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File: ec7c77be822bb4a⋯.jpg (237.3 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, maya_mckinney.jpg)

377dea  No.144287

i wanna see tranny alec mckinneys face. he's in remote court hearing now. webex link is public.

anyone not give a shit about revealing their IP address and wants to send me pics of his crying face?


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cca769  No.144344


>Teen girl who claims to be a man.

>Does a kill

>Tried as an adult

>Going to man prison for man murderers

She's gonna get raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped.

Then she'll finally get put in isolation.

…. but even there she'll get raped, and raped, and raped, and raped….

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c7ae26  No.144355

murica prisons not that violent.

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352e3e  No.144375




Go fuck yourself tranny lover.

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cca769  No.144376


>murica prisons not that violent.

If I was in prison for life and that thing came into my cell, literally the first thing I would do is rape her.

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d9898b  No.144379


op is doing good job preserving troon faces for posterity.

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352e3e  No.144390


I actually agree. Would live to see this shitskin whore crying in court. Maybe well get lucky and it will get raped to death by other brown faggots in prison.

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cca769  No.144397


>Maybe well get lucky and it will get raped to death by other brown faggots in prison.


A 16 year old girl in man prison, and you think "maybe" she might get raped.

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a821e9  No.144403

I was going to check it out, but they want you to download/install an app. No thanks.

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d9898b  No.144406


you can use web browser version no install. just need some shit email. but use only if not in US so feds don't get you.

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a7622b  No.144412

Will someone please hack that hearing? I would love to see that girl crying.

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a821e9  No.144419

File: a9bd076baebe600⋯.png (598.19 KB, 1920x1028, 480:257, Horrible.png)

The video is horrible. Not much point in it.

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cca769  No.144420


Anon delivers.

Can you screencap a couple of mins with audio?

What is happening?

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112eb8  No.144421

So what's the story on this wretched scullion? Who did she kill where did she kill him and why? Was he trying to rape her?

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cca769  No.144424

File: a37b68bbd0060f9⋯.png (108.62 KB, 582x399, 194:133, Screenshot_2020_07_25_00_5….png)

File: 79148f5a7b8735a⋯.png (175.58 KB, 818x615, 818:615, Screenshot_2020_07_25_00_4….png)

File: c25d259b5197419⋯.png (123.92 KB, 626x462, 313:231, Screenshot_2020_07_25_00_4….png)

File: 196b6dd80525c04⋯.png (130.48 KB, 823x438, 823:438, Screenshot_2020_07_25_00_4….png)

File: f61979f862220e4⋯.png (118.85 KB, 677x437, 677:437, Screenshot_2020_07_25_00_4….png)

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a821e9  No.144425

File: 995cffc5384bd9f⋯.png (535.08 KB, 1920x1026, 320:171, Horrible.png)


It's closing arguments. Boring court shit. Prosecution asking for maximum sentence, defense reading letters from family.

But we have crying!

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112eb8  No.144426

I feel bad for her, y'know? I mean she's only 16 and she's missing out on being a "Portland Mom".

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112eb8  No.144427

IF she's being raped all the time in prison, will she have lots of orgasms all the time then?

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9edb62  No.144428


Just made my day anon, god bless u. Can you get some video of the sobbing?


Troon shot up school in Colorado. Killed one beaner.

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a821e9  No.144432

Oh, and incidentally, you can watch this without fear. It's a public sentencing hearing.

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9edb62  No.144434


She's a juvenile so sentencing should be closed to public.

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cca769  No.144435

File: 11bbd388cae0f22⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB, 950x802, 475:401, lezzer.mp4)


>Can you get some video of the sobbing?

I capped some. I was going to cap the whole of her statement but she's been going on and on a bit. Here's the first 8Mb of what I capped.

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cca769  No.144436


I have to go now btw, so someone else might want to cap the actual sentencing. I'd like to hear what the judge has to say and see the reaction.

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a821e9  No.144437


She's being tried as an adult.

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cca769  No.144439


>She's being tried as an adult.

She's gonna get fucked as an adult too

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a821e9  No.144440


Of that, I have no doubt.

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9edb62  No.144441


But her case is sealed as a 17yo

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a821e9  No.144442


Eh, I'm still not that worried about it. They're more than welcome to come arrest me for watching a courtroom without interrupting it.

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74643c  No.144447


she's making history. first troon school shooter sentenced.

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ea70ac  No.144454


fuckin hilarious story. got some more?

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cca769  No.144461

I capped the whole sentencing. It was pretty boring though so I won't upload it now (or maybe ever). Might edit out a couple of choice sobbing bits from her statement tomorrow if I can be arsed.

Sentence was weak. idk why you burgers don't just hang people. She should have hung by the neck until dead, at dawn on monday morning. Now you burgers have to pay for her to be fed for "life" whatever that means.

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6317dd  No.144464


do upload it anon, its priceless. fuckin abomination nobody capped more of this show. what did she get?


tried as adult means public sentencing.

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a821e9  No.144482


Life in prison with the possibility of parole plus 38 years. That's a lot of rape.

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112eb8  No.144508


>>Troon shot up school in Colorado. Killed one beaner.

Ah, so it's win win then. Eeeeggcelllent.

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112eb8  No.144509


> Now you burgers have to pay for her to be fed for "life" whatever that means.

In Canada they live in very nice middle class houses with beautiful kitchens and they get escorted to the grocery store so they can pick out their own groceries to prepare their own food. They get free university degrees. I worked one summer as a guard and one guy attempted a futile escape on his very last day of a 2 year sentence so he could get arrested and resentenced to another 2 years for attempting to escape. It's that good in there if you're an ugly loser who will end up sleeping on the streets if set free.

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162470  No.144586


Upload the sentencing please. I can't get enough watching the troon bitch crying.



If she has no dick, she's going to lady prison. For her only dyke rape.

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cca769  No.144616


>Upload the sentencing please. I can't get enough watching the troon bitch crying.

She didn't cry during the actual sentencing, she cried more giving her own statement. The sentencing is just her sitting there listening to the judge go on and on "Charge number seven: attempted first degree murder after deliberation, sixteen years with a five year non parole period - to be served concurrently with charge number four…" etc etc. She is emotionless throughout it.

Later tonight I might upload some anyway though.

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81a451  No.144624


Even so it's worth watching. It's the first tranny school shooter ever sentenced. Sad that op gave us late notice.

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d81b7b  No.144703


Anon send me girls full statement. I can't find it online.

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387111  No.144796

File: a93bb0a33d0c7ec⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB, 284x240, 71:60, low_score_girl_statement_p….mp4)

File: 1fc90d6df9a790d⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB, 284x240, 71:60, low_score_girl_statement_p….mp4)

Her statement. I missed some of it but got most of it.

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387111  No.144797

File: c42b54a4f0957d0⋯.mp4 (7.45 MB, 284x240, 71:60, low_score_girl_judges_comm….mp4)


Judge's comments after statements and before sentencing.

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387111  No.144799

File: bc21c1519a76819⋯.mp4 (3 MB, 284x240, 71:60, low_score_girl_sentence_po….mp4)



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387111  No.144802




I'm the same anon from last night btw, just restarted my router - wouldn't want anyone accusing me of either being a shill, or not delivering.

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6ade56  No.144810


thanks anon.

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836c59  No.145101

>>144441 nice

just checking below, raping thread for test


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51a896  No.145103


What a faggot lol.

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7f5364  No.145129

File: 2496e623d538ea2⋯.png (142.96 KB, 350x350, 1:1, carlos_bane.png)


>She's gonna get raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped, and raped.

And raped, but it wouldn't matter much in any case. She'd get it just as bad from the bull-dykes in female lock-up. At least this way she'll continue getting her testosterone injections.

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a821e9  No.145133


Guards, too. I mean, she's barely a 4/10 in the real world, but she's a 10/10 prison bitch. I'm betting suicide within 60 days.

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5bea77  No.145147

>Youth in the adult system are at extreme risk for sexual victimization, more than “any other group of incarcerated persons”, according to the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission.


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dfdf94  No.164542


Trannies commit multiple mass shootings and attacks and get zero coverage they have more privilege than niggers at this point.

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