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File: 32ddaa4dd9f4ea1⋯.png (191.69 KB, 2428x816, 607:204, DasJuden.png)

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209501  No.146934

… It is not a popular concept but cutting off family members from one's life can sometimes be beneficial to all parties in the long run.

Recently I did so to my only mother and sister as well as one cousin. They are abusive/unapologetic feminists and realizing their previous disinformation, misguidance and actual abuse is very difficult while putting up a kind face while they call you nothing but a racist or a sexist for not being a beta white male in 2020.

Do you believe this is a comprehensively beneficial decision?

Is there an acceptable threshold when physical or emotional abuse becomes to much and you can fairly separate from immediate family?

Has anyone separated from family mainly due to their behavior/actions/motivation?

Abuse towards me is tolerated as long as it is on topic. I used to hate SJWs for "disowning" family, but I understand now. Perhaps this the eternal Jews' plan and I falling for the Dark Side they push. I had to do it for my mental health, I cannot live with them on my back.

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580c49  No.146937

From what I can see /pol/ has drank the feminist koolaid and think its some kind of white virtue to shirk all gender roles and let everything go to shit in the name of equality. You having broken your conditioning will not serve you well in the western world and my advice is to just get out while you can rather than go down with the ship.

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d1b0c1  No.146938


>comprehensively beneficial

Of course not. You’re obliged to fix what you can and trim out what you can’t–and that generally does mean abandoning communists in your family–but the retention of the family (not “nuclear”) is a traditionalist virtue and the literal source of the health and growth of human civilization. Strive to maintain, abandon when nothing else remains.

>is there an acceptable threshold

Yes, of course. If, after all potential for reason and reconciliation they still repeat jewish talking points–once proven they’re wrong and to your physical detriment–obviously you have little to no obligation to maintain communications. Make sure not to mischaracterize this as horseshoe theory.


You’ve seen literally nothing, because not a word of what you said is true. Are you insane?

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402cbe  No.146946


Here in the Kali Yuga, family is a broken concept. Being fettered to strangers who see you as the enemy is of no benefit to anyone. Problem is, every institution is broken. There is no ship to jump off of, and nowhere to jump to. To die on a hill of traditional values in a world of literal apes might benefit your next reincarnation, but who knows. It might be that your value system simply doesn't have any value whatsoever on this piss kikegod planet and that you're just meant to be wiped out under a massive wave of transexual nigger and nigger-sympathizer UBI slaves. Worth coming to grips with, maybe. Might be able to save a shred of sanity and have the strength to murder yourself when the time is right.

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209501  No.146947

File: 6948e7ec5a07a0a⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1596048985832.jpg)

File: 2fc32f9550054fb⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 150406_gma_wright_16x9_992.jpg)


/pol/ is always a reflection or a reverberation chamber of people all over we see as "normies". Jew matriarchs are trying to "push their destiny", but they go beyond equality. People know this and normies will retaliate (albeit incredibly ineffectively at first). The US and the world is a mix of people swimming in propaganda. There are secret redpilled qt biological females out there, besides my family was in Washington's army. I am not going anywhere, I will die here trying. Maybe with frens.


I spent years trying to fix things. Let me put it to you like this. The past 8 years I have hosted every Thanksgiving and Christmas because my family does not function. This includes years of me trying to get them to be reasonable (and equal), but their Jewish Matriarch teachings seem to trigger some inane response. My mother still thinks my college saying I sexually harassed a woman (I sent a text to someone I was flirting back and forth with after a friend of hers told me to talk dirty, she said no, then apologized. She filed charges months later after I ran against her for a position. I almost killed myself no joke.)

What do you think that tipping point is? Is the following a decent rule of thumb?

Physical Violence from politics/beliefs: Immediate

Mental Abuse: Detatch yourself temporarily then come back. Repeat if necessary

Emotional Abuse: Let them know the impact of their words/actions/attitude. Patiently push to reason/remind/reward. Leave if they will 100% not see reason or do not stop the abuse/ramp it up.


Cope harder. Maybe fuck your goat, Mohammed. Maybe that will clear your mind.

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402cbe  No.146949


The only cope is being on a NatSoc board with a bunch of BBS refugees who think they'll succeed where Hitler failed. I got news for you pal: it's going to get far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far worse before it gets better. We're not going to see the Golden Age. Not this time round. Hopium = Copium.

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580c49  No.146951


Any argument I've made here for going back to how things were successfully run before feminism is met with a staunch defense of the status quo so the only conclusion I can come to is that the people here have drank the feminist koolaid.

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d1b0c1  No.146957


>decent rule of thumb

Yes, absolutely. No question about it. You’ve been targeted by establishment nonsense; the only recourse (since whites won’t ever actually grab our guns and kill them all) is a total blackout.


List your arguments, because that’s nonsense and you know it. No one here is going to defend the modern world. At most they’ll defend the necessity of some of the protections of the modern world insofar as the other (forced) changes remain in place.

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209501  No.146960

File: bbd6963d1c93fa0⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 960x705, 64:47, 1595945741467.jpg)


>Assuming my political affiliation

>Leftie detected

You are doing great. Keep it up. I am not a national socialist. I am a race realist and moderate libertarian. Cope harder, faster, better, stronger.


True equality and cultural allowance to do whatever you want would push society towards what it used to have in germania and celtic lands ireland to turkey. Egalitarian law, women practice whatever, but trends towards a slight patriarchy and standard society (seen in countless examples even in modern times). More conservative, long term values including the nuclear family. That is why the matriarchy pushes and kikes want to destroy it. Communism is just a psyop to have Jews "own all the land on the earth" so sky daddy can kiss their forehead or something.

So essentially I kind of need to due to extreme circumstance, but destroying the nuclear family in general is massively degenerate

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894ece  No.146962

File: 2ec130ca8ac1848⋯.jpg (75.11 KB, 561x650, 561:650, temple.jpg)


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580c49  No.146964


Well simply put this idea of equality between the sexes needs to be done away with because it clearly doesn't work and the idea of gender roles needs to be brought back because it has been shown to work for thousands of years. The part thats contentious to westerners is that means doing away with the restrictions on marriage that were imposed by feminists to force women into greater education in the name of equality and instead have them marry young with their husband fulfilling the role of the provider and the wife fulfilling the role of the homemaker. The idea of a woman being a homemaker in the western world is seen as a scornful subservience to men so both the sexes are just fighting over the role of provider which doesn't allow for a successful family.

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8faad9  No.146980


> only mother

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d1b0c1  No.147030


Yes, no one here believes the sexes are equal. No one here believes that women should necessarily be forced into college (which has become a slut factory), nor to have a job of their own. They only do at all because the income tax black hole of the Fed needed to double its revenue, and they only STILL do because the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen so low that it’s impossible to make ends meet on a single income. Nothing you said is anything that /pol/ believes. This isn’t cuckchan, anon. THEY might believe that, but we never have.

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580c49  No.147036


You don't speak for everyone and are in fact the only person so far that hasn't tried to character assassinate me over it so I don't think you're as in tune with the rest of the people here as you think you are.

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58d97b  No.147039

It's not a black or white matter; if you end up being born into a mediocre family it can be a grating experience. Selfishness also rears its head when there are matters of personal interest such as disputes over inheritance.

Prominent ascetics who are frequently bashed here also saw the problem in allowing oneself to become enthralled by familial intrigues and ambitions.

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209501  No.147041

File: bfa72ee997f1963⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 596x445, 596:445, 1595803767861.jpg)


Holy fuck. DO you honestly think crazy schizophrenic but good looking ladies with feminism shoved down their throat both by jews and her absent minded schizophrenic alcoholic father do not have children with self made boomer douche-bag steves and then baby the daughter and fucking abuse the son? Do you think that never happens? Listen, man, the only reason why I am cutting off contact is I simply cannot understand how someone can do what they did to their only son because of daddy issues and pop-wolrd-domination-feminism and just ignore both biological drive and a decent ethical drive. My mom knows I was sexually abused as a minor by a woman, she literally gives zero fucks and seems like she takes pleasure in the fact a woman got her rocks off at the expense of a man. I am not sorry at all you do not understand that psychopathic or deranged women stoked on feminism do not have sons, but yes it happens and at least for me it sucked massive balls.

…. btw lurkers, Jordan Peterson is not 100% right about everything. THE aspect of manhood is balancing wisdom and strength to create in a longstanding manner. Fuck anyone telling you that is not a main aspect.

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e3f01a  No.147246

File: 62e13565bcb20a0⋯.jpg (85.06 KB, 780x583, 780:583, 1512659021302.jpg)


Extended Family>Nuclear family

That being said, I still am against the move to destroy the nuclear family because its obviously based on different motives than mine, and having a nuclear family is obviously better than some sort of pozed unit of lesbian mothers with their adopted trans son.

The ideal family is one concentrated around the grandparents and you have a close relationship with your cousins and uncles and aunts ect. Being some gay pic related middle class rubes who just live in the suburbs and consoom while never seeing your family except maybe on christmas is pathetic. Again, I realize this is sometimes the unfortunate circumstances of someone born into a shit family of drug addict pieces of shit or something, but this extended family is the ideal.

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ea96f6  No.147251


That picture is truly depressing. The portable devices, prohibiting them from ordinary social interaction, and the overpriced, disgusting sugary drinks, having caused the parents' blatant obesity, is now also making their daughter fat.

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b2c66e  No.147264


>That picture is truly depressing

The guy has three white children and enough money to waste on apple products he's got a lot more than I probably ever will

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ade147  No.147276


>he's got a lot more than I probably ever will

Including cardiovascular diseases.

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863171  No.149879

It's too fringe of an idea to gain traction

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6bcf81  No.149883

they are working hard to turn the three stripes into degenerate Korn songs

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286e19  No.150090


>Prominent ascetics who are frequently bashed here also saw the problem in allowing oneself to become enthralled by familial intrigues and ambitions.

I could write a volume on this but you've succinctly said everything that really needs to be said.

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