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File: 7a5df063a005730⋯.png (979.2 KB, 840x559, 840:559, ClipboardImage.png)

aaebf5  No.141804[Last 50 Posts]


>A 16-year-old boy being held at a Los Angeles County juvenile hall developed enlarged breasts after he was prescribed estrogen to treat a behavioral disorder, a move that baffled doctors who said the treatment defied medical logic, according to a lawsuit filed last month.

>The teen, whose identity is being withheld because of his age, was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD, two days after he was arrested and housed at Eastlake Juvenile Hall in June 2019, the lawsuit said. Medical records reviewed by The Times show that the teen’s testosterone levels were “slightly high” when the doctor who diagnosed him prescribed daily doses of estrogen.

>After taking approximately 13 daily doses of the hormone, the teen was diagnosed with gynecomastia, defined as the enlargement or swelling of breast tissue in males whose estrogen level is too high, medical records show.

>ODD, a behavioral condition that is sometimes suffered by patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is normally treated with therapy, said James McGough, a professor of clinical psychiatry at UCLA.

>“Estrogen is not a treatment for ODD. I can’t be more emphatic about that,” McGough said. “You won’t find a reference anywhere that supports the use of estrogen for ODD.”

>The lawsuit described the treatment as “experimental.” The doctor who prescribed the estrogen, Danny Wang, could not be reached for comment.

It'd be such a shame if a CIA agent committing a false flag act of assault/murder/terrorism mutilated Dr. Wang's genitalia, and brutally carved the word "Pedo" into his forehead. I would be so heartbroken to see that happen, the brutality would be awful and that should never happen.

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0cd2a2  No.141812

Absolutely anon! God forbid he should be found beheded with his own dismembered cock in his mouth like a stuck pig.

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aaebf5  No.141814


oh lord that'd be just awful. let us pray this man is safe and sound

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ad03f4  No.141828


my blood is fucking boiling at this shit

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aaebf5  No.141831


feel your fury

feel your hate

elevate your mental state

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c56ad9  No.141837

File: 7b120f36b3ca03d⋯.png (583.81 KB, 840x559, 840:559, oy.png)

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a3d5b7  No.141859


…to righteous hate

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d29cd9  No.141971

>16 year old boy

>'slightly high' testosterone levels and 'adhd'

literally all 'mental illnesses' are natural reactions to a toxic environment/society.

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5de917  No.141977


"The foundation of all mental illness is the unwillingness to experience legitimate suffering."

After all ODD is "childhood mental health disorder that includes frequent and persistent anger, irritability, arguing, defiance or vindictiveness". What's weird to me is that's usually what children always do.

Now he's thrown from one suffering to another. If all my childhood bullies were treated this way i would feel bad for them.

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37e019  No.141981

File: cc7fbe95aed7001⋯.jpg (195.79 KB, 640x619, 640:619, big_man_on_campus.jpg)


You mean Toxic Masculinity anon, being a male is wrongthink in this new society.

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306b91  No.141992

File: 3c70c843af39807⋯.jpeg (185.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, new_american_fag.jpeg)


>this new society.

You mean in united states of america. All those problems are murrican problems. On top of that this happened in commiefornia, in a state where all american problems put on steroids.

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37e019  No.141993

File: 31e751eb92cc23c⋯.jpg (254.98 KB, 1080x1473, 360:491, american_flag_recolor_stil….jpg)

File: 394660945f6d323⋯.png (316.84 KB, 628x617, 628:617, all_hell_s_minions_flag.png)

File: 3cd83b2e7502638⋯.jpg (220.58 KB, 720x1085, 144:217, the_meaning_of_the_faggot_….jpg)

File: 9614456558b0c8f⋯.jpg (198.08 KB, 825x1024, 825:1024, raimbow_flags.jpg)


Yeah, but not only in the usa, it's coming to mexico, to argentina, britbongland and spain, this disgusting antimale cancer is spreading like aids in faggots and it will probably take a good old violent shakeup to put the feminists pedofags and transvestites back in their places

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6a05c1  No.142052

Imagine being such a chad the state has to turn you into a faggot

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a3d5b7  No.142082


You are looking at your future anon.

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c36595  No.142084


It sounds like a bullshit diagnosis created to punish bad goys.

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a3d5b7  No.142088


Exactly…later, even knowing FULL WELL what they have done, they can say

"But anon, we didn't know we were chemically castrating him." So innocently…

And it is much more difficult for YOU ALL to justify, in your own minds, that a FUCKING BULLET is what is necessary for anyone who castrates our people. They will win this war by attrition and because they are very clever while they are poisoning us and we are not 'very clever' in our response.

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70fb6d  No.142131

Daily redpill:

Depression comes from a lack of sun, friendship and food.

Depression does not exist but unhappiness does and medicalization of the unhappy is a way for the state to hide its failures and oppress its citizens.

This is why the doctors never use the word "Unhappy" because it is too revealing of the dystopian system; it reveals the flawed system rather than the flawed individual. The concept of the depression is the ultimate form of blame-shifting from the tyrant to the oppressed. Hence, in that regard your depression is the states oppression.

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9528b1  No.142134

I recommend people ITT read "Anatomy of an Epidemic", by Robert Whitaker.

It goes into detail of the harrowing effects of psychotropic mediation. In essence, the drugs make people more sick, to cure them, you need non-drug therapy.

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852081  No.142140


>frequent anger

>persistent anger



Holy shit nigger children and aspies will cease to exist if the enforced this on everyone. They won't, but if they did oh boy.

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852081  No.142141


Pretty much. California is a malignant cancer on the us, and even many liberals hate them.

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aaebf5  No.142142


>goy listen to me, having testosterone and being a competent man is bad goy thats for niggers and retards!

clean the stain that is your life with vinegar and bleach please

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852081  No.142144


Listen nigger I was saying if niggers and aspies were medicated until infertile since they meet half that criteria. You are a fucking retard who can't read.

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271592  No.142147



Normal children too.

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2277c7  No.142153


aspies are not 'retards' we are not like you.

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7226e8  No.142163


More like life is made of suffering to always go through, and you're not special to deserve happiness on a planet with billions of humans. So you take it as a challenge and discipline yourself where everyone else chose to accept their failures just like psychologists advice them.

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ab21df  No.142194


Young man, you have too much male juice. That makes you too dominant and reckless. In other words, toxic. You're going to take woman juice now that will make you soft and submissive, more fine tuned for integration into our bright society of tolerance and love.




>pride flags

All based on the highjacking of the rainbow.

>all fags unite

Makes for an easier target for a grouped shot.

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aaebf5  No.142276

File: dc062ce93af9651⋯.png (18.07 KB, 732x307, 732:307, big_think.png)

>tries to post this shit on plebbit to redpill plebs


big think time

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37e019  No.142290


of course, they obviously were trying to pervert the christian rainbow symbolism from the start but they've gone too far and now they're perverting their own already degenerate rainbow flags


>going to plebbit


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5b75c9  No.142310


Welcome to plebbit, where thinking outside the circlejerk is forbidden.

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2277c7  No.142313


unfortunately this is becoming more common rather than less common.

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5b75c9  No.142317


That's what happens when you have monopolization of tech. They protect the hand that feeds them (allows them to exist). That hand is the elite.

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7c8fca  No.142673


Nothing will be done if jews aren't killed en masse.

>muh glownigger

Nothing will be done then.

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aeb409  No.159586

File: dbb437dbed4cfa8⋯.jpg (18.85 KB, 469x304, 469:304, 1417373511515.jpg)

So what if he grew a pair?

Are you fucking surprised, there's a small percentage of schizophrenics amounting to around 3-5000 people who get sectioned and medicated for making certain 'abnormal' mistakes after they come off their meds in the UK, despite they are 10% of the 1 in 8 schizophrenics who get well and do not need meds anymore. They get taken in for things like a 5 minute internet trolling divulging their own address and making threats that they are used to making on places like 4chan so do not care about making on facebook anymore. They may be diminished in control of themselves relative to consequences but the meds are not for that, that is a natural result of extended psychosis.(the lack of inhibition). MEDS MAKE ZERO DIFFERENCE and they are primarily arguing at point of being medicated, not mentioning it when they get online because they do not see anyone can do anything when it is too late because they have already been pinned down and injected and spent 2 or more months in a facility to calm down from it.

This problem is only evident to those of us who are presently experiencing it and can calculate the percentages roughly. MOST Schizophrenics spend their time outdoors and with friends despite what you think about the condition limiting social interaction. I know this through meeting a lot in my time in facilities.

These people are losing brain matter over the years due to AP meds.

I cannot be arsed, take it for what it is, I have said my piece.

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6f49c3  No.159603

File: e84d67182774c4d⋯.png (125.3 KB, 300x300, 1:1, gaysian.png)


Funny how Danny Wang (sounds like a actor's name in a jewish porno) thinks estrogen would cure ODD, like it has something to do with masculinity. Most girls I've met could probably qualify as having ODD.

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de09cf  No.159612



>Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules

yeah, psychiatry isn't just a scam used for purposes of power, AT ALL, take your pills goy

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de09cf  No.159615

I think I read in a book prisoners are often used as guinea pigs. By the way I'm charged with assault and have trial soon. The woman from the agency that handles community service who interviewed me recommended to court that I should go through a psychiatric evaluation but I could object and I did. The court said there wasn't yet enough material to justify sending me to such an evaluation. My life sucks.

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6f49c3  No.159617


>gets charged with assault

>social worker recommends psychiatric evaluation

Are you a nigger?

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de09cf  No.159618


no, but you are

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853075  No.159625

File: 56326377064d51d⋯.png (128.65 KB, 314x278, 157:139, 54w6h656.png)

I am very very surprised they would give estrogen to niggers. Don't they want to make them more violent and virile?

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3fa6bf  No.159699


They already have high estrogen levels. I think that high mix of testosterone and estrogen is the reason for a lot of their outbursts and behaviours.

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58cc79  No.159744


How bad was the assault? What was the reasoning for the assault? Those two questions can be the defining factor for your freedom. If you can paint a true and honest picture that you where doing what you believe was right and that if all of society took a step in the direction to do what’s right then perhaps we would live in a safer and stronger community. I somehow doubt that you where defending someone though? Correct?

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4bf00d  No.159813


>whose identity is being withheld

So they are making some savage nigger beast take estrogen?

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7f23b2  No.159815


What >>159699 said. Niggers have substantially more estrogen than the other races. It is the reason they act so emotional and hysterical all they time. All the strength of a gorilla and the instability of a woman.

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4bf00d  No.159831


Is estrogen the reason why niggers often look fatter than they actually are?

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7f23b2  No.159856


>look fatter than they actually are

They're just as fat as they look!

I couldn't find anything that supported that hypothesis. But I did find the original article that shows that nigger men have too much estrogen


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9e34a6  No.159891



This makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. Women are prone to snapping and hysteria. Niggers having so much T then some E would make them snap and be illogal very quickly. Remember there are other races with low-IQ and they're not as violent as niggers.

This also explains why fewer of them are bald as estrogen keeps you from losing it.

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f016d9  No.160728

File: fa58b6c4b963c02⋯.jpg (741.48 KB, 1232x2974, 616:1487, 1501453242572.jpg)


The pharmaceutical industry was created by autistic G*rmanoids as part of their humanitarian niggersaving efforts

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3a30d9  No.160755


Explain why you shouldn’t be banned for spam.

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3a30d9  No.161055


At least two reports (separate people) for this obvious jewish misdirection and shilling. Thanks for that; I agree completely and am glad you called it out. Unfortunately it’s allowed to remain up. Sorry.

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74a751  No.161104


Because excluding Hitler he's actually right in that one.

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3cb10c  No.161127


>I don't like it, so it's spam

Resign, faggot.

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fd7364  No.161128


I report things 2-3 times using a VPN because I know you niggers think, "Fuck the rules if it makes people butthurt." Play you dumbass mods like a fiddle.

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3a30d9  No.161918


>obvious jew shill who exposes himself in every thread claims that obvious spam isn’t spam because he agrees with white genocide

People say that mods are pathetic, but you unpaid yidlovers purposely go to websites about things you hate and complain that the things exist. That’s just not white psychology.


You really don’t. I’m not sure why you’d lie so blatantly and impotently.

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e95d54  No.162001

File: 436b10c799042b1⋯.png (213.26 KB, 640x360, 16:9, vlcsnap_2020_09_22_15h55m5….png)

File: 7824f35c8a22dc8⋯.png (258.5 KB, 640x360, 16:9, vlcsnap_2020_09_22_15h56m1….png)

File: 398886170ca1486⋯.png (292.05 KB, 640x360, 16:9, vlcsnap_2020_09_22_15h56m4….png)


Tell them what they want to hear. Be contrite.

Revenge is a dish MEN of taste partake of cold.

Godspeed anon.

DISCLAIMER: the above is meant in jest as a fictional narrative parody

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2c612d  No.162009


Roids increases you estrogen levels it's what causes roid agression

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896437  No.162017


How is this spam? It's legitimate news we should talk about, as the prison for profit system in the US is another thing wrong with this country. When private security cops run the streets like they do in Jew areas in NYC you will get locked away for soical media posts.

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e37d67  No.162021


Although yes, fat does contain adipose, I'm curious if it really does affect testosterone. I want you to look me in the eye and say some limp wristed poofta has higher testosterone then someone with a beer gut. Now, I'm not excusing being fat, but for god's sake every nigger I've seen has been skinny as a twig, with a body shape akin to someone with klinefelters. I was at the fuckin local walshart getting shit for my guinea pig like the aspie I am, and I seen this clearly somalian nigger and i realize his hips are wider then his shoulders, but he's skinny as hell.

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cbfc1a  No.162228


I dated a transgirl for awhile who was diagnosed with ODD as a child, I wonder if she was recommended estrogen by a doctor? I don't have any contact with her now but it'd be interesting to see if there's a correlation between ODD and later being brainwashed into transitioning

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