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File: 472b3286300428b⋯.jpg (28.2 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 472b3286300428b12335ee4670….jpg)

538443  No.142494


A gunman dressed as a delivery driver has killed the son of federal Judge Esther Salas in New Jersey and left her husband critically injured. The judge presides over an ongoing case involving Jeffrey Epstein.

The shooting happened on Sunday morning at the home of Judge Salas in North Brunswick township in New Jersey. The gunman dressed as a Federal Express delivery driver to get in, according to media reports. The suspect remains at large, the FBI said on Twitter.

Daniel Anderl, 20, a freshman student at the Catholic University in Washington DC, was killed by the shooter with a bullet to the heart.

Mark Anderl, 63, a criminal defense attorney and former assistant Essex County prosecutor, was taken to the Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in New Brunswick with multiple gunshot wounds. He underwent surgery and remains in critical but stable condition.

Salas was unharmed in the shooting, which happened while she was in the basement of the house. It was not immediately clear whether the gunman targeted anyone specifically when invading the home of the victims.

The incident happened shortly after Salas took the case brought by Deutsche Bank investors, who have accused bank management of failing to vet problematic customers like convicted child molester and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Earlier this month, the bank agreed to pay $150 million over the same misdeeds to settle with New York regulators.

As a federal judge, Salas dealt with several other high-profile cases of corruption and financial crimes, including the case involving reality TV personality Teresa Giudice and her husband Giuseppe. In 2014, Salas sentenced them to prison for bankruptcy fraud and tax evasion.

Before being nominated for federal judge by President Barack Obama in 2010, Salas served as an assistant public defender and a US Magistrate Judge in New Jersey. She is the daughter of a Mexican-Jewish father and a Cuban-Catholic mother. She was the first Latina to serve as a federal judge in New Jersey.

Epstein's jail death from apparent suicide remains a subject of much speculation due to his proximity to many powerful people. The news about the shooting is likely to fan suspicions about the nature of the disgraced billionaire's fate.


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78b2dd  No.142497


>cannot into catalog


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538443  No.142501


My thread is far superior to the one-liner Mossad distraction coop thread.

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479332  No.142504


You could have posted YOUR information in the other thread. That anon is correct. This is a mong move.

Glad you are here tho.

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c1b58f  No.142505

Any information on where in North Brunswick the home was located? I'm figuring federal judge, probably Hidden Lake or Farrington Lake areas. Former would have quick access to route 27 and the latter to route 130. North Brunswick is basically bordered by highways on all sides.

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222b79  No.142517

File: 95695213739b863⋯.webm (2.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ERIKA.webm)

I'm not surprised.

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485c14  No.142551


No, your thread is way better. Ignore the shills trying to discredit it. You are right about the 'distraction' threads. They used to happen a lot.

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c9f17c  No.142568


Good thread.

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5ac0af  No.142576

Inb4 they find some boogaloo boy who said something on twitter about shooting judges, use him as a patsy and condemn him to 800 consecutive death penalties..

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244c94  No.142597


I heard that the shooter has already been found dead of "self inflicted gunshot wound". How neat and convenient.

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479332  No.142602


So fucking subhuman and droll to think that you can 'convict' an entire people for the actions of one man. Wouldn't be surprised if the kikes try to use this to justify more restriction and murder of Whites.

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2d46a0  No.142619

File: 3c104ddf836613f⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 834x480, 139:80, Assassination_Mexico_conve….mp4)



I thought you were joking there, but it's actually true.

Suspect found dead, everybody. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Hit status: successful

Judge status: intimidated and punished

America status: total slaves

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e60ea3  No.142819

File: 002e0323ae9f3ea⋯.png (222.04 KB, 1186x965, 1186:965, 43E7CEA6_C3FF_4CEB_BDD7_74….png)


According to (((MSM))) shooter was this guy.

2020 really is the gift that keeps on giving.


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b61c86  No.144164


>move along folks

>case closed

>nothing to see here


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cc41b2  No.163912


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