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File: 7873a2b8c4e366f⋯.jpg (48.22 KB, 640x400, 8:5, AP_19122599211689_e1556822….jpg)

243a8c  No.145209


is 100% controlled by the ADL - the mods & namefags support israel. They have total control.

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243a8c  No.145210

I could offer proof, but cba to deal with frequent deletions. All you need to know is that /brit/ has undying 100% support for israel.

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747185  No.145215

File: 275a789d63baa9e⋯.jpeg (8.12 KB, 255x170, 3:2, pot_belly_pig_baby.jpeg)


I haven't experienced this.

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243a8c  No.145219


Whoever controls it isn't the same as back in like 2016.

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747185  No.145222


Has Steiner been banned?

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243a8c  No.145225


Nah man, steiner is pro-israel.

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243a8c  No.145226

sa, cook, pro-israel.

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243a8c  No.145229

I was amazed. /brit/ has defined stupidity as "American" support for Palestine. And they have defined wise and trendy as "British" love for Netanyhu. It's something quite utterly astonishing.

And, of course, they are incapable of a defense of ther position, so, anybody who opposes their precious israel is banned. Because they are literally fake, and exactly israel shills.

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c682a1  No.145238

Explain why we should care.

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243a8c  No.145243


>Why should goys care about D&C?


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