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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: a5878f822d292c3⋯.jpg (885.03 KB, 2712x3608, 339:451, Governor_P_B_S_Pinchback.jpg)

7990ba  No.141504

P. B. S. Pinchback. He served as governor of Louisiana after serving as Lieutenant Governor until 1873. An African American. I will do the research and I will then know how many high ranking African Americans and how many People of Color ( non whites ) held or now hold office in the USA. But an easy one is Obama. Anyway, Will any of the current officials be held accountable by BLM as complicit in the oppression of black lives that matter. I am guessing that they will get a pass or be found to be powerless. Including our black president the biggest of the big dawgs. Let me include here Kizzy Adoni the black police supervisor on the scene as Eric Garner was murdered and did nothing to stop it.

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bb9d00  No.141509

J Edgar Hoover was both a nigger and a faggot. His grandparents wormed their way into the US Post Office as bureaucrats and were officially designated as colored. He's got the same kind of skull/bug eyes as the Rev Jesse Jackass.

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bb9d00  No.141518

File: 5c1c10f9e70269f⋯.pdf (5.5 MB, America_s_Black_Upper_Clas….pdf)

America's Black Upper Class

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