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37e647  No.143838

I am looking for any official (mainstream) explanation for the different handwriting styles found in Anne Frank's writings.

They say that the ballpoint pen thing was only a couple of loose pages with notes, and not any of the diary content, and none of the notes in ballpoint pen are printed in any of the editions (because it's not part of the diary).

The 1980 forensic study at least shows that the handwriting was consistient accross the "diary" itself.

But what about the very different handwriting styles in, for example pic related, and in the Iowa letter? Is there any official response?

I just want to make sure the redpills I'm eating are the genuine article, and not easily rebuffed. It's very embarassing and counterproductive to redpill normies with things they can find plausible counter arguments for.

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3ca74c  No.143897


It was real, but not all of it is real.

Otto Frank took parts and re-wrote them, he also hired another jewish guy to write some parts to make it more aesthetic thematic.


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37e647  No.143901


>It was real, but not all of it is real.

Thanks for taking the time to reply anon

I'm aware of the main points of contention about the diary, the link you shared does not include the official responses to the claims (e.g. the ballpoint pen parts were notes, not parts of the diary) Also Meyer Levin sued over a copyright claim on a dramatisation of the book, not the book itself.

However the one detail I can't find a normie explanation for is the differences between the "childlike" and "adult" handwriting, and also the Iowa letter. I would like to know how they explain that one.

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37e647  No.144156

Come on anon - I'm sure someone out there has the information I'm looking for.

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a41ee7  No.144400

I'll bump my thread one more time, hoping that someone who has done research already into this can help me.

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cf913b  No.144409


>It's very embarassing and counterproductive to redpill normies with things they can find plausible counter arguments for

But that's a redpill in and of itself.

Everything jewish is completely permeated with lies to the point that it's impossible to ascertain any measure of truth.

I've looked into the whole Anne Frank thing briefly and the most meaningful thing I learned is to never listen to anything a jew has to say.

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a41ee7  No.144418


>Everything jewish is completely permeated with lies to the point that it's impossible to ascertain any measure of truth.

Yeah this isn't bad actually. It's a workable line with normies: "It's illegal to research it; sure 90% of the denier stuff is bonkers but we won't know because they won't let it be studied. They are hiding SOMETHING"

My personal take on all the holohoax stuff is this: Soviets massively exagerated the "crimes of their enemies" to justify their occupation of Europe. Jews got comfy cashing on on the exagerated claims. The soviet lies started coming out and the jews got scared that their comfy holohoax was being exposed so they clamped down on any investigation. A bunch of paranoid deniers start doing independent research, but get sidetracked with a bunch of paranoid bullshit that detracts from the main story which is "murders of jews massively exaggerated". Jews can never allow a point by point rebuttal of the denier case, because whilst they would prove that the denier stuff is 90% bullshit, they would also reveal that the industrial scale muder of jews was more in line with the normal atrocities you get in literally every war.

I personally would like to understand what the truth is though. I don't like that holohoax research is so polluted with obvoious paranoid crap. I fantasise about writing a meticulously researched denier book that adresses each claim and looks at the arguments presented by both sides, and draws conclusions from the indesputable evidence (such as the "reconstruction" work done at Auschwitz - wich afaik even the jewest jew doesn't deny)

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c69a78  No.145572


>the link you shared does not include the official responses to the claims (e.g. the ballpoint pen parts were notes, not parts of the diary)

The notes?

The text says:

>The testimony of Minna Bekker, a graphologist in Hamburg in an earlier trial stated: “The handwriting of the diary in the three bound volumes — including all notes and additions on the glued-in pages as well as the 338 pages of loose material — including all corrections and insertions is identical . . .”

So the whole book was written by the same person. If some parts were written with a ballpoint pen, then they could not be written before 1951 while the other parts might have been older, but did not come from Anne Frank nevertheless. The whole thing is a fraud.

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6b3ee6  No.145825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't question the holocaust, it wasn't a lie, it was real in this guy's mind!

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4fd716  No.145858


The real reason why jews must never allow the holohoax to be exposed as fake is because it's a very important religious dogma of the jewish mythology. Just like, according to Christian mythology, Jesus was sacrificed to atone for the sins of the world. The holohoax is a human sacrifice to atone for the sins of the jews. It's part of their mythology that 6 million jews, or two thirds of the jewish population would have to be sacrificed in order to atone for the sins of the jews and bring forth their messiah so they can rule the world. This is why you can find the number 6 million in many texts even before world war 2.

Jews tend to be complete psychopaths and pathological liars. Lying and deceiving god is an integral part of the founding myths of judaism and it's something that's celebrated and encouraged. They take great pride in it. So it doesn't matter if it actually happened or not, as long as they can push the lie, that satisfies the prophecy in their eyes. The real crime here is not the holohoax itself, but exposing it as a lie.

Most people think that the West is very secular and open minded, that it has no laws against heresy and laws against questioning religious dogma. Nothing could be further from the truth. The West has had such laws for the better part of the last century. Most people simply don't understand which religion actually holds sway over the Western world. Spoiler: it's not Christcuckery. Christians have been throughout neutered and disempowered for over 50 years at least.

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