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File: 2bedbdfe1bfa964⋯.jpeg (39.11 KB, 485x800, 97:160, Gabriel.jpeg)

f1da0f  No.141972

Alright, i know this message is not for modern ears, but i'd be damned. I am sure this won't be appreciated neither by left nor right.

Men don't have sex. Its women who have sex. Men are the original creation and women are secondary. Women are walking duality, while men by default born adrogenous and lose their qualities with world corruption and lack of self-care.

When people worship God as if He were a "Goddess", they worship feminine aspect of an adrogenous God, who's just like a man is.

Buddhists initially didn't accept women for enlightement, because they knew the aspect of their inferiority, and even more liberal lotus sutra that accept's women enlightement does it as a pity and downplays them anyway.

It fits not just with jewish tale of adam and eve, but also with Hesiod. And indian adrogyny of Vishnu, who's akin to greek Apollo.

Men can do everything better than women do and have superior minds and bodies, and its a pity to pretend you're a woman, pity to be born a woman, pity to not know your place when you're actually a woman and unfair for a man to allow women to take advantages of him.

Do with this result of my meditations whatever you want, i am sure there will be few people who'll agree. We're like fallen wingless angels, while women exist only to help us reproduce. Take this intelligently though, and not like a women beating nigger.

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cfe2f4  No.141974

>men don't have sex

you've never had sex. don't try to speak for rest of us.

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f5e1de  No.141994

In the animal world, sex is dangerous. Even big crocodiles can get their backs broken in a fight over a female in some foetid swamp. They slam down on each other's backs with their powerful tails. It's true for all animals, even humans. The puritans here are all timid cowards who never did what they had to do to dare to approach women which get win you a vicious beat down by some jealous lover. You can get seriously fucked up. You can also just get rejected and sneered at as a losers. Sexual politics at every level are as vicious and as full of bitter intrigues as the French court under Louis XVI. You've got to be tough and smart to do manage it. All these MGTOW guys here and OP included just aren't doing what they have to do to man up and get women. It's so much easier to engage in convoluted teleological reasonings, tortuous pseudo logic to explain away their own failure to step into the dangerous arena of life.

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fa2aa0  No.142003

File: 87355f30ad2df7c⋯.jpeg (598.76 KB, 2200x3300, 2:3, Apollo.jpeg)


Its as much for an animal to a man as for a man to a God. Being an image of God man has to preserve himself, his body and mind in perfect being. Its not that living with women and reproducing ruin that, after all notion of male virginity is superstition, its the notion of equality with women that ruins that. Man being an image of God is completely valid idea.

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f5e1de  No.142036


No we're animals. We eat we shit, we fuck we fight we kill. We have a bigger skill set due to our brains and our hands but other than that we are animals. We die we rot and must be buried in a hole to keep from stinking up the joint.

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a94478  No.142042

File: e26ae272513bf10⋯.png (491.79 KB, 602x602, 1:1, Plato.png)


Well, who believes he's an animal stays animal. And men who refuse to know God, don't notice His presence in His works. Even if He comes as many aspects in many religions around. Most basic and most primitive feeling of a man is in fact not desire for food, but worship. People been refusing themselves meals to focus on God or their own mental efficiency since 2000 BC if not earlier. And inner moral law correlates with that desire for worship, resulting in desire to worship someone righteous.

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cf312e  No.142094

File: d7c1906d37b1795⋯.png (106.72 KB, 1000x697, 1000:697, male_female_chromosome_DNA….png)

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cf312e  No.142096

File: ef7be7bc8a87679⋯.jpg (365.59 KB, 1503x2015, 1503:2015, three_legged_dog_confusing….jpg)

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f5e1de  No.142113


> Most basic and most primitive feeling of a man is in fact not desire for food, but worship

What horseshit but I see where you're going with this; you fast and therefore you don't shit. You refrain from sex so you don't ejaculate. You're trying to remove yourself from your own physicality because you're neurotic and shitting and fucking horrify you. You feel yourself losing control You want to elevate yourself above the hyle and ascend to the pure logos. Keep it up. I might even come and visit you when they commit you to the PAU to cool you out in their rubber room.

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b3c1f5  No.142119


>men don't have sex

We're not all you, faggot

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4aefcf  No.142124

> pity and downplays

u mean, fear and subversion

the Orient predominantly supports gynocentric (or as I've come to call it "gynational") kyriarchy. yes the theocrats are with us, they know our humor, welcome our irony, and our song, but only in the safe dark free from the predatory light.

Nipponese follow a policy of "can't beat them, join them" to inject weakness into the ideology of gynationalism. That will save us from a great genocide, if they resist co-option.

> aspect of their inferiority

you mean aspect of their beastiality, especially in the way of domination and oppression. Potent gynoids refer to oppression in an truly ironic sense, inverting the accusative and nominative. Female oppression is the oppression by females, male oppression is the oppression of males.

Why not carry forth the irony and make it more prevalent?

I have not come here to carry you anon.

you need to have better standards than this.

i know you are not lost. you need to express yourself without spreading misinformation.

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766eca  No.142125

>It fits not just with jewish tale of adam and eve

Wrong. The original tale is about Ask and Embla. It was just appropriated during Christianisation.

OP is a faggot

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40fd91  No.142193




Well I'm not going to say the most basic and primitive feeling is worship, because that's dumb.

But it's dumb to call yourself some animal as if you don't have a soul/'ghost'. What happens after you die? You disappear? As if there's no evidence for ghosts, no evidence for consciousness affecting matter. Utter nonsense.

Shit thread kill yourself OP.

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f5e1de  No.142364


>there's no evidence for ghosts,

No, there is no evidence for this,.

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0efcf5  No.142368


What a sad little man.

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143080  No.142377


may the Lord have mercy on your soul

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60fd22  No.142384




Very sad. You all see nothing but inevitable doom and live in dread until you go numb. I don't. So sad.

Now go to haunted as fuck places, according to national and local ghost investigations, bring a voice and video recorder. Bring a ouija board. Bring candles and matches; light the candles. Introduce yourself and ask to communicate. Use the ouija and ask them what their name is. Wait for it to move.

Introduce yourself again and ask if anyone is there if it isn't moving **you use two hands, relaxed, lightly laying your finger tips on the lens, and generally you do it with one other person, so maybe bring a person with you. Don't make a lot of noise or use a lot of equipment - relax and use as little tech and lighting as possible. Simple tape recorder and camcorder.

Tell them that what you have in your hands is a voice recorder and where you're placing it, then put it down. If the ouija is responding, ask them if they are okay with video recording before you turn it on.

Go to haunted places and try this a few times if it doesn't work the first time.

"Lol bro I figured out ghosts and life after death and before birth isn't real I figured it out in my armchair bro lol and at my father's funeral haha you're a child enough fairytales I'm not going to even bother dude having a soul or spirit that lives on after death is meaningless to me my existence is a tragedy that never ends no amount of hope will pull me from this misery I cling to as a heavy rotten blanket decaying all around me caving in suffocating the light of joy and meaning in every moment of my worthless and empty life lol I got memes bro they're spicy as fuck get real bro so immature even tho if we all die and it's meaningless living for any shallow and conformist doctrine of behavior you definitely should bro lol why are you typing this run on sentence lmao? are you schizo? lol grow up dude are you butthurt? sad just sad. ur a fuckin' nut case and a tragedy brother hey how about some gay shit bro I mean why not bro lol no homo what's the point it's like you said, no point following the rules oh and I have some meth we can use let's share needles. But anyone I'm not a degenerate like you lol stop projecting. I believe what I want to and I don't believe any of this but act like I do from the shame of doubting it at all I need some solid proof or I have to admit to myself that I believe in things for seemingly no reason at all but because I want to believe trust me this makes sense, not going to haunted places to know my immortality is just logic bro lol if you need confirmation all the time you're a needy cunt just stop needing proof lol I mean just use logic bro I mean I mean kill yourself lmao"

Kill yourself.

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f5e1de  No.142385


>>believes in ghosts like an old woman

>>calls me a degenerate for not believing in ghosts.


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60fd22  No.142390


lol halfcuck strikes again

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24c2db  No.142395

File: 4519ba6daf83ece⋯.pdf (6.56 MB, Phaedo.pdf)


Have you read Phaedo?

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60fd22  No.142413

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d9d77a  No.142416

All of you are a bunch of faggots who couldn't find your asshole with both hands and a map.

It is EASY to prove there is more than the physical body…none of you have the mind to do tho.

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040288  No.142419


Ever wonder why you need more than one person for an ouija board? Its because it requires a collective influence to give everyone the illusion that its not within their personal control so that must mean a spoopy ghost is doing it. If you try and use an ouija board alone that illusion is shattered because only your direct influence will move the thing so it always feels totally within your control.

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040288  No.142422


Then prove it faggot.

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d9d77a  No.142424


Shouldn't you attempt to work it out on your own, smarticles?

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f5e1de  No.142425


>none of you have the mind to do tho.

I will heartily agree with you on that account. We're not so simple minded and given to a peasant level credulity that borders on paranoid schizophrenia.

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f5e1de  No.142428

It's quite telling that our passionate Christian is also an ardent believer in ghosts though. After all what is the story of Christ other than the most famous ghost story of all time?

>>man is killed unjustly by wicked villains, comes back from the dead to haunt his tormentors and promise vengeance against them at some unforeseen point in the future.

The fact that he claims to be god is just a mere detail to the plot line.

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d9d77a  No.142429


Maybe Christians are the only people with spirit?

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f5e1de  No.142490


>Maybe Christians are the only people with spirit?

Maybe I'm sitting here with half a dozen Victoria's Secret models licking my hairy smelly balls and succulating my throbbing knob and begging me for more…who knows?

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d9d77a  No.142493


You couldn't shower? cruel and unusual punishment tbh. Ball scag isn't all that it is cracked up to be.

If you have spirit then you can tell me the answer to my question here >>142416

(because you are intimately connected to it, no?) and you can just access the spirit and verify the foundation of Life.

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f5e1de  No.142532


YOu'd be surprised. I've cautiously asked young ladies I've been with to bestow one tiny kiss on each of my balls and son of a gun if they didn't just throw their heads back passionately to lavish the most ardent kisses on my ugly hairy sagging balls.

As Joseph Conrad once wrote of the female mind; some things don't bear looking into.

Next time you're with a woman and things are going where their going I suggest you politely request this treatment. It's nice.

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ee637a  No.142913

I appreciate the sentiment, but genetically it makes no sense. Men have mixed sex chromosomes, while women are "pure" X. If parthenogenesis was real in any sense and humans were originally just one gender, it would be female, according to the few theories about this. Males would have "evolved" from females.

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57dcc0  No.142917


Pnd is for serious issues, not retarded bullshit.

OP was bitten by one of the AIDS-infected homo zombies depicted by AWyattMann.


Ouch! Always sage unless the thread is good.


So unlike praying and belieeeving, Ouija boards actually gets results? No wonder christcucks cries that these these things are bad! -D

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57dcc0  No.142920


"Muh pershunal anecdote! Listen and believe!"

It's more likely you did that to yourself & OP. -D

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2a35fb  No.142981

Sex is for reproduction.

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f5e1de  No.142986

File: 43026cb131b6bcf⋯.jpg (33.39 KB, 400x300, 4:3, leprosy5.jpg)


>Sex is for reproduction.

And religion is for weak superstitious fools that can't go through life without an imaginary friend to look after them. The friend could be a jew murdered 2000 years ago, or it could be a big bearded asshole in the sky, or it could even be a leper walking down the road. The true believer sees GOD in the face sores of the leper and wants to embrace him and kiss him. By doing so the acolyte will become more spiritual and thus will transcend this imperfect world to ascend to a more perfect world

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ae0f71  No.143307


Okay retard. If we're talking placebo - what you can effect by it alone is not explainable by science or impotent belief. 1. Consciousness affects random number generators biased towards higher or lower numbers on average depending on the intent of the subject in the experiment. 2. Many of these Ouija board experiences includes wall, floor and ceiling thuds, especially if you "piss off" the spirit or start going dark, or ask them to do so. 3. You can just go to a haunted place and attempt to communicate without it. 4. Assuming ghosts are real what theoretical model would explain them? To be self-consistent you have to admit to phenomena outside of your husk of a reality - such as biological energy? Spiritual energy? A ghost can somehow move the flesh of the body, right? (first assuming ghosts are true) Assuming that there are subtler energies and dynamics that may make it easier or more difficult for a ghost to affect physical reality is consistent with this. Try "what is consequentially true, what questions arise and what problems if we assume this premise is true?"

The ouija board itself isn't why I suggested it. It's because I am hoping it will 'stimulate' ghost activity.


There are multiple posters here retard. We're not all OP.


sexy. would reproduce with.

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06d91d  No.146190


Sex is for reproduction.

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3fbb19  No.146193


There is a chasm between understanding that decay is part of life and idolizing decay as a revelation. Wanting to kiss sores is no different than wanting to fetishize transexuality.

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4b8ee7  No.151864


You’re a literal schizo

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807e59  No.152622


Yeah and once you get the woman you end up with a giant albatross around your neck.

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34cfac  No.152630

I wouldn't say that "men don't have sex" but I can't help but notice that men seem to have significantly less sex than the average woman.

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b1cfec  No.152712


Another interesting thing about women and men is that your body knows if you've reproduced or not, when a woman has a kid, her body knows she has one because it went through it, but the man doesn't

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efaacd  No.152735


On the upside men seem to have significantly more productive intellectual lives. Just think of how many great women painters there'd be if they spent as much time painting pictures as they spend painting their faces.

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76d746  No.152740

File: aef000d854887a8⋯.jpg (414.97 KB, 1242x1107, 46:41, 1593353045173.jpg)

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96316d  No.152742


take you meds

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543e5d  No.153010

File: 75162ed8352a24f⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 1593030372709.gif)

Sex exchanges energy from your energy body, spirit and of course body. So you need to choose carefully your mate. You are an idiot to think you are just an "animal". I really have to laugh about your Selfish Gene faggots. Maybe you are just young rebells, but with a bit curiosity and meditation you will find the inevitable. God or Gods exist. Maybe even we are nearly have unlimited potential. It's hard though because we chose this form to learn something, but we can remember glimpses of our oneness.

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636cf1  No.153013


That explains why he like the ball scag then…he is enjoying his own brand.

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6878eb  No.154056

File: 79e26f2e3eb8677⋯.png (251.96 KB, 444x515, 444:515, 79e26f2e3eb86770c37e663710….png)

Just to quickly point out that the women we perceive as beautiful are a kike media mirage. Aryan feminine beauty is cloistered. You will probably never actually see a beautiful white woman. You may not have ever witnessed one, ever. Many of the (((beautiful))) women we witness are of a long term media tendency to move the Aryan beauty standard toward the mongrelism of the kike terrorist judensau. Movie stars, fashion models, news cunts, magazine slags and ever on are all selected by kike bias against Aryan beauty and toward kike mongrelism. This is why far-distant cousin marriage, jew divorce culture and sexual degeneracy are encouraged and rewarded. Millennials suffer from kike divorce culture the worst. Outside of depth biological tribal bonding in family formation, they themselves are doomed to divorce no matter how generous in wealth, spirit and affection. White whamen judge eighty percent of white men as unattractive. There is a graph. White men judge white wahmen more objectively with a bell curve formation. The category of very attractive women is six percent. Wahmen judge less than one to zero percent of men as very attractive. Taking the extant population of white women at 350 million, six percent yields 21 million "very attractive" women. You might be lucky enough in your entire life to merely see one of these entities – even in pictures. Kikes choose their media wahmen from lower categories of physiological beauty due to their ethnic malice against white people. They love pretending a mediocre white wahmen is extraordinarily beautiful while having the goyim charge along in deluded misinformation. To continue, of the 21 million white wahmen whomst are "very attractive" the six percent of those who are yet again more beautiful than the previous cohort is 1.26 million. Iterating again, 75,600 white wahmen are in the top third tier of the very attractive: after this, again; 4536, 272, 16 & 1. Consider, there is in this world, one Aryan woman who is profoundly, possibly divinely, beautiful. Kike terror interests are invested in the suppression of our awareness of these pinnacles of our racial procession.

On the other axis, there is somewhere the ugliest possible jewess in the the world; and similarly so of all the other rent seeking races.

If one feels that ugly white wahmen are a burden, this is as of the ancestral data and genetic information available to us now, that our wahmen of the most modest features can engage their tribe in marriage via exclusively fourth cousin marriage and thus produce offspring which are both white and better than their progenitors. Many of the sufferings and misfortunes of our people, including unnatractiveness in wahmen is due to racial insults delivered by kike terror and the categorical injustice of semitic presence. If a child of ugly parents can proceed from their ancestors sixth generation ancestors – into the future one generation at a time, their conscientiousness joins the heavenly procession of existential justice against the subversion and degeneracy of the eternal heeb. Similarly of the very attractive, if the veer from racial consciousness, if they entertain the hollow prosperity of cavorting with kikes, a profound and permanent insult to the loving existential integrity of her ancestors toward their descendants is laid out like a universally disgusting defilement of her race, civilization, heritage, culture, tribe and family. All this for kike terrorist shekels.

TL; DR – White female beauty persists, even from the depths of ugliness, by the guidance of conscientious pedigree collapse.

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dc5d89  No.154109

File: 0e6c9a4462b64e8⋯.png (362.23 KB, 723x615, 241:205, 0e6c9a4462b64e81bb67aeeb9b….png)

File: 2557adfb779edc6⋯.webm (1.51 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 2557adfb779edc6b222b69436….webm)


You don't understand the first thing about duality and what the feminine aspect even means. Don't fucking post here again until you've read at least one book on the subject.

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