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File: 980d4d8311c07a8⋯.jpg (374.26 KB, 1917x1795, 1917:1795, public_housing.JPG)

2b4719  No.144169

I wish they'd pass something like that here. I don't like the government inserting public housing in middle class white neighborhoods so they can dump niggers in the middle of all the whites.


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dbc083  No.144170


Stop waiting for the law (that is already controlled by jews) and start killing niggers and jews.

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406e88  No.144229


Violence is the only solution.

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406e88  No.144230

That Trump quote…OMG…

You can't even SPEAK about niggers without being racist as fuck because they are such an abomination on the planet.


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b605f7  No.144244

Stop looking for approval from niggers. Kill Ben Carson and every other fucking nigger in this country.

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2b4719  No.144261


In the interim, I'll be grateful for any temporary cessation in the jew's block busting tactics wherever it comes from. A nigger housing project not built in a white suburb means dozens of white boys that won't be shitkicked and bullied by older meaner nigs and dozens of white girls that won't be intimidated into abusive sexual relationships with these subhuman apes. Buying time, buying time…

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b605f7  No.144262


And that's why you're losing.

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406e88  No.144266


> Kill Ben Carson and every other fucking nigger in this country.

I would extend this to all the subhuman filth that is currently occupying our nation. WE NEED RECONQUEST AND THE ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION OF ALL OUR ENEMIES.

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