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File: 7f5ac94af26bd61⋯.jpg (69.81 KB, 424x504, 53:63, pizza_gate_2.jpg)

a42fa5  No.147279[Last 50 Posts]

Baby boomers are getting tortured in retirement homes

baby boomers are getting tortured in retirement homes by nigger and asian nurses. And they deserve this for selling out their own children's future. Rot in hell, boomer scum

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4c6b97  No.147304


And when they're gone into the void of death, the niggers are going to fuck you up the ass until you shit blood. Enjoy faggot.

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ca498a  No.147310

File: 11011fa34122c64⋯.jpg (96.35 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, electric_goy.jpg)


elderly whites in america have been spending their last days being cared for by niggers and other lower class types for a long time. the ungrateful children and grandchildren of those old folks always have some excuse or another why its someone else's responsibility to care for elderly relatives. those children and grandchildren will eventually be left to spend their last days being abused by niggers too, it wasn't always like this, but it is now because that how the kikes want it all set up.

pic is my estimation of what OP's family photos look like

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153058  No.147333

File: 28ce12d9fdf4811⋯.jpg (52.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


A significant amount of these fuckers sold their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in bondage and debt slavery to banks and governments so they could get retirement money and their precious, responsibility-free healthcare.

They pimped out their daughters, castrated and drugged their sons out of their mind, and threw their descendants to the wolves, telling everyone "I've got mine, fuck you, I'll be dead before there are consequences". All the while bitching incessantly about these same children they couldn't be bothered to raise and vomiting their incredible "coolness" upon the world.

Now consequences are coming, and they're crying out in pain after having destroyed entire generations. Have I mentioned how many children these sick fucks have aborted, or how many families they've destroyed through divorce and feminism, bringing us full-speed towards the abyss?

You get what you fucking deserve.

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3adccc  No.147344

File: 91e8333c578ec7b⋯.png (509.89 KB, 1634x348, 817:174, boomer_parents_get_what_th….png)


You first, gramps.

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3adccc  No.147345

File: 47a68a7a209899e⋯.jpg (337.71 KB, 1663x388, 1663:388, boomers_and_tradition.jpg)


Cry me a fucking river, race traitor.

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4c6b97  No.147353


kek Canadian $20 no less. That's about $15 USD. What will you buy with that? Maybe a really skanky junky dancer at the stripper bar will rub her shrivelled junky titties in your face for 10 seconds for $15.

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4c6b97  No.147354


I wonder; was the front room furniture all wrapped in plastic too?

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f86fea  No.147356


there’s no meme more jewish than the “muh evil boomer”

its hard to believe how many of you fell for it. most boomers weren’t even old enough to vote for the immigration act in 65, and the national guard had to force school integration at gun point, your boomers didn’t want it. jews did this to us, save your hate for jews. all that matters is your family and your race. during the last year i have woken up my boomer parents and relatives. it is possible, and your family is worth saving. whites must stick together young and old and we must kill the jew together.

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fc8ed1  No.147359



People who prioritized their children's future over their own endless, pointless, insatiable, wasteful self-gratification are welcomed into the homes the children could afford to own because their parents sacrificed to start a dynasty.

It's the parents who scornfully laughed and kicked their kids out of the house on their 18th birthdays, telling them to "go make something of yourself" in an economy 1/35th the size of the economy, in real buying power of their youth, it's THOSE parents who are being left to rot, because the very kids they worked ever-so-hard to deprive of a future are the ones who would have gladly welcomed them in, if they had a house, instead of an apartment, but Boomer and Boomette wouldn't even lend them the money for a down payment or co-sign for a modest starter house. Instead, they bought their sixth motorhome in five years and took repeated trips to far-off lands and, in short, did everything in their power to "spend my kids' inheritance."

Proverbs 13:22  A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

You have to understand, squandering every cent God blessed you with specifically so you could bless those who were put in your area of responsibility, and help them get a start in life, instead of spending it all up like a ghetto resident on Friday night precluded your children from being ABLE to afford to support you. They wanted to. They just had to choose. "My kids eat, or the black hole of self indulgence gets to eat."

We aren't ungrateful. We are incapable.

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fc8ed1  No.147360


Some of it was, yes.

But, generally, the "living room" was just wasted real estate.

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5fd391  No.147373

you know you inherit from boomers, right?

it's not the fault of boomers, it's the fault of the government and nasty practices they could pretty much do anything against.

take responsibility for it and do something. get informed and inform others. take initiatives. stand against migration. stop moaning and victimising

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87f839  No.147382


>you know you inherit from boomers, right?

You know they’re not leaving any inheritance behind because they do literally anything jews say to do without question, right?


>it's not the fault of boomers

It literally is. Every individual has free will. Everyone has the physical capacity to resist the ZOG. They did nothing. None of them. They literally killed each other to prevent white nationalists from winning during their young adulthoods.

>it's the fault of the government

They voted for the government. They refused to revolt against the government.

>and nasty practices they could pretty much do anything against.

It’s called physical resistance, you fucking subhuman retard.

>take responsibility for it

Instantaneously destroying your own argument.

>take initiatives

What initiatives? Do what? Anything? Ever?

>stand against migration

Stand how? What do we do? Anything? Ever?

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5fd391  No.147389


not to excuse their behaviour but you have no idea how impossible it was for them to foresee this

it's easy now

in the meantime go kill yourself with your negative talk, i'm active on the daily by donating to right initiatives (like local news outlets), constantly supporting the so-called far-right party here, spreading a positive image of theirs, spread science against miscegenation, try and live by example and doing whatever else i can

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5fd391  No.147391


that migration of the past 7 years, also the fault of boomers i'm sure? surely millenials couldn't fucking vote right?

you seen twitter and the millenials there?

and that article of yours says next-to-nothing. who did they interrogate, and how much money did they have

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ca498a  No.147392

The boomer meme and the more recent Karen meme are both so overtly anti-white that only a retard, a brainwashed soycuck or a subhuman non-white could fall for them

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01a2d1  No.147394


>Karen meme


So, it's perfectly ok for post-menopausal sunburnt women to act like niggers because they have pale skin? If you're gonna act like a Shaniqua, you're going to be treated like one.

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d04fb3  No.147398


they learned it from you

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b49478  No.147399

Just like all things in life not everyone/thing is 100 percent bad but I would say more than 90 percent of boomers are disgusting greedy parasites that sold their childrens future out.

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424712  No.147458

File: 3fc3b90095e82bc⋯.jpg (118.54 KB, 1200x476, 300:119, boomer_killer.jpg)

File: 19402829f925b3a⋯.jpg (413.98 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, salami_tactics.jpg)

Boomers got full-flood of the first wave programming by music, media and arts, you think today is bad remember that there were songs calling for genocide blasting from the radio, "Coffee colored people by the score." They thought they were moving away from massive world wars that threw millions of men into the meat grinder.


>jews did this to us

Hate your parents, hate your kids, hate your sisters and daughters, this is so fucking obviously kosher I can't believe anyone falls for it. Reality is pics related.

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4c6b97  No.147460


I saw this really good French TV show on Arte about the Mods movement in England, and the one motif that kept recurring was that the mods were youth that were actively encouraged by their parents who had been under the draconian discipline of WWII and their grandparents who had been military slaves sent to the slaughterhouse in WWI actively encouraged their children and grandchildren to turn their backs on the disastrous, ruinous and anti human militarism of their youth and seek the artistic life of fashion, music and other creative outlets instead. It wasn't just the jews' commercials or the hedonism. It was an active rejection of the empire of death and slavery.

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340d4f  No.147463

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b49478  No.147467

This shit is retarded and not the first i've seen of this channel. Take your retarded art school boomer shit to 4 weirdo.


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4c6b97  No.147473


It's pretty funny if he hates boomers because having been a habitue of art galleries going back to 1968 or so, and being open minded towards the conceptual art movement of the early 70's, it's clear to me that his work posted here is a straight up copy of that edgy idiom, that's half a century old. Hardly "avant guard" particularly as that style of dadaism, without the video media (which had yet to be invented) can be dated back even further to pre WWI era avant guard art. So it's over a century old in style.

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b49478  No.147475

I have yet to hear the funny part, go on.


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b49478  No.147480


I don't really give a shit about your salami tactics, they were born before me and they are the ones who need to take responsibility for the past. Anyone worth their salt should at least admit their wrong-doing and not deflect the blame, we were all screwed by (((them))) but the fact of the matter is they sold us out. Didn't bother to fact check anything and then have the nerve to tell me "boot straps" when they didn't even leave us any fucking boots.


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b49478  No.147481


Fuck off mama's boy, some whites just had a bad card in life. And then we have to hear you trust fund fucks telling us to honor our parents? Maybe just maybe some of us actually had a hard life and even if our boomer parents die we still wont get shit. Maybe we will even inherit debt from them, fuck off with your utopia bullshit. A scrub is a fucking scrub and whiteness doesn't exclude you from punishment of your sins. If you don't take care of your children the way they should be cared for then don't expect to have them take care of you when you are shitting yourself and too fucked up to cook your own meals.


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b49478  No.147484


You reek of boomer scum, donating to right initiatives? I've been working low wage construction type jobs the past 12 years and boomer filth like you wants to cut my un-employment when boomers like you SHUT THE FUCKING ECONOMY DOWN so I can't work OR pay my rent now? and you donate to "right initiatives" well fuck you. Because if I end up homeless and hungry guess who just joined the protests? Picture more than 40 million people with no homes or jobs that are pissed off. You just bolstered the ranks of your enemy by being a greedy selfish fuck. "THAY R LAZY THEY DONT WANA WURK NO SUPPLEMENTS FOR THEM!" yet the nigger gibs never end. You thought the floyd protests were bad? Like the old saying goes everyone is just 3 meals away from chaos. Enjoy the world you made because it just might be at your doorstep soon enough.


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b49478  No.147485




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b49478  No.147488

Anecdotal at best, disingenuous at worst. and the national gaurd forced it at gunpoint in one country. All the other boomers in the country accepted it with open arms. And I dont need to save my hate for anything. I have plenty to go around, and that includes fucking traitors and anyone who helped facilitate this madness I experience today. You already had your piece of the pie and told me to fuck off and now you want me to eat the shit that fell from your ass from it? Go to hell. I'm too busy trying to stay alive to "stick together" look up what wages should be today when inflation is taken to account. Look up how much more opportunity and prosperity they had compared to their children and grandchildren. They need to take their social security and pensions and shut the fuck up before they really piss us off. Shove the bootstraps up their asses and stop patronizing us. the jig's up and we know what they did.


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b49478  No.147489

Had to edit* meant COUNTY not country. ^^^

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3c2b23  No.147490


hey we get it you got shitty parents

so what is it that frustrates you these days and what are you going to do about it

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3c2b23  No.147491


i'm in my twenties, but i'm from euro so i can definitely understand the frustration with america

fix your character go to europe and live by example

construction jobs here pay okay, there's less inequality and less niggers

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b49478  No.147497

Digging ditches and building infrastructure wasn't enough? You want me to "learn to code" now? What am I going to do about it? Ask yourself that question if you make 6 figures and live in the hills. I think I'm going to be fine with what's to come.


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b49478  No.147498

Fix my character? Go to Europe? Yeah sure thing I'll just take all my minimum wage earning and spend thousands of dollars I don't have to move across the pond. I love all these simple solutions some people have to offer.

"hurr durr just move to europes"

Do something for me if you ever have time, pull out a calculator then do 12 dollars an hour times 30 to 40 hours a week. account for 900 a month rent with utilities and food. Yes you read that right I dont even get a full 40 a week because MOST employers keep you under 36 hours a week so they don't have to pay you health insurance. That's a boomer invention by the way.


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b49478  No.147499

File: cfc058e71d6ee59⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 645x729, 215:243, Bottomless_Pit.jpg)

muh nigurs fuk u up ur ass n sheit muh dick the void blood faggit hurr durr


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ef5f1f  No.147507

File: 7e6536a70d4cea1⋯.png (43.99 KB, 998x1158, 499:579, Biden.png)

File: c87055a40841da3⋯.jpg (209.59 KB, 1024x1019, 1024:1019, Frankfurt_school.jpg)

It was not the baby boomers who destroyed society though.

I was the jews.

From feminism to communism to immigration and even the current crisis, it all has the filthy hand of the jew behind it.

Jews are a blight unto the nations and the only way to improve society is by exposing and destroying them.

Those who seek our destruction, we will seek their destruction.

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1bd4b6  No.147508

If you're American, than Woodrow Wilson was the true culprit for ruining the nation. If you go further, the Frankfurt School set up shop long before Boomers were born. The Boomers were raised during a time of great affluence and societal change, when trust in media and government was high. They were always doomed to fail because this death of the West is not a fast one, but a painfully slow one. Day by day, year by year, little by little they chip away at our morality, our cohesiveness, our views of reality and truth, our laws, our media, our education and children. It was impossible to see how bad things would become especially when things were so good. How could things go bad?

Cutting to the chase though, this shit is blatant D&C through and through.

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118562  No.147510


Even the generation before the Boomers made famous the bumper sticker

>I’m spending my grandchildren’s inheritance

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118562  No.147513


So your parents got help from their family when they were young — babysitting and other home help, keeping an eye out for work opportunities, and so on. Then they forgot about how that was useful when it came to their own children.

>How does that help now?

As your parents are being raped by niggers in a nursing home, what’s the value in helping them out? After you’ve shown them the consequences of their wastrel lives, are they going to undo their divorces, pump out more children, and finally do something right?

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31a78a  No.147525


shut up faggot. Boomers sold out America and ruined and actively abused their children

you will rot in a nigger retirement home

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31a78a  No.147526


those same jews who the boomers worship?

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a740ee  No.147538

File: 6e43ce976c00a03⋯.png (103.91 KB, 300x323, 300:323, ClipboardImage.png)


> be niggerlover boomerlover faggot

> go on 8ch

> say "incel"

> "That'll show them"

Just end it and become a statistic already

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87f839  No.147567


>you have no idea how impossible it was for them to foresee this



You know absolutely FUCKING nothing.




>it's easy now

It was easy then. Neck yourself, apologist.

>go kill yourself with your negative talk




wew lad

>i'm active on the daily by donating to right initiatives

Read: I’m doing absolutely nothing that will matter in any capacity, like doxxing myself by contributing to honeypots

>(like local news outlets)

So you donate to jewish media and think yourself worthy of posting here.

>constantly supporting the so-called far-right party here

lol, name the party

>spreading a positive image of theirs

Soiling your own for when they inevitably cuck out to jews.

>try and live by example and doing whatever else I can

But not fighting back. You know, the one thing that would actually matter; you’re not doing that. You’re just doing what ✡libertarians✡ tell you to do and refusing to physically do a damn thing “until you are personally threatened,” at which point you will be gunned down like a dog because you’re atomized, alone, and facing 50 SWAT members and a news crew calling you a neo-nazi.

Thanks for proving my point about boomers, by the way. You’re of the same cloth.

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87f839  No.147569


>that migration of the past 7 years

The past 70 years, yes. The past 70 years of migration was the fault of the boomers. You know, the people who literally signed it into law. Who didn’t kill the jews who signed it into law. Who didn’t fight to stop it. Who literally gave up and allowed their schools to be “integrated” and neighborhoods to be overrun. Yes, those boomers. >surely millenials couldn't fucking vote right?











1. Millennials were raised by boomers to believe what they believe, so YES, THE BOOMERS ARE AT FAULT, YOU SUBHUMAN FAGGOT.

2. Voting does nothing.

3. Only paid jewish shills say voting does something.

4. You’re paid to post here.

>and that article of yours says next-to-nothing.

Because you say so, right? Cute. Boomers are leaving nothing behind because it’s how they were fucking raised. Keeping up with the joneses is the only thing they know. The Baby Boomers and Generation X were more than willing to buy into fantasies that inflated their egos. They were told to have sex with as many partners as they liked and to ignore marriage. They were told they didn’t need to raise their children; that’s what schools are for! So the family unit was destroyed. They didn’t need to care about their children past 18, and so families lost even more cohesion.

The media has promoted the lie that happiness does not come from being a part of a healthy society or from building something for yourself and your family, but rather from the ownership of possessions. Multiple generations have now lived their entire lives as consumer tourists, never investing in anything, nor building or growing anything of their own. If they did manage something, it was to save for their own retirement. They then end up wasting their savings and retirement by constantly chasing a lifestyle they never reach. They can’t be young again, and the happiness they were promised by television commercials just isn’t there. Their culture has been stolen from them, so out of fear they do the only thing they’ve been programmed to do: spend ever more fake currency to prolong their lives, which they use to just watch more TV, leaving nothing behind for their children or grandchildren–if they even had them. The future has been sold to ease the pain of the present.

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2079ae  No.147580


you're absolutely right, it's all the fault of the boomers

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4c6b97  No.147599


>>Boomers are leaving nothing behind

Well there is that computer revolution…what are you going to do with it aside from taking selfies and talking to AI bitches on Tinder, or in your case, on Grindr. That's all your generation seem to do you know. Hardly an impressive accomplishment aside from all your childish bitching.

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87f839  No.147605


>boomer tries to claim supremacy

>projects ideological positions onto others

>ignores the sum total of his life being the destruction of white civilization

lol, try harder

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19eb14  No.147612


>boomer tries to claim supremacy

More like a LARPer. There's no way an actual boomer would post on an imageboard considering most of them don't even know how the internet works. Seriously, remember the "series of tubes" comment?

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87f839  No.147619


This website only remains afloat thanks to Q-LARPers paying the bills, anon. These boomers are using social media like a firestorm. It could very well be real, because it’s just fucking stupid enough to actually believe what it says.

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01a2d1  No.147631


>Well there is that computer revolution…

That would be Gen X. Yeah, the boomers did a nice job at the foundations, but bringing computers into the home and creating the internet was Gen X. Credit where it's due, gramps.

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447f16  No.147693


> importing Somalian nogs

My mom is still aiding the invasion by teaching ESL.

Boomers will never learn.

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4c6b97  No.147712


Steve Jobs born 1955

Steve Wozniak born 1950

Michael Dell born 1965, right on the edge between X and boomer

Paul Allen born 1953

Dennis Ritchie 1941

Tim Berners Lee 1955

Seems to me like it was mostly boomers.

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4c6b97  No.147714

File: 46dbcd4bedf3e9f⋯.jpg (92.73 KB, 1850x441, 1850:441, ted_stevens.JPG)


the reference to the internet as a "series of tubes" was by Alaska senator Ted Stevens who was born in 1923. Not at all a "baby boomer" unless there was a post war baby boom after WWI.


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4c6b97  No.147721

Also it was baby boomers protesting the idiotic and fraudulent Vietnam War that ultimately brought an end to the draft. I suppose you wish that you could be drafted now too, just because it's contrary to what the boomers wanted? You could still enlist you know…maybe you might get posted to Afghanistan and lose a foot or your entire face to defend Afghanistan's sacred freedoms and independence?

Yes I think you're intelligent enough to want to do that.

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4c6b97  No.147727

And last I checked, it seems to me that all those BLM and Antifa arsonists and other sundry assholes shining lasers in the policemen's faces are what? millenials? GenZ? maybe the odd GenXer? I don't see too many baby boomers out there blasting fireworks at federal buildings or manning roadblocks. In fact most of the scenes of people ramming through those roadblocks have been…

…wait for it…


Your generations are the worst bunch of commies and nigger dick sucking losers yet.

Bugger off.

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4c6b97  No.147737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh yeah and boomers had better music than you loosers. I feel sad for you all, listening to your mumble rap…

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4c6b97  No.147740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

way better music

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4c6b97  No.147742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4c6b97  No.147743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Baby boomers actually knew how to play musical instruments….

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4c6b97  No.147744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4c6b97  No.147746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know you'd rather listen to "bitch done fuk me up" or "I want that check I want that check I want that check"

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4c6b97  No.147750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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307cd3  No.147756



Keep seething boomer, I only pray you don't die before the real fun begins. You should bare witness to your dismissive tone to younger generations and reap what you sow.


Imagine thinking unwashed filthy hippies stopped a war.

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307cd3  No.147760


You're proud of boomers murdering/gravely injuring people? I don't condone any of this madness your generations apathy has wrought. I don't enjoy seeing my nation in such disarray, most of you truly are sociopaths. Thanks for confirming for the board.

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573b5f  No.147776










Get a load of this ass blasted boomer faggot! Your time is just about up you insufferable piece of hippie shit. Fuck you and fuck your drug addled retard rock. You didnt stop a war. The war ended because it was unwinnable. Your entire generation is a self important, self obsessed, self sucking shit show. The only accomplishment you can point to is your cringe music?! Fuck you. I cant wait until your kids stick you in a nursing home and forget about you. With any luck you’ll contract MRSA after years of laying in your own excrement and being neglected only to be beaten and chocked to death by one of the same shitskins you brought into the country to steal your children’s jobs and rape your grandchildren. You are hated. Every person younger than you knows YOU are the problem. You and your entire generation wont be remembered fondly you piece of normie boomer trash. Day of the pillow cant get here fast enough.

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4c6b97  No.147806


>You're proud of boomers murdering/gravely injuring people

Communists aren't people. They're criminal scum that need to be eradicated. Get off the fucking road scum.

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b49478  No.147811


You just got BTFO'd so hard by several posters and are still going, this is just embarrassing. You don't belong here this isn't the Q board. You're not even arguing in good faith or refuting any points made by others. You're just slinging shit and hoping it will stick. Generations that came before you are genuinely confused and upset and all you can do is post boomer music and act like the emotional juvenile most of you are. Consider this my last reply, you failed your successors and the future. Go die with dignity and stop acting like you are on the high ground.

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4c6b97  No.147812

File: a6782258a290be5⋯.webm (1.45 MB, 320x630, 32:63, Seattle_stomp_1.webm)

too bad it was just a nigger driving that car. It would have been better if it was a boomer.

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4c6b97  No.147814


>acting like you are on the high ground.

I'd be the last person to do that; all I'm saying is "who the fuck are YOU"? what have you done? What are YOU doing? Nothing that's what. Massive idiotic student debts for stupid degrees, your nose buried in a smart phone, your social online profile. Your shit tier non music. Massive faggotry; and it's your generation doing that; the boomer faggots died en mass from AIDS in the 80's, they vanished overnight, rotten with disease. So what did GenX Millenials and Gen Y do? Why they threw themselves headlong with redoubled faggottry into that sea of stinking excrements.

Get back to me when you actually do something worth mentioning.

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4c6b97  No.147819

File: fff127e5f5b37f8⋯.pdf (15.23 MB, Paul_Fussell_Class_A_Guide….pdf)

Here's a little gift for all you crybabies; maybe if you read it it'll straighten your heads out about what your expectations in life really are and not just the delusions you were raised entertaining.

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fc8443  No.147858

File: d4a54bf402872ff⋯.jpg (180.08 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Old_Ben_obi_wan_kenobi_203….jpg)


I don't understand the hatred for boomers. Yeah they're assholes, but they were the first generation to grow up in a full on Jewish society. The entire world was finally in the kikes grasps and the baby boomers were just the victims of a fake, faux, and plastic society. As a result, they have become pieces of shit just by living in post 1960's America for so long.

Anyone that blames boomers solely for the troubles the US has had is immediately a fucking normalfag in my books. With how many retards posting about how boomers are ruining everything on cuckchan and 8chan, I'm really starting to believe normalfags have invaded every single good site and turned it into shite.

I'm also rather perplexed at all the memes about boomers and karens. This only tells me shitskins have fully migrated onto the internet and spew their retarded shit with it.

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132e9f  No.147865


I tried, now no one in my family wants to have contact with me at all. Even tried it the slow way. But nothing worked. Don't think its so easy just because you had it easy doing it anon. Family is indeed the most important. But not all families are "merry".

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8a0399  No.147869


Maybe you.

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132e9f  No.147870


They were brainwashed 100% just like most. Now imagine a world which is brainwashed and even without internet to find out about the "truth".

Im not a "boomer" but I do agree what some say here that this karen and boomer talk must come from the Jewish anti-white operations. Jews are the ones which wants to dismantle the family core. What better way than to make goyim blame the elders for the misery just.

If you incarnated as you boomer parent or grandfather I am 100% you would have done the same as they did. You fell into the jewish anti-family trap.

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75110a  No.147874

Just base your help of your parents on how they helped you. My mother is going into a home for example. Never to be seen again.

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e6d53d  No.147876

File: 74f1b50dff0d1e9⋯.jpg (55.62 KB, 497x678, 497:678, cowboy_curtis.jpg)


Nice trips anon.

It's a good thing. That generation spent it's time destroying what their parents and grand parents built, not understanding that the support existed to help them in their old age.

Now that the family unit is all but destroyed, who will care for them? No one. It's a good thing when the stupid get what they deserve. It sends a message to future generations.

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4c6b97  No.147877

File: 778ad74f8a2ead3⋯.jpg (79.89 KB, 920x669, 920:669, 920x920.jpg)

the funny thing I find about the millenials and GenZ is that they're attacking the one person who has actually done something for them in the last 60 years. They don't even know what the TPP is and what it was going to do to them. Trump is a big fattass boomer and a greedy asshole for sure but the first day in office, teh first thing he did after his inauguration was to go into an office and destroy the TPP. And if you think that's not a big deal ask yourself why all the press and the entire political class is crying out for his death. At least the boomers had the sense to try to resist the trend the globalists were pushing on them, at least they had the sense to see that being debased as humans to the level of Chinese slaves was not desirable and should be resisted. But you grubby little tatted pierced losers don't even want to know about it. And by the way if you're so poor and so hard done by, how the fuck do you manage to find the cash to blow on all that stupid jailbird ink you're sporting? kek

GenX GenY GenZ this is some really retarded faggots.

Eat the shit your masters have prepared for you and ask for a second helping.

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183253  No.147902

File: c8b9482cab51d2b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 39.32 KB, 500x572, 125:143, c8b9482cab51d2b7cbb1d9ed62….jpg)


You Sir are correct.

Fools let the Jews win by blaming:

The opposite sex

The older/younger generations

The Rich/Poor

Even other races (except the jews- they are the eternal filth)

Be better at life you faggots, stop playing the jew game and being the victim by blaming someone else

Be better!

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b063d1  No.147911


This guy gets it. Its all going to come out in the wash. We’ll find out just how many boomers are worth a fuck by how many of them end up in boomer death camps (aka Somali run retirement homes). Nothing changes the fact that their generation was the lynchpin. Families where intact, then they weren’t. They’ve had plenty of opportunity to see the truth about jews and even at this late date, refuse. They want whats best for them and fuck the future. I think they are actually upset by the fact that they may have to, at the very least, witness if not be killed by the failing nightmare existence they manufactured. They thought they’d be dead and gone by the time the chickens came home to roost with the shit they set in motion. They wont be so lucky. When my great grandparents and the last of my grandparents died i stopped talking to my parents and family. They aren’t worth a fuck. No more watching self obsessed adult children squabble over inheritance from good people they stuck in homes while they spend money they didn’t previously have on crap they don’t need. Instead i started my own redpilled family. We are a small tight knit unit but they understand why. We are starting over, building a new family. We kept the wife’s mother and father as grandparents but thats it. In the end tho, they’re boomers so they do boomer shit. They’ve proven to be good learning tools for the kids tho as they get to watch their over inflated egotistical delusion for themselves. Over the last couple of years we’ve moved further away from them also. So i think what anon says is true, if a boomer was a good person and ticked all of the parent/grandparent boxes they’ll get all the good that’s coming to them but for the most part i think were going to see most of these pricks rotting in torturous nursing homes because that’s the future they built for themselves. Truth be told anon, i don’t know if i’ll actually put my parents in homes, haven’t talked to them in about 10 years now. If i’m lucky they’ll just die alone at home or under a bridge and ill get a phone call one day… or i wont, either way, fuck em.

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5d5485  No.147914


Thanks for reminding me why I will never trust society to take care of me, and to buy another shotgun.

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157cdd  No.147916


One major reason so many people resent boomers is because boomers grew up in a life that was worth living, and deep down they want a piece of that middle class housewife-made American Pie too. It's unfortunate that political corruption and central banking kikes had to fuck everything up financially for everyone else. Those are the real people to blame, but as always, it will be the mindless innocents who end up suffering.

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4c6b97  No.147922


I'm a boomer and not only did I never have that, I can't think of any of my friends that had it save for a guy who went into family law. In fact I also know a GenY guy that's into family law and he's rolling in the dough too. See, if you negotiate the breakup of a marriage you get paid a huge hunk of the equity on the former family home. You don't have to negotiate too many divorces to be driving around town picking up hot bitches in your new fully loaded vette.

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b49478  No.148166

So much boomer filth trying to save face in this thread, look we get it. You guys are "better" than us and had the perfect lives. I'm just saying your lack of empathy is going to bite you in the ass in time. Sooner than later I imagine, keep seething boomer scum. The older I get the more I realize it's not race or region warfare but class warfare. The MERCHANT class, boomer or jew it doesn't matter to me.

If you profit off others pain then you get what you fucking deserve.

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44372b  No.148170

The boomers voted for all of this intrusive government we are getting. They are the reason we have COVID-19 killing people and the doctors and nurses are held back from helping them as they die, because the rules that city officials put in place to screen out most people from being able to get access to care.

They are also the reason this country in dwindling into anarchy and will soon be attacked by Russia and China.

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b49478  No.148171


Don't forget about the endless corporate bailouts they perpetuate so they can hold onto SS and medicaid while younger generations can't even get cavities filled because we're too busy saving the old to afford healthcare. This rabbit hole is so deep its almost hard to follow, it goes against literal nature and they are all for it because they fear death. I personally would rather die with dignity and being remembered fondly then to die with people thinking I was worthless scum. The funny part is everyone in this country. (the U.S.) can have the healthcare and food but muh boomers don't want to take a hit in their accounts on ANY level. I don't advocate communism, I advocate a standard of living. If their own children don't even make that cut then let them rot in the homes they made for themselves. I won't rescue them.

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b71018  No.148207

File: 06d648503180e82⋯.jpg (416.5 KB, 1280x1264, 80:79, IMG_20200206_145313_553.jpg)


I don't hate boomers, I pity them.

Nobody was bombarded by the adoration of jewry harder than them. Their shit parents weren't just fucktards, but a generation that utterly destroyed America, Germany, and Japan for the sake of the international kike. It's no wonder that Boomers are garbage, being sired by literal golems. Their whole childhood was drenched in the fetid wash of unchecked tribal kikery. Their food, literature, education, entertainment, religions, everything was, for the first time in American history, 100% jewish contrived filth. They had no defense, nobody to protect them. Their parents sacrificed them to moloch for an easy life. It's just sad.

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ad1fff  No.148229

This thread is proof that boomers will never take responsibility for themselves. Absolutely pathetic people.

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44c65f  No.148232

File: 0c8f3f30810faa9⋯.png (171.39 KB, 999x528, 333:176, boomers.png)

Boomers inverted the barriers to entry. Open the borders, close the professions. Open family, cripple religion. Unions performed similar functions during mass inflows of labor, but under boomerism they're on steroids in the public sector. Economically you raise barriers to the external such as borders, tariffs, and those who are not your people. You don't raise barriers within your country to your own people.

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4c6b97  No.148245


>The boomers voted for all of this intrusive government we are getting.



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7b0f85  No.148256

I feel sorry for boomers. They just want the freest world, they based their logic on altruism alone. God bless every boomer that just wanted the best for every man woman and child. Fuck the super liberal whiney ones though. Fuck 'em. They can get suffocated with a pillow. Otherwise, god help them cause they get too much slack.

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9c4caa  No.148760

I suspect that a good portion of the gimps who post the boomer meme, are subhuman halfbreeds. The rest are soy boys raised by whore, single mothers.

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0c588d  No.148949

File: 80c2225228e609b⋯.jpg (14.32 KB, 480x380, 24:19, Full_Metal_Computing.jpg)


And whose fault is it that their are half-breeds and fatherless children out there? Why the boomers of course! You can throw all the buzzwords you want at people still doesn't change the mess you helped make. I'm just glad your Social Security will be cut within 5 years due to all the sweet stimulus packs they're handing out to everybody. God truly blessed us this year with Coronavirus, and flu-bux. It almost feels like you get what you fucking deserve? Literally LOL'ing Thanks for the laugh boomer don't forget to wear your mask.

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3adccc  No.148951


>glorifying degeneracy, substance abuse and loose morals

You sure showed them zoomers, gramps!

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3adccc  No.148953


>you should not blame traitors but the enemy that bribed them

>The opposite sex

>Even other races (except the jews- they are the eternal filth)

These aren't even comparable. Women and animals have no moral agency.

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3adccc  No.148954



Do you know what a generalization is?

>boomers had the sense to try to resist the trend the globalists were pushing on them, at least they had the sense to see that being debased as humans to the level of Chinese slaves was not desirable and should be resisted

Not desirable for them. Perfectly desirable for their children, grandchildren and whatever would be left of their forefathers' progeny as long as Schlomo Silverstein would guarantee them a retirement trip to the Bahamas.

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3adccc  No.148955


>Nobody was bombarded by the adoration of jewry harder than them.

Literally every generation after them grew in exclusively jewish owned media and educational institutions, the very media and institution boomers consciously sell out to the kikes for sex, drugs and rocknroll.

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e30236  No.149344

File: e3d94371118beb6⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1595473989653.jpg)

>elderly whites in america have been spending their last days being cared for by niggers and other lower class types for a long time. the ungrateful children and grandchildren of those old folks always have some excuse or another why its someone else's responsibility to care for elderly relatives. those children and grandchildren will eventually be left to spend their last days being abused by niggers too, it wasn't always like this, but it is now because that how the kikes want it all set up.

>pic is my estimation of what OP's family photos look like

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e30236  No.149347

File: e52024276bf69bf⋯.jpg (98.25 KB, 800x1011, 800:1011, dddd.jpg)

>The boomer meme and the more recent Karen meme are both so overtly anti-white that only a retard, a brainwashed soycuck or a subhuman non-white could fall for them

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d6cdfe  No.150884

Thank god. It'll be great once this treasonous, morally bankrupt, and entirely parasitic generation finally gets what's coming to them.

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d6cdfe  No.150887

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d6cdfe  No.150888

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7c0c4d  No.150895


In many ways it will (excluding based boomers of course). Once they die out, America will lose the majority white population and that will be sure to wake up many people once we are a minority.

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4c6b97  No.150956



In many ways it will (excluding based boomers of course). Once they die out, America will lose the majority white population and that will be sure to wake up many people once we are a minority.

Like the whites right now living in S Africa?

You're about to get slaughtered..

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4c6b97  No.150957

File: 28ac6a9341cff4a⋯.gif (81.75 KB, 525x356, 525:356, slaughter.gif)

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4c6b97  No.150959

File: cda9c77cae431e0⋯.jpg (893.39 KB, 3084x3872, 771:968, lemoyne.jpg)

"Apres moi, la deluge".

Louis XV

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24f586  No.150967

File: 960819f5af31ff6⋯.jpg (74.29 KB, 441x600, 147:200, 1990s_ben_garrison.jpg)

>lets d&c the whites by pitting the young ones against the old ones

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f970ff  No.151070


It doesn't matter. Boomers are still scum and still the enemy because they bought into the d&c wholesale, and now younger generations are forced to defend themselves.

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371cf0  No.152331


Nice articles. I'm OP btw, also known as MK from the same social network we are on

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acd2b5  No.152339


shut up boomer

your generation is a literal dead end, you have nothing to add to anyone or anything. Nobody is losing by dropping you.

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b7e1a2  No.152356


It's going to be even worse for us.

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d4d50e  No.152382


>It literally is. Every individual has free will. Everyone has the physical capacity to resist the ZOG

They literally had no reason to resit the ZOG. You do it today because you're younger and you're dealing with the shit the jews have been hiding but always had planned for us.

Back then, most of them had won the big war against evil enemies (while the jews already controlled western nations and the media), they had a good life while the wars happened "elsewhere", and their racial instincts had been completely suppressed.

If you want to blame someone, then blame all the fuckers before WWII who couldn't kick the jews out. Blame all the soldiers in WWI and WWII who agreed with the lies and accepted being led to the meat grinder.

Why should we blame the boomers when they're the result of all the shit their own parents and grandparents failed to correct?

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87f839  No.152394


>no reason

Common sense? The rule of law? Self preservation? The written and verbal warnings of every white person in human history? The goddamn Constitution?

>most of them had won the big war against evil enemies

Which they believed, without question, were real because jews told them to. Hence why they're at fault.

>and their racial instincts had been completely suppressed

Which they allowed to happen, so they're at fault.

>If you want to blame someone, then blame all the fuckers before WWII who couldn't kick the jews out.

Yeah, nah, just keep shifting that blame. Just keep pushing it back further. Just like a fucking boomer does with everything else. "Oy vey debt rising? Who cares! Steal from children to fund my lifestyle!"

>Why should we blame the boomers when they're the result of all the shit their own parents and grandparents failed to correct?

Why should you blame the Silent Generation when the jews existed before them, too? How about you just shut the fuck up and realize that physical violence is our only solution.

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f970ff  No.152503

Typical boomer scum with no ability to take responsibility for anything.

It's not just about whether they resist ZOG. They're the first American generation to deliberately leave their children far worse off than they are.

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f66c64  No.152546


Boomer children are already adults. a 73 year old boomer is going to have children that are 40-50 years old. They're doing pretty good for themselves actually. Gen Z, millenials aren't the children of boomers. They're the grandchildren of boomers. Yeah you guys are fucked, no doubt about it.

I'm still waiting for you guys to tell us what party we were supposed to vote for to stop communist chinese money from pouring into the country and driving up real estate prices, or sending jobs to Asia.

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3833a9  No.152566


>We are incapable

Truer words were never spoken.

tl;dr Worthless gibs-me-dat Millenial blames previous generations for all his "problems"and gives up like the punk-ass he is, because he refused to learn problem-solving skills and wants the world handed to him on a silver platter.


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b5d8d8  No.152589

File: 62f6056ee66e5d6⋯.jpg (119.55 KB, 470x586, 235:293, Jews_blaming_boomers.jpg)

Jews owned the banks. that gave them the wealth to buy up the news media, the government, the entertainment media, change laws so they can make porn and rot your brains, buy up the Protestants, corrupt the Catholics, open the borders, agitate the blacks to violence, start wars…

But cum hoc is a excellent fallacy. Jews know things are going to shit. So, divide and distract: blame the boomers. The Jews made sure you didn't learn logic so you'd fall for this fallacy.

Then spread it all over the alt-media.

This thread is jewed. Every non-jew who hates their parents fell for the Jew lie and is now the enemy of the folk.

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b5d8d8  No.152590

File: a9689390cadbb4f⋯.png (62.98 KB, 733x443, 733:443, Jack_Weinberg_generation_D….png)

A Reminder if you have a doubt about the Jews

They first played the Boomers as fools and did the divide and distract on the older generation as well.

Everyone who makes a hate the boomers thread is either a jew, or a jew's useful idiot.

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a0b007  No.152604

File: bd98b70abba5e7f⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 284x294, 142:147, MikeTheHeadlessChicken.jpg)


>This thread is proof that boomers will never take responsibility for themselves. >Absolutely pathetic people.

Wew lad! This is literally a blame-boomers-for-everything thread! No wonder you're so lame.U B-Lame.

<Waaah! The world handed me lemons and my mommy won't make me lemonade or tendies!

This guy gets it: >>152566

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555f2e  No.152624


>sells out parents

>buys shitty chink car

You get the rope with the rest of them

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1eb185  No.152656

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93679b  No.152664

File: 1099bd5cfbe7038⋯.jpg (145.63 KB, 520x300, 26:15, beavermantoilet.jpg)


>And they deserve this for selling out their own children's future.

<Every single boomer had a say in how things got bad

Suck a dick, faggot. My parents are in their late 70s and had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that shit is fucked. They were lower middle class and my early childhood was dirt poor as fuck. They worked hard and finally managed to save enough to actually have nice things. They're not some oligarch fucks that were born into a political family, so spare me the tears.

You're probably wondering why I'm so heated up about this, and I'll tell you why since you'll never figure it out on your own. It's because you think that WHITE parents and grandparents DESERVE TO BE TORTURED BY LITERAL SUBHUMANS. You sicken me. Get the fuck out of here, you fucking traitor to your race, and don't. If I could remove your testicles through telekinesis, you'd already be crab-walking to the bathroom in search of bandages and a hand-mirror.

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6c0ecf  No.152669

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6c0ecf  No.152670


NAXALT. Okay, your parents are an exception. Most of them deserve the rope.

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b5d8d8  No.152688

File: 4a96202b4411f54⋯.png (11.13 KB, 727x418, 727:418, budget_deficit_by_year.png)

File: dd72a50e781377d⋯.png (36.14 KB, 350x350, 1:1, Congress_has_learned_to_by….png)



>A significant amount of these fuckers sold their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in bondage and debt slavery to banks and governments so they could get retirement money and their precious, responsibility-free healthcare.

Fail! Remember that even Bill Clinton was able to balance the budget

it was after that, when millennials reached voting age, that the future generations really started being sold into tax debt slavery to the Rothschilds.

Those Covid-bucks you guys want? Yeah… who's going to pay for that?

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79ff82  No.152797


>Common sense? The rule of law? Self preservation? The written and verbal warnings of every white person in human history? The goddamn Constitution?

Don't be stupid. You would have not done better back then.

>Which they believed, without question, were real because jews told them to. Hence why they're at fault.

They were sold a lie and given no reason to doubt it. Plebes will be plebes. Control the media, control the minds. Yesterday it was the church, today it's the TV.

>Which they allowed to happen, so they're at fault.

No they're not you fucking kike. They behave at odds with their instincts. They literally can't shake off the bewitching. They lived happily after the Great War. This euphoria was so good, they were never going to ruin it when the Jews had concocted such a clever narrative of them being the heroes and now having the electricity and the TV and the car and the nice house and the holidays. You would have done the same if you had lived in such times. They were literally brainwashed and told that any siding with the now defunct Nazis would be a return to misery, and it all seemed logical.

>Yeah, nah, just keep shifting that blame. Just keep pushing it back further. Just like a fucking boomer does with everything else. "Oy vey debt rising? Who cares! Steal from children to fund my lifestyle!"

You twat, they don't understand anything about debt. They're stuck in the same mental paradigm they've been jailed in by kikes. They're now too old to understand. They're not evil, they just can't even see because, again, their most basic racial instincts have been completely deactivated. Newspapers, TV and radio are their sources and those entirely filter reality. Every years, conservatism moves further left and takes the rightest leaning of these boomers towards the left. The vast majority of them are mentally ill because their behavior is entirely suicidal. This is not a mental state you reach by choice, you complete idiot. Again, you would have failed just like them, just like their own parents and grandparents.

They believe in capitalism, yet cannot understand that capitalism is the liberal economic model that allows the Jew to buy anything and they have always been one move ahead of the goyim, buying news/entertainment medias, smaller banks, politicians, and getting their own agents in academies. They were prepared and vicious, the boomers were not.

If you want to go back, look into 1776. This is the beginning of the end.

>Why should you blame the Silent Generation when the jews existed before them, too? How about you just shut the fuck up and realize that physical violence is our only solution.

Hey jewish faggot, who said violence wasn't the solution? Certainly not me. But go, if you think boomers are at fault, are responsible, then go kill dozens of them, hundreds if possible. Punish them, do it faggot. Do it now.

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87f839  No.152798


>you would not have done better

I’m doing better NOW, 50 years after even more brainwashing.

>they were sold a lie and given no reason to doubt it

So what, today there’s magically a reason? After more lies? No. They were cucks. They sold their future to the jews. They chose it willingly. Eat shit and die.

<you’re a jew because I can’t respond to what you said

<you’re a jew because I can’t prove you wrong

<you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings

Great start, by the way.

>they behave at odds with their instincts

And they’re fine with it.

>can’t shake off

We did. Hence you admit they’re worse than us and deserve their fate.

>you would have done the same

I didn’t do the same now, 50 years down the line when it’s worse, so NO, I WOULD NOT HAVE DONE THE SAME.YOUR WHATABOUTISM IS POWERLESS AGAINST US, COWARD.

>they were literally brainwashed

So were we. And we broke it. They didn’t. We are better. They are worse. You don’t have an argument.

>they don’t understand

Their fault, not ours. They had better schooling than we did and they still reject reality because jews tell them to. Their. Fault. They CHOSE this.

>too old to understand

lol, look at the little yid and his ageist propaganda.

>they’re not evil

They’re attendant TO evil.

>this is not a mental state you reach by choice





Yes, yes, run along now. Boomers are entirely at fault for their own actions. They didn’t have to worship jews. They did. It’s on them. Kill yourself.

>who said

You said. Piss off, boomer.

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5371ef  No.152802

File: f925b6313158f67⋯.png (12.41 KB, 349x349, 1:1, 8905264dee2015be36f2354588….png)


But I don't want to be tortured by niggers when I retire if ever make that far. What will the future generation think of this current generation when we retire? Millennials and gen z are gonna feel the effects more than the boomers if the current diversity rate keeps going.

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b5d8d8  No.152806


Whatever Scholomo. You're right, when you jews saturate the media with sodomy, feminism, and tear down the Christian faith, yes, some people have no choice but to listen.

Lets send the kikes to Israel and get them out of our countries and see if things don't get better.

We're on to you Scholomo

You have nothing but a cum hoc ergo proctor hoc fallacy. Yet, the jews are the ones who are holding the bloody knife; they owned the news and entertainment media, they owned the government, they owned the banks, they bought the churches.

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87f839  No.152813


>you’re a jew because I can’t read your posts

>you’re a jew because you posted truth that I can’t refute

>you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings

>you’re a jew because I have no argument against what you said

>you’re a jew because I have no refutation for what you said

>you’re a jew because I don’t like what you said

>you’re a jew because everything you said is against jews

>you’re a jew because you want every jew on earth exterminated

>you’re a jew because you say things jews are forbidden from saying

>you’re a jew because I am too weak and cowardly to accept reality

This is a genuine question, so I want an answer:Is this really the best you can do?

>some people have no choice

They do, in fact, have a choice. We had a choice. We didn’t listen. Everyone else? THEY. CHOSE. THIS. SLAVERY. The boomers? THEY. CHOSE. THIS. SLAVERY. You’re literally deferring responsibility for free will, JUST LIKE A FUCKING JEW DOES. Just like a COMMUNIST tells people to do. EVERYONE is PERSONALLY responsible for his own behavior–or lack thereof.

>let’s send

What send? What are you even talking about now? We’re not talking about the future, or any potentiality, or even the delusional fantasy of yours that jews will ever actually be fought against. We’re talking exclusively about YOUR deferral of the responsibility of boomers for their own behavior. They deferred it, on a generation-wide level, and now we’re all paying for it. No, they weren’t the first to worship the jews. No, they weren’t the first to act like fucking children and demand their mommy and daddy government care for them their entire lives. They were, however, the first to do it GENERATION-WIDE. Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin… their parents publicly railed against the jews, even as their fellows fought for them. It was boomers, and boomers first, who fought to the fucking death to ban any speech against jews in any form. It was boomers who marched whites at gunpoint so that niggers could enter white schools. It was boomers who did NOTHING in the face of the Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965.

Now reply again and defer their responsibility for their actions, like a good little piece of shit commie goy.

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d4d50e  No.152831


>hey look i suck so much at debates and fail so low at understanding anything about group mentality that i must scream in red caps and sage this thread


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23fc0a  No.152837


You people are really fucking stupid. The older generations didn't succumb to hedonistic degeneracy in swaths and become self hating retards. "Dur uh boomer bad", yet the zoomer generation is so degenerate and self centered, that I really can't say that they have room to speak. Most booms stuck to themselves. Dopamine addicted zooms usually spread their cancer.

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87f839  No.152845



Is this really the best you can do?

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23fc0a  No.152847


And there's all this talk against boomers (who are dying out anyway), yet what are zoomers doing? Either complaining about boomers on the internet, or being utter degenerates dumping their money on useless college classes, engaging in hedonism, and rioting on the streets for the jews.

The amount of projection in the "blame the boom" memes by bitter do-nothing zoomers is absurd. At least most boomers merely believed in tradition, unlike the zooms who happen to live in an era where they can learn to blame the jews while simultaneously doing nothing about it.

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f66c64  No.152850


Even the hippie boomers retreated quickly from the drug scenes of the big cities (those got to be too scary, swarming with predatory assholes and murderous drug dealers) and ended up in remote areas, becoming traditional craftsmen or micro farmers. They made hand made clothes, shoes etc or they produced goat cheese for boutique cheese stores, stuff like that. The Gulf Islands are full of them.

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23fc0a  No.152855


>blaming previous generations as some mystical collective responsible for one's own failures

Hmm, I wonder where I've heard this one before?

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23fc0a  No.152858


The degenerates of old look like the trads in today's age.

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b5d8d8  No.152860

File: 08ca1a16e04db28⋯.jpg (303.43 KB, 720x722, 360:361, Jews_goal_for_destroying_w….jpg)

File: 4069912a5a397d4⋯.jpg (19.46 KB, 220x220, 1:1, it_your_fault_goy_gas.jpg)

File: fa843382bc8b7bf⋯.jpg (189.46 KB, 1067x696, 1067:696, First_they_came_for_the_bl….jpg)


>Stop calling me a jew! Just because I shill jew memes!!

you're a jew, Scholomo. I could be wrong, you could be a jew's useful idiot.

You've not made a case that the Boomer generation did shit other than the obvious cum hoc fallacy.

I pointed out that they didn't have the power to do what you said, but the jews did have this power and many jews admitted their malicious intent.

So, you have jew's ill intent, you have that jews had the means. But you do the diversion and say it's white boomers. No argument, just ad homs and cum hoc fallacies.

>No!! the Boomers didn't gas us and fell for our media control.

yeah. And you're still doing it, even in this post

>like a good little piece of shit commie goy.

Have a nice day!

Fact is, the West is now just like Weirmar Germany. When the National Socialist removed the jewish influence, they were able to correct the decadence.

it's the Jews.

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d4d50e  No.152862

Raised by Boomers. Good decent people. Never did drugs, were not even drinkers. Hard working. Had big family. Watched tons of TV. Raised their kids on TV, fast food, and ready-mix dinners. Kids not as fertile. Mostly blind to White genocide, Jewish domination. But, we are not going to abandon our parents to niggers in their old age. Family matters. Gen X/Millenials are not without faults. All of us since 1940 have grown up in an ever increasingly destructive globohomo. Forward together as a Race (mutt mericans too). Can not change the past. Our sun is setting, no time to waste in-fighting where ever it can be avoided.

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f66c64  No.152864


Thanks for the Stephen Steinlight quote.

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7c0c4d  No.152976


None of us are going to make it to "retirement" and why would you do so. We are going to be the last generation one way or another.

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e981f1  No.152978


I can’t help but interpret the boomer meme as a psyop to get us to hate our parents.

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0a9eff  No.153004

Most of the boomers have caused a lot of shit, and many of them likely deserve what they're getting. But consider that the way you relate to them is not just about what they deserve. Your children will learn how to relate to you in your old age by how you treat your parents.

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f66c64  No.153028


As a boomer, I must say that to a certain extent the hate is well deserved.

I graduated in 71 and I'd watched my elder siblings easily slide into great careers. In fact shopkeepers would come to the homes of teenagers that were 7 years older than me, in the early sixties asking them to come and work for them. They were that desperate for workers. The big influx of cheap immigrant labor had yet to begin.

In 71 though everything was pretty damned awesome and it seemed to me we were on the verge of a new Renaissance. We were young and the girls were astoundingly beautiful. There was the potential for an incredible intellectual ferment in the air. And then somewhere around 73 74 a dark cloud fell over society. The OPEC oil embargo, the loss of jobs, the mysterious appearance of all those gooks and hindus. My high school I graduated from in 71 which was 70% anglos, 25% jewish and 5% others was suddenly 60% chinese and 25% east indian by '76. You can walk into its halls and look at the big class photos mounted on the walls. It astounded me when I saw it in 1980. And the jobs just dried up with 73. But how did we all respond? Cocaine came in in 73 and it was women that demanded it. It was the ultimate pick up move in the boring discos. I don't know a single guy that wasn't a faggot or nigger that didn't hate disco. Disco was for women.

And it was heavily anti intellectual. It wasn't just hedonistic, it was stupid. It was for people that never ever read a book if they could avoid it. Disco was hell like having your skull crushed under a mountain. I kept waiting for times to get better, I did everything I could to make things better and there were some promising rays of hope that crept in only to be crushed by boomer and Gen X idiot scum.

I will say this about the jews and their snares. You can lead a horse to the water but you can't make him drink.

When the jews led us to debt, to drugs, to booze, to crass hedonism, we didn't have to drink. Everybody drank deeply and demanded moar. I didn't, I wised up. Some did. I guarantee you if you do you'll be really really lonely. I was and am. I got used to it. In a way, that's why I come here. Because I suspect most of you who reject the commercial mass approved media hedonism are lonely as hell because that is what the masses (women) want. All the women are deep in debt no matter how much they earn. You don't want anything to do with that.

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fd5418  No.153175


>imagine asking me to reply while sageing the thread

good job genius

i'd suggest lurking two more years but you might be dead by then


>Even the hippie boomers retreated quickly from the drug scenes of the big cities (those got to be too scary, swarming with predatory assholes and murderous drug dealers) and ended up in remote areas, becoming traditional craftsmen or micro farmers. They made hand made clothes, shoes etc or they produced goat cheese for boutique cheese stores, stuff like that. The Gulf Islands are full of them.

They just lacked the fash trad culture that would have provided a solid canvas on the long term.


>it's the Jews.

No, it's the BOOMERS



Obviously done to create more confusion, instead of actually letting us helping them see the light and rebuild our families and the whole racial link.

It is Generational Marxism, if that thing needs a name.


>Disco was for women.

Clothing style was effeminate, dances were too and pushed negroes to the front scene. It was allowing them to hypersexualize their bodies.

Not all was shit but if disco would have been something fun, kikes certainly knew how to hijack and corrupt that one too. There still are some nice underground euro tunes with no nigger behind the mike tho.

> I kept waiting for times to get better

Yet there's a strong mix of many purely Aryan instruments, it often had very optimistic vibes and chorus. This points out something of interest: can NS/Whites on the racist side make only metal?

Our issue is the fundamental message in one of revolt and war against the System, but as some smart ass said, it's all but reaction, no plan for the future. Yet that future must be brighter.

Can we make fun and lighthearted music that conveys our long term ideals?

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f66c64  No.153293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Can we make fun and lighthearted music that conveys our long term ideals?

I draw the line at the Baroque and the transition between the Renaissance and the early Baroque that occurred from the mid 1500's to the mid 1600's.

Generally speaking I feel that the 1700's was Europe's and the white race's Great Century. In France alone more mathematics was created than all of human history combined preceding it.

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6b65e2  No.153488


It doesn't necessarily follow. Just make it clear the boomers are a special exception.

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707b34  No.153515

File: 14f6e9a72913033⋯.webm (8.71 MB, 576x360, 8:5, 14f6e9a72913033160c883da4….webm)


>Slave revolt in Haiti


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6b65e2  No.153527

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707b34  No.153530


>AaAaAaAaAaH wHaT aM i GoInG tO dO sOmEtHiNg LiKe ThIs HaS nEvEr HaPpEnEd BeForE!

>ThIs Is ThE fIrSt GeNeRaTiOn SoMeOnE hAs GoTtEn OlD!

>DaMn BoOmErS!

It's only bad for their generation because it's the first time infants will have to take care of infants.

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f66c64  No.153540

File: 2aead5264d9b6e0⋯.gif (6.49 MB, 608x576, 19:18, orbiting_around_the_sun.gif)


> it's the first time infants will have to take care of infant

This is the most terrifying realization of adulthood; all your previous life you were able to rest secure in the knowledge that adults were taking care of things, and so all was well. Then one day the mask falls and you realize your parents, grandparents all "adults" are more or less greedy gluttonous selfish children , lecherous lewd children and that this miniscule grain of sand spiralling through the universe is fundamentally fucked. If there's a god, he's a cruel, mischeivous trickster demiurge and he hates us.

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707b34  No.153561


I was more talking about how the guy in the article referred to his parents, in their infirm state, as infants and making the allusion that most SJWs, like the author of this article, are themselves infants.

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26ceb0  No.153575


God doesn't hate us, but we do live in a cursed, fallen universe. But creation will pass away, and a new creation will be made in the future in which all is made right again. The wolf will sit down with the lamb, and the child will stick his hand in a viper's den and not be bitten. Do not despair, and seek God; He will wipe away your tears. As when you were a child and rested secure in knowing that the adults were taking care of things, so you will rest secure in knowing that the Lord is God, and that no matter what happens to your flesh, your soul will be forever secure.

I say this to encourage you and, hopefully, give you the sense that there is still something sane and reliable out there, that the present clown world is not an eternal state of affairs.

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f95429  No.153594


Shut up boomer go have sex before you die.

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f66c64  No.153612


What a pile of festering con man crap.

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745c1b  No.153619


>the present clown world is not an eternal state of affairs

sure, but God is not going to help you, sitting and praying will not change anything, keep your prayers short, and act instead

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b46555  No.153648


What are you gonna do, granny? Throw him your diapers?

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b46555  No.153649


>It's because you think that WHITE parents and grandparents DESERVE TO BE TORTURED BY LITERAL SUBHUMANS.


You misspelled "traitors". One does not qualify as a "parent" when they consciously forsake their progeny for hedonistic gains.

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b46555  No.153651


>my actions and degeneracy are of no consequence because a jewish book says the world is ending either way

This is what counts as "rightwing" among boomers.

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b46555  No.153653


The existence of enemies and infilitrators is not mutually exclusive with the existence of traitors, as a matter of fact the earlier is the cause for the later.

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b46555  No.153654

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c67961  No.153659

File: 09d606d4fc7e448⋯.jpeg (165.61 KB, 1280x888, 160:111, 20D22281_9C91_4F65_B68C_9….jpeg)

I’m Gen Z (21 years old) and my parents are boomers, born in ‘64. My mom is really redpilled though. Why exactly would those in this thread have me hate my parents?

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87f839  No.153689


>it’s not the jews

Paid shill confirmed.

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b46555  No.153704


Your mom doesn't a generation make.

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9f76d3  No.153716


>cant into sarkasum

1D brainlet confirmed :(((

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9f76d3  No.153717


> your parents, grandparents all "adults" are more or less greedy gluttonous selfish children

As if the current generation were any better, twat.

More D&C.

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9f76d3  No.153718


Difficult to call them traitors when they were brainwashed into thinking it was all for the greater good tho.

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f66c64  No.153762

File: c91aaa9e9c78b71⋯.jpg (30.97 KB, 362x261, 362:261, deathcareindustry_babyboom.jpg)


Baby boomers are the demographic cohort following the Silent Generation and preceding Generation X. The generation is generally defined as people born from 1946 to 1964, during the post–World War II baby boom

I think your parents would be Gen X if they were born in 64, the post war baby boom was well over by then.

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f66c64  No.153763


>As if the current generation were any better, twat.

>More D&C.

Your reading comprehension is abysmal.

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bd4b82  No.153791


>Family china

My mother's side uses the same porcelain & glasses my great-grandparents used for Easter & Christmas. Normally they're on display; are there really people who don't use the dishes?

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c22b21  No.153827

I can't wait for my mom to get this treatment. She literally told me today that Trump was wrong to threaten to quarantine NYC back in March but that Cuomo is right by forcing people coming from out of state to quarantine.

It's Trump's fault that Cuomo filled the nursing homes with coronavirus patients.

It's Trump's fault that nobody used the field hospitals.

It's Trump's fault that the medical ships didn't take in patients.

It's Trump's fault that California is using freezer trucks for morgues.

Literally every screw up is Trump's fault.

She is such a stupid TV watching shit for brains bitch.

I even agreed that Trump was wrong not to be harsher on the first lockdown but she literally believes COVID19 hasn't spread at the BLM riots and that all the violence was committed by white altirght white supremacist nazis©.

It's like her brain is a fucking vacuum tube.

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f66c64  No.153836


>she literally believes COVID19 hasn't spread at the BLM riots and that all the violence was committed by white altirght white supremacist nazis©

I talked last week to a former fellow employee who is 64 and he said this too. When I told him it was Antifa and BLM that are commies he was astounded, flabbergasted.

I knew CNN was trying to keep people from getting angry at the rioters but I don't have TV and so it astounds me that people are saying this shit. Just how much is CNN lying now?

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f66c64  No.153865


>Look up how much more opportunity and prosperity they had compared to their children and grandchildren.

I was just looking through the job market and there's a fuck ton of good paying jobs on offer around here unless of course you expect $250k a year as an executive or something. And you have the internet now with huge opportunities to learn and work. You must be a really lazy repulsive idiot to be so fucked up.

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0c7bdb  No.154002


That isn't what happened though. You should delve into the boomer rabbit hole. The boomers literally embraced a culture of narcissism and individualism selfishness, the exact opposite of trying to work for the greater good, and this is why they soak up all the wealth and fuck over their kids.

I can't wait to toss my worthless parents into the shittiest nursing home imaginable.

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cb5edf  No.154034


The boomers are as guilty as the jews themselves for the mess that we are in now. Never forgive your enemies, even when they are your own parents. Always kill those who ARE responsible for ruining your life.

All jews and all non-jewish boomers deserve to be killed. They ow us a living. And if we can't get it, at least we can take revenge on them.


So? This whole idiocy of forgiving the guilty just because they didn't know what they were doing is a cancerous way of thinking. It is what enabled the jews to avoid ounishment, by manipulating others into acting on their behalf.

I would kill a toddler if the toddler were being used by jews against me, along with killing the jews who used the infant.

Kill the manipulators.

But also kill the manipulated and the enablers, even if they don't know that they are being manipulated.

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5d6c26  No.154042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>people unironically shitting on boomer music

Say what you will about that generation of people, but you can't deny the 70s were the best era of music.

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2c3eb8  No.154084



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3f9c63  No.154169


And who do you think brainwashed them into thinking this way, moron?

This thread is just more pointing fingers at the boomers.

Boomers are old, they can't do shit. They're on their way out, they're not even a relevant target and we have better things to do than waste our bile and breath on them.

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87f839  No.154188


They ACCEPTED the brainwashing. They’re to blame. And who brainwashed them? Jews.

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87f839  No.154189


>It's Trump's fault that Cuomo filled the nursing homes with coronavirus patients.

It’s Trump’s fault that he didn’t arrest Cuomo, and also that he allows the illegal orders to exist nationwide.

>It's Trump's fault that nobody used the field hospitals.

It’s Trump’s fault for allowing the shutdown.

>It's Trump's fault that the medical ships didn't take in patients.

It’s Trump’s fault for allowing the shutdown.

>It's Trump's fault that California is using freezer trucks for morgues.

It’s Trump’s fault for allowing the shutdown.

>Literally every screw up is Trump's fault.

Trump has failed everything he said he would do; he’s accountable for that and that alone.

>she literally believes COVID19 hasn't spread at the BLM riots and that all the violence was committed by white altirght white supremacist nazis©

I can’t even fathom someone being so wrong and yet still alive.

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dd8fd4  No.154202

File: 463a76b1d1e6f63⋯.jpg (101.05 KB, 720x960, 3:4, womendiscussing.jpg)


My baby boomer parents had no problem paying a doctor to strap me to a table and slowly clamp off half of my penis without anesthesia. I have no problem as spics and nigger beat them to death inside a dirty home. Fair play.

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f66c64  No.154204

File: 3fe7627a3b2d2a2⋯.jpg (50.4 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 2013419122525378734_20.jpg)


And it fills me with deep consternation that Trump is saying he's eager for the vaccine and that he's going to deploy the military to make sure everyone gets innoculated. What this exactly means, god knows.

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f66c64  No.154212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1a2ba1  No.154219

File: 196e80676333e4e⋯.jpeg (27.36 KB, 486x434, 243:217, 36.jpeg)


Holy shit. Those bitches are deranged, and help show why women should never have been allowed to vote. Females are so conformist that they vote for mutilation of males as long as it's the fashionable opinion.

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dd8fd4  No.154233

File: 7208e320752d7be⋯.png (205.05 KB, 611x758, 611:758, typical_piece_of_shit_woma….png)


Ain't that the truth

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dd8fd4  No.154245

File: f79d2a660798adc⋯.jpg (169.78 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, our_problems_began.jpg)

File: 11b4b7cb7bdeddd⋯.jpg (434.06 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, sensitivity.jpg)

File: 9181da6abbef5c3⋯.gif (245.85 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, circ_rapists.gif)


Spotted the kike. Male genital mutilation removes 80% of the nerves in the penis, 50% of the penis skin, permanently destroys sexual pleasure for men, makes men unable to please women sexually, and causes permanent traumatic brain injury.

The fact that it is purely a cosmetic procedure done without consent and without anesthesia is disgusting and a massive violation of human rights.

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9ec56e  No.154248


Not sure if trolling or just some Shlomo...

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dd8fd4  No.154251

File: c472b230703a5b0⋯.jpg (233 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, whyareyouobsessed.jpg)


t. pic related

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9d54c7  No.154252


Well, yeah. This is the kike board. Kikes fucking love baby penis and literally cannot stop talking about it.

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1a2ba1  No.154257


This is why male genital mutilation needs to be made illegal, obviously.

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1a2ba1  No.154259

File: facd98a2c36a310⋯.gif (329.73 KB, 255x255, 1:1, facd98a2c36a3105fd3a054c0d….gif)


Please stop attempting to convince anyone here that you are anything but a kike.

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d4c972  No.154260

File: 70ee2d1f182ee11⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 444x250, 222:125, mmmm_penis.jpg)


Everyone here is a kike. Now, please keep posting delicious penis.

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a0e7ca  No.154458


You're probably a troll to be posting that bs here tbh. Circumcision is mutilation, pure and simple. Just wash and use a fucking condom and you're good.

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cb1574  No.154499

File: d2c4ca8852f7196⋯.jpg (32.99 KB, 480x477, 160:159, 46213694_270552473604016_8….jpg)


"Greatest generation" was way worse IMO.

Pretty much the foundations for shitty globohomo order were laid out in 1920s and 1930s (from beginning of "war on drugs" and removal of gold standard to first gun control laws) and "greatest generation" faggots approved each and every one of them, happily making themselves available as cannon fodder to zerg rush the last major opposition to that shit in Europe a few years later. Boomers were first generation to be raised in globohomo system, so I pity them more then I detest the Western "greatest generation" the most.

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522436  No.154501


>clamp off half of my penis without anesthesia

>without anesthesia

How do you remember? Do you know because you're jewish?

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522436  No.154510

I can understand the boomer meme. It's like the american version of the christian neocon party voter in European countries.

However old people are on average less immigration friendly than younger people, so you really can't blame older people in general for the mass immigration.

Amerimutts in general have a problem with their attitude towards family and foreigners. We here in Europe are simply importing their problems.

That's why all the slogans and protester signs for the "cause" are in English too.


>No, it's the BOOMERS

t. jew


And who says that those boomer who have all that cash aren't jews? My grandparents aren't rich.

Averages about money lie because in reality a tiny group is hoarding a huge portion of all money in circulation.



I agree.


You can't just use the root of all evil (the jew) as an excuse for evil.

Foreigners are responsible for choosing to come here and act like fucking animals too. They deserve whatever happens to them.

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f66c64  No.154516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And that "Greatest Generation" were all broke ass losers in the Great Depression. The war was a godsend to them; money in thier pockets, food in their bellies and glamorous exiting free travel around the world. Europe, Rome London Paris, the South Seas. You can see it in their entertainment, they loved it. The depression turned them into commies who hated free enterprise. The war turned them into self satisfied self righteous hedonists who blasted Europe to smithereens, the allies of Stalin.

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522436  No.154522



Before the war people still had their European identities. After the war all of that was gone.

Instead of changing their rulership to get their bellies fed, they gave in and fought the naaaazziiiiiiis instead.

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cb1574  No.154537

File: d808c0eb8f4c457⋯.jpg (80.68 KB, 1024x691, 1024:691, 46354733_307671436734044_7….jpg)



Indeed. What's even more pathetic, is that what was taken from them in early 30s was done by same FDR regime and those useful idiots still ended up fighting for it instead of starting an uprising and joining the liberation movement in Europe.

See, in order to install communism in Russia, they had to fight a bloody civil war against half the country's population.

America's "greatest generation" gave everything up without a shot.

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b46555  No.154598


GenX, Millennials and Zoomers were all progressively more brainwashed solely because boomers allowed it and out of those only millennials managed to even approach boomers' degeneracy and egopathy.

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b46555  No.154603


>just make a firm handshake and look them in the eyes

You are a fucking stereotype.

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f66c64  No.154623


millenials are fine…I even like GenZ up to a point. The real rotters, the real pathological liars addicted to crappy high end luxury brands like Hugo Boss and Zegna and Gucci etc etc etc are Gen X. Lord what scum. They will cheat their own families for every last dime just so they can live their fake plastic craptastic cocaine delusional lifestyle.

Fuck those assholes. They are the worst and they're all faggots. Flaming gay pride parade faggots.

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f66c64  No.154625

As for the "greatest generation" you need to read Paul Fussell's Wartime; those GI's were making 10x the wages that their British counterparts were. Plus they had access to the PX where nylons, lipstick, perfume, silk dresses, chocolates, good booze were available in profusion, dirt cheap. The English girls didn't give a fuck about loyalty or patriotism. They were onto the American GI's like shit on a shoe. According to Fussell, even on winter nights in pouring rainstorms, every single sheltered doorway in downtown London had a GI fucking a limey broad standing up. And penicillin had just been invented to cure syphillis so it was the biggest fuck fest in history; 18 year old yankees headed to a certain meat grinder and starving luxury hungry brit broads just fucking their brains out in the eternal dance of sex and death. The "free love" hippies of Woodstock had nothing on those drunken coomers.

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f66c64  No.154627

File: 0ce13c488731f38⋯.jpg (49.73 KB, 276x389, 276:389, 6784555.jpg)

File: 82ee01c1abc3c1e⋯.jpg (78.11 KB, 511x733, 511:733, d496932c9570614efb9c9e02ae….jpg)

File: e94f2b14e253a0b⋯.jpg (9.31 KB, 186x270, 31:45, images.jpg)

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d744e3  No.154644

File: 04ebfe2c7bfbe24⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 405x270, 3:2, groovekid.gif)

They don't deserve it. They were lied to by the media they trust, just like many today, except without another channel like the internet to delve deeper. They are both victims and culprits, but it's hard to hold it against them any more than you'd blame a herd of sheep for being moved to another pasture by a stranger's dog. They don't know any better. And neither would we, if not for our conveniently timed youths.

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