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File: 7ec702d53d071a1⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, debt_in_a_nutshell.png)

d57299  No.141776

Debt is like cancer- if you don't kill it as soon as you can, you'll be dead, no questions asked. Not even businesses are immune to this as it not only buttfucked KMart, it's in the process of buttfucking JCPenney right now.

I don't have much to go on, but I've been having the sneaking suspicion that many of the Globalist ilk are actually in huge amounts of debt.

I know that Disney is in massive debt over the fox buyout, but the question is, whom among the jews are not actually uber-rich but in uber-debt?

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4f889d  No.141805

Debt to whom? THEY CREATED THE FUCKING CURRENCY, idiot. They have no debts to each other or to the goyim.

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5dc1bb  No.141819

File: c81083a9549ae76⋯.jpg (154.85 KB, 700x700, 1:1, haha_yes.jpg)

Fuck usury

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f49baf  No.141866




Did your dad beat you for not reading his mind when he wanted you to get the mail, bro? Or was it your mom?

But to answer you…

>Debt to whom?

>They have no debts to each other or to the goyim.

Investors and bond issuers. I'm pretty sure you've heard of the words "war bonds" before, right?

Going public gives a company a good amount of liquidity to spend on assets and shit they use. Of course, they have to pay dividends back every period, either quarterly or yearly.

And while stocks give a person partial ownership of a company, buying a bond makes you a creditor to the company itself.

In layman's terms, when you buy company bonds they owe debt to you. Banks have bonds just for them too, and when you buy them, then the bank is in debt to you.


Correction, they control the currency. It's a country's mint that actually creates the currency, bro.

My point is this: the weak point of the jew is the debt. Hit it there for massive financial damage

If you think I'm autistic for giving you a geniune response, then you're right.

If you're still pissed, you need a chill pill, bro.

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4f889d  No.141872




>and bond issuers

Jews. They’re not indebted to themselves.

>I'm pretty sure you've heard of the words "war bonds" before, right?

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard the words “all wars are ✡bankers’✡ wars” before, right?

>Correction, they control the currency.

And created it. Out of fiat. Because that’s literally how this works.

>It's a country's mint that actually creates the currency, bro.

Nope. It’s the Federal Reserve that creates the currency. They own the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve tells the mint what to print and then loans the government the currency. At interest. The currency is their property. They own it. They control it. They literally create it out of literal thin air. THEY. ARE. NOT. IN. DEBT. TO. ANYONE.

>My point is this: the weak point of the jew is the debt.

Your point is irrelevant because they don’t have debt.

> “When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover the check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check there is no bank deposit on which that check is drawn. When the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money.” ~ Putting It Simply, document from the Boston Federal Reserve

> “Commercial banks create checkbook money whenever they grant a loan, simply by adding new deposit dollars to accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower's IOU.” ~ I Bet You Thought, document from the New York Federal Reserve


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03ab9a  No.141878


Do you actually want the truth, Or do you just want that "I win" feel your ego gives you?

I want the truth.

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8f7908  No.141883

File: f16c7cb62561acc⋯.png (95.77 KB, 1136x612, 284:153, cohnheads.png)


>Fuck usury

Yes debt is cancer. The (((owner))) of debt though has been down these roads many times, they have many armaments with which to defend against any intellectual onslaught.

Let us consider the Fox News boomer, and his argument, such that we may destroy it like the childish foolery that it is.

The Fox News boomer will say, "you need debt for economy, and without economy you have nothing, you stupid child". The smarter boomer will then say "for new ideas to happen, they need debt to become reality".

But the boomer is a dumb bitch which merely sucks cocks for the milk of their nourishment.

The boomer failed to recognize the all-encompassing nature of the system, which toys with him like a cat toys with a mouse. Thus debt is not the cancer, it is merely the destructive sharp ball weapon at the end of the chain. The (((wielder))) of the sharp ball is the problem.

All things have promise, when wielded with good intent.


(digits humbly noted)

Disney was a very good thing, once.

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8f7908  No.141885

File: 7838840305965df⋯.png (455.89 KB, 886x676, 443:338, 1984_explains_MIRANDA_to_t….png)


I like you. I want the truth. But I also want a temporary and perfectly acceptable front which rationalizes the truth to the fucking bell curve. Then I want to spend a while reconciling the two.

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4f889d  No.141914


What are you talking about?

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575749  No.141963

In times of hyperinflation being a debtor (at a fixed interest rate) is better than being a creditor. With the money printer going brrr I'm getting into as much debt as my credit score will allow and putting it into hard assets. I fully expect to be paying it off for (future) pennies on the (present day) dollars.

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02e365  No.141967

Who owns Trumps debt?

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fd845f  No.143194


It's cancer when you rely on debt, which is what the whole system and society does today is rely on debt. Taking a small loan to start a business? That's OK as long as you know you can pay it back, with interest. The problem we have is the central banks and governments are creating debt out of thin air in a non-stop effort to control and consolidate everything and they expect everyone else will pay their debts back off via expanding future taxation and increased labor which is essentially a form of feudalism or debt slavery. Jews (sigh).

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fd845f  No.143200


That is not a bad idea, although have a backup plan encase they cut you off. I'm certain you are not the only one doing this, and I'm sure they have more ways than one to cut your life support off or make people like you pay up before SHTF. The system is rigged, and when it is rigged once, they can continue rigging it over and over to suit their best interests.

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41578c  No.143370


*Fuck retards taking loans.

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34f390  No.145339

debt can be good. depends..for your house, probably not good. for a business, it could be good

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259d2f  No.145347

There was this psychological experiment that I read about once. The went to a school where each grade was separated into top students, average students and poor students. They went to the top students and the low grade students classes and offered them both the same deal; write us an essay and you'll get $50. All the students eagerly complied. Upon completion they were both told; if you wait one month you'll get $100 instead of $50 right now. The good grades (high IQ) students all opted to wait, the poor grades (low IQ) students almost all went for the $50 immediately.. Followup was done on how they spent the money months later. The idiots squandered the money immediately on candy, comic books, cigarettes and other trash. The high IQ students actually put the money away, and saved it for the most part.

One of the things that has made me totally give up on dating is that N. American white women are idiots with money. I've dated women that are mature, in their 40's (I'm an older guy) and even if they're a Justice of the Peace and earning $60k a year, they're broke, in debt. I dated a girl much younger than me (she hit on me) and she was bragging about how she was going to go to medical school. 4 years later she crawled out of her micro bi degree with a bare pass, and already deep in debt she went even deeper into debt. new car, romantic world tour, clothes, an apartment in a pricey upscale neighborhood filled with Victorian era antiques. She's got to be $130k in the hole. She hates her mid level job, groans in agony when you mention her expenses, the interest she's paying. N. American white women, even when they're not raging cocaine addicts and nigger fucking sluts are still deep in debt and just praying and waiting for that wealthy prince who's going to come along and pay off all her debts on her wedding day. They're totally insane cunt holes. I'm not rich but I never have to work again, and own my own home outright. I live a frugal life and I like it like that. I'm not paying some cunts debts like a simp. Women just don't get compound interest. Nor do niggers. Live for today not tomorrow is a bad way to go through life.

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259d2f  No.145366


>>debt can be good.

A mortgage that's affordable can be good if you can pay it off fast, but it can also be catastrophic too. I know a couple that tried riding the real estate boom and they got wiped out on their $250k equity when the husband lost his job and interest rates got jacked up.

I know another guy who lost his trust fund when his investments in "can't lose" real estate in a booming market in the early 80's' got wiped out when Volker jacked up the Fed's rates and tanked the market and made his monthly payments untenable.

Debt is a Damocles sword hanging over your head.

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34f390  No.145383



it really depends on your use of it but regardless it still looms , as you said. you have to be educated on it and you have to know what you're going to use it for and the RISK you are at. in general, finance is all about risk management

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259d2f  No.145406


that couple by the way had a tragic fate. They day they were moving the young husband suddenly got in his car and parked it on the railroad crossing in front of a long freight train going about 55 mph. He died leaving two young sons. Thing was I knew the wife through work. She'd show me photos of her family and the new fancy house they were buying. I envied him. He made about 30% more than me, was taller than me, better looking than me, had a better job than me and had a beautiful wife and kids. I'd feel sorry for myself sometimes after she'd show me some photos. She was a good friend though.

A couple years later the guy was dead from suicide. Just stay out of debt kids. Don't do it. I did it just once to buy my condo but I paid it off in 5 years working 2 full time jobs.

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34f390  No.145409


its a shame and its one thing that has drawn me into this realm of discussion. so many young people do not get "debt" until they realize the chains that it causes and its too late. Student loan debt is insane - can't brankrupt from it + you often sign up early for it (17 , 18yo) wtf???

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259d2f  No.145427


I remember clearly my first day in university in Sept 6 1971 and back then pre computers, pre internet you had to do everything in person, we all did on the same day. This meant huge crowds in eternal lineups waiting to register for courses, buy books, and get your library card. I remember standing in front of the august looking ivy covered walls of the library surrounded by my fellow students and without wanting to, overhearing their conversations. They were all talking about getting their student loan money. I had worked in construction doing the shittiest grinding physical labor with alcoholic eastern euro retards and had saved every dime so I could pay without a penny of debt. Listening to them I thought; "if you're intelligent enough to benefit from a university education then you're intelligent enough to understand the dreadful consequences of compound interest."

And here's another story about debt from a now deceased good friend of mine, a wealthy dentist. He'd tell me all the horror stories about shit that can even happen to the high flyers, like this Sikh broad that was a freshly minted dentist; she didn't have the dough to set up her own shop; she still had student debt. So she worked in the dental clinic of this fat jew pig. This went on for a couple of years then one day looking at her records after everyone else had gone home she discovered a billing for a treatment she hadn't done. It was a big one too so she would have remembered it. So she rummaged around and found another one, and another one and another another another one, all with her signature stamp on it to the dental insurers. The fucking fat jew pig was making billings to the insurance companies under her name and just keeping the money for himself. She went running to my now departed friend. He went over there with her when the office was closed and they discovered over a million bucks of fraudulent billing. They discussed her options and in his opinion she was fucked. The only thing for her to do was move to the other side of the continent and try to start again, praying that the insurance company would never figure the fraud out. Within a week he got a letter from the jew pig's attorney to never set foot in the jew's clinic ever again. The broad moved, utterly humbled, knocked down off her high horse forever, and living in perpetual fear for her precious self defining career.

The other story he told me was of another female dentist; she wanted her own practice and found an upscale mall to start it in. She negotiated a good long term lease with the mall owners through their brokers and then signed on to a $1 million dollar debt to make it into a first class dental office with the latest equipment. The work involved a lot of alterations for plumbing and electricty etc. When the brokers visited and saw how awesome it all was they immediately went away and plotted against her; the rental space was now worth a fuck tonne more money than the price she'd negotiated with her so they dug into the lease and found some clause to kick her out and bring some other dentist in at three times the rent. She was in debt for $1 million without the office she'd built to pay it back with.

And that my friends is life in the adult world. Cut throat as shit. When you go into debt you're putting your balls on the chopping block and offering a meat cleaver to every passing bastard and saying "please don't chop them off brother Christian". Guess what's going to happen…

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cf3b45  No.146467


How do we fix this? Mass defaults over loans? New currency? barter system?

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34f390  No.146536

File: cd2a5215e284b4f⋯.jpg (29.9 KB, 450x320, 45:32, vintage_british_monopoly_b….jpg)


literally educate people


>muh public edu

i'm talking financial literacy @ the family dinner table >>146467

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259d2f  No.146540



In the Christian world usury is a crime. Giving the jews a monopoly on it sort of thwarts the entire point that Christ was trying to make, which itself was a half baked weak piece of advice.

The Marquis de Sade was fare more incisive in his analysis of debt; the entire relation is productive of social poison. The lender must suspect the borrower, for the borrower has it in his interest to not repay the loan. Among psychologically weak people this is taken a step further; women, children, niggers and faggots feel any money given to them is a gift, and that the lender/giver couldn't possibly be so cruel as to actually expect them to repay it. After all once the money is bestowed upon them then it is spent, on depreciating assets or on paltry passing pleasures. Then the money is gone and if the money is gone there is no more money so if there is no more money then how can the lender expect the borrower to give him back the money? There is no longer any money to give back. If the lender persists on demanding the borrower give back the money when there is no money this is unreasonable, it's harassment.

Thus the relationship between the suspicious and exacting lender and the irresponsible and profligate borrower is one that is naturally constructed to cause contention and strife.

I see someone has posted to "educate people" even as I compose this post. It is to laugh. "Educate" niggers, women, children, faggots, gluttons, drunks, hedonists to mend their ways and become frugal, and responsible, and financially prudent? What next? Teach all dogs to wear trousers and use toilets and wipe their asses with TP after they've done their business? Nigga pls.

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259d2f  No.146547


Just think, 12 years of public "education" and the masses who pass through it hear nothing are taught nothing of the intricacies of debt and law and compound interest.

Public education is a sad joke. It's a scam by unionized teachers and school board administrators to fleece the public with insolent audacity. I remember in grade 10 one spring afternoon sitting in the art classroom and looking at the "art projects" left out for the grade 12 class to pick up. They were all little crude glazed clay ashtrays, the kind you made in grade one or two. I stared at this shit semi stupefied, as a slave who was born in slave barracks contemplates his wretched cot. It has always been thus, it will always be thus. This is how the world works, of course. Then I had to go to a dentist appointment so I left school an hour early and crossed the street and stood at the bus stop. As I stood waiting, a class of the most severely mentally retarded boys left the woodworking shop each one carrying a very nice polished laminated wood salad bowl they'd made with their own hands. Those bowls were of infinitely superior quality to the wretched glazed clay ashtrays that the most intelligent grade 12 students had produced. Then it dawned on me that after 12 years of art classes the school system had taught us nothing. No one had learned to draw, no one had learned aerial perspective, no one had learned to paint in water color, gouache, tempera or oils. No one had learned to sculpt or learned animal or human anatomy. No one had learned fuck all.

Burn it all to the ground and bring in the mexican cartels to take those administrators that earn $350k a year and more and lets have a Mexican face removal party.

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34f390  No.146561



interesting points here. So if noone of value, niggers, women etc can learn anything, yet the "smart" white man is able to over come usury, why does this thread even exist. Just side with the jew , or at least give zero fucks about usury and don't partake in it.

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259d2f  No.146572

File: 1e6ebc4076e4cb7⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 612x448, 153:112, franklin.jpg)

File: e614a732fcd6ed1⋯.jpg (59.31 KB, 850x400, 17:8, shakespeare.jpg)


>don't partake in it.

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54b3d8  No.146588


Reject the system.

Never pay taxes. Never buy from those who pay taxes.

Steal from them. It is ok to do so. They are your enemies. Or they are the ones supporting your enemies, even if they don't know that.

A new system free of the jewish money and usury can be created only AFTER the jewish system is completely destroyed. And in order to do so, a large portion (but not necessarily the majority) of the population must leech off it until it collapses, but never doing anything to maintain it. That means never obeying any law that requires you to maintain it.

The law is written for the jews to parasite you.

Leech from them instead.

Steal everything that you can't produce yourself.

Produce everything else without ever trading it inside the jew system. Either trade it on alternative systems completely isolated from the jewish system, or never trade and keep everything for yourself. Destroy what you can't keep or don't need anymore. Don't let others have possession of it, if they are still being a part of the jewish system.

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e26b2a  No.146603


Makes me glad I went to tech school in a state where post-secondary schooling is dirt cheap if you're a resident. Didn't even have to pay the 4 grand needed for the course anyway, got a federal grant and that was that. Actually got double the money needed so I got to keep half of it myself. Between that and a German lawyer helping me out a few years ago with an insurance settlement for an incident that damn near killed me got me set pretty well. Took a one year course on in-depth electronics and biomedical imaging equipment. Got multiple certifications along the way including international ones. Capable of profiting off the jewed medical system along with a decent chunk of my education being electronics engineering so I can make my own devices if needed.

Fuck university. Paying 6 figures for a piece of paper on a worthless degree to earn a 5 figure job. Years of painstakingly playing the credit game got me an almost 800 credit score. I'm milking the system for everything I can and bugging the fuck out. Wageslave for another ten years or so and my finances will be complete. Set up shop somewhere extremely rural and live comfortably. Probably will either buy a farm or a ranch and set up a workshop somewhere on the property. Get into manufacturing and maybe 3D printing if I can get any practical usable material other than wood and plastic. If shit ever hits the fan I will have a fully sustainable compound operational. Hopefully have the capabilities to sustain both short-term and long-term projects within the town to improve security and general morale.

I don't want debt. I want absolutely nothing that will bind me to the system other than whatever it possesses that I require.

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259d2f  No.146690

File: 1a4bc0f7856863f⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 929x513, 929:513, credit.JPG)


I learned the hard lesson of credit when I was 7; my father died in a work accident. But he'd bought this expensive baby grand piano for my atrociously spoiled big sister. (Whatever Happened to Baby Jane is actually a very very mild version of the reality) and an expensive art course. He left my widowed mother in debt. It was terrifying. I went with my mother to the union office in a very bad part of town; the union boss and my card carrying communist party member uncle were conspiring to get the Workers' compensation cheques sent to them and after pleading in vain with those assholes and I do mean assholes we had to go to a lawyer's office and then we had to buy my father's coffing. An arrogant asshole with greased ducktail and a cigarett dangling out of his sneering mouth told my mother she was "a lousy wife" because she wouldn't but the gold plated bronze model (about $50k in today's money). Watching her that day was like walking with Jesus as he dragged his cross up Mt. Golgotha getting whipped. I own my own house, my car, I bought both without any debt or mortgage. Paid cash. Feels good man. NEVER GO INTO DEBT.


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71c5c9  No.165684

File: 513feedc91beebf⋯.png (171.23 KB, 1488x1488, 1:1, 1598316248167.png)


>oh sorry goy you cant get a college education without debt, oh sorry goy you cant just start a business you need a lot of cash for standards and licensing and what not, oh no goy, you can't get a job to save money if you dont have a jew certificate from university, your only option is debt or mass shootings goy, which will you choose.

>"debt please"

>"hurr durr retard, you take a debt you pay it back. The jews are doing nothing wrong, you agreed on their deal. Simple as."

>Yes yes, listen to your fellow goyim, he is very rational, smart, based, conservative and loves owning the libs.

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70ee69  No.165685

Haha between federal grant money and lying on my taxes about education expenses so that I get fat tax return I'm actually earning money by going to a 4 year university and getting my STEM degree

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31997a  No.167377

File: a4a0852a113a8b3⋯.jpg (16.51 KB, 460x460, 1:1, new_type_of_cancer.jpg)

Fuck denbts

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