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a9ae1a  No.148103

How long will the united states last for before it becomes unlivable/totalitarian ZOG where you can't go outside anymore/doesn't exist anymore? 30 years? 100 years? 3 years? It's too late to do anything other than focus on trying to build alterior means of living, forsaking entertainment and doing only what matters - quit lollygaggin', listen to Dugan.


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4cc3e4  No.148104


3 hours and 22 minutes. God speed.

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b014bd  No.148115


There will be the haves and have nots. Those that were smart and had some savings have bailed, they're the new generation of homesteaders and preppers living more self-sufficiently and working harder. The have nots, sadly, I don't know what will happen but they best fight back when necessary or they're doomed.

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fcfb66  No.148153


>bailed, they're the new generation of homesteaders

You haven't "bailed" unless you fled the country, and nowhere worth living in is going to let you into a be a subsistence farmer lol

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e2ff29  No.148186


based skull & bones anon

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e1bdc0  No.148191

I already get chased and followed by fags and non-whites everywhere.

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