding NASA is lying, but it's not about flat earth, it's about colonization of the moon, mars, and the secret space program

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19d7e2  No.148466


You know, you can literally launch a small rocket into the outer stratosphere or even the mesosphere with a gopro on it if you're so skeptical of space. It might cost you some money, but at least you'll know. Or you can just ask someone who has a rocket if you can attach a gopro to it.

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b2771d  No.148617


A weather balloon and a cheap. Cell phone can get you high enough to see the curvature of the earth. So like $200?

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29e578  No.148618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> you can literally launch a small rocket into the outer stratosphere


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e7cb67  No.148635

I'm not a big fan of the "literally every jew is in on it" idea. I've met a bunch of dumbshit kikes in my time, they aren't involved in any international conspiracies that's for sure. I worked with this kike when I was a teenager and he fucking hated jews - he went to a jewish school and was always on about how shit jews were and how much he hated them. His dad was a blue collar guy I don't remember what, he drove a truck with gear. His mom was a fat housewife. They were also not invited to any conspiracy meetings with the Rothschilds.

There are very real problems with jews. I just get annoyed when the problems get presented as a caricature that is easily dismissed by normies.

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0c8b05  No.148651


>Flat earth was invented by the illuminati to divide you

no, retard. for thousands of years all across the world, cultures and religions had envisioned our world as being a flat plane. the idea of planets didn't gain any headway scientifically until newton. even so, until newtons idea of "invisible force that can affect things over long distances" nobody would have thought any mass could attract anything to it by such a force alone. he was accused of introducing "occult elements" into science. and still there isn't any proof gravity is actually what they say it is. and that's their catalyst to prove things happened the way they say. without the big bang (theory) you cant have solar systems, stars, or planets (not actually proven) without which gravity (theory) isn't what they say it is. without this imaginative planetary system, said to have occurred over billions of years, they cannot have evolution (theory) and if evolution weren't a thing, people might start thinking there is meaning to life and our world, and they can't have that.

they have gained so much more than the billions the American taxpayers give to NASA(nasa means deceive in Hebrew) in ignorant faith. they've gained the material power over minds. atheism, more correctly defined as "scientism", is a religion that has been pushed en masse in order to keep the knowledge in the hands of the few. that's the real "invention". they have half of the world hooked on space cartoons, and the other on semitic crap. between the "atheist" mindset and the "religious" one, they have most bases, most minds covered.

But hey, people will believe what they will. might wanna check out what tesla thought of the whole idea of space and gravity. unless you think you're smarter than tesla

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1f8bfe  No.148652


If they’re a jew, they were raised on the Talmud. If they were raised on the Talmud,THEN THEY’RE ALL IN ON IT.For fuck’s sake, it’s literally that simple. They behave identically, no matter their social status. The number of truly converted jews in the last century can be counted on a single person’s digits.

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e7cb67  No.148653


I have personally sailed around the world (with my dad when I was like 13/14). That's enough evidence for me.

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1f8bfe  No.148654


No, seriously, get out. You’re not welcome.

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c63900  No.148656


Agreed but I dont think anyone actually believes every jew on the earth is involved in an anti-white conspiracy. It's just that a large amount of elite level jews are. As for average kikes, they might be anti-white/western/christian based on their religion. They have a very tribal mentallity (I can't falut anyone for that alone) but they also have a victim compplex that leads them to resent whites, even if just subconciously.

The Jewish religion is fucked up and that breeds the crazy kikes that we deal with all the time. Sure not every kike is in on "it" but their nature and religion drives them toward it. That's the answer to the jewish question, the religion needs to be abolished and the kikes need to be quarentined or forcefully mixed into another populace so their fucked up genes get washed out.

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e7cb67  No.148657


>I dont think anyone actually believes every jew on the earth is involved in an anti-white conspiracy




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5998f4  No.148698


No one means "literally every Jew is in on it" obviously. Just like how there's literally niggers who don't steal and are productive, but I'll still say every nigger is awful. Hurdur I have autism and can't tell what a generalization is

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5998f4  No.148701


Sorry for double post but what the fuck are you on? Did you forget the part of history where people we're killed for saying the earth is flat and saying earth isn't the center of the universe?

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e7cb67  No.148713


>No one means "literally every Jew is in on it"

No. Some people really mean it. That's why I mentioned it ITT. Just like some people really believe in chemtrails and the flat earth,

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5998f4  No.148715


The mentally disabled and larping don't count

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1f8bfe  No.148722


>no argument at all

Yes, all jews are raised to believe that only they are human. All jews work in congress against all non-jews. This is literally the first thing you learn when you learn anything about jews. You don’t know this. For a reason.

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fb6832  No.148724


Can someone explain this video? Is there some gravitational barrier that would stop a rocket in it's tracks (except for the most powerful ones)?

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bddc98  No.148730


>repeated on this board

There's only one flat earther in this board and he's not even spamming his shit.

The most reported over the cuckoo's nest unsabstantiated theory poster btw is probably the fungusphagefag from the CVGTs.

sage for shit thread

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bddc98  No.148734


Think you are confused, participating in and perpetuating an anti-White culture, benefiting from nepotistic parasitism on White societies and being genetically predisposed into hating Whites' own genetic tendencies doesn't mean you are directly recieving a Elders of Zion memo from Rothchild himself every end of the month. Almost all Jews act to the detriment of the European race, most of them are not doing it consciously.

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f15b15  No.148740

Its clearly flat. You need 10 minutes of research to figure it out goy.

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57a706  No.148757


> You need 10 minutes of research to figure it out goy.

True. All you need is a telescope. Go to a hill and you can see Mount Everest and and the Burj Khalifa from anywhere on earth. Spherecucks don't want you to see this for yourself because then there's no turning back.

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5998f4  No.148778


You can prove this with an image. I know a camera of that power would be very expensive but I honestly doubt the Jews would have the power to keep that from the internet, especially with how dedicated flat earthers are at "spreading the truth"

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62a243  No.148779

File: cc87de44309c0c6⋯.jpg (66.88 KB, 626x326, 313:163, turk_crowd.jpg)


Mutt here. Even thought I'm redpilled I' often nervous in a nervous and have a sense of non-belonging in an all white area. I can easily see these feelings manifest as a machiavellian Schadenfreude mindset.I suspect other mutts/jews and gays for that matter do to.

Imagine if you were a christian born and raised in turkey. You would view the society of turkey as as Islamic Monolith. Irrelevant of how the people act towards you, you would constantly wish to see their country undermined whether it be their religious traditions or their sense of masculinity.

The culture of critique is a natural response to being a cultural or genetic minority in a homogeneous society.

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03a63b  No.148809

File: 2a8331a772516a5⋯.png (468.16 KB, 892x768, 223:192, bd5a366da0f64b1da74a14dbaf….png)

File: 78c3c3f87c77016⋯.png (17.56 KB, 900x300, 3:1, Hebrew_keyboard_layout.png)


Unironically? That jews hate jesus. That jews are magically repelled by jesus. Like all of the most effective shill campaigns, there's truth to it, but it's skewed in a way that it looks convincing to the hopelessly delusional.

Here's the basis of it. Some jews do hate jesus, and they're the orthodox jews. The equivalent of the amish in Israel do, because that's part of the LARP - what crossposting christian posters accuse everyone they don't like of doing. These jews are called the Haredim. They represent approximately 12% of all jews in Israel, but their political power is such that every candidate has to pander to them if they want their votes.

But wait you might be thinking, explain the kikel backstory and the no cross signs on keyboards and in the classrooms? First you should take a second to realize that even taken as whole, that's not enough to rationalize the shill narrative. After that, Haredim at different intervals have immigrated to the US. This is such that the kikel story is such an isolated incident that even going by the christian crosspoter story, it should be at least at the level of muslims hating pork. It isn't. You now realize the kikel story is virtually the entire basis of that narrative and always the first thing that gets posted.

After that, the rest falls apart. Israeli keyboards do contain a plus sign. The reason why? Haredim like the Amish abstain from electronics. This means the JIDF have no upbringing that would make them subsconsiously wary of LARPing like a christian. The challenge in Israel with dealing with autistic LARPers is containing different sets of classroom material since like the Amish the Haredim have different curriculum. The Haredim utilize the tactic of uprooting themselves and going to a different part of a city or Israel to change political favor, so sign makers must change the signs' contents based on their movements or lose business.

If any of that seems inconsequential, it actually should. That was the entire basis of the above myth. Christian crossposters want to sell you on that story, that dismantling it seems underwhelming. But the story doesn't end there. There's a reason why I'm posting this here and not in its own thread.

It's a retarded narrative for a very big reason. Why is it that after 2016 there was a massive surge of christian posting? Why did they try to convince /pol/ to go back to worshiping jews? For the same reason as many faux-advocates, it's to lead you back into the proverbial cave. If you focus your entire message based around jews hating christianity and worshiping them all the same, what separates you from conservatives? Christianity being inherently zionistic, and conservatives being a largely zionist demographic - they successfully tricked you into repeating the past mistake of the last generation.

Overall, the idea that you will somehow stop jews by worshiping them ala Chrsitianity was in itself a trap and a return to the controlled opposition. That in itself exemplifie the jewish inverse of truth, the quintessential jewish lie. If you have learned anything about jewish shills, you should have learned that they possess no boundaries. They're the same people prone to degenerate behavior just by genetics alone, why would you ever think they'd be afraid of a rabbi who is center to the religion that let them out of the desert?

If all of that fails to register with you, ponder on this: What do jews benefit more from? Convincing /pol/ to be christian? Or convincing /pol/ to not be christian? If you studied the practical uses of christianity from the 300s all the way throughout the medieval times, you should know the answer. Better yet, if you realized that that question wasn't a pagan/athiest versus christian statement, now you're aware of the false dichotomy they set you up with once you start criticizing christianity.

Stop worshiping jews.

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1f8bfe  No.148819


>I have never read the talmud

>I know nothing about the doctrine of christianity

>I have never seen a single thing that jews have ever done

>I know absolutely nothing whatsoever about either ideology

>you wrong cuz jew say you wrong

This is actually a pretty great thread. It brings all the paid shills out of the woodwork.

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5f5019  No.148845

all i need to know about flat earth and "every single jew is in on it" is that a guy i know believes in them and he has dual citizenship with israel, so into the trash they go.

i still like to discuss it with him because i dont have a particularly strong verbal rhetoric and its good exercise. that being said, he still hasnt come up with a satisfactory response to my argument that the greeks and ancient egyptians used mathematics (which he and i had previously established is the fundamental and infallible language of the universe) to calculate the diameter of the earth. one of his arguments to me when i posited that the curvature is visible from a plane window is that the curvature of the window itself affects the horizon plane. at the time i didnt have a counter to this, but the window would also warp the image when youre at the terminal on the ground, which of course it does not.

while we all know that (((they))) lie about everything, its always important to remember that everything has to have at least a shred of truth in it. outright baldfaced lies are fairly simply disproven, while half-truths are by far the more sinister. nasa is most certainly a deceiver, but this aint it.

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c7d88c  No.149014


He gets referenced once in the entire collection of the Talmud, and it's to say Jesus is being punished with boiling shit. Which is the standard punishment for a 'traitor' jew. A jew who tries to undermine jewishness.

They hate Jesus because they don't want to swallow their own poison. Christianity is the religion to make their goyim submissive, following it would be undermining themselves.

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2915c8  No.149017

File: e6f9b5c71e534fb⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 447x425, 447:425, dr_now.jpg)

For me, it is the "We have the cure for cancer but releasing it is leaving money on the table" conspiracy.

It is so fucking blind to the way medicine actually works:

>Less than half of research is actually done by for-profit companies

>Most research is done by universities and non-profits

>Whomever finds the cure for any disease is going to be getting some sweet government grants for the rest of their tenure.

>There is far more money in juicy government grants than there is in the "treatment" market.

>Most of the for profit side has to do with distribution and treatments

>Universities and non-profits often sell the patents to treatments, knowing damn well that they only last about 10 years, after that the generics can be made, that money is only to cover the cost of coming up with that cure

Another way to phrase this:

>Imagine being the university or non-profit that cured breast cancer

>Imagine the glory

>Your organization will never have to fight for another grant again. The government money will flow in like water in a stream

>You will win a Nobel Prize in medicine, and anyone that had anything to do with you will have tenure track jobs at prestigious universities for life

>The non-profit that finds this will be flushed with money from all sides, that will probably go directly to finding more cures.

>Medicare/Medicade/Insurance/For profit corporations will buy it all up.

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4e1640  No.149026

For me, it's the supposed intelligence agents that are always here. Lol. Hahahaha! im sure, anyone who is given the soul crushing job of scouring the chans for God knows what probably suffers psychological torture and has already tossed themselves off the nearest roof. ill more easily believe the bulk of outsiders are corporate or ideologically (or both) motivated.

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f68fbc  No.149042


So what job do you have?

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1f8bfe  No.149047


Why? They won. They’ve utterly and permanently destroyed imageboard discourse and completely co-opted the very concept behind the platform itself. They’re not depressed, they’re effervescent. The only spam they ever post here is them taking a victory lap.



Nah, he’s referenced several dozen times. Nothing you’ve said is fact. You’re literally repeating the same thing that only jewish paid shills have ever said, day in and day out, for fucking DECADES. Get out of here. No one is falling for it.

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4e1640  No.149072


investigative journalist of course


i agree, the diaspora is very real. although im confident such efforts are in vain and serve no real purpose. a perfect mix of huxley and orwell.

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706b97  No.149074

Debunk this:

FDR was to serve as many terms as possible to install a Communist regime.

The swing back to the Republicans forced the term limits. However the imbalance had already been in the Dems favor for so long.

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706b97  No.149075


XI isn't going to show.

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1dac60  No.149077

> on this board

Whenever Qtards make it over here.

I really dislike Qtards. There is some fkn white rapper in this country (Netherlands) who goes around making raps, songs and such about Q and having vlogs and Q&A with other cultists on his youtube channel. Now I would expect this to get like 500 views. However it gets 150k+ views and tons of upvotes as well. The most inane /x/ tier shit is somehow penetrating into the mainstream since everything /pol/ gets censored fucking everywhere. It pisses me off. Its like the jews have completely succeeded in keeping everyone retarded as all fuck. If it wasn't for all the soc media censorship and media going after /pol/ talking points they'd be the mainstream. Every news site prior to them shoaing and censoring their comment sections was right wing ffs. And now the right wing is overtaken by nutjobs believing inane Q conspiracy shit that originated from one anon's wild LARP. Normies are fucking retarded.


It would massively fail as one since it enables proxy, TOR and doesn't require any personal identifying information nor active action by an end user. If you want to be more active / have bigger plans its best anyway not to dump it on a public forum but keep it to a few through OTR encrypted private chats.

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706b97  No.149078


The internet doesn't work that way.

Fuck these methheads are annoying as fuck.

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981c7b  No.149080

File: f43c54988be893a⋯.png (476.08 KB, 818x604, 409:302, Screen_Shot_2020_08_07_at_….png)


>The minimum altitude for an orbit is usually considered to be 160 km (about 100 miles), as anything under that encounters too much atmospheric drag to stay in orbit for very long.

73 miles is high enough to reach space you baboon

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56a8a6  No.149116



Unfortunately the internet doesn't. I think Q tards got so prevalent since they never really got censored anywhere, unlike everything from /pol/ which was overtaking mainstream political discourse under normies around 2014-2015ish.


^ The video apparently got 762.000 views. It's in Dutch so the reach is limited to mostly a Dutch audience (and 760k is already like 4% of the population). The comments are full in favor of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories you can find out there.

The lyrics already start like this (translated):

"Welcome to the most amazing festival

You don't need a ticket since you're already there

This is the fall of the cabal

Where we go 1 we go all"

And I just had to facepalm and cringe so hard upon the realization that the only shit I have in this country that isn't overt anti white pro globo homo are zog controlled opposition candidates and idiots believing in Q.

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706b97  No.149118


You're an idiot.

I am not le56, so 56ing an 8 is impossible.

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5998f4  No.149124


Tbh I still haven't learned what Q is

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1f8bfe  No.149143


There’s nothing to debunk. You’re absolutely correct. The Republican Party has not had a Senate supermajority since 1930. That allowed communists to completely take over the government BEFORE FDR ever left office. The Republican Party from the 1950s onward has been nothing but controlled opposition. They killed, blackmailed, or stole the election of the few people remaining who didn’t support the jewish cause.

That’s why McCarthy is synonymous with “bad” today, instead of being the hero we all know him to be. Even the post-Cold War release of the Venona Papers–which proved that EVERYONE he claimed was a communist was actually a communist and everything he said was happening was actually happening–was swept under the rug… because it communists have controlled the US completely since before 1991.


No, 100 miles is the legal limit and literally always has been. It’s the absolute bare minimum distance that an orbit can be maintained for any meaningful period of time, and even then that’s only a week or two. You can get to 73 miles in a fucking balloon.

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89bde9  No.149150


Or maybe normies always liked stuff like Bigfoot and conspiracy theories, so once you started criticizing it they rejected your tasteless fedora ass along with /pol/ by association, unfortunately. /pol/ became huge around the time Alex Jones was trendy again not during the fedora faggot age.

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d33758  No.149163

That all of climate change science is a myth. In reality, we are severely changing the conditions for life on this planet by the day with our pollution and exploitation. This has dreadful effects on future habitability. How a coordinated effort towards a more ecological and sustainable world could work, is however, a very difficult question to answer.

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bddc98  No.149165


Well, you are at least honest about it. All mongrels feels this way btw.

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416519  No.149169

File: a2ad74851e6a980⋯.jpg (58.77 KB, 1024x544, 32:17, a2ad74851e6a980d60d82515d1….jpg)

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416519  No.149175

File: 3f5c2d247a47c16⋯.png (1.17 MB, 927x6648, 309:2216, debt.png)


A new collective intelligence, possibly also (or rather) a DARPA project




>The Republican Party has not had a Senate supermajority since 1930

Great thread


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416519  No.149178

File: ea79a2a54d291f9⋯.png (72.1 KB, 1000x430, 100:43, _729.png)



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50690c  No.149229

File: 630ce2e940de1cb⋯.jpg (150.19 KB, 626x982, 313:491, st_john.jpg)


>believing in Q.

I see Q as desperate wishful thinking. But aside from that the very presentation of Q shit annoyed me from the start. It's the modern equivalent of Nostradamus, a big fraud who has always fascinated idiots. Simply write obscure predictions in a ponderous otiose style full of apocalyptic imagery…in fact the Apocalypse of John, (or any of the 800 or so other apocalypse writings of the period, it's actually a distinct form of literature, like the novel the play or poems) are all brain candy for the ignorant and superstitious, for sad hopeless people given to magical thinking.

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50690c  No.149235


Except Christianity of Anatolia pre dated Islamic Turkey by centuries and seeing as how it was superior to islamic Turkey in every way, the Christian in modern Turkey has every right to wish to see St Sophia restored as a great cathedral as it originally was in Byzantium.

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bddc98  No.149238


Glad you could share this with all of us, Agent Smith.

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981c7b  No.149239


That's the point, this retard was saying that you can't get that high in a rocket but if a balloon can then obviously a rocket can get there and higher.

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42adf5  No.149250

The conspiracy that more bloated government will ever fix anything.

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42adf5  No.149255


Some flat earth kooks believe our Earth is part of another bigger world but we as humans are not allowed to go outside our Earth bubble or face destruction by other aliens living outside our perceived world, and that the leaders of our world are in conspiracy with these aliens to keep us dumb down and under control so we can never find out or know anything else beyond our perceived world… some even think our leaders are aliens from outside the perceived world keeping us docile. The same ones also believe NASA and other agencies are a big psyop of-course. I don't know what to say other than it sounds absolutely nutty.

Although I'll admit I do find some conspiracies fascinating, and in rare cases I do agree with some of them (such as Bill Gates ID 2020 agenda or 9/11 was an inside job).

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760171  No.149268


Honestly, if you remove the silly stuff like aliens and flat earth none of that is too shocking. I wouldn't doubt the jews are hiding certain places from us and they tell us themselves they want to keep us docile and domesticated.

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754593  No.149293


You want to Jew me you worthless pile of shit?

Fuck yourself with a dozen gay niggers.

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bddc98  No.149297


>The same ones also believe NASA and other agencies are a big psyop of-course.

Not any more than the (((mainstream Academia))) as a matter of fact it might be less since space exploration attracts proportionately more White people than (((social sciences))) do

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1b796d  No.149561

Newfag here. Do the NatSoc people in here believe in flat earth?

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1f8bfe  No.149576


Why would anyone who isn’t paid by jews to spam lies believe in jewish lies?

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a4fbce  No.149697


>no, retard. for thousands of years all across the world, cultures and religions had envisioned our world as being a flat plane.

Actually no, you're being the retard here. Even the church did not make that claim. It was a strawman used to attack it.

Either myths make no reference to the world or when they describe into at a macroscale, they clearly make it round. May myths include elements about astrophysics relative to orbit and precession, hidden in numbers.

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a4fbce  No.149698


Are you real?

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a4fbce  No.149699


>That all of climate change science is a myth. In reality, we are severely changing the conditions for life on this planet by the day with our pollution and exploitation. This has dreadful effects on future habitability. How a coordinated effort towards a more ecological and sustainable world could work, is however, a very difficult question to answer

Pollution on one hand is almost entirely divorced from climate change on the other, especially when a great scare is made about dioxide carbon is, gasp, not poisonous, that human activity generates a fraction of what the planet deals with in terms of gaseous elements, and that this planet has experienced higher and much lower temperatures. Looking at historical


figures, we're not even experiencing an exceptionally hot global weather.>There’s nothing to debunk. You’re absolutely correct. The Republican Party has not had a Senate supermajority since 1930.

Easy explained with the war and rightists being forced into conscription by the (((state))).

Jews did something similar decades later, in a softer fashion, with the organization of marches at times when students were meant to actually be doing their final year exams, and many of them therefore failed, allowing kikes to gain access to industries and seats in academic centers when whites were too busy doing shit in the streets for "human rights", "civil rights" and our negro brothers.

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a4fbce  No.149703


I suggest you learn to read.

>>73 mile is enough to reach space

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1b796d  No.149722


What kind of stupid question is that?

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1f8bfe  No.149724


You say things only people who don’t belong here say. It’s entirely conceivable that you’re just a shill.

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1b796d  No.149914


I'm a newfag here and recently redpilled. My question was honest and without any alterior motives.

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1f8bfe  No.149927


Fair enough. There’s a whole lot of shit flying around to poison the well of truth. “Wow, if something as big as the holocaust didn’t happen, maybe all that stuff about reptilians and Bigfoot and hollow Earth is real, too!” That’s how they get you to look insane. Guilt by association.

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9de2b3  No.150027

File: 9cc695c70cc05eb⋯.png (110.84 KB, 817x768, 817:768, 115.png)

> Which conspiracy theory repeated often on this board do you think is retarded and why?

The idea that kikes are hyper-intelligent, all powerful and can't be effectively resisted.

It's just a cope to justify inaction.

As with any underdog you can't simply simply directly challenge an entrenched power. You have to build a strong base while trying to fly under the radar and work to undermine them. Only once you are stronger can you issue a direct challenge. However this is years, if not decades, of work.

The reality is that kikes are actually kind of stupid and incompetent. They've just been focused on nationalism, collective action and parasitism for 2000 years and have gotten pretty decent at it.

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1f8bfe  No.150042


>can't be effectively resisted.

So why haven’t they been.

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83a19d  No.150056


This. Jewish nepotism is a real problem in just about any field, but the idea that "he's a jew so he's an insider" is fucking schizo and only serves to make anyone criticising the jewish elite seem like a tin-foil hat wearing "conspiracy theorist".

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83a19d  No.150058


Have you ever met a jew in real life? Saying they are all "raised on the Talmud" is like saying all Christians are raised on the bible. You probably know white people, so you know that some only celebrate christmas and easter and only in the sense that it's the day when you cook a nice dinner and give presents. Others have memorized the bible and pray every day. They're both "Christians".

What makes you think Jews have this superhuman ability to standardize their upbringing across millions of people so they're all equally well "raised on the Talmud"? I can tell what, the fact that you never even thought about it.

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83a19d  No.150059



Even the Romans and Greeks (pre-Christianity) thought the world was round. I can't say for cultures older than that because I haven't looked into it, but plenty of preserved Greek and Roman literature from ~400BC to 200AD already refer to the world as a globe.

And I don't mean some esteemed scientists who proposed such a revolutionary idea. I mean it was common knowledge enough that if you even just read philosophy or whatever literature from that time you'll notice references to things like the sun and the moon orbiting around "this ball that we live on".

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83a19d  No.150060


I agree that the idea is crazy, however

>>Most research is done by universities and non-profits

Universities get a large share of their research funding from pharmaceutical companies. Just because a study was done at a university doesn't mean the pharmaceutical companies didn't have their hands in it. Their lobbyists also pay a big part in determining how government grants are distributed.

Like I said I don't believe there's a cure for cancer that they're hiding, but your representation of how medical research operates is needlessly optimistic and naive.

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52d005  No.150062

flat earth has always been a kike psy op. Does anyone still have the threads from 15-16 destroying these faggots? It's only purpose is to associate true information with the batshit crazy, it makes lurkers dismiss everything without looking too far into it.

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83a19d  No.150066


Why do I even come here? These are facebook tier arguments.

>especially when a great scare is made about dioxide carbon is, gasp, not poisonous

Literally no one is saying carbon dioxide is poisonous. Things can be detrimental to environment and its suitability for human life without being poisonous.

>this planet has experienced higher and much lower temperatures

Again, no one is saying the planet hasn't experienced higher or lower temperatures or that climate change isn't a regular phenomenon. What they're saying is that the SPEED of climate change that we're currently experiencing is exponentially faster than anything we can estimate (because actual measurements only go back one or two centuries) to have happened in the past. It's normal for the average temperature of the earth to fluctuate, but clearly something important has happened in the past ~100+ years since it's changing much, much more rapidly than ever before.

What has happened in the past 100 years that has never happened before in the history of the earth? Widespread industrialism coupled with rapid human population growth is one pretty good guess. Especially since those also happen to coincide with the release of pollutants we can demonstrate to impact the climate. Yeah, it's a theory, but it's a theory with pretty fucking solid reasoning behind it. If you have any better guesses to what the reason might be then go ahead.

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1f8bfe  No.150073


>you’re insane if you think jews prefer each other over non-jews to the detriment of non-jews up to and including their deaths

So the documents written by jews which explicitly tell them to do this don’t matter to you?


>Saying they are all "raised on the Talmud" is like saying all Christians are raised on the bible.

You don’t seem to get what those words even mean. Words have definitions.

>You probably know white people, so you know that some only celebrate christmas and easter and only in the sense that it's the day when you cook a nice dinner and give presents.

So they’re not Christians. So they don’t apply to this analogy and aren’t relevant to what I said at all.

>They're both "Christians”.

They literally aren’t. Words have definitions.

>What makes you think Jews have this superhuman ability to standardize their upbringing across millions of people so they're all equally well "raised on the Talmud”?

1. Because that’s the definition of BEING A JEW.


< “All jews, around the world, are learning the same page [of the Talmud] on the same day. All jews [therefore] feel united–as though they’re brothers and sisters with each other.” ~ ✡Joseph Klein✡; What’s With The Jews?, CBC documentary; 2017

>I can tell what, the fact that you never even thought about it.

No, see, I’m the only one who has thought about it. You’re spewing shit you don’t understand because you’re brainwashed to think that jews are “just a funny group of white people.”


>Why do I even come here?

Feel free to leave.

>Literally no one is saying carbon dioxide is poisonous.

1. Everyone who has ever breathed it in too high a concentration says so, you fucking simpleton.

2. Except that’s literally the mainstream narrative, foisted on people that it’s going to kill all ocean life.

>no one is saying the planet hasn't experienced higher or lower temperatures or that climate change isn't a regular phenomenon.

They are, in fact, saying exactly this, and they are making it illegal for anyone to question it. Either pay attention to what the enemies of whites are doing or please DO go back to facebook.

>What they're saying is that the SPEED of climate change that we're currently experiencing is exponentially faster than anything we can estimate

Yes, they’re saying that. They’re 100% incorrect about it, but they’re definitely saying it.

>faster than anything we can estimate (because actual measurements only go back one or two centuries)

Modern scientific readings only go back that far; we’ve seen evidence in tree rings and ice deposits of far faster shifts in temperature and climate (up and down) in the past, even while humans were alive.

>What has happened in the past 100 years that has never happened before in the history of the earth? Widespread industrialism coupled with rapid human population growth

The latter is a problem because they’re not white. The former is proven to have done nothing to change the climate or the temperature of the planet.

>the release of pollutants we can demonstrate to impact the climate.

Nope, not the climate. The environment, absolutely. Not the climate.

>Yeah, it's a theory, but it's a theory with pretty fucking solid reasoning behind it.

Every single claim ever made by every single person who claims that AGW is real has been scientifically proven false. Go back to facebook.

>the reason might be

The world is not warming. Storms are not becoming worse. Droughts are not deeper. Monsoons are not stronger. Sea level is rising more slowly than at any point in the last 13,000 years, during which time it has been constantly rising. Glaciers melt and grow in ~400 year cycles, and they’re not growing or shrinking out of turn with those cycles. Deserts are not growing. Every. single. fucking. claim. they. make. is. a. PROVEN. lie.

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83a19d  No.150077


Oh so you're going the "no true scotsman" route. All jews are in on it, except when they're not, but they're not really jews. Just like people calling themselves christians aren't REALLY christians unless they meet some arbitrary benchmark set by you. Because "words have definitions" and apparently you're the grand judge who sets them.

>1. Because that’s the definition of BEING A JEW.




a member of the people and cultural community whose traditional religion is Judaism

Again, there's a huge range of people who would claim to be Jewish because they think whatever it is they do meets this definition. The one thing in common almost all of them share is jewish heritage, so that's where the "definition" of a Jew lies in practice.

What's your solution? Getting to know each and every single one, perusing through their childhood photo albums and trying to figure out if they're up to your standards? If you set the "definition" of Jew to be exclusive to those practicing some fundamental interpretation of it then you're going to have to do a lot of legwork for determine who the Jews even are.

>So the documents written by jews which explicitly tell them to do this

There are lots of written documents. Laws are written on paper. Does that mean laws are never broken? It must since they were written down and told people how to act.

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83a19d  No.150083


>1. Everyone who has ever breathed it in too high a concentration says so, you fucking simpleton.

A high enough concentration of anything can be harmful. Whether something is considered poisonous depends on how high of a concentration is needed for it to be harmful. Breathing pure oxygen can be lethal, is oxygen a fucking poison?

>They are, in fact, saying exactly this, and they are making it illegal for anyone to question it.

Maybe the paranoid single mothers in your local facebook groups, but those people aren't the ones making decisions on climate change. Read the IPCC or UN reports or just watch one fucking MAINSTREAM documentary or talk radio show or any fucking half-credible NORMIE source and they ALL admit that the temperature of the earth fluctuates. NO ONE in charge of anything is denying that. You're fighting the weakest fucking straw man by saying that the "climate change agenda" refutes this universally acknowledged fact that NO ONE outside fucking granny facebook is disagreeing with or "making illegal".

>we’ve seen evidence in tree rings and ice deposits of far faster shifts in temperature and climate

Citation needed. Even if the ZOG was behind climate change they're not retarded. Why is it that these online schizoids think they can disprove everything the thousands of scientist are doing with a single peace of unsourced information? IF it was all a hoax and IF the scientists employed to supposedly study climate change were all just fudging data for whatever evil cause you don't think they'd have the resources to make their data fit the narrative too? Why would this "evidence" you speak of be ignored if it would undermine the whole effort?

>The latter is a problem because they’re not white.

So niggers naturally expel more greenhouse gasses from their lungs? Seems reasonable.

>The former is proven to have done nothing to change the climate or the temperature of the planet.

Well it must be so then, since it has been "PROVEN" that the machines the negroes use have nothing to do with it.

>The environment, absolutely. Not the climate.

The environment and the climate are not separate from one another.

>Every single claim ever made by every single person who claims that AGW is real has been scientifically proven false. Go back to facebook.

The irony of this statement when this "scientifically proven" information you're speaking of can with 100% certainty be traced back to facebook.

>The world is not warming.

Untrue, unless again you have some facebook infograph that for whatever reason is more reliable than the data IPCC and every weather service out there is operating on.

>Every. single. fucking. claim. they. make. is. a. PROVEN. lie.

But it's not. You just want to feel special so you choose to believe some unsourced claims you read on the internet because they make you feel like a big boy who can't be controlled by the man, man. Everyone else is being controlled, not you. You're too smart to fall for that.

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1f8bfe  No.150091


>no true Scotsman

>oy vey goyim oranges aren’t oranges when they call themselves apples despite retaining all the characteristics of an orange

>also trannies are real

Thanks for playing! You lose. Words have definitions.

>you’re the judge

Only jews say this. Only jews can’t comprehend that truth is objective. No one is the judge. It exists outside the self. You’ve already lost.

>claim to be jewish

But are not.

>because they think

Irrelevant. Truth is objective. Facts don’t care about your feelings.

>jewish heritage

Oh gee, you mean a common genetic bond that causes them to physiologically react identically to a given situation? OH BOY, ALMOST LIKE THAT’S THE SEAT OF CULTURE OR SOMETHING!

>what’s your solution

Exterminating every jew on Earth down to the last unborn child. A simple blood test shows the jewish genetic markers to make that determination. Scientifically. Objectively. Because words have definitions.

>there are lots of written documents

Look at this pilpul, ladies and gents. My goodness, it’s beautiful. You’re REALLY going with “jews TOTALLY don’t work against whites no matter where they are–despite being commanded to do so by their rabbis–because laws can be broken!” are you? Geez.


>maybe paranoid single mothers on facebook

Nope, the UN, the EU, and virtually anywhere else with a socialist-cum-communist government.


Yep, they say it.

>UN reports

Yep, they say it.

>mainstream documentary

Yep, they say it.

>normalfag source

Yes, that’s what normalfags believe, too. “Temperatures today are unprecedented.” That’s the narrative.


So repeating exactly what someone says and then ignoring it because it’s a lie is a strawman now?

>no one outside fucking granny facebook is making illegal

https://archive.fo/xtYGR https://archive.fo/nsVAa https://archive.fo/xTp5K

Get the fuck out of here, dipshit.

>Citation needed

The Medieval Warm Period. The Roman Warm Period. You want more? The start of the Carboniferous Period.

>they’re not retarded

No, but you are.


Yes, go back to facebook.

>thousands of scientists are doing

Except they’re not. It’s literally a few hundred people being paid to suppress the rest. Literally how the fucking media works. There is not and never has been any “consensus” on AGW.



>you don’t think they’d have the resources to make their data fit the narrative too

That’s literally what they’re doing. They faked the data–both climatological and sociological–and claimed it was real. Just like the holocaust. Just like the claims of high jewish IQ. Just like racial egalitarianism. Just like “faggots and trannies are normal.” Just like literally every other fucking thing they say.

>niggers naturally expel

No, nonwhites are just horrible for the environment. Go to an Asian nation (other than Japan). Go to anywhere in Africa. Go to any spic country. Trash everywhere. Clear cut forests. Desertification caused by destroying the Amazon. You name it.

Environmentalism is the lifeblood of a healthy nation. “Climate change” is a hoax which destroyed natural white environmentalist goals.


>the machines

Also white nations have plenty of waste regulations. Nonwhite nations don’t. Look at their rivers. Look at India and China’s air.

>are not separate

No, but the narratives of environmentalism and AGW are.


Again, no one cares what your jewish hoaxes have to say. We’ve been over this literally thousands of times.





Every temperature reading in the last 140 years proves you wrong.






Funny how the IPCC says there has been zero warming from 1880 to 1998 (in its annual climatological report on the subject, summarizing the data), and also from 1998 to 2020, then (as shown by HADCRUT3 data), huh.

Educate yourself. Do not post again.


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83a19d  No.150098


> A simple blood test shows the jewish genetic markers to make that determination.

You're so fucking stupid you don't even see how contradictory your statements are. Just a moment ago the definitive definition of a Jew was that they were succesfully brough up on the Talmud. Now genetics is the deciding factor. Make up your mind already.

If genetics is the "definition" of a jew, then we can go back to my earlier question


>What makes you think Jews have this superhuman ability to standardize their upbringing across millions of people so they're all equally well "raised on the Talmud"?

So please tell me, what is it? How are they so good at it that they managed to get EVERY JEW in the world in on their scheme? That's quite the accomplishment.

>You’re REALLY going with “jews TOTALLY don’t work against whites

Never once did I say that.


>Yep, they say it.

>>UN reports

>Yep, they say it.

No, they don't. I know this because they've actually read them. The fact that you're saying something I KNOW NOT TO BE TRUE to be the case really doesn't make the rest of your argument seem believable.


>allegedly met to plot

>according to an anonymous source

OH WOW! This isn't clickbait at all. You've convinced me.



Did you read these articles? The first one is a speech made by some guy to an audience that included judges. The third is about the construction of a runway. Not only do random keynote speeches not have the power to introduce new laws a fucking construction project not meeting the standards of a pre-existing agreement is NOT making it illegal to claim that temperatures have fluctuated in the past, which is what you claimed to begin with.

Why am I giving you the satisfaction of even replying? I know it won't do any good, you're too hooked on the feeling like you're not a sheeple unlike everybody else to even consider that maybe your ideas are fucking retarded.

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1f8bfe  No.150103



You lack even the most basic and fundamental knowledge to be considered worth posting here. You don’t even know what judaism is. Jews are a genetic group raised under a single set of societal norms. Get it through your head.

>how are they so good at it

You were literally already told this. If you’d ever read the Talmud, you’d understand it, too.

>never once

“Laws can be broken” doesn’t ring a bell?

>no they don’t

They do, yeah. Sorry. It’s the fundamental premise of this whole hoax. I don’t give a shit about the rest of your lies.


lol, you’re done

>first one is a speech

Gee, wonder what the speech was about.

>third is about

Gee, wonder what happened to the runway.


Please don’t reply again. You were already told to fuck off. You’re not welcome here. We don’t have any obligation to entertain your spam every single fucking day.


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f9e61a  No.150104


jews love this anecdotal bullshit judge a race by their groups not their individuals (I forget the french racialist who said this) of course there are good jews just like there are a few well spoken niggers that doesnt refute anything jewish behavior is subversive and innate they learn the same bullshit we do in school they dont even need to go to rabbinical school to learn about jewish victimhood and identity we all learn it because they control the curriculum, the historical narative. squirm all you want you can claim to be unlike the other jews but that doesnt redeem the lot of you

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f9e61a  No.150106


the solution to the jewish problem is ethnonationalism jews could hide their behavior during the inquisition hell there were jews like soros pretending to be white rounding up jews for detention camps during ww2 they will always try to escape and blend but they cant hide forever and just as the saying goes "you cant con an honest man" well you wont be able to subvert an honest society, one that outlaws usury promotes racialist ideas and outlaws foreigners from holding power. basically a return to common sense politics

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760171  No.150118


>basically a return to common sense politics

The problem is how do we get there? The people who were in it just for the memes already jumped ship for the next trend and reverted back to their old cucked ways. There are some good people ethnonationalism stuck with and surely more with potential we could redpill but ultimately numbers alone don't win. We need some kind of action and no not the glownigger blow stuff up kind, the kind that one town did where they protested with signs quoting the Gospel of John to scare that one jewish government official into quitting. AND IT WORKED.

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4822d4  No.150241


They do have smart ones, notably because they grabbed some whitish DNA added to their semitic cesspool.

On top of that, they have also manipulated IQ scores as initially it has been shown they scored too low, so they (((prepared))) better for them. Chinese do the same.

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