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21678f  No.145597

…Well, you know

It's not gonna be the one you want.

You tell me that it's evolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

But when you talk lefty socialism

Don't you know that you can count me out

Don't you know it's gonna be all right

All the way right

I say I got a final solution

Well, you know

and it ain't the Kalergi plan

We ask you for a contribution

Well, you know

We're all doing what we can

But if you want more money for Jews with minds that hate

All I can tell you is brother is read above the gate

Work is gonna make you free

All right, all the way right

You say you'll change the constitution

Well, you know

We all want to change your head

You tell me it's the institution

Well, you know

You'd better free your mind instead

But if you go selling pictures of little girls' venus cleft

You ain't right and you're gonna get left

Don't you know know it's gonna be all right

All the way right

All the way right

All the way right

All the way right

All the way right

Yet another Jewish Bolshevik Rape all the White Children "revolution" requires something the Jews don't have:

Numbers. A great number of people who can be convinced, like the allies were, that having Germany rescue the Germans in the Polish-occupied Danzig from slaughter was absolutely untenable, and that raping every little girl and boy in Germany was God's Own Righteous Repayment for the Children Daring to have German Parents.

The present attempted overthrow of the USA will require a large population of disgruntled and/or lied to and/or entitled cattle to join the in Righteous War to Rape all the Goyim Children part: (I've lost count.)

Trump neatly cauterized the wounds caused by greedy and megalomaniacal (((world rulers.))) (Calling them "elites" is besmirching that word.

"Elites" is what they call _themselves_.

Think of their "Elites."

Oprah Winfrey

John and Tony Podesta.

Hillary "Is that young girl a Presidential model?" Clinton

Huma "High Priestess of Satan" Abedin.

"Doctor Dre" who claimed to be all down wit da homiez while marrying a Jewish woman to metastasize his brand of brainless monkey ook ook to the world.

"Jay Z"

"Beyonce" "I bought my child" Knowles.

Here are some REAL elites:

Trumps THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE KUSHNER or that Jew bitch that Don Junior married so he could get the leftovers after she was passed around by the Latin Kings

Anyone in the top level special forces worldwide.

STEM geniuses

Natural athletes who achieve well but don't bother ruining their health for titles like Lance Armstrong, (((Rich Piana,))) etc.

Mothers who marry young and have a nice-sized family by the time they are 20.

Women who don't have the slightest idea what anyone else looks like naked other than their family and husband.

People who are completely morally incorruptible. Most of these are Christians, and almost all of them are completely unknown.

But, I digress. The attempted schism in the USA is going to fail. Trump will continue to bring prosperity, complete the wall, and incinerate entire worldwide networks of murder, trafficking, espionage, and sin in general.

By making opportunity available for everyone, Trump gutted the entire platform on which (((Bolshevism))) rests: a disgruntled untermenschen majority. Trump has the support of the VAST majority of Americans.

Blacks, who seem to be VERY susceptible to peer and media influence (due to lack of fatherhood, caused by the (((Democrats)))) are now being pressured by wiser blacks to quit acting like a bunch of mindless thugs. Gangs formerly senselessly at war are unifying against NamblAntifa thugs.

Trump has the counter-moves ready, just waiting for the enemies, who think they have secure comms, to make their next move.

So, no, we don't want THEIR revolution, but there IS going to be revolution. Just not the one they want.

Without the Fed, sex trafficking (((insane prescription drug prices))) and other drug trafficking, and without (((entertainment))) including porn in general, and child porn in particular, how will a certain self-styled bunch of former rulers get their money?

Make note of the names and all info for your entire local judiciary, DA, and the entire local legal system. They will be called into question when the constitution is again enforced, WITH force.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c39e8d  No.145628

Eat shit and die. This isn’t the Q-LARP board. The ZOG emperor did nothing you claim.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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