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cdb2bd  No.146074[Last 50 Posts]

How does it feel to live in the Turner Diaries timeline, anon?


>A California man had his registered firearm seized by local police after "antifa" members on social media accused him of being racist on the internet – the first case of its kind.

>On July 7th/8th, left-wing extremist twitter user @anonymouscommie doxed a Sacramento resident named Andrew Casarez. The anonymous account accused him of being a "neo-Nazi troll."

>On the very same day, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office opened up an investigation into him. During a background check, they found that Casarez was a registered gun owner. On July 13th, 2020, Sergeant Nate Grgich executed a search warrant for his home and car.

>Nothing illegal or of a criminal nature was found during the search, but Sgt. Grgich was able to get a judge's permission to seize Casarez's handgun, a pair of pants and a "racist" t-shirt using a new law enforcement tool called a "gun restraining order," which was signed by Judge Jaime R. Roman.

>The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office is bragging about being the first in the country to seize a firearm using primarily the owner's political ideology as the excuse.

>On the case, spokesperson Lacey Nelson was quoted as saying “This search warrant it’s the first of its kind at least in the country. As far as how we obtained it and were able to serve it […] He was posting enough racist rhetoric and propaganda on Facebook that it was concerning that his behaviors could become violent in retaliation.”

>Nelson also said “Instead of waiting for him to go out and commit acts of violence, per se, they were able to ideally stop it before it started. But he did have a firearm in his possession.”

>National Justice has obtained public record copies of the Gun Violence Emergency Restraining Order and the search warrant filed against Casarez, but will not be posting them in their entirety to protect his privacy.

>Sgt. Grgich's sworn affidavit explains that the mere act of having your personal information posted by "antifa," COVID-19, and Casarez's alleged views on race during an imaginary rash of ongoing "hate crimes" are all reasons for why his Constitutional rights must be preemptively suspended.

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032497  No.146075

>How does it feel to live in the Turner Diaries timeline, anon?

Doesn’t really matter, does it? Whites won’t fight back, so it’s not like our opinions have anything to do with anything.

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0a27d6  No.146091


>Exclusive: Leader Of Dylann Roof-Worshipping Neo-Nazi Group Exposed

>Andrew Richard Casarez is a 27-year-old pizza delivery driver and the leading voice in a confederation of neo-Nazis, HuffPost has confirmed.

>For years, a man using the pseudonym “Vic Mackey” has been the leading voice in a confederation of neo-Nazis called the “Bowl Patrol,” a reference to white supremacist murderer Dylann Roof’s “bowl cut” hairstyle.

>bowl patrol

It glows.

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cdb2bd  No.146092


>Fascist figureheads like Richard Spencer


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cdb2bd  No.146094


HOLY SHIT ANON. last line. lel. wtf.

>Vic Mackey, the tough-guy persona that had inspired legions of white supremacists, was livestreaming his heroics. But in real life, Casarez was just alone on the street, talking to the glow of his screen.

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620e49  No.146120

Ha! This country is going to shit.

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416887  No.146134

There is no way this guy's lawyer won't make a lot of money. Unless they had a secondary reason (like a specific threat of violence) you cannot be "proactive" you have to respect his opinions.

There is no law against being a racist and you have freedom of association. If someone wants to sit around and praise jackasses all day, that is their right

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abdc5f  No.146135

I guess all cops are bastards

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620e49  No.146139

What this is, is a law based on fee fees.

The entire left has lost it's mind and gone full bore Commietard.

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479efb  No.146160

File: 5b502a6b29fab45⋯.png (84.36 KB, 391x403, 391:403, before_pol.png)

File: 2d98827abbd4a06⋯.png (250.12 KB, 397x449, 397:449, after_pol.png)


To be honest he has this trait of undisciplined bum. Graduated like a handsome man, but now some fat soyboy in edgy sun glasses and spic goatee. I hope none of you here look like this.

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c9ff12  No.146163

>Nothing illegal or of a criminal nature was found during the search

…using a "new law enforcement tool…"

Which "law" were they enforcing?

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272e82  No.146164


About time you figured that out.


Name one law that isn't based on fee-fees.

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da1acd  No.159184

File: 870c52fe636f7ba⋯.jpg (36.09 KB, 372x595, 372:595, t_rni.jpg)


just finished the audiobook and i have to say it was better than i expected as a nordfag.

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032497  No.159200


>2 months ago

>the turner diaries timeline

Whites actually fought back in that timeline, so that’s not where we are.


Oh, yeah, see, I even said it then.

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626dab  No.159273


What is stopping white people "fighting back?" The threat of jail, and the ruination of their livelihood. Without police, those threats are gone. It's quite strange to me that blacks actually want to defund the police, without their protection, they're vulnerable to being held accountable to the people they have spent decades antagonizing.

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b2fdeb  No.159306


nice projection faggot wtf have you done? Oh shitpost on a website full of retards. Good job fucking faggot, just sit around waiting for someone other than you to do things, worked out great so far hasnt it? Stupid fucking cunt

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bc240a  No.159318


i some times wonder how does it feel to live a "true american dream" right now.

So these are the rights the americans have and love so much and brag about, 1st you have the right to shut the fuck up, 2nd you have a right to be called racist whatever that means and all those thousands of dollarinos you spent arming yourself you have a right to give to the police or be shot on sight, you also have a right to watch your city burned by niggers and comunists and have absolute right to cover in your house in fear and be very afraid that your own house should not be set on fire while also having a right to have your skull bashed in by some peaceful niggers and peaceful communist revolutionaries in which situation you have an absolute right to lie down on the ground and take it and ofcouse do nothing about it

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bc240a  No.159330


well i will wait for the citizens of the US of A tell me what that is.

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0516af  No.159342


So this is the power of those first and second amendments Americans like to talk about so much?

Shame, it was a beautiful deam.

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4e4b58  No.159353

California has red flag laws, this is why we must remove Neocons like Marttha McSally from Arizona and other states.

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032497  No.159383


You have no idea what the word ‘projecting’ means. If I was wrong, you would have proven it by now. I’m not; you didn’t. No one else did, either. Get over it.

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b2fdeb  No.159406

File: 6f2b8bbc86302b9⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 204x255, 4:5, dancingkike.gif)


I proved you are a worthless fucking faggot

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b2fdeb  No.159408

File: 423954eb4f0e419⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1400x1400, 1:1, gizmo.png)


>You have no idea what the word ‘projecting’ means

Also you are a fucking idiot, once again nice projection

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267f8c  No.159458


>whites dont fight back

in the book, this is addressed. when whites are uncomfortable enough, they do. the hardcore idealist cannot move the common white man if he is comfortable. all of you faggots need to realize this IS going to happen at some point instead of just sitting there and nigger-posting about white people never fighting back. fuck all of you faggots.

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032497  No.159462



>just more spam, identical to the spam already called out as something only shills say

>doesn’t prove me wrong

wew lad, keep it up


> when whites are uncomfortable enough, they do.

Explain how we’re not uncomfortable enough, exactly.

>this IS going to happen at some point

Just keep waiting, right? It’s magically going to happen eventually, as long as you keep waiting. Do nothing, keep waiting. It will definitely happen eventually. Just look at Rhodesia! Oh, wait, no, didn’t happen. Just look at South Africa! Oh, wait, no, didn’t happen. Just look at Brazil! Oh, wait, no, didn’t happen. Just look at the US! Oh, wait, no, didn’t happen. Just look at Haiti in 1803! Oh, wait, no, the French didn’t come back to the island and slaughter every nigger; they simply allowed all the whites to be exterminated and didn’t even bother retaliating…

I guess we just have to keep waiting, right?

>instead of just sitting there and nigger-posting about white people never fighting back.

You’re just sitting there and jew-posting that whites WILL magically fight back. I fail to see how you’re doing anything but making my point for me.

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66a5a4  No.159467


>It’s magically going to happen eventually, as long as you keep waiting

If we're sticking to the book's logic here… In the book, they start to organize and use small factions and gain contacts in order to get the resources they need to conduct operations. This is already happening IRL in small steps and it is mostly fringe at this point. They don't just go to churches and start shooting random niggers like that Dylan Roof faggot. You sound like one of those bowl patrol feds by just saying:

>go out and do something, goy

Go out and do what exactly right now?

>I fail to see how you’re doing anything but making my point for me

And what exactly are you doing, nigger? Just telling people to go out and bomb federal buildings without organizing first? Or what are you advocating for?

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91db98  No.159473

Why do these alleged neo-nazi morons post pics of themselves online and have online social media that can easily be doxxed? It amazes me how stupid people are and how little they care for protecting their identity and safety.

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032497  No.159484


>you said something you didn’t say

>therefore you’re a fed

No, please, keep THIS up. THIS sort of thing is definitely going to get whites to do anything about anything.

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cd5a88  No.159595


Answer the questions I asked, you coward. You keep telling people to do things, what do you want them to do? you fucking kike

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ec30ca  No.159599


>"slavic" name

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febfaf  No.159695


>Without police, those threats are gone.

National Guard will be given executive leeway to patrol as "street safety officers" and help the feds kick down doors. This will be a stopgap until they roll out a "national unified police force" under federal jurisdiction. You already saw the orders for NG to assist in drug interdiction operations as part of their wheelhouse during the WuFlu lockdowns. Mark my fucking words, they will be patrolling the streets with MRAPs and drones and no one will lift a fucking finger. They'll declare it part of their fucked-up "new normal" while their friends and family get dragged off to the "detainment camps" outlined in the REX-84 exercises and their children get predated on and pozzed in school with anti-white rhetoric. It will be the worst possible outcome for people everywhere and everyone will be too goyed to fucking care.

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596480  No.159697


>OK, hand them over, sir. We have reason to believe you're a danger because of your racist views

>S-sure here you go

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8254c0  No.159711


>if this retarded book is really going to be your bible

I was just explaining what happened in the book and comparing it to IRL because that's the topic of this thread, you dumb nigger.

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786cd2  No.159720


good thing the government thinks i live at my UPS store mailbox lol

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272e82  No.159726


>the FBI has never staked out a PO box and nabbed the person who picks up the mail from it

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786cd2  No.159727


>the FBI has never staked out a PO box and nabbed the person who picks up the mail from it

How will kidnapping me off the street help them grab my guns?

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272e82  No.159728


Will they bring you your guns in jail?

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786cd2  No.159730


No. Will I get life in prison or a death sentence for internet racism?

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032497  No.159732


Imagine being so fucking stupid that this is how you behave. No wonder whites will never fight back.

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786cd2  No.159735


How is having a stash of guns the feds don't know about, a bad thing? sure, carry a pistol at all times or whatever. if you get raided at your legal home of record, all your shit is gone. if they nab me, they get a single glock. then i go home at most a year later, and have all my unregistered assault rifles and shotguns back.

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95b236  No.159743


Lol!!!! Here we come Court of Appeals. Sorry your laws don’t apply here, second amendment is my right. If any goon motherfuckers tried to serve a flawed warrant, I would be giddy with excitement. Think of the punitive damage payouts and the exciting Internal Affairs investigation to follow!!! What joy.

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272e82  No.159756


No, but while you're in custody, they can raid your house/property and can hang on to you until they're satisfied that every gun has been confiscated and your racist ways have been "reformed". Have you read the USA Patriot Act? If they call you terrorist, all bets are off.

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786cd2  No.159759


>Have you read the USA Patriot Act?

Like I said, officially, I live at the UPS Store. The government doesn't know where I sleep at night. Nobody knows except my landlord, and thats an under the table deal. No background check and I pay in cash. If I get grilled about it, then my story is I've been sleeping in my car.

If things are to the point where I fear being permanently disappeared, I'm going innawoods and shooting strangers on sight. But I don't have a lifestyle where that'd be a likely scenario.

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9b9d0a  No.159772


That's the sort of thing Alex Jones would rant about Obama doing. The same people who were mortified by that prospect and support Trump, would actually welcome it. I think it'll happen, and the riots/virus was just want they needed to mollify the real resistance. Typical problem, reaction, solution too. "Help us Trump, our streets are full of Antifa and our police can't cope!"

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786cd2  No.159781


>Help us Trump, our streets are full of police who will arrest me for defending my life against Antifa!


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95b236  No.160081


Oh yeah, and didn’t he receive a bunch of pay from Israel after he had that one big show and he was all white in the face?

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032497  No.160084



Imagine being as fucking retarded as you are. Hey, dipshit. YOU PAID THE STORE. THEY KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE YOU LIVE.


Who will sell you out the second the government comes to his door.

>no background check

Yeah, he’s not going to jail for you. He’ll personally unlock your door for them.

>If I get grilled about it

You will literally just be shot and you won’t even have a chance to fight back. Enjoy your fantasy delusions, dumb fuck.

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cf04e9  No.160111


You must be one of the low wage shills.

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032497  No.160119


>you’re a shill because I don’t comprehend basic OPSEC and have no fucking clue what I’m talking about

Pathetic. Fuck off this board, “operator.” You’re not going to do a damn thing now or ever.

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cf04e9  No.160121


I have to say, I do admire your autistic-driven dedication. Your content is lacking though.

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032497  No.160127


>you’re autistic because you refuse to accept some random faggot’s claims that his total lack of OPSEC means he’s actually anonymous

Pathetic. Fuck off, retard.

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cf04e9  No.160128

File: 50654dc3d56919b⋯.webm (210.02 KB, 640x272, 40:17, Very_impressive_defense_m….webm)


Keep going, this is great.

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6de9bd  No.160470

Only a retard thinks they can hide where they sleep from the feds.

I imagine you got all sorts of things that actually link to your real address:

- A drivers license, most states require a real address not a PO Box and it would be stupid to not have one as it would make getting pulled over for "looking suspicious" a lot bigger problem.

- Internet access (or a phone they can track to being at one location 90% of the time).

- Insurance, but you probably don't have any thinking it's some jewish conspiracy.

- A vehicle you take to the PO Box, that can be GPS tracked (they have no problem installing trackers without warrants).

- Literally any other human (including your landlord) who knows your address could be forced or coerced into giving it up (yeah I'm sure your a tough as nails badass who will take any torture and not cave but someone who knows ain't gonna be).

And if all those fail they could simply tail you from your PO Box back to your house, then next time you leave break in and loot the place while arresting you at the post office under the name of fighting terrorism.

It may have been able to be completely anonymous in the past, but the patriot act means that if they want to find you they have virtually unlimited power and resources to do so. Your best bet is to simply live a normal life you don't hide, all your OPSEC bullshit just means when they start looking it's easier for them to pin the terrorist flag to you and be legally aloud to do whatever they want (and all the means is they don't have to cover it up).

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eb586e  No.160530

File: 1ba5de065a5d42a⋯.jpg (209.89 KB, 960x636, 80:53, 1519938865306.jpg)


>his registered firearm

>registered firearm


Who could have possibly seen this coming?

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4e2115  No.160562

i think we should just spray paint anglo lives matter on everything at night. until niggers get so agitated and start mass killing. we need them to go full jihad and building IED and suicide vests. kek

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01f9c4  No.160564

File: 11555f100f18fd2⋯.png (832.8 KB, 1022x731, 1022:731, image.png)

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